Reign of Winter - The Snows of Summer (Inactive)

Game Master Slyness

It is summer, but rumors of unseasonable pockets of winter in the Border Wood have drawn you to the small village of Heldren in the nation of Taldor. It’s surely no coincidence that this is the time when the Queen of Witches, Baba Yaga, is scheduled to return to the frozen land of Irrisen.

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A lot of the Racial Feats are really good non-combat as well. Tieflings and Aasimar especially can get See In Darkness (infinite Darkvision that works even in magical darkness) and wings respectively.

Here's a link that works.

Kasatha Rogue/Wizard

In the spirit of a cooler northern climate, I'd like to have the family be an offshoot that moved from the desert's several generations ago. They've lost Desert Stride (2 RP) and Desert Runner (1 RP), and become a bit hardier overall with Advanced attributes (2 RP). New racial total goes from 20 to 19.

My personal headcanon is that all of you guys building your characters to be native to cold weather moved away from the cold climate because you hated it.

And then it follows you there.

Cnut's background is prettty non-specific as to where in the Land of the Linnorm Kings he's from. It does mention his family was from Raemerrund, and fled when the Witches invaded, but they can have setttled wherever is most convenient for others' backgrounds. I'm happy to work with anybody Ulfen, or any other Milanites, for that matter.

Re-imagining of original concepts a bit: Warpriest or Cleric (or Vitalist)//PsyWar of Shelyn, Garuda-Blooded Aasimar, if that's kosher. Planning to use Bladed Brush and Slashing Grace, if the GM subscribes to the school of thought that the two work together, and likely Combat Reflexes as well. Considering something like Monk VMC, but I'm not sure.

Tomorrow is the first day since a little before the holidays where I'll be able to actually sit on my computer and finalize things, both for this recruitment and others. Hectic December.

Pendrak here, I believe I've finished up Lysander Lotharson, half-Ulfen half-Taldan swashbuckler~oracle.


What was your childhood like?
Gwenyth grew up nomadic, her clan, is really more of an extended family, having broken from the clan many generations ago when her family chose to leave the Numerian clan and wander Golarion. Every couple of decades they generally move to a new land and start over. For the last ten years the Nejem people have gathered their house wagons about a mile outside the area of Heldren. Gwenyth only recently returned from Oppara where she completed her journeyman studies in the arcane arts. Having just come of age, Gwenyth is ready to begin her tempering.
-What is your relationship to the gods and religion? The Kasatha don’t have their own pantheon. After so much time on Golarion, individuals and families have chosen to respect, or even worship various deities based on their own needs and choices. With their nomadic desert backgrounds, many Kasatha follow the tenets of Sarenrae, Cayden Cailean, and Erastil. Those that reflect the origin and the current plight of the Kasatha as desert nomads.
-What is your physical appearance, bearing, mannerisms, and quirks? Gwenyth stands tall, over six feet in height. True to her clan beliefs, she always wears a niqab when in public. Gwenyth has found it useful to keep her lower arms folded in close, most people are not familiar with kasatha, and a second pair of arms wielding daggers is often an unexpected surprise. Loyal to her family and companions, Gwenyth sports a sense of humor that has gotten her into trouble a time or two with pranks pulled on the unwary. She’s learned that orcs really don’t have a sense of humor, nor Dwarves with their beer and beards. Elves are fun to target as they try so hard to seem unaffected. She has found that gnomes and halflings are a blast and often quickly pick up on her cons.
-Do you have an easy way with strangers? Growing up nomadic, Gwenyth has learned that she must give strangers the benefit of the doubt, trust until proven untrustworthy.
-Do you play well with others? Someone has to wear the red shirt, and Gwenyth prefers that someone else do it, preferably the mark. She won’t lead, but she won’t follow blindly either.
-What draws you to the life of an adventurer?
Life lived in the same hamlet is not a life. Life is growth, growth comes from seeking, and to seek one must journey. Life is a journey. When the journey ends, so does life.
-Do you identify with a particular animal or element?
Prowl like a fox, strike like a mongoose.
-What do you find creepy? Cross-species breeding
-What specific goals do you have, if any? Gwenyth dreams of finding a way to reach the fabled Kasath, her ancestral home.
-What secrets do you have? Gwenyth is young, she hasn’t had much time to get into trouble. She isn’t above involuntary asset redistribution. She also doesn’t brag about retributive punitive judicial actions.
-What does someone else know about you that you do not?
How would I know? If I knew, then I know that someone knows. And knowing they know, then begs do they know I know they know?
-Do the ends justify the means? Sometimes. But sometimes the laws of the land don’t address the issue. It’s times like these when individuals must choose for society, and hope their decision was the right one.

drbuzzard wrote:
thelizardwizard wrote:
drbuzzad, what did you have in mind? I'm still trying to come up with a good fit for the AP(so many ideas, only for me to painfully decide that they just don't fit well enough), I'm thinking an arctic druid/(ranger/monk/fighter/barbarian??) with the northern ancestry trait. Perhaps we knew/know each other?
Like Sundakan said, it's easy enough to be traveling through town and end up where the stuff happens. We could either be relations or simply from the same village. My background has me as a tossed out son of a nobleman in the Land of the Linnorm Kings (Ulfen central region). He left to go adventuring, and if he didn't go solo, other people can be from the same town. We could just pick a fairly small place there as a starting point. Also given Bjorn's dislike for personal interaction, having a friend on hand to handle the face work would be logical.

Could have met outside your village. Arrac would be roaming around a lot and just happen to come across you not long after you left. say, giving a helping hand against some sort of creature? Preferably not a natural animal though :P

Gwen lives just outside of Heldren and just recently returned from some time in Oppara. This provides an easy in for anyone wanting a reason to be traveling to/through Heldren.

I guess I was just being picky about what I considered combat feats. I was discounting everything possibly useful to fighting.

Thinking about submitting a Monk/Shaman. We'll see what I come up with.

Edit: definately an Unchained Monk/ Mammoth Shaman

Gah. Now i have another idea for a build....

Those in the thread :
Goblin paladin/ranger
Goblin gunslinger/rogue?

Personally not a fan of guns in pathfinder.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
fnord72 wrote:
Personally not a fan of guns in pathfinder.

You're going to hate this AP then.

I think paladin/ranger would be pretty cool to play.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Ok- I'm going to submit a dwarven giant hunter. I'm still trying to figure out his build but I think I'm going to go ranger [divine tracker]/warpriest [arsenal chaplain].

Scratch shaman doing Half-Giant Goliath Druid/ Unchained monk.

Cool. Will stick to current build then =^^=

I've got a sorcerer/DD and fighter gestalt I've been wanting to use. I'll get that switched to this recruitment's rules.

FYI, I've played through the first book of RoW on here but it unfortunately died.

I'm kinda surprised how many paladin X builds are here. Paladins are one of my favorite classes for sure, guess I'm in good company!

The other thing I've wondered about is a bard-barian. Skald is supposed to be that but they always seemed kinda meh to me.

I've made a couple of minor updates to Cnut, should be good and ready now. Hopefully.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

hmm... I have most of the mechanics done for my dwarven giant hunter, but now i'm having second thoughts...

A few questions:
1. has anyone compiled a list of applicants (so we can all see what does or doesn't have a lot of coverage)

2. I'm pretty sure I know the answer to this, but are you allowing prestige classes that combine classes, like mystic theurge or eldritch knight? (What if one of my classes is only a 6 level caster?)

3. do you have any objection to us using firearms? (I've heard they come in later in the AP but can we use gunslinging classes?)

Should be just about everyone, but I kind of skimmed, so I might have missed one or two. Most of these are submitted, but if I don't have a name, odds are they aren't

Spoilered For Length:

Goblin paladin (silver champion) 2/ranger (ilsurian archer) 2

Zachary Wydawski-Asuna Whitetail
oracle/weapon master fighter

Human bard (dawnflower dervish) 2/paladin (tempered champion) 2/gestalt 2
Ulfen Magus/Lore Warden

Risk ~ Risquelyn Virisix
Female drow bard 2/cleric of Desna 2/gestalt 2

Bjorn Olaffsson


kasatha rogue/wizard

Javell DeLeon -Droguk
barbarian (inv. rager)/ranger

thelizardwizard-Arrac Brandt
unmonk/arctic druid

Valjoen_GM -Aerryndöl
sylph winter witch/fighter (archer)

Dotraj-Soladil Branex
Keleshite aegis/soulknife

Josh B-Totho Farstrider

Pendrak-Lysander Lotharson
Ulfen/Taldan swashbuckler/oracle

Ouachitonian-Cnut Bjornsson

sorcerer/fighter (DD)


I thought with Gestalt you can't mix two casting classes.

Their spells would be from each class. So you will have a lot of spells. But you use each class spells seperately. You can have a look at my gestalt wizard/sorcerer kobold =^^=

There is and has never been a rule preventing mixing two classes of any type. A Wizard/Druid is just as valid as a Fighter/Barbarian.

I'm actually considering an Arcanist/Psion myself, with one half being focused on dispelling magic (plus usual caster-y things) and the other on ectoplasmic constructions.

Fair enough i might consider changing my character slightly.

The link i found made mention of that. Though i guess it was the wrong rule.

I just thought it was different than 3.5.

Thanks for the clarification.

Dotraj here with Soladil Branex. I'd say something flowery about him, but my creative muscles are pooped right now.

Sovereign Court

Nate- 1. Looks like Dotraj did in response.

2. If people want to jump through those hoops, it's fine by me. Needing to qualify all on the same side leaves those prestige classes with the usual issues.

3. Firearms are okay.

Brain- One can absolutely mix 2 casting classes. Most people do not in order to grab full BAB and such.


Side note: There are no right or wrong answers to the background questions. I find them helpful in getting people to think about characters personalities and to help me set up fun and interesting situations. For example, if a character finds dolls creepy, that's something that can be worked in to the story.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

ok, thanks. here's a follow up to question 2- if I can completely qualify for mystic theurge on one side but don't actually have a divine casting class on that side could I add the caster level increases to a class that had been on the 'other side' (if I stop leveling in it)? for example- if I was a wizard 5/inquisitor 5 but qualified for mystic theurge on the wizard side (which is possible) could I start leveling as a mystic theurge/slayer (or some other class that wouldn't increase my inquisitor casting)?

This is all hypothetical at this point, just trying to figure out my options...

Since each classes spells are counted separately, I'd imagine the caster level of the spells and the like are counted separately as well. But that's a GM call

Sovereign Court

nate lange wrote:

ok, thanks. here's a follow up to question 2- if I can completely qualify for mystic theurge on one side but don't actually have a divine casting class on that side could I add the caster level increases to a class that had been on the 'other side' (if I stop leveling in it)? for example- if I was a wizard 5/inquisitor 5 but qualified for mystic theurge on the wizard side (which is possible) could I start leveling as a mystic theurge/slayer (or some other class that wouldn't increase my inquisitor casting)?

This is all hypothetical at this point, just trying to figure out my options...

I don't think your example fits the question asked. If I understand it correctly, that is.

Basically on one side of the Gestalt he wants:

Wizard/???/Mystic Theurge

On the other, he wants:


He wants to know if the Mystic Theurge would still increase his Inquisitor class levels even though it's on the opposite side of the gestalt.

Sovereign Court

If that's accurate, no. Inquisitor would neither help qualify for MT nor advance since it's on the other side. It would be the '???'.

Interesting. I have an idea for a Witch Killer Slayer / Witch Hunter Inquisitor. Might be overkill in that area, but if there's any AP fitting for it, this should be it. I'll see if i can get a submission together.

Informally, I see Cnut soon having a similar purpose in life. None of your fancy formal training in witch hunting, but Pyrokineticist does lend itself to "Burn the witch!" "And what do we burn apart from witches?" "MORE WITCHES!!!"

Typically, a prestige class like mystic theurge (or just about any prestige class for casters) results in a loss of caster levels.

If Nate takes 3 levels of wizard, then 3 levels of cleric, then at 7th he qualifies for MT. Would he be able to dip wizard and cleric on the other side to recover those lost caster levels?

Like this:

wizard 1 / paladin 1
wizard 2 / paladin 2
wizard 3 / paladin 3
cleric 1 / wizard 4
cleric 2 / wizard 5
cleric 3 / wizard 6
MT 1 / cleric 4... (he cant take another wizard level since that would violate caster level <= character level)

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

It's probably not worth belaboring the point since the idea was one of many I'm rolling around (and not even the favorite at all) but I was asking about 1 particular corner case... a 5th level wizard can actually qualify for mystic theurge without ever taking a single level of a divine class (via the faith magic discovery); the downside to that is that you normally wouldn't have a divine casting class to advance with theurge, which is why I asked how it would work if I went wizard 5/mystic theurge on one side and inquisitor 5/anything else on the other side. The core concept of the character would still work with wizard 5/inquisitor 1/mystic theurge on one side and all slayer on the other, but like I said this isn't even the top contender right now.

That's true, but others may want to know. I like the arcane trickster myself.

I was in a bit a of a hurry when I made the first one, so I took some more time on this one. I think I got everyone, but I probably missed at least one person in some way.

All told, it comes out to 14 completed submissions, 6 more with character concepts,and 7 other who have posted on this thread. And the GM

Revised Submissions List:

Completed Submissions

-Asuna Whitetail
Kitsune Oracle 2//Fighter (Weapon Master) 2

-Soladil Branex Keleshite Aegis 2//Soulknife 2

-Bjorn Olafsson Tiefling alchemist (crypt breaker) 2//fighter 2

-River Human bard (dawnflower dervish) 2~paladin (tempered champion) 2

Gwenyth al-Nejem Kasatha UnRogue 2~Wizard 2

Javall Leon
-Droguk “Many Scars” Human (Kellid) Barbarian (Inv. Rager) 2//Ranger 2

-Totho Farstrider human Brawler 2//Cleric of Cayden Cailean 2

-Cnut Bjornsson Ulfen Kineticist//Ranger (Beastmaster)

-Lysander Lotharson swashbuckler 2//oracle 2

-Hjálmarr Magnusson Male Ulfen (human) Bladebound Hexcrafter Magus 2//Lore Warden Fighter 2

-Xexik Goblin paladin (silver champion) 2//ranger (ilsurian archer) 2

-Arrac Brandt human Unmonk 2//Arctic Druid 2

-Risk ~ Risquelyn Virisix Female drow bard 2//cleric of Desna 2

-Aerryndöl Sylph Fighter 2//Witch (Winter Witch) 2

Character Ideas

-Changeling Vigilante

Atokos Droverson
-Warpriest or Cleric (or Vitalist)//PsyWar of Shelyn, Garuda-Blooded Aasimar

-Unchained Monk//Mammoth Shaman

Enchanter Tim
-Witch Killer Slayer//Witch Hunter Inquisitor


-sorcerer/DD // fighter

colin spear
Rhal, the Styx Boatman
Whiskey and a Bonesaw

Well that list is different from what I expected, loads of divine full casters hardly any arcane. Also only two paladins.

Sovereign Court

fnord72 wrote:

If Nate takes 3 levels of wizard, then 3 levels of cleric, then at 7th he qualifies for MT. Would he be able to dip wizard and cleric on the other side to recover those lost caster levels?

No, once a class is taken, any future levels in that class must be taken on the same side.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

So, this is maybe a weird question but would you allow a gestalt companion? Like, if you had one class that got an animal companion and another that got a familiar could you just apply familiar's Int and special abilities to your animal companion instead of having two separate pets?

As was pointed out before, companions lose a lot in gestalt campaigns, I'd think it would be fine. One thing to point out would be overlap, namely, using your example, natural armor. Every companion I can think of gets a natural armor bonus, you'd need to determine how those stacked. My vote is for completely, going back to the aforementioned point of companions in a gestalt campaign being weaker, extra survivability would be welcome.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

I was actually the one who pointed out the fact that companions are underpowered in gestalt. This afternoon I was thinking about something completely unrelated to this game and started wondering if gestalting two companions would be enough to make it viable.

Gonna withdraw from this one. With the combo of a few of my games spontaneously resurrecting and some friends starting games in new systems I'm excited to try out, I don't have the space to apply to this one.

@ nate: That was more to support it for DM Slyness, but I did not remember who had said it.

I'm working on a Ranger|Sorcerer, I really want to find a way to make dimensional agility feat chain work.

ElbowtotheFace wrote:
I'm working on a Ranger|Sorcerer, I really want to find a way to make dimensional agility feat chain work.

Monk/Empyrean sorcerer?

I REALLY dislike monks, its like a phobia

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