Reign of Winter - The Snows of Summer (Inactive)

Game Master Slyness

It is summer, but rumors of unseasonable pockets of winter in the Border Wood have drawn you to the small village of Heldren in the nation of Taldor. It’s surely no coincidence that this is the time when the Queen of Witches, Baba Yaga, is scheduled to return to the frozen land of Irrisen.

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Magus seems like it'd be helpful there, using dimension door as part of Spell Combat.

I've got a magus built around it. Never seen the light of day, so I don't know how viable he is.

Your class choice looks pretty good though. Sorcerer can start a level later than wizard, but this way you can still actually have some other spells of that level for occasional use.

Throwing in my hat for a build that I always wanted to try and which works best with this setting. TL/DR: A large human with Storm Giant Blood, who travels the north in the name of his God. He's a Barbarian/Warpriest who hits hard and can do party healing.


Name: Drun Skytouched
Race: Kellid Human (Human and Storm Giant subtypes)
Classes: Invulnerable Rager Barbarian / Arsenal Champion Warpriest (2) Deity: Minderhal (Giant god of creation, justice, giants and strength; law & crafting, architecture, stonework, metalwork)
Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Str (18) Dex (14) Con (14) Int (10) Wis (14) Cha (10) Fort (+5) Ref (+2) Will (+5) HP (30) Move (40ft)

To Hit: +6 (+8) [+10]
Damage: 2d6 weapon + 1d6 electricity + 9 (+12) [+14]

AC: 18 (16)
Touch: 12 (10)
Flat Footed: 16

* Blood of Giants (+1 CMB to sunder and +1 CMD vs Bullrush and Overrun)
* World Traveler (+1 diplomacy and class skill)
* Birthmark: You were born with a strange birthmark that looks very similar to the holy symbol of the god you chose to worship later in life. This birthmark can serve you as a divine focus for casting spells, and as a physical manifestation of your faith, and it increases your devotion to your god. You gain a +2 trait bonus on all saving throws against charm and compulsion effects.)

* Masterwork Agile Breastplate (+6 AC, -3 ACP, no penalty climb and acrobatics)
* Masterwork Greatsword (2d6, 18-20, x2, +1 hit)
* Fighter's Kit
* 81 gold

* Racial Heritage (Storm Giant) Human Bonus Feat
* Storm Soul (Immune to Electricity) Lvl 1 Feat
* Storm Warrior (You can transfer the power of storms from your body to any metal melee weapons you wield, dealing an additional 1d6 points of electricity damage.) Bonus Lvl 1 Feat
* Power Attack (-1 hit, +3 damage) campaign feat
* Weapon Focus (Greatsword) Class feat

* Diplomacy: +5
* Intimidate: +4
* Perception: +6
* Survival: +6
* Knowledge Nature: +4
* Background Skill: Craft Metalwork +4
* Background Skill: Profession Miner +6

Rage and Barbarian:
* 8 rounds a day, +4 str, +4 Con, +2 Will, -2 AC
* DR/1 physical and 2 nonlethal
* Rage Power: Lessor Beast Totem (2x 1d6 claw attacks while raging)

War Blessing
* War Mind (minor): At 1st level, you can touch an ally and grant it a tactical advantage for 1 minute. At the start of its turn each round, it can select one of the following bonuses: +10 feet to base land speed, +1 dodge bonus to AC, +1 insight bonus on attack rolls, or a +1 luck bonus on saving throws. Each bonus selected lasts for 1 round.

* 3 times per day
* Swift action to cast a spell on himself or heal for 1d6 dmg

Prepared 0 spells
* Detect Magic
* Read Magic
* Mend
* Create Water

Prepared 1 spells
* 5x divine favor (+1 hit and dmg, luck bonus, 1 min duration)
* Can convert to cure light wounds

Drun hails from the cold north, as one of the many Kellid tribesmen. His birth was a portentous one, due to his naturally pale skin, snow white hair and a birthmark resembling Minerthal's holy symbol. The tribe's shaman named him 'skytouched' and took him from his parents to be raised as a great priest.

As he came of age, Drun grew large of size and strong of arm. His touch filled his kinsmen with courage, and his words healed the wounded. He, along with everyone else, thought that he would live and die with the tribe.

But that was when his vision came. While working the forge, a holy task for his God, he was struck with the image of Heldren, along with the compulsion to go there. After talking with the tribe's shaman, he was gifted their finest sword and armor and sent off with a hero's goodbye. Now, in Heldren, he waits, in the hope that his God will give him a sign.

Extra Notes:
Drun is hard working and serious. He is keenly aware of the responsibility that he was born into, and is terrified of failing to live up to his people's expectations. Given his blood and birthmark, they expect miracles from him. Deep down he is worried that all he is, is a large, blue man who carries the weight of the world on his shoulders...and that he may well drop it.

Build Thoughts:
I was going for a character who is part giant. Luckily the campaign has a trait for that, and I've got 3 feats which give him (a) the giant subtype and (b) 2 unique giant abilities. In addition to that I wanted him to be big and strong, so an invulnerable Rager fitted the bill perfectly (rage, hit dice, DR). I also wanted him to be party helpful. Warpriest lets him heal and buff and let's him further increase his damage (especially as it gets weapon training too). The class weakness is low BaB and low hit dice...barbarian fixes that. As for the deity, I chose Minderhal because he was the only giant deity with human followers. From there one more trait to fill it in...and you have Drun.

I have a 1/2 Elfen Wizard / Sorcerer I've been wanting to try.

Cecil grew up as a favored bastard of his Father, a Taladan noble of a wealthy but ultimately minor house. Though always pampered, highly educated, and by any measure gifted he's only recently been legitimized. He's spent the last few years establishing his position in society and arranging his family holdings. Cecil intends to use the news at the border to further ingrain himself into his new position by becoming a champion of the realm. Leaving trusted (perhaps with promises of magic reprisal should they try to usurp his claim) cousins in charge of his holdings Cecil sets out with spell book in hand to make his mark on the world for king and country.

Personality wise Cecil is going to be fair and kind, but loathe to act below his (new) station. If he's treated with deference he's exceedingly generous.

I'll start the build for fun and post it shortly. If there are any questions please let me know.

Updating my submission for Aerryndöl with her background.

Aerryndöl's Background:
Aerryndöl's childhood was very nurturing and she has fond, longing memories of it. She grew up with her mother in northern Taldor, but have ventured to the southern reaches near Heldren. Aerryndöl learned witchcraft from her mother since a young age. Her mother was quite benevolent and helpful to others, contributing to Aerryndöl's good alignment. However, the two of them never stayed in one place for very long. Whether due to discrimination or conflict, her mother would move the pair of them as soon as she felt any conflict. Aerryndöl was much more confrontational than her mother, often using her sharp wit to antagonize a situation. Her mother would often refer to her unknown father as the source of such character traits.

Aerryndöl has subverted a memory from her earliest childhood where her mother ran afoul of a coven of witches from the far northern reaches of Golarion. Evil spells and hexes cast upon her during those conflicts have a residual effect upon her resistances against such witchcraft.

Aerryndöl's mother taught her to rever and pray to Tolc which she does daily. This connection to the Empyreal Lord of cold and the frozen lands of the north has been the cause of a spiritual pull to the northern lands in Aerryndöl.

Aerryndöl is a pretty sylph with long flowing hair with which she constantly fidgets. She constantly pulls her hair back in a ponytail only to remove the ponytail and shake her hair out a few minutes later. The ponytails are often placed on top of her head, but can be pulled straight back or off to the side. She ties them with a silken ribbon given to her by her mother. Aerryndöl is free-spirited and often a bit crass with a sense of superiority. She does not like the feeling of being trapped, whether that is in a room or with a course of action. She will often complain if she gets the sense that others are following the 'wrong' course of action. However, she will succumb to the directions of proven leaders, supporting them even in the face of her vocal grumblings.

She can be a bit much for new acquaintances and is quite aware of this. She will let others do the talking until it is time for action. She is a loyal friend and will risk her safety for those she cares for.

Aerryndöl's draw to the north is overwhelming. She has recently departed company with her mother to follow this calling. She misses her mother greatly and will talk about her as often as possible.

Aerryndöl feels at home in the cold, naturally. Her familiar, Teagynn, is an artic hair.

She finds men slightly creepy. She hates the looks that come her way from any male regardless of race. She also finds it disconcerting to be underground. She much prefers the openness of the outside with the wind in her face.

Aerryndöl's goals include exploring her past. She wonders about the north, and the witchcraft that her mother fled. She also wonders often about the identity of her father. Her mother had refused to even talk of the topic.

Aerryndöl secretly harbors a preference for the company of woman and is attracted to them. She has a serious aversion to physical contact from men. I don't intend to play out any romantic relationships, but her aversion to men will be evident in her reactions and words. I would hope that she will build a good relationship or two with men, showing her growth as a character.

Her mother knows of her father's identity but does not want to reveal this to Aerryndöl.

Aerryndöl is very Machiavellian. To her, the ends always are more important than the means to achieve them. She is willing to risk anything necessary, including friends... or herself, to achieve the greater good. She would not hesitant to harm another if it would save more lives or achieve an 'end' that she feels is important.

Aerryndöl's Crunch:
Female sylph fighter (archer) 2/gestalt 2/witch (winter witch) 2 (Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Magic, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 65, 104, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 258)
CG Medium outsider (native)
Init +9; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +6
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10 (+3 Dex)
hp 22 (2d10+2)
Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +4; +1 trait bonus vs. the spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities of evil arcane spellcasters.
Speed 35 ft.
Ranged composite longbow +3/+3 (1d8+5/×3)
Special Attacks hexes (cackle[APG], evil eye[APG], misfortune[APG])
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 2nd; concentration +0)
1/day—feather fall
Witch Spell-Like Abilities (CL 2nd; concentration +6)
Constant—endure elements (cold only)
Witch (Winter Witch) Spells Prepared (CL 2nd; concentration +6)
1st—command (DC 15), sleep (DC 15), snowball (DC 16)
0 (at will)—detect magic, guidance, message, read magic
Patron Winter
Str 14, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 19, Wis 12, Cha 7
Base Atk +2; CMB +3; CMD 17
Feats Cloud Gazer[ARG], Deadly Aim, Extra Hex[APG], Point-Blank Shot, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot
Traits pragmatic activator, reactionary, warded against witchery
Skills Appraise +6, Craft (bows) +7, Handle Animal +3, Knowledge (arcana) +9, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +9, Knowledge (engineering) +9, Knowledge (history) +9, Knowledge (nature) +9, Linguistics +6, Perception +6, Sense Motive +3, Spellcraft +9 (+10 to identify spells cast by evil arcane spellcasters.), Use Magic Device +9
Languages Aquan, Auran, Common, Draconic, Elven, Ignan, Terran
SQ breeze-kissed, cold flesh, witch's familiar (arctic hare named Teagynn)
Other Gear composite longbow (+2 Str), 700 gp
Special Abilities
Breeze-Kissed (1/day) +2 AC versus nonmagical ranged attacks. Bull rush/trip with air 1/day within 30 ft.
Cackle (Su) As a move action, extend the duration of other hexes by 1 rd.
Cloud Gazer See through fog, mist, and clouds without penalty. Triple sight distance if cloud is magical.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Deadly Aim -1/+2 Trade a penalty to ranged attacks for a bonus to ranged damage.
Empathic Link with Familiar (Su) You have an empathic link with your Arcane Familiar.
Endure Elements (Cold only) (Ex) Exist comfortably in cold regions.
Evil Eye -2 (7 rounds, DC 15) (Su) Foe in 30 ft takes penalty to your choice of AC, attacks, saves, ability or skill checks (Will part).
Familiar Bonus: +4 to Initiative checks You gain the Alertness feat while your familiar is within arm's reach.
Misfortune (1 round, DC 15) (Su) Foe in 30 ft must take the lower of 2d20 for rolls (Will neg).
Point-Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Precise Shot You don't get -4 to hit when shooting or throwing into melee.
Rapid Shot You get an extra attack with ranged weapons. Each attack is at -2.
Share Spells with Familiar Can cast spells with a target of "You" on the familiar with a range of touch.
Witch's Familiar (Ex) Gain the services of a special familiar that stores spells.
1: Point Blank Shot; (F) Rapid Shot; (B) Extra Hex: Evil Eye; (Q) Power Attack; (Q) Deadly Aim; (W) Hex: Misfortune
2: (F) Precise Shot; (B) Cloud Gazer; (W) Hex: Cackle

I will finalize gear if selected.

This is Tiny Coffee Golem. I'll clean up the character sheet and probably buy some more gear should I be accepted. however, in the mean time I present Cecil VonSpirito of house VonSpirito

I'm also going for the dimensional agility feat chain. It looks like a lot of fun.

A teleportation wizard gets Shift, which works "as if using dimension door." Some DM's consider that close enough to Dimensional Agility's requirement "Ability to use the abundant step class feature or cast dimension door."

It does kinda suck that a monk gets abundant step at 12th level, which means they can't get all five feats by 20th level as the dimensional agility feat chain isn't in their bonus feat list.

And yet most arcane casters can start using it by 7th level.

Cecil Von Spirito wrote:
This is Tiny Coffee Golem. I'll clean up the character sheet and probably buy some more gear should I be accepted. however, in the mean time I present Cecil VonSpirito of house VonSpirito

I'm going to purchase a carriage and two horses also. If it works with the plot one or more of the other PCs can be my hired bodyguard/drivers. If not I'll probably have an NPC (Non-Combatant) hireling who drives and maintains the cart.

fnord72 wrote:

I'm also going for the dimensional agility feat chain. It looks like a lot of fun.

A teleportation wizard gets Shift, which works "as if using dimension door." Some DM's consider that close enough to Dimensional Agility's requirement "Ability to use the abundant step class feature or cast dimension door."

It does kinda suck that a monk gets abundant step at 12th level, which means they can't get all five feats by 20th level as the dimensional agility feat chain isn't in their bonus feat list.

And yet most arcane casters can start using it by 7th level.

Conceptually I love that feat chain. In practice it's hard to get a decent fighter class with the ability to D door enough to make it worth it.

The Exchange

It really is a neat chain, it's a shame it's so unwieldy to get, let alone trying to find a trainer or what-not to retrain feats towards it.

Edgar Lamoureux wrote:
It really is a neat chain, it's a shame it's so unwieldy to get, let alone trying to find a trainer or what-not to retrain feats towards it.

Yea. It's cool, but difficult to make work. Best with a teleportation wizard 8 / eldrich knight. Maybe magus too

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

My favorite use of dimensional agility (if it's still legal) is ranger or slayer into horizon walker... they can get dimension door as a SLA, 3+Wis times/day at 3rd (9th character level). They have the melee power to really benefit from the feats and can start taking them at the same time as a sorcerer.

@Cecil- I don't think I've ever played a hireling before but it sounds like it could be fun... what would you ideally be looking for from that person?

It really is a neat chain, it's a shame it's so unwieldy to get, let alone trying to find a trainer or what-not to retrain feats towards it.

In gestalt, it's not that hard.

Ranger6 /Horizon Walker3 on one side gets you Dimension Door and full BAB. Rogue or Slayer on the other gets you Flanking and an untyped bonus feat via talent at 10th or 12th.

Dimension Door at 9th unlocks Dimensional Agility, the Rogue feat talent gets you Dimensional Assault at 10th, your 11th level feat is Dimensional Dervish, and 13th is Dimensional Savant.

Make sure you've already picked up TWF through your ranger style feats and combat Reflexes and Outflank through a combination of your base feats and rogue talents. Then slice and dice with a high crit range weapon.

A Spell-Dancer magus can get a lot of the best parts of the Dimensional Agility chain starting at 9th with minimal feat investment, spending spell pool points to swift action dimension door and then full attack. All you need is Dimensional Agility to take the rest of your actions.

nate lange wrote:
@Cecil- I don't think I've ever played a hireling before but it sounds like it could be fun... what would you ideally be looking for from that person?

It would depend, but it'll really all just be role-play anyway. Keep in mind the theoretical era, dark ages-ish. Equality is not a thing and Nobles are considered above the common man. Of course i'd play a noble who isn't a total ass and treats people fairly. However, He would require a certain amount of respect, deference, and manners. The average commoner would probably say things like "Milord" and give him plenty of space knowing that local law is on the nobles side. Stuff like that. For the record this isn't some sort of bizarre ego trip for me. I'm just pointing out how things were, not that they were right. I expect that the other PCs would develop/have developed a level of report with Cecil and feel free to speak their mind, though politely of course. :-)

Examples for a traveling bodyguard/Hireling would do the mundane tasks that are beneath a noble. Handing money to people, watching my back for trouble, going to less reputable parts of town to get information, make and break down camp, Driving the carriage, buying supplies, etc.

In theory i'd be paying you behind the scenes for your services. In reality we'd be doing the standard thing of getting a cut of the loot, etc. Unless of course the DM wants to have some sort of behind the scenes discretionary fund for things that rich people buy. Not actual spendable gold, but more like an amorphous amount of gold that comes family holdings that allows me to do stuff like get a nice room, hire temporary workers (porters, grooms, etc), handkerchiefs, nice clothes, etc. Maybe (at DM discretion) even things like mundane supplies for the party, horses, Official bribes, etc.

Nothing fancy, just stuff that one might need or hire others to do if you were proper and fancy. Basically the kind of crap no-one generally keeps up with anyway. It also gives a certain leeway to destroy said stuff should the story call for it. For example killing a horse is a lot more defensible if the PC didn't actually pay for it.

If you've read the pathfinder tales with Count Jeggare then you'll recognize where i'm puling my inspiration from.

Cnut might be up for being a driver/guard. As a ranger who'll be picking up an animal companion at some point, he's got some skill in dealing with animals and the like. Might I suggest it be a temporary arrangement, with Cecil taking Leadership at some point and a cohort/follower taking over? Going to look awfully funny if we get into high levels and Cnut is running around with all sorts of powerful magic items and still getting the door for his boss. Also, I'm still thinking about going Mammoth Rider; it'd be tough to drive your carriage whilst mounted atop my huge mammoth/tiger/wolf/etc. lol

Ouachitonian wrote:
Cnut might be up for being a driver/guard. As a ranger who'll be picking up an animal companion at some point, he's got some skill in dealing with animals and the like. Might I suggest it be a temporary arrangement, with Cecil taking Leadership at some point and a cohort/follower taking over? Going to look awfully funny if we get into high levels and Cnut is running around with all sorts of powerful magic items and still getting the door for his boss. Also, I'm still thinking about going Mammoth Rider; it'd be tough to drive your carriage whilst mounted atop my huge mammoth/tiger/wolf/etc. lol

I imagine the nature of the relationship will change over time, among other things. Animals typically run with the carriage, though I suppose a mammoth could pull it rather effectively.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

I understand the historic/cultural inspiration, I'm more wondering what kind of skill set and dynamic you're hoping for... I get that you want someone to handle mundane tasks like paying people and stuff but do you primarily want a bodyguard, an advisor, a squire, someone to handle shady stuff, a babysitter, or something else?

nate lange wrote:
I understand the historic/cultural inspiration, I'm more wondering what kind of skill set and dynamic you're hoping for... I get that you want someone to handle mundane tasks like paying people and stuff but do you primarily want a bodyguard, an advisor, a squire, someone to handle shady stuff, a babysitter, or something else?

Everything you listed except advisor, squire, and babysitter. :-)

Have you heard the phrase "Man's man?" It used to refer to wealthy men who kept another man around in the general sense so that he didn't have to sully his hands with certain types of tasks. Basically Bodyguard plus basic servant-ish tasks. Anything more would just be a bonus. That's not to say I'll constantly need you standing next to me. It's a very loose job description. We can make it work with however you'd like to build your character.

Arrac can show respect, but it's something to be earned to him, "milord" ;P

Arrac Brandt wrote:
Arrac can show respect, but it's something to be earned to him, "milord" ;P

"I've always found the same. "


RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Sort of a Bron of Blackwater (from Game of Thrones) type guy? I think I could do that (maybe a fighter/investigator)? Or are you hoping for a real servant type (more like Kato from green hornet, maybe)?

nate lange wrote:
Sort of a Bron of Blackwater (from Game of Thrones) type guy? I think I could do that (maybe a fighter/investigator)? Or are you hoping for a real servant type (more like Kato from green hornet, maybe)?

I'm imagining more like Bron. More bodyguard than servant.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Then I'm your man.

nate lange wrote:
Then I'm your man.

Fingers crossed we get picked. :-)

You've got enough interest that the whole party could be Cecil and his staff. lol

Ouachitonian wrote:
You've got enough interest that the whole party could be Cecil and his staff. lol

Lol. Glad I was able to bring something interiguing to the table.

I volunteer as food taster.

Cnut Bjornsson wrote:
I volunteer as food taster.

I'm not a king. Lol

I'll be the lordly weatherman. And today's forecast includes more unnatural snowfall with a high chance of freezing death, well except for me, I enjoy it. Back to Cnut with the food verdict.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Ok- I'm going to build a fighter [lore warden]/investigator [empiricist] as Cecil's man. A human of northern descent whose principles aren't quite as strong as his sword arm.

Sovereign Court

I really appreciate all the great submissions that have and are coming in. It's going to be difficult to choose just 3.

As a reminder, the deadline is Sunday night and I hope to have selections posted within 24 hours and the game started on the 10th.

I don't envy you with that selection! You could always have two tables ;) (I probably wouldn't do that either, although some GMs do).

DM Slyness wrote:

I really appreciate all the great submissions that have and are coming in. It's going to be difficult to choose just 3.

As a reminder, the deadline is Sunday night and I hope to have selections posted within 24 hours and the game started on the 10th.

Fingers crossed

This is nate's submission (very much still in progress).

@GM- IIRC, you mentioned earlier options for replacement bonus feats for the lore warden (because they normally get combat expertise at 2nd but in this game everyone who qualifies gets it free), can I take combat reflexes for that? If not, what are the options?

Be kinda interesting to have a group of people that are all of equal capability but voluntarily in the service to one of the group.

I volunteer for jester, the guy with immunity from the head honcho that gets to call out the head honcho for stupid decisions and continuously remind him of his mortality.

fnord72 wrote:

Be kinda interesting to have a group of people that are all of equal capability but voluntarily in the service to one of the group.

I volunteer for jester, the guy with immunity from the head honcho that gets to call out the head honcho for stupid decisions and continuously remind him of his mortality.

I agree, though keep in mind it's not a kings court. A group of bodyguards and servants is the most fitting for the group dynamic.

Bodyguards can be snarky too. :-)

Fangdragon here, done that many times on this character. I guess River could act as a Chaplain should that prove intereststing to the story. A bodyguard would be more of a stretch but not out of the question.

Sa'Kage wrote:
Fangdragon here, done that many times on this character. I guess River could act as a Chaplain should that prove intereststing to the story. A bodyguard would be more of a stretch but not out of the question.

A chaplain might be better suited to being a guest than a servant of any kind as the clergy is it's own kind of royalty.

You'd get to ride in the carriage. :-)

Far be it from me to be the voice of reason but maybe we should see if Cecil gets picked before everyone forms a party around him?

Ulfgar Helmhammer wrote:
Far be it from me to be the voice of reason but maybe we should see if Cecil gets picked before everyone forms a party around him?

Fair point. Though it wouldn't have to be me. I'd prefer it, mind you, but it's not precisely necessary.

The Chaplain could easily fill the role, for example. The church hired him some muscle to do XYZ.

I'm a bit bias, but I think my plot line would make a good start to things. It'll add easy and direct motivation for anyone who wants to be involved get involved.

Either you're hired muscle or you've heard of the expedition and want to do your part for king and country. Come along because you've been hired or present yourself and request to come along.

Bamph. Party started. Easy Peasy. :-)


I can do the hired practitioner of the mystical arcane arts. Any expedition wishing to ensure success will, as a matter of course, engage the experienced services of a mage.

Far be it for one such as I to, as the masses would say, toot one's own horn. However, whilst many simple engagements may be settled with steel, it is only with the honed intellect of a master of the arcane that the mysteries are revealed.

I would, of course, be remiss if I did not mention those skills best left to the shadows. Why, I am one of the premier individuals of this region. Often, I find myself frequently engaged with involuntary asset redistribution project. You may not have heard of me, though my exploits are often attributed to others. I prefer to maintain a certain level of, shall we say discretion?

Worry not, I am not in need of a retainer's fee. I much prefer a percentage of unattended or relocated assets we may come across.

fnord72 wrote:

I can do the hired practitioner of the mystical arcane arts. Any expedition wishing to ensure success will, as a matter of course, engage the experienced services of a mage.

Far be it for one such as I to, as the masses would say, toot one's own horn. However, whilst many simple engagements may be settled with steel, it is only with the honed intellect of a master of the arcane that the mysteries are revealed.

I would, of course, be remiss if I did not mention those skills best left to the shadows. Why, I am one of the premier individuals of this region. Often, I find myself frequently engaged with involuntary asset redistribution project. You may not have heard of me, though my exploits are often attributed to others. I prefer to maintain a certain level of, shall we say discretion?

Worry not, I am not in need of a retainer's fee. I much prefer a percentage of unattended or relocated assets we may come across.

"I am an Arcane practitioner as well. Though I suspect you and I work very differently. I tend to work in the open and from a distance. I understand the need for stealth, but generally leave skullduggery to others such as yourself. If you would like to avoid taking credit for your own reasons, then I can claim it to help protect your anonymity in that way. If you so wish. "

Apart from finalizing my equipment, and getting a ruling on the lore warden bonus feat, all my crunch should be done. Besides being decent at a handful of skills I'm pretty good with swords... right now I'm partial to greatswords but by 5th level i'll have focus/specialization with all heavy blades.

I'll get to the fluff as soon as I can. The character was definitely inspired by what Cecil was looking for but I think he stands alone as a character too (I would only need to make a small tweak or two to my planned background to be working for someone else or even be out on my own).

This character is also basically done. May buy some more gear and tweak a few things should I be selected, but 99% is done. Also, just to be clear I'm not expecting to do the hireling thing with other PCs unless the DM and involved PCs like the idea. I just thought it'd be fun.

Edit: also I'll clean up my character sheet format should I be selected. Hero lab isn't overly conducive to gestalt.

Should have my fluff done up tonight after work, with only minor tweaks to follow. Also, hello my long lost twin. ;)

Sovereign Court

Yes, Combat Reflexes seems reasonable.

Lol- I recycled this profile and not only does it have the exact same picture as yours but we both have one class in common! Yikes, what are the odds... how many posts do you have? I can't change my name but if you can we could be actual twins...

I have a low post count on this avatar, but Hjálmarr means "helmeted warrior" according to Behind the Name. I'm a little reluctant to have my character be "Helm warrior Helm Hammer". :P Funny coincidence though. Great minds think alike?

Wow... half of the same name too. That really is uncanny. Maybe I should rebuild so our skills/abilities are more complimentary and we really could apply as twins (I use the southern/Taldane naming conventions while you stick to the old ways...)

Edit: our stats are almost identical too (they would be if I had taken dual talent)

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