Veter Haalis |
I know I haven't given a lot of fluff for my guy yet, which I will finish by Monday hopefully, but there are a lot of ways he could be known. I like to think of him as a jack-of-all-trades, someone who can get the things you want, be it items or information, do a little dirty work now and again, but also tries to stay a little clean. I know that's a lot, but he's not going as far as being a full time fence, but like you said DM, a "fixer" of sorts. So maybe he was hired by or hired some of the people in the group. Either way, Veter should be a pretty well known guy in Magnimar for what he does, so he shouldn't be hard to find by anyone here.
DM Grey |
That's what I had in mind Bellis, but I'd like you guys to take the lead on this. What sort of low-key incident would put a nice halfing girl such as yourself and this Veter rogue together, and how about that gnome? Did it start with Zeek, a shared interest in the arcane and a similar... viewpoint on the world?(I don't trust gnomes. Never trust anyone who can head you in the 'nads my my mother always said.) Or for that matter, what's a, mostly, sensible lad from the Shadow doing mixed up with 'chemists and wizards? Nothing good comes from that!
By his own suggestion, it's probably Dimitrio's first time working with the crew, so that leaves four to consider.
Here are some posts that I found very helpful regarding PbP format, and I cheerfully admit to still be working on most of it myself.
Doomed Hero PbP
Painlord PbP
*Edit Ninja'd by Liana. I wouldn't go so far as to say most recognize you, though you are probably fairly well known where you are known. There are 16,000+ who call the city home after all. You seem a sensible, if not terribly well socialized, sort, so what could have possibly brought you close to a pair of pint-sized magical dynamos and a shady fellow with too many, or just enough, blades?
(Yep, I'm rambling. If you see a post from me around the witching hour, don't be surprised if it gets a bit strange. Lurking in the labs does that. They say it's all properly contained, but knowing, and sometimes being, the one doing the containing...)
Liana Hawk-wing |
Being an orphan and certainly not a very "classy" person Liana tends to feel more comfortable in the more slummish parts of town. Perhaps it was just chance that they were all in the right (or wrong) place at the right time. Or maybe Liana just happens to have gotten acquainted with the other characters selling game.
Dimitrio, Bard |
Glad to be here everyone. Let's make this game memorable!
Now on to 'gelling' the party. One thing that has worked great in my games and gives the party 'instant trust' is to have a 'benefactor or patron'.
This patron has saved your skin (big time?) and has called her favor in. All each individual PC needs to do is figure out what this incident was. Another tie-in could be that you worked (work?) for this patron, she treated you well, and now has another job for you.
For example, Dimitrio is involved with an older widow and for lack of a better one, we'll make her the patron. Let's call her Aurelia; She is an influential figure in Magnimar.
Dimitrio's incident was when he was new in town; there were some people that would not hire him given his Szarni background. Along comes Aurelia, an avid enthusiast of the arts, and talks to a local theater and Dimitrio has a job. Now this is a minor incident but it works given Dimitrio's other background.
So off the top of my head:
Veter: Aurelia is a collector and you did business with her in the past.
Liana: Aurelia has a brother that likes to hunt and you were his guide or she buys pelts from you or she saved you in a hunting accident.
Zeek: There was a 'hard to find' book that Aurelia lent you or she asks you stuff dealing with books and/or magic.
Bellis: Aurelia buys special make-up from you or a special anti-plague that she used on her family member. Or Aurelia stood up for you when you
were in an uncomfortable situation regarding an alchemist accident.
The possibilities are endless but if we all somehow 'trust/owe' Aurelia... well now she asks us to help her niece Jeminda Anikee on a little trouble she has.
As always, feel free to discard any or all of it.
Like I said above, glad to be here.
Game on!
DM Grey |
So let it be written, so let it be done!
I'll get the gameplay post up in a bit, but feel free to continue using this thread to flesh things out.
Something for each of you.
In the wild, fire is one of man's dearest friends, though it can be a right pain to get going in the damp Varisian climate. One of your acquaintances from Shadow traded you a useful trinket. Two pieces of the skymetal Siccatite, though neither of you knew what they were at the time, that lock together like puzzle pieces. When together, the two cancel one another out, allowing for safe storage and handling. When separated however, the hot piece will dry, soon after ignite, almost anything, while the cold quickly turns water to ice.
Also, you gain have the additional trait Harvest
I recommend investing in a tent and such. Sleeping under the stars is fine, until the rain comes.
Being small and nimble has it's advantages in the sometimes narrow confines of the Golemworks. However, it becomes somewhat problematic when you need to retrieve an unconscious apprentice, or are the only one who can reach a broken pipe. You've learned to keep some handy substances on your person.
You gain two doses/vials of each of the following: Stillgut, Soothe Syrup, Smelling Salts, Body Balm, Blackfingers, Bloodblock, Antitoxin, Antiplague, Liquid Ice, Alchemical glue, Alchemical Solvent.
Also, you gain the trait Nimble Fingers
Like any true Varisian, you know the most important things in this world are people and fate. Destiny is written in the stars and read in the Harrow, but the right friend can change even those.
You have an heirloom Harrow whose cards are made of painted and gilded ivory and gain the trait Harrow Choosen
Dimitrio, Bard |
Ok, good deal then.
As stated Dimitrio's hook:
Dimitrio's incident was when he was new in town; there were some people that would not hire him given his Szarni background. Along comes Aurelia, an avid enthusiast of the arts, and talks to a local theater and Dimitrio has a job.
Anyways, last night, Aurelia notices that Dimitrio's heart just wasn't into his performance. She waits for him backstage and they start talking. That's when Dimitrio tells her that some 'thugs from his past' are in town and out to 'get him'. He tells her that he needs to stay low for a while or go somewhere 'out of sight'. That's when she tells him that she has 'some influences' in Magnimar that may be able to help. She tells him that he is to help out her niece Jeminda Anikee on a little trouble she has. He's to report to Jeminda's office in the morning ready for travel.
Maybe the other PCs could elaborate on how they know Aurelia and how they are currently working for Jeminda.
Game on!
PS: thanks for the harrow Deck
Liana Hawk-wing |
Aurelia's brother is one of Liana's favorite hunting partners, and they often spend their afternoons in the woods outside town. Aurelia buys meat from Liana almost everyday, if only as a curtesy for teaching her brother to hunt. Knowing that Liana has a certain set of skill that could come in handy in a fight she has asked if she would be willing to help out her niece with a little problem.
Zeek Gladstone |
Sorry for the slow appearance - I just saw we had started up (ty for the message GM!). Dimitrio's idea sounds good to me.
DM Grey |
You have come up in the world, but you never lost the ability to spot who was important in the slums. You gain the trait Friends in low place
You've learned to always keep an extra blade hidden. You gain a masterwork war-razor. Formerly the property of a 'friend'.
One of the wonderful things about being a wizard is never having to worry about candles. Unfortunately cantrips tend to run out just when you're getting to the good part. You've acquired a crystal that will hold a light spell for 24 hours. Casting dancing lights on the crystal has a similar effect, though the light has a tendency to flicker. You may also cast the cantrip on another object without the crystal's spell fading. Alas, Mouser seems to find it as fascinating you find it useful. Watching him, or her, glow for the rest of the night was almost worth retrieving it later.
You gain the trait Avid reader
Gameplay thread is up
DM Grey |
Decision time everyone! We can skip ahead to Ravenmoor, or see if the journey has anything interesting to offer. The town of Sandpoint is a logical place to stop tomorrow.
As for the journey, a likely itinerary would be Sandpoint, the turnoff to Windsong Abbey, half-way to Galdura, Galdura, Wolf's Ear, half-way, and finally Ravenmoor! Though this is only a suggestion.
Dimitrio, Bard |
The idea of the horses is if we could rent them.
It would strain my belief (did I just say that when I'm playing a singing/dancing bard who works magic :)) for Dimitrio to spend twice as much as what he's supposed to earn for this job on transportation. I know we'll find other stuff but Dimitrio doesn't know that. He's willing to spend up to 20 gp to 'rent' a horse but no more than that.
As for the trip, it's up to you. If you have something interesting planned for the trip then, by all means, let's do it.
If not, I'm happy to skip ahead and find ourselves in Ravenmoor after 7-10 days have 'passed'.
Game on!
DM Grey |
Good point, Dimitrio, sorry. There was supposed to be a line in the spoiler to the effect of, 'If you get them to Roderic's Cove, a town associated with Riddleport not far from Ravenmoor, a friend will happily buy them from you, at a minor profit.' Unfortunately, typing quickly means not all the thoughts get translated in text. My bad.
You could either rent the horse from Veter or, effectively, buy into the scheme.
Glad you guys are interested in the journey.
Zeek Gladstone |
Late to this discussion, but I'll be happy with an eventful journey or a skip ahead to Ravenmoor. Either way works.
Dimitrio, Bard |
Sorry if I'm overstepping here but I am looking for a player or two for a Skulls & Shackles game that I'm DMing. If anyone is interested, there's more information here.
Zeek Gladstone |
Hey guys, I'm going to respectfully bow out of this adventure. When I signed up, I was thinking the campaign would be more active. In addition, according to our DM's posting history, it appears he has a history of abandoning games. Between that and the 5-day delay in his posting, I'm afraid of wasting my precious gaming time (I have a toddler at home, so not a lot of leisure time any more).
It was a pleasure playing with you all.
Dimitrio, Bard |
This sucks. If indeed, DM Grey abandoned the campaign, we should tell people about this.
Does anyone know if there is a place to report this. No, I don't mean Paizo or anything official, just a list where people can go and check out the 'credentials' of a potential DM before going through the time and trouble it takes to make up a character.
DM Grey |
The easiest way to check on a DM's reliability is to go to their default alias and look at their campaigns. If none of them have lasted very long, probably not a good sign.
As to way someone would start a campaign only to vanish soon after, hard to say. I've had a DM be unexpectedly deployed before. I know for me work suddenly changed, development for my capstone courses kicked into high gear, and my complex's internet was discontinued due to DMCA complaints.
Veter Haalis |
I'm in, I'd like to see how this PC plays out, my first rogue. I will give the caveat that though I'm only in one other game and regularly posting I'm in the midst of purchasing a home and am very stressed and sometimes distracted. However, I am committed and will post at least once a day (as long as it's needed) and more if I can. I hold no ill will towards you and really hope we can get this thing off the ground!
Zeek Gladstone |
Ok, I second Dimitrio's comment, but I'm in. That said, I've committed to two other PBP campaigns since this one sputtered, so I might run into some time constraints myself in the future. But if I do, I will be sure to communicate with the group.
DM Grey |
Your post brings up a good point Zeek. To provide a verbal component, you must be able to speak in a strong voice. Different people 'strong' in different ways, see rule threads for all manner of opinions on the topic, but for me it's clear enunciation and at least as loud as normal conversation.
As such, it is very likely, if they were closer and not preoccupied it would be certain, the ogres will hear your spellcasting. Now, whether they notice, turn around, and find you in the 3-4 seconds before you vanish, is much less likely. That's what the surprise round represents.
Letting them hear you and turning invisible presents opportunities of its own.
Veter Haalis |
Ok, so this is where my inexperience comes in to play. I want to give a shot at actually stabbing this thing, but I don't know what to roll/what penalties to take and the risk involved. Now, Veter as a pc doesn't care too much about the risk, but he doesn't want to walk in there just stabbing at things. My google-fu is weak tonight, I'm not even sure rule I'm trying to look up!
DM Grey |
Thanks for the heads up Liana. Good luck/hope it goes well, whichever is more appropriate.
Veter, I'll admit I'm not entirely certain myself. For simplicity's sake, if you're attacking with a weapon, I'd apply the -4 for attacking into a melee that's used for ranged and reach weapons. This would negate any chance of accidentally hitting Bellis. Being careful makes it harder to hit, but you aren't going to accidentally lop off her head either, unless you roll a one, then things could get interesting.
You could also do a grapple to try to pull it off. It's small, so you could try pulling it off and then stab it. Grapple check, then it's in your hand.
Veter Haalis |
So I'm closing on a house wednesday, so between moving and everything my posting will be spotty. I know it seems like we're in a bit of a slump, but I am enjoying the game, in spite of almost dying! So I'll try and post when needed, but feel free to DM PC me in anything that needs immediate attention, especially over the next couple of days. Don't let the storyline lag on my account!