DM Grey |
Thanks for meeting me here. I'm in a bit of a bind, and hear you're the ones to talk to... Jeminda Anikee, junior treasury clerk.
Greetings fellow denizens! As the title suggests, I am preparing to run Feast of Ravenmoor. Let me tell you a bit about the adventure and the heroes I'm looking for.
Far in the Varisian hinterlands lies the entirely forgettable village of Ravenmoor. In fact, forgetability is the root of Ms Anikee's problem. It appears that Magnimar, Ravenmoor's titular sovereign, has, by an error in bookkeeping, neglected to send a tax collector for the last 15 years! Sending her brother-in-law to fetch the missing revenue, Jeminda hoped to fix the problem before bringing it to her superior's attention. Unfortunately our would-be tax collector has failed to return, and now someone needs to find out what has happened to him, and the gold.
The modest means of our quest giver, and the adventure's themes of mystery and horror, mean I'm looking for heroes a bit on the ordinary side. This is a job for a group of competent Magnimarians who've done some freelance work as a team for the city before. Someone the minions of governance would trust to take care of something like this, and felt they could afford to pay. Qlippoth-spawn tiefling synthesist summoners with a penchant for kleptomania and revolution should probably look elsewhere.
Character Guidelines:
15 point buy
3rd level
Native or long-time resident of Magnimar.
Established connection with the other characters. (Obviously this will have to wait until we have everyone.)
1000gp to work with.
2 traits.
All Paizo sources, though I recommend exercising restraint.
Looking for 2-4 players, with recruitment to end when we have enough characters that fit the bill. I will make sure to give a 24 hour notice before ending recruitment. A friend of mine is already recruited for the game, so at minimum the party will be three.
Thanks for checking out the thread, and I looking forward to gaming with you.
lkerhsien |
Old Grumpy Grimor is the blacksmith in town. Owing much flavor to Ms. Anikee when he first settled down here. Hearing of the trouble, Grimor volunteered himself and his sword.
Grimor comes from a long line of a Dwarven family. He was forced to flee when his home, his wife and his little girl is taken from him in a fateful event. He fled for a long journey before settling down in hinterlands. Ms. Anikee the one who helped old Grimor to settle down in this place.
Grimor is what you would expect of a dwarf, 4 foot tall and haf his beard all beaded up. His eyes is grey and had the feel that he had been through a really tough part of his life.
str 16, dex 10, con 16, wis 14, int 12, cha 5
Dwarf male
Class: barbarian 1, fighter 2
Base feet 30
Fort 9, ref 0, will 2
Bab 3
Feats: weapon focus (nodaichi), power attack, endurance, diehard)
Ac: 14
Cmb 6, cmd 16
Languages: common, dwarven, giant
Feats: Reactionary, Berserker of society
Mw Nodaichi, atk+7, dmg 1d10+3, 19-20/x2
Skills: Acrobatics 6, perception 8, craft 5, survival 7, climb 7, swim 7
Armor: Mw chain shirt
Adventure gear: Fighter's kit
DM Grey |
All For those who haven't, I recommend Magnimar and it's associated pages for information on Magnimar and surrounding environs.
For characters, worry about fluff before crunch. Both are important, but background/personality/appearance are more useful in selecting characters. When selecting traits, make sure to incorporate them into your character. Also, beware of dump stats. Having a negative ability score, particularly in a mental stat, isn't a deal breaker, but it does mean the background and personality really have to sell it.
@Zeek Welcome!
@Bojingo Also Welcome! Either could work. I can't really say more until you tell me on either. Most barbarians in the city work in the arenas as mock gladiators, or in taverns as bouncers. However, these are usually Shoanti, who are more than a bit prejudiced regarding half-orcs.
@AZ I'm not familiar with the brawler, which doesn't rule it, just be aware that you may have to educate me regarding class abilities.
@Liana That was fast! Everything looks good, though initiative doesn't seem to include your bonus from reactionary. I look forward to learning more about her. So you know, I dislike negative mental stats. She'll work fine with a lower dex, or you can write her well. Either option works.
Fyrian |
I have an idea for a rouge-ish pc that is a bit of a go between for the elite, working class, and the dregs. He can fit in anywhere, but he's simply not to be crossed. Going with the not evil aspect, he's simply more of a neutral character, leaning towards ng. He came up from the shadow of the Underbridge where he learned his "talents" and was smart enough to move out as soon as he could. However, some of his profit always finds it's way to the Underbridge or Rags End when he can. He doesn't easily forget where he came from. It will most likely be a two-weapon fight build, nothing flashy, all CRB and maybe a dash of APG. I don't get too complicated with my pc's. How's that sound DM?
I'm at work thinking about this so this is all I've had time to type. I'll probably refine/crunch by tomorrow night, but I'll still check in to see what's happening.
Billybrainpan |
@Billy Thanks for the update. Makes sense and it works. How does 'Eyes and Ears of the City', an Abadarian trait, fit in with her living in the forest.
I was hoping that trait could be reflavored as eyes and ears of the forest. All it does is give a perception bonus and make it a class skill which seems perfectly reasonable with a hunter flavor in mind.
Dimitrio, Bard |
Hi DM Grey,
Please consider Dimitrio for inclusion in your campaign. Right now, he is only 1st level (and with the wrong point buy score and less equipment than entitled). However, it sounds like you will pick players based on the fluff and that is done (see below).
If selected, I will quickly update his character sheet.
Let me know if you need further information at this time.
Thanks for hosting a game.
Dimitrio is sexy (and he knows it). The man has thick, black hair, which spills down to his shoulders, a goatee, and a mustache. He wears golden loop earrings and a large gold necklace with his ‘lucky’ medallion. His shirt is open to show off his hairy chest and he wears loose pantaloons with leather boots; the boots have metal heels which ’click-clack’ loudly when he dances or Dimitrio just wants to impress someone. A couple of colorful sashes and an embroidered vest with lots of gold adornments complete his casual outfit.
Although he hates to admit it, the rogue will don dark leather armor with blackened studs when he is expecting trouble; his metal-heeled boots are silenced with a rubber piece.
Dimitrio is a charmer and vain about his looks and dancing. He is very greedy and likes to hoard jewelry and gems. He is a skilled performer and likes to take the non-violent way out of situations when possible. Gambling goes with the territory and Dimitrio is an addict, sometimes betting his jewelry and clothes off his back (literally).
He is very superstitious and sees ’bad omens’ everywhere. As such, he can be very moody when he mutters, “Today is not a good day. The devil yearns for my soul” or careless and happy-go-lucky when he states, “Relax, I can do no wrong. Do you not see Desna’s butterflies favor me?”
Being a vain performer, another pet peeve of his are appearances and Dimitrio will always seem to be ‘straightening out his moustache’, ‘messing with his hair/clothes’, and even go as far as use his magic (prestidigitation) to clean himself and clothes.
He fears old age and losing his youth/vigor and on a more mundane level, he has an unhealthy fear of rats (“Those vermin are very dirty and full of diseases”).
He’s a young man with young man’s goals which right now are reduced to amassing wealth and showing off with the odd performance here and there.
Dimitrio was one of the main attractions of the traveling Varisian Troupe of entertainers. His dancing mesmerized audiences and attracted lots of attention from the opposite sex (OK, he also attracted attention from the same sex but Dimitrio doesn’t like to talk about that). An archetypical band of scoundrels, the troupe would hold the attention of an audience while others fleeced them. So it was a win-win situation for the Varisians as they gained money from their performance and also augmented it with their petty thievery. Dimitrio also enhanced his dancing with a spectacular show of magic and lights.
Everything was going well for Dimitrio until the daughter of their leader, Petre Carini, came of age and started flirting with the young dancer. Warned by his brothers to ’leave that one alone’, Dimitrio could not help himself. When news of his fleeting romance reached Petre, the dancer was expelled and told not to come back on pain of death. Saddened by the whole ordeal, Dimitrio pushed his luck by ’taking’ a parting gift before he left; he stole Petre’s chain shirt.
Dimitrio quickly forgot about the young girl but the troupe has not forgotten about him. On the run and constantly looking over his shoulder, the young dancer tried to make money with the odd performance, supplementing his income with easy targets. He had briefly settled in Magnimar but news that the Carini Troupe was coming to town had the rogue looking for an excuse to leave—quickly.
DM Grey |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
@Dimitrio, I like the appearance and personality. Definitely room for a Varisian in the party. Yep, fluff before crunch for selecting. I'll have some more feedback for you tomorrow, but for now tell me a bit about how he came to be a trusted government freelancer?
@Bellis, I like her. Seems like just the sort to get called in for this sort of thing. Now, tell me more about her! If you're particularly interested in the a healing alchemist, I found a third-party archetype that basically replaces bomb for a alchemical lay-on-hands/mercy. Might be worth a look, though Bellis is fine as is.
There's already a party's worth, and then some, of applicants. I really dislike culling players, so I'm giving the 24hr notice. Recruitment ends tomorrow at midnight, so please be sure to have your fluff, and crunch if you have it, up by then. Thank you for the interest!
P.S. If you are reading this and haven't posted yet, fear not. As long as you're up before the deadline, you get the same consideration as everyone else.
Dimitrio, Bard |
Dimitrio's 'hook':
There is an older widow that comes to see Dimitrio dance every week. Dimitrio, being the charmer that he is, has developed a sort of idyllic relationship with her (think James Bond and Miss Moneyppenny). I think I just showed my age here. :)
Anyways, one night, she notices that Dimitrio's heart just wasn't into his performance. She waits for him backstage and they start talking. That's when Dimitrio tells her that some 'thugs from his past' are in town and out to 'get him'. He tells her that he needs to stay low for a while or go somewhere 'out of sight'. That's when she tells him that she has 'some influences' in Magnimar that may be able to help. The next day she tells him that she has been hired as a 'consultant' for the city of Magnimar. He's to go off to 'somewhere' [fill in where we are going].
Dimitrio doesn't like the idea but sees the wisdom in it so he reluctantly agrees. So now we have a Dimitrio that doesn't want to be part of the government, "I am a dancer not a book keeper!" but is honor bound and grateful to 'his older lady' to serve.
Does this work? Thoughts and/or comments?
Bellis Aleste |
Okay, here's a little background info:
Bellis stands just under three feet tall, which is pretty respectable for a Halfling girl. Her ruddy skin is dotted in the odd discolored marks from chemical spills and splashes (in varying colors and sizes), particularly around her arms, face, neck and chest. Her dark red hair is usually tied in one or two braids that hang behind her back.
Bellis was the fourth-and-a-half born sibling of six, and one of only two girls. According to the traveling troupe her parents worked with, the birth of twins at that time was a possibly-dangerous omen, and it was suggested that they take a short retirement in Magnimar, where it was hoped the power of the monuments would steer their fate in a positive direction. The family stayed in the city for a while, but Bellis never really caught onto the family business, being far more interested in mixing things together to see what would happen. Her parents tried to stop her, but eventually relented when she figured out a formula for cherry-scented smokesticks that were a big hit with their street shows (city guards, not so much).
When Bellis was thirteen years old, she entered the contest of an alchemist looking for an apprentice while her parents were on a trip to perform in Korvosa. She managed to win after neutralizing a sabotage attempt from a rival that went out of control. Nobody was hurt, but the armor of a Cleric of Abadar and two of his companions was dissolved completely, much to the embarrassment of everyone involved. Elated, she ran home to tell her brothers only to find them all with somber looks on their faces. Their parents' caravan had been ambushed, with no survivors. Her brothers decided that, despite her sneaking out, their parent would've wanted her to continue pursuing her talents. Under her teacher's tutelage, she learned how chemicals reacted with humanoid bodies, and how to fix some of the injuries her experiments often caused.
When Bellis and her sister grew up, they began searching for work to help support their family. Bellis got a job with the Golemworks, where she was tasked with mixing reagents. She has also proven quick with a healing kits when accidents occur, as they often do.
Veter Haalis |
Ok, here's my character for the most part. I'm not sold on the avatar and my full fluff is not finished, I'm waiting to see about the party make-up. But for now, here is Veter Haalis!
Veter Haalis first appears as an unassuming but well-dressed individual. He is slightly above average in height and fit, but not incredibly flashy. He certainly wouldn’t appear to be a noble, but no one would guess from the smart and simple way he dresses that he came from the Underbridge. Always in dark colors, his short swords purposefully dip below the hem of his jacket and the hilts of his daggers stick out from the front. His smile disarms all, however, and makes you think that he can be approached, possibly with caution. He’s definitely a man known to trade favors.
Veter Haalis
Male Human Rogue 3
N Medium humanoid (human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +7
AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 10 (+3 Dex, +1 dodge)
hp 25 (3d8+9)
Fort +3, Ref +7 (+1 bonus vs. traps), Will +2
Defensive Abilities evasion, trap sense +1
Speed 20 ft.
Melee dagger +6 (1d4/19-20) and
dagger +6 (1d4/19-20) and
shortsword +5 (1d6/19-20) and
shortsword +5 (1d6/19-20)
Special Attacks sneak attack +2d6
Str 10, Dex 18, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 7
Base Atk +2; CMB +2; CMD 17
Feats Dodge, Two-weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (shortsword)
Traits fast-talker, fencer
Skills Acrobatics +7 (+3 jump), Bluff -1, Diplomacy +4, Disable Device +10, Disguise +4, Escape Artist +7, Knowledge (local) +5, Perception +7 (+8 to locate traps), Sense Motive +5, Sleight of Hand +5, Stealth +7, Use Magic Device +3
Languages Common
SQ rogue talents (finesse rogue), trapfinding +1
Other Gear dagger, dagger, shortsword, shortsword, backpack, bedroll, flint and steel, grappling hook, rope, thieves' tools, masterwork, torch, waterskin, 869 gp, 8 sp, 9 cp
Special Abilities
Evasion (Ex) If you succeed at a Reflex save for half damage, you take none instead.
Fencer +1 to hit with dagger or sword AoOs.
Sneak Attack +2d6 +2d6 damage if you flank your target or your target is flat-footed.
Trap Sense +1 (Ex) +1 bonus on reflex saves and AC against traps.
Trapfinding +1 Gain a bonus to find or disable traps, including magical ones.