Venture Teller Play b'Post |

Welcome and thank you for giving me a chance to conduct an experiment I have wanted to try for a very long time.
1. Please dot in so I can clarify who is coming (Name & class).
2. Please choose: Confirmation or Master's of the Fallen Fortress. The latter is a bit more dungeon crawl, though whether that makes it better or worse for a conclave of bookish casters I can't say.
3. Please make sure your spellbook is in your profile. (I will post my wizard for an example).
4. If you can take advantage of the 1st level rebuild rules, please do so to rechoose your starting spells. I recommend choosing at least one CRB spell and at least one spell from another sourcebook. If everyone chooses color spray, magic missile, burning hands shocking grasp, we will have very little chance to actually trade spells. FTR I try to choose an obscure splat book for a spell when I get to choose spells and one from the CRB for this very reason.
5. I will post my PbP expectations a little later, but I think most of them are in my GM profile.
EDIT: 6. I don't want to tell someone how to build their character, but please make sure you can learn spells (have high enough Spellcraft skill & DayJob).

Venture Teller Play b'Post |

blessed book is in blue
+2 learn fire spells, -4 to learn water spells +2 DC fire spells
Cantrips (DC 15)
All core except water
1st level (DC 16)
animate rope, anticipate peril (UM)
blood biography (APG), bungle, burning disarm (??), burning hands
cause fear, charm person, chill touch, color spray, comprehend languages, corrosive touch, crafter’s fortune (UM)
dancing lantern (APG), delusional pride (UM), detect secret doors, disguise self
ear piercing scream (UM), enlarge person, erase, expeditious retreat,
feather fall, flare burst (UM), floating disc, frostbite (UM)
heightened awareness, hold portal, hush,
icicle dagger (UM), identify, illusion of calm, interrogation (UM)
liberating command
mage armor, magic missile, magic weapon
peace bond (UC), protection from chaos, protection from evil,
ray of enfeeblement, ray of sickening, reduce person
shield, shocking grasp, silent image, sleep, snapdragon fireworks (APG), snowball (??)
touch of idiocy
vanish, ventriloquism
winter feathers (ARG, tengu)
2nd level (DC 17)
acid arrow, alter self,
bear’s endurance, blindness/deafness, blur, bull’s strength,
command undead, continual flame, create pit,
darkness, darkvision,
false life, firebreath (APG), flaming sphere,
elemental speech, elemental touch
ghost bane dirge, glitter dust
haunting mists (UM), hypnotic pattern
locate object,
mirror image,
page bound epiphany (PFPC), pyrotechniques
resist energy,
scorching ray, see invisibility, share language, summon swarm,
whispering wind

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I’ve never played MOTFF, so I suppose I’ll vote for that. Either is fine. Tweaking my spellbook this morning.
Level 1
Color spray
Darting duplicate (Melee TT)
Secluded grimoire (Magic TT)
Snowball (PotN)
Speak local language (HotS)
Stumble gap (APG)
Summon monster I
So I sure hope someone has Mage Armor!

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Jared / Torgat Eaglecaller / 199504-6 / Dark Archive
Email by PM
Reroll: Y (PC Portfolio), most likely use on a failed save or crucial skill check
Day job: Craft (mapmaking): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
Most common attacks and d20 rolls (end brackets removed to allow copy/paste of code):
[dice=Acid dart (ranged touch)]1d20 + 2; 1d6[/dice
[dice=Club]1d20 + 1; 1d6 + 1[/dice
Skill checks
[dice=Knowledge (Arcana)]1d20 + 8[/dice
[dice=Knowledge (Planes)]1d20 + 8[/dice
[dice=Knowledge (Spellcraft)]1d20 + 8[/dice
[dice=Linguistics]1d20 + 8[/dice
[dice=Perception]1d20 + 1[/dice

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Either one is fine for this toon. MOFF is fine as another player hasn’t done it yet. Will get all the stats worked by tomorrow at the latest. Thinking either gnome illusionist or half-elf abjurer

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An active forum thread that may be relevant to us all:

Venture Teller Play b'Post |

My biggest problem is that the only splatbook i own (currently) is RTT. I do own a few players guides but all their spells are either not allowed or too high a level.
That's fine. It is only a suggestion. :) One that grew from folks in a situatuon similar to yours.
A scroll should be within most people's budget too. (For mage armor for example). If not used during the adventure. It can be added to spellbook.
I should also note the trading of spells will be after the adventure.

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Ancient Dragon Master wrote:My biggest problem is that the only splatbook i own (currently) is RTT. I do own a few players guides but all their spells are either not allowed or too high a level.That's fine. It is only a suggestion. :) One that grew from folks in a situatuon similar to yours.
A scroll should be within most people's budget too. (For mage armor for example). If not used during the adventure. It can be added to spellbook.
I should also note the trading of spells will be after the adventure.
Understood - I was planning to buy a scroll of Mage Armor regardless, and would just pay the cost to rent a spellbook if nobody else has it in theirs. Will we be able to use the gold from the scenario to pay scribing costs?

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Her first level spells are: burning hands, charm person, flare burst, gravity bow, mage armor, magic missle

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Just swapped in mage hand to replace prestidigitation in my prepared spells. I’m likely to tinker at the margins until we get started, but I’m ready to go as soon as everyone else is.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Well, the GM has convinced me to play with my level 1 Thassalonian Specialist. He's an abjurer so, don't be expecting any magic missiles from me. This is my first time play by posting, so please help me out if I get the etiquette wrong.
Looking forward to it.

Venture Teller Play b'Post |

Sorry. IRL has caught up again it is taking longer than I thought to build my character.I will, however have my character done in 3 days.
Can you give me your spells known and spell prepared ASAP? I would like to not have spell choices reflect the first encounter.

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Well, the GM has convinced me to play with my level 1 Thassalonian Specialist. He's an abjurer so, don't be expecting any magic missiles from me. This is my first time play by posting, so please help me out if I get the etiquette wrong.
Looking forward to it.

Venture Teller Play b'Post |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I invited some protection. D6 is not a lot of health. I did however hand pick a player I know will provide some RP opportunities & let the others shine. :)

Ancient Dragon Master |

Orisons prepared: Detect Magic, Ray of frost, Prestidigitation
1st prepared: Summon monster 1 (2), Enlarge person
Spellbook: Summon monster 1, Obscuring mist, Mount, Feather fall, Mage armour, Animate rope, Enlarge person
Level 1
Color spray
Darting duplicate (Melee TT)
Secluded grimoire (Magic TT)
Snowball (PotN)
Speak local language (HotS)
Stumble gap (APG)
Summon monster I
burning hands
charm person
flare burst,
gravity bow,
mage armor, magic missile

Venture Teller Play b'Post |

In my profile are two useful PbP links. Read them at your leisure.
If anyone here is new to PbP and needs some help with coding or formatting or the maps or anything really please ask. If you can not reach google docs let me know.
There is a link to the map (a google doc) in my subtitle (if that is what that is called). Please follow it and put your self on the map. (Instructions on how to do that are in my profile). Ignore the salamanders, dragons and thing-from-the-deep-for-now.
For those who cannot see the map for some reason:
At the top of combat, the party is 50 ft from the dogs, most of that is difficult terrain. As the dogs got a pretty high initiative roll they will likely be 40 ft. closer before your action. I will assume no one will cast a spell if it means provoking an attack of opportunity and that spells with areas will be maximized to number of targets.
Because I need some random targets, here is a list of the party.
1 Voarama
2 Torgat Eaglecaller
3 Drogun
4 Zestel Cozma
5 Ylania Greenbriar
6 [Ancient Dragon Master]
7 Gaderffi
1d7 ⇒ 5

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Hi all! Sorry for the late post, I was at a family supper. Gaderffi is a Blood Arcanist who specializes in Magic Missile.
Prepared spells:
1: Magic Missile, Vanish
0: Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Open Close
Spells Known:
1st: crafter's fortune, enlarge person, feather fall, grease, mage armor, magic missile, vanish
0: acid splash, arcane mark, bleed, dancing lights, daze, detect magic, detect poison, disrupt undead, flare, ghost sound, light, mage hand, mending, message, open/close, prestidigitation, ray of frost, read magic, resistance, touch of fatigue
Languages: Azlanti, Common, Dwarven, Kelish, Osiriani, Thassilonian, Undercommon

Venture Teller Play b'Post |

I am going to push us a little bit so we can finish during Gameday 6.
When faced with a party decision I shall take 3 players agreeing as party agreement. I will take 2 players agreement with no disagreement and a day of no other posts as party agreement.
If I skip something you would like to play out (such as searching the bodies of your enemies), please do so without even asking. We can retcon that action into the story.
Similarly I am going to tell you what the scripted options are. PLEASE feel free to disrail the script by coming up with something that sounds like fun. :)
I have still forgotten to scan the map, but I found an image of the current level(s) online. It is not to scale, but you can at least see it.
I only see two people on the map. Is anyone having technical problems getting to the map (as opposed to schedule problems)?
Questions? comments? please feel free to ask :)

Venture Teller Play b'Post |

Lol. If you have some spare time, read Painlord's guide to a doomed character. There is a peice on doors... because this is what I see.
GM: choose A, B or X.
Player 1: Abstain.
Player 2: Abstain.
Player 3: A?
Player 4: Abstain.

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Can view but phone will not let me edit. Have you tried the “slides” option and not “drawing”?
I have the same issue - I can view the map in the browser on my iPad, or in the Drive app (although the view is more limited), but can’t edit either way - I had to use my laptop to put Torgat’s picture on it. The map isn’t visible at all in the Google Slides or Docs apps.

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I have no issues editing it from my home desktop.
I'll be on auto-pilot tomorrow since I will be out of town. Hopefully that doesn't hamper our progress!

Venture Teller Play b'Post |

I have had issues with slides in the past, but will try it again :)

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Sorry I was not on yesterday. We have a two day break from classes and I spent the day napping and catching up on some other stuff.

Venture Teller Play b'Post |

Drogun: you are currently entangled. Did you want to direct that attack at the webbing?
Ancient dragon master: you are Far Arminus right?
Undeterred the scaleblack lobs a sticky paste at the barbarian catching the dwarf's arms in place and tangling him in place.
Party (minus Drogun) is up!
Surprise Round
Voarima (21): acid dart at scaleback
Scaleback (8): entangles DrogunR1
Zestel (22): <--here now
Voarima (21): <--here now
Torgat (17): <--here now
Ylania (15): <--here now
Arminas (9): <--here now
[dice=scaleback]1d20+3 (8):
Drogun (2): entangled

Venture Teller Play b'Post |

Slides version of Fallen Fortress. Hopefully I got the permission access done correctly. Please let me know you can get in by putting your avi on the slides.

Venture Teller Play b'Post |

Also, everyone should make a climb check, as well as vote for the north or south door.

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Avatar added. Thanks - Slides works perfectly on my tablet.

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Uh, I don't know how to use this slides system, can someone give me a quick rundown?
What are you having trouble with? And what device are you on?

Venture Teller Play b'Post |

@GM VT: you might want to change the link in your profile to the Slides version of the map. I have moved my avatar to the second floor (p. 2).
I wanted to make sure everyone could use it. If I can sdd the link from my phone I will. If I cannae , I will attempt later (if I get home before comp is turned off.)

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Torgat calls upon his arcane knowledge, and silver energy coalesces around the key in his hand. The energy takes the key in a tiny paw as it forms into a ghostly monkey that scampers across the floor and to the door. The door opens when the monkey touches it. The little primate touches its brow and disappears after returning the key to the junglekin.*
*feel free to correct my fluff. One of the advantages to play by post is the ability to describe this sort of thing in detail. :)
** spoiler omitted **
No correction needed -that was perfect!

Venture Teller Play b'Post |

No correction needed -that was perfect!
I am glad you liked it, I was afraid I pushed the jungle thing too far. :) My grippli magus spells are jungle- based.
I encourage everyone to put embellishments on their spells. A boomerang is just a boomering until you shape it like a bat or starred shield or playing card. This is especially true in a room full of wizards.Expectus patronus!