TOZ's Way of the Kirin [PbP Gameday VI] (Inactive)

Game Master TriOmegaZero

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

Let's get this started up right!

Sovereign Court

M Human (Vudrani) Investigator/6 ; HP 39/39 ; AC 22, touch 14, flat 18 ( incl. +3 Nat from Barkskin ) ; Fort +3, Ref +8, Will +6 ; Init +3 ; Per. +9+1d6, Sense Motive +9+1d6

Lord Darshan al-Hadir of Brevoy will be responding to the call for field agents.

After the mission, when he goes home, and find that Issian children have released rabbits throughout his mansion, he will consider the seneschal vanity.

The Exchange

Male Tengu URog5/ShD3|HP: 40/52|AC: 24/T:17/FF: 23|F:+4/R:+12*/W: +5|CMB:+10|CMD: 23/17FF|BAB: +5|Init:+7|Lw-Lt Vis.,Drkv.60'|Per:+20*|Stlth:+18|Acr:+21|UMD: +11|S.O.H.:+9|S.M.:+7|E.A.:+16|D.D.+24|K:DnLoc+6|Lng+13|PFS#145296-5

The lights dim slightly as evening begins to advance...

Out of nowhere, an odd bird-person in a very professional outfit appears, carrying a well-crafted briefcase and extending cards to others.

They declare in text:

Karasuma Tazou
Attorney At Law
Tazou, Tazou, Tazou, Tazou, and Karasuma, Assoc.
The Puddles, Absalom

And then, almost as suddenly as they appeared, they seem to more or less vanish into the background, almost as if watching, waiting...

Grand Lodge

Female TN Tiefling (Oni-Spawn) Hunter 7 | HP: 75/75| AC: 20 (12 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +11 CMD: 23 | F: +9, R: +9, W: +5 | Init: +2 | Perc: +13, SM: +2 | DR 5/Piercing | Speed 20ft | Animal Focus : None | | Animal Focus Available: 8/8 | Spells: lvl 0= Unlim; lvl1 5/5, lvl2 4/4 lvl3 2/2 | Active conditions: None

A rather large tiefling in crude Tien armor meanders up, creaking her neck as she shoves a badly cured pelt of some sort of extra-planar Canidae to the side so she may scratch an itch in the small of her back. Trotting behind her deferentially but with a malevolent look in it's eyes is a dinosaur of some sort. She pauses for just a moment to give it a look that brooks no insubordination and it cowers in response as she resumes her leisurely walk.

Hi Wei-Ji!

Scarab Sages

Female Samsaran Occultist/5
Stat Stuff:
HP: 35/35 l AC: 18(22), T: 11, FF: 17(21) l Fort: +8, Ref: +4, Will: +7 (+2vs Death Effect, Negative Energy Effect, and Negative Levels) l Init: +1 l Perception: +9

And average height woman with pale blue skin gingerly walks in behind the tiefling, her Tien-style breastplate faintly clinking as the trinkets festooned to it with straps sway with her movements. She smiles warmly as her pupiless eyes rest on Darshan, and she immediately moves closer (in a slightly clumsy manner) to the familiar face.

Dark Archive

Male Half Elf Summoner 7 | HP 48/52 | AC18 (13T, 16F) | CMB: +4 CMD: 16 | F:7 R:7 W:8 (+2 vs enchant) | Init +3 | Perc. +2 | SM +1 | Spells: lvl1 3/6, lvl2 2/5 lvl3 2/3

An exceptionally thin half-elf man of average height ambles into the room. He is dressed in an open red-chested white-sleeved shirt over shining mithral chain, a tight-fitting black shirt visible underneath. His durable looking blue cotton pants show a good deal of wear and tear, patches sewn over both knees; clearly the man is used to walking long distances.

"Sorry I'm late," he comments as he swings an excellently crafted backpack of white cured leather off his shoulder. The outer flap is embossed with two blue concentric circles, the larger one bisected by a vertical line. He removes his hat, colored to match his shirt, to reveal jet black hair and puts it in his bag. He then draws out a knife and apple and begins using the former to slice the latter.

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

Opening post coming after work tonight.

Dark Archive

Eidolon HD 6 | HP 6/51 | AC27 (11T 25F) | CMB +15 CMD:24 | F:7 R:4 W:5 (+4W vs Enchant) | Init +2 | Perc +9 | SM +8
Current Buffs:
Extended Mage Armor, Enlarge
4 claws w 15 ft reach; B/S/Magic; +15 to hit for 1d6+9; extra 1d6+13 rend on 2+ hits

Entering in behind the half-elf is a horrifying beast of green tentacles. It's center mass is a three foot long trunk covered in wriggling green appendages ranging from a few inches to a few feet in length and a multitude of eyes. It has two extra long tentacles sprouting from each end of the trunk, partially covered in mouths, and terminating in a set of wicked looking claws. It stalks into the room on its lower tentacles with a menacing air, and notices the apple in the elven man's hand.

It immediately proceeds to flop on the floor next to him and wriggle its shorter tentacles around while making small mewling noises, like that of a kitten. The longer four tentacles can be seen to have toughed scales that shine in the light of the room, but the main trunk appears to be covered only in a soft layer of hair reminiscence of peach fuzz. The best description of the creature one could come up with would be a cross between a (dungeoneering), (planes), and a pile of sea anemones.

DC 15 Dungeoneering:
gibbering mouther
DC17 Planes:
chaos beast

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

Updates will be slow this weekend, as I am at Disney with Kensaku. :D

The Exchange

Male Tengu URog5/ShD3|HP: 40/52|AC: 24/T:17/FF: 23|F:+4/R:+12*/W: +5|CMB:+10|CMD: 23/17FF|BAB: +5|Init:+7|Lw-Lt Vis.,Drkv.60'|Per:+20*|Stlth:+18|Acr:+21|UMD: +11|S.O.H.:+9|S.M.:+7|E.A.:+16|D.D.+24|K:DnLoc+6|Lng+13|PFS#145296-5

Enjoy your time away, try to not live on the forums :P

Shadow Lodge

He/Him realize who I am right?

The Exchange

Male Tengu URog5/ShD3|HP: 40/52|AC: 24/T:17/FF: 23|F:+4/R:+12*/W: +5|CMB:+10|CMD: 23/17FF|BAB: +5|Init:+7|Lw-Lt Vis.,Drkv.60'|Per:+20*|Stlth:+18|Acr:+21|UMD: +11|S.O.H.:+9|S.M.:+7|E.A.:+16|D.D.+24|K:DnLoc+6|Lng+13|PFS#145296-5

The gorram TOZ-Man? :>

Seriously, have fun on the trip!

The Exchange

Male Tengu URog5/ShD3|HP: 40/52|AC: 24/T:17/FF: 23|F:+4/R:+12*/W: +5|CMB:+10|CMD: 23/17FF|BAB: +5|Init:+7|Lw-Lt Vis.,Drkv.60'|Per:+20*|Stlth:+18|Acr:+21|UMD: +11|S.O.H.:+9|S.M.:+7|E.A.:+16|D.D.+24|K:DnLoc+6|Lng+13|PFS#145296-5

I will post tonight, had to put up icon and stuff I should have done earlier this morning pre-work!

Sorry about that!

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

No problem, just updated the gameplay thread myself.

Grand Lodge

Female TN Tiefling (Oni-Spawn) Hunter 7 | HP: 75/75| AC: 20 (12 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +11 CMD: 23 | F: +9, R: +9, W: +5 | Init: +2 | Perc: +13, SM: +2 | DR 5/Piercing | Speed 20ft | Animal Focus : None | | Animal Focus Available: 8/8 | Spells: lvl 0= Unlim; lvl1 5/5, lvl2 4/4 lvl3 2/2 | Active conditions: None

I'm not in a hurry, but I am concerned; is everyone OK?

The Exchange

Male Tengu URog5/ShD3|HP: 40/52|AC: 24/T:17/FF: 23|F:+4/R:+12*/W: +5|CMB:+10|CMD: 23/17FF|BAB: +5|Init:+7|Lw-Lt Vis.,Drkv.60'|Per:+20*|Stlth:+18|Acr:+21|UMD: +11|S.O.H.:+9|S.M.:+7|E.A.:+16|D.D.+24|K:DnLoc+6|Lng+13|PFS#145296-5

I'm not, either, but life has been eating me a little and the forums have been wonky...

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

I expect the forum issues to be a part of the distraction, along with the holiday season causing distractions. Thankfully, my other PbP should be finishing up soon and I will have more focus on this one.

The Exchange

Male Tengu URog5/ShD3|HP: 40/52|AC: 24/T:17/FF: 23|F:+4/R:+12*/W: +5|CMB:+10|CMD: 23/17FF|BAB: +5|Init:+7|Lw-Lt Vis.,Drkv.60'|Per:+20*|Stlth:+18|Acr:+21|UMD: +11|S.O.H.:+9|S.M.:+7|E.A.:+16|D.D.+24|K:DnLoc+6|Lng+13|PFS#145296-5

...not to question the GM or anything, but doesn't time move differently depending on what side of the bathroom door one is on? :>

Sovereign Court

M Human (Vudrani) Investigator/6 ; HP 39/39 ; AC 22, touch 14, flat 18 ( incl. +3 Nat from Barkskin ) ; Fort +3, Ref +8, Will +6 ; Init +3 ; Per. +9+1d6, Sense Motive +9+1d6

Yeah, that's a well-known relativistic effect.

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

Darshan: 1d20 ⇒ 4
Karasuma: 1d20 ⇒ 9
Kensaku: 1d20 ⇒ 11
Rika: 1d20 ⇒ 7
Shigeru: 1d20 ⇒ 15
GM: 1d20 ⇒ 14

No boons. :(

The Exchange

Male Tengu URog5/ShD3|HP: 40/52|AC: 24/T:17/FF: 23|F:+4/R:+12*/W: +5|CMB:+10|CMD: 23/17FF|BAB: +5|Init:+7|Lw-Lt Vis.,Drkv.60'|Per:+20*|Stlth:+18|Acr:+21|UMD: +11|S.O.H.:+9|S.M.:+7|E.A.:+16|D.D.+24|K:DnLoc+6|Lng+13|PFS#145296-5

Haven't seen a single one drop this Gameday in any of the games I was in.

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

I will be headed to Disney tomorrow, but I should have time in the evenings to make updates. Feel free to plot out your actions and make your checks, and I will tell you how well you do and when you are interrupted.

The Exchange

Male Tengu URog5/ShD3|HP: 40/52|AC: 24/T:17/FF: 23|F:+4/R:+12*/W: +5|CMB:+10|CMD: 23/17FF|BAB: +5|Init:+7|Lw-Lt Vis.,Drkv.60'|Per:+20*|Stlth:+18|Acr:+21|UMD: +11|S.O.H.:+9|S.M.:+7|E.A.:+16|D.D.+24|K:DnLoc+6|Lng+13|PFS#145296-5

Just a brief RL note, our household is being force-migrated to fiberoptic connectivity on Friday. Theoretically it will have minimal impact, but just wanted to make folks aware.

The Exchange

Male Tengu URog5/ShD3|HP: 40/52|AC: 24/T:17/FF: 23|F:+4/R:+12*/W: +5|CMB:+10|CMD: 23/17FF|BAB: +5|Init:+7|Lw-Lt Vis.,Drkv.60'|Per:+20*|Stlth:+18|Acr:+21|UMD: +11|S.O.H.:+9|S.M.:+7|E.A.:+16|D.D.+24|K:DnLoc+6|Lng+13|PFS#145296-5

GM is currently unable to post to Paizo forums, will advise when situation is updated.

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

And I'm back. That was weird.

The Exchange

Male Tengu URog5/ShD3|HP: 40/52|AC: 24/T:17/FF: 23|F:+4/R:+12*/W: +5|CMB:+10|CMD: 23/17FF|BAB: +5|Init:+7|Lw-Lt Vis.,Drkv.60'|Per:+20*|Stlth:+18|Acr:+21|UMD: +11|S.O.H.:+9|S.M.:+7|E.A.:+16|D.D.+24|K:DnLoc+6|Lng+13|PFS#145296-5

Welcome back!

Sovereign Court

M Human (Vudrani) Investigator/6 ; HP 39/39 ; AC 22, touch 14, flat 18 ( incl. +3 Nat from Barkskin ) ; Fort +3, Ref +8, Will +6 ; Init +3 ; Per. +9+1d6, Sense Motive +9+1d6

Hey guys, sorry about the long silence from me. I've sort of withdrawn from most of my regular life for the last month or so.

I am going to try to get myself going again.

Commoner 18, Bard 5, Alchemist 4, Sorcerer 2
Darshan the Pathfinder wrote:

Hey guys, sorry about the long silence from me. I've sort of withdrawn from most of my regular life for the last month or so.

I am going to try to get myself going again.

Hope it gets easier for you. Let us know if there is anything we can do to help.

The Exchange

Male Tengu URog5/ShD3|HP: 40/52|AC: 24/T:17/FF: 23|F:+4/R:+12*/W: +5|CMB:+10|CMD: 23/17FF|BAB: +5|Init:+7|Lw-Lt Vis.,Drkv.60'|Per:+20*|Stlth:+18|Acr:+21|UMD: +11|S.O.H.:+9|S.M.:+7|E.A.:+16|D.D.+24|K:DnLoc+6|Lng+13|PFS#145296-5

Just a head's up:

From about Thursday until Sunday/Monday this coming week my computer will be off-line and my posting will be sporadic at best because I will be out of town at a convention.

Power is being taken down at the house and the circuit the computer is on will be worked on, so don't want to take chances.

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

I'd like to kick off the combat after my Roll20 game tonight. Please post any prep you'd like to have done before that. For buff tracking purposes, about 45 minutes have passed since the attack on the pier was noticed.

Scarab Sages

Female Samsaran Occultist/5
Stat Stuff:
HP: 35/35 l AC: 18(22), T: 11, FF: 17(21) l Fort: +8, Ref: +4, Will: +7 (+2vs Death Effect, Negative Energy Effect, and Negative Levels) l Init: +1 l Perception: +9

Stonemason Day Job: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14

Sovereign Court

M Human (Vudrani) Investigator/6 ; HP 39/39 ; AC 22, touch 14, flat 18 ( incl. +3 Nat from Barkskin ) ; Fort +3, Ref +8, Will +6 ; Init +3 ; Per. +9+1d6, Sense Motive +9+1d6

Day job: Craft(Alchemy): 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (20) + 13 = 33

Dark Archive

Male Half Elf Summoner 7 | HP 48/52 | AC18 (13T, 16F) | CMB: +4 CMD: 16 | F:7 R:7 W:8 (+2 vs enchant) | Init +3 | Perc. +2 | SM +1 | Spells: lvl1 3/6, lvl2 2/5 lvl3 2/3

Diggity dag day job: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27

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