[PFS - PbP Gameday 5] GM Skipper's Wonders in the Weave, Part 1 & 2 (tier 5-9) (Inactive)

Game Master SkipperD

Combat Map

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Jal dives into the water once more and finds a pit trap like the ones you have encountered before. Triggering it causes the room to drain, and Jal must exert himself to avoid being pulled with the rushing water.
Swim: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16

Once the water is gone, Jal spots a second trap right in front of the doors.

With the water gone, Lore has a chance to look at all the hieroglyphs.
I've added some more slides.

GM secrets:
1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10

There are two distinct groupings, that she can see; four sets that were above the water line (Handout #1 on slide 2), and four sets on what seems to be the faint shape of a door (Handout #2 on slide 3). The second line of each set on the doors consists of buttons with a pictogram on each separate button. The meaning of the pictograms escapes Lore.

Grand Lodge

HP 69/69 AC 21, 13, 20(18 T 12 FF 17); bab 7, (scimitar) +9/+4, (lt xbow) +11; F +10 R +7 W +11; INIT +3; Perc +22; CMB +6 CMD 19; channel 8/8 | gnome cleric(theologian)/5; exalted/6 | -01 *
skills: Acro -2, Bluff 3, Diplomacy 11, Escape Artist -3, Heal 7, Know religion 12, Know planes 5 know nobility 5 Perception 22, perform oratory 6, Profession (chef) 16, Sense Motive 3, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 3, surv 3

"These pictographs are not writing per se, or I should be able to read them, so the symbols must be some kind of code, probably for what the buttons do... anyone want to make a guess as to what they might mean?"

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf Slayer/9 70/70 HP] [AC: 22 T: 14 FF: 19 (+2 Dodge vs traps)] [Perc +15 {+19 vs trap}] [F+8/R+10/W+5 {+2 vs Enchantment, +2 Reflex vs Traps}] [CMB +13] [CMD 27] [SP 30FT] [INIT +9]

"Thanks, Lore. I appreciate that!" Eladrian pants, standing straight. "Unfortunately, I do not have one of those, so I will just have to make do.."

Moving into the next room, he looks around with Lore at the pictures.
Code Breaker: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18
Code Breaker is a boon that allows me to use Linguistics at a +2 even untrained.

"The only one of these that matches between the wall over there and here near the door is this first one, but its missing the dog picture." Eladrian says.

pointing to the first line of pictographs on the second slide.

Dark Archive

Varisian Human Sorcerer (Sylvan) L13 | HP: 96/96 | AC:13+4+1 T:13+1 FF:12+4 | CMB:+5+2 CMD:18+1 | Saves F:14+2 R:12+2+1 W:14+2 | Init:+6 | Per:+16+2 | Spd: 30 fly 40 +30 | Reroll: 1/1 | Spells: L1 6/9, L2 5/8, L3: 4/8, L4: 5/8, L5: 5/8, L6:4/5 | Topple Rod: 3/3 | Fleeting Glance: 11/13 | Conditions: false life (13h); overland flight (13h); heroism (130m); mage armor (1h); haste

Wow, I missed a lot after work and sleep. I have a wand of infernal healing so in the future I can also assist with healing.

Myrdon pulls out a scroll from his case and hands over Lore. "Here, I have this scroll that could heal some of the damage. I can't use it myself though - only those with divine connections can."

Garn has a scroll of lesser restoration with 5 charges on it. Think only restoration can fix the ability drain, but it can at least fix the ability damage. Just go ahead and roll for it, and I'll deduct the charges of. Think Shamak's con dmg is down to -1, so I think that leaves Eladrian's con dmg (-3), Shamak's str dmg (-2) and Lore's str dmg (-5).

Dark Archive

Varisian Human Sorcerer (Sylvan) L13 | HP: 96/96 | AC:13+4+1 T:13+1 FF:12+4 | CMB:+5+2 CMD:18+1 | Saves F:14+2 R:12+2+1 W:14+2 | Init:+6 | Per:+16+2 | Spd: 30 fly 40 +30 | Reroll: 1/1 | Spells: L1 6/9, L2 5/8, L3: 4/8, L4: 5/8, L5: 5/8, L6:4/5 | Topple Rod: 3/3 | Fleeting Glance: 11/13 | Conditions: false life (13h); overland flight (13h); heroism (130m); mage armor (1h); haste
Eladrian wrote:
"The only one of these that matches between the wall over there and here near the door is this first one, but its missing the dog picture." Eladrian says.

"It seems to be missing the scarab icon, too?" Myrdon points out. Continuing, "But if you look at the top right hieroglyphs and compare to the second set on the door, the only icon missing is that of the chariot. Hmm, but I don't see a similar pattern for the rest though."

Myrdon ponders for a while longer, then adds, "Not sure there's any significance but for all 4 sets, the 2nd and 4th icon of each set of hieroglyphs always corresponds to the 2nd and 4th icon of the corresponding set on the door."

Grand Lodge

HP 69/69 AC 21, 13, 20(18 T 12 FF 17); bab 7, (scimitar) +9/+4, (lt xbow) +11; F +10 R +7 W +11; INIT +3; Perc +22; CMB +6 CMD 19; channel 8/8 | gnome cleric(theologian)/5; exalted/6 | -01 *
skills: Acro -2, Bluff 3, Diplomacy 11, Escape Artist -3, Heal 7, Know religion 12, Know planes 5 know nobility 5 Perception 22, perform oratory 6, Profession (chef) 16, Sense Motive 3, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 3, surv 3

lesser rest on eladrian con: 1d4 ⇒ 4

lesser rest on shamak str: 1d4 ⇒ 4

lesser rest on lore str: 1d4 ⇒ 4

omfg... that was impressive

Lore turns to Myrdon and smiles... "Most effective... thank you for your generosity." she returns the scroll with 2 uses left on it. "Hang onto that... you might need it again. I think we should maybe all chip in a little to help you pay for the uses when this is over... I'd be happy to!"

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf Slayer/9 70/70 HP] [AC: 22 T: 14 FF: 19 (+2 Dodge vs traps)] [Perc +15 {+19 vs trap}] [F+8/R+10/W+5 {+2 vs Enchantment, +2 Reflex vs Traps}] [CMB +13] [CMD 27] [SP 30FT] [INIT +9]

Eladrian claps Lore and Myrdon on their backs. "You have my thanks, gentleman. I am indebted to you both!!"

Seriously.. If the Society allowed for it, I would pay you back for that. I appreciate your generosity, Myrdon.

Dark Archive

Varisian Human Sorcerer (Sylvan) L13 | HP: 96/96 | AC:13+4+1 T:13+1 FF:12+4 | CMB:+5+2 CMD:18+1 | Saves F:14+2 R:12+2+1 W:14+2 | Init:+6 | Per:+16+2 | Spd: 30 fly 40 +30 | Reroll: 1/1 | Spells: L1 6/9, L2 5/8, L3: 4/8, L4: 5/8, L5: 5/8, L6:4/5 | Topple Rod: 3/3 | Fleeting Glance: 11/13 | Conditions: false life (13h); overland flight (13h); heroism (130m); mage armor (1h); haste

Hey, it's only fair. As the squishy sorcerer, he'll always be hiding in the back, so it's the frontliners that would get hit with all these nasty things. A sorcerer's likelihood of survival is inherently tied to that of the frontliners. :)

Gaargh, the puzzle stumps me. Let it sit for a while...

Grand Lodge

HP 69/69 AC 21, 13, 20(18 T 12 FF 17); bab 7, (scimitar) +9/+4, (lt xbow) +11; F +10 R +7 W +11; INIT +3; Perc +22; CMB +6 CMD 19; channel 8/8 | gnome cleric(theologian)/5; exalted/6 | -01 *
skills: Acro -2, Bluff 3, Diplomacy 11, Escape Artist -3, Heal 7, Know religion 12, Know planes 5 know nobility 5 Perception 22, perform oratory 6, Profession (chef) 16, Sense Motive 3, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 3, surv 3

"Gentleman?" Lore giggles at that.

With Eladrian's experience from a not so secret Taldan library, he deduces that some of the pictograms are mathematical operators. See slide 4.

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf Slayer/9 70/70 HP] [AC: 22 T: 14 FF: 19 (+2 Dodge vs traps)] [Perc +15 {+19 vs trap}] [F+8/R+10/W+5 {+2 vs Enchantment, +2 Reflex vs Traps}] [CMB +13] [CMD 27] [SP 30FT] [INIT +9]

"It Math!" Eladrian exclaims, remembering his time in the Library. "Look: these symbols...." See Discussion and slide 4.. Im not clogging up the gameplay with this! lol

Dark Archive

Varisian Human Sorcerer (Sylvan) L13 | HP: 96/96 | AC:13+4+1 T:13+1 FF:12+4 | CMB:+5+2 CMD:18+1 | Saves F:14+2 R:12+2+1 W:14+2 | Init:+6 | Per:+16+2 | Spd: 30 fly 40 +30 | Reroll: 1/1 | Spells: L1 6/9, L2 5/8, L3: 4/8, L4: 5/8, L5: 5/8, L6:4/5 | Topple Rod: 3/3 | Fleeting Glance: 11/13 | Conditions: false life (13h); overland flight (13h); heroism (130m); mage armor (1h); haste

"Of course, that's why the balance keeps appearing at the same spot. It represents equal! Now why didn't I see that. So yes, it seems to be some mathematical sums. Hmm, I wonder what the other icons represent then..."

I've got a theory over at the discussion thread.

Grand Lodge

HP 69/69 AC 21, 13, 20(18 T 12 FF 17); bab 7, (scimitar) +9/+4, (lt xbow) +11; F +10 R +7 W +11; INIT +3; Perc +22; CMB +6 CMD 19; channel 8/8 | gnome cleric(theologian)/5; exalted/6 | -01 *
skills: Acro -2, Bluff 3, Diplomacy 11, Escape Artist -3, Heal 7, Know religion 12, Know planes 5 know nobility 5 Perception 22, perform oratory 6, Profession (chef) 16, Sense Motive 3, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 3, surv 3

"I got smacked in the head last mission I was on... now I can't do math anymore... " Lore wrinkles her nose, then laughs... "Just kidding about the whacked in the head thing.. I was just never good at math."

Dark Archive

Half-orc Growling Blade 11 | HP: 91/91 | DISRUPTIVE & SPELLBREAKER | AC: 25 | T: 16 | FF: 23 | CMD: 29 | Fort: +11 | Ref: +15 | Will: +12 | Init: +3 | Perc: +4 | SM: -1 | Speed 30 ft.
Tracked resources:
Bardic Performances: 24/25 ; Spells: 0 - 6 ; 1st - 6/6 ; 2nd - 5/5 ; 3rd - 25/4 ; 4th - 2/2 ; Weapon's Spell (Arcane Bond): 1/1

Wow, thanks a lot for your generosity, Myrdon and Lore!

Shamak is eager to be healed and thanks profusely his companions.
However, he wrinkles his eyes at the puzzle.

So, what do you do? Myrdon and Eladrian have posted some interesting theories in the discussion, but I need to know if you press the buttons, and which, or if you do something else.

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf Slayer/9 70/70 HP] [AC: 22 T: 14 FF: 19 (+2 Dodge vs traps)] [Perc +15 {+19 vs trap}] [F+8/R+10/W+5 {+2 vs Enchantment, +2 Reflex vs Traps}] [CMB +13] [CMD 27] [SP 30FT] [INIT +9]

I think that we should follow Myrdon's theory.. and in the order they are presented on the doorway. I think that would be pressing: squiggly, beetle, scorpion, and dog, in that order.

Pressing the buttons cause the door to open, revealing a short stairway leading up to the center of a hallway with identical doors at either end. The floor here is barely damp. Each doorway features a simple stone handle. On the passage’s northern wall are two figures in bas-relief: to the west, a human man holding an ankh in one hand and a khopesh in the other; to the east, a jackal-headed man double-wielding twin kukris.
Map updated.

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf Slayer/9 70/70 HP] [AC: 22 T: 14 FF: 19 (+2 Dodge vs traps)] [Perc +15 {+19 vs trap}] [F+8/R+10/W+5 {+2 vs Enchantment, +2 Reflex vs Traps}] [CMB +13] [CMD 27] [SP 30FT] [INIT +9]

Once everyone is ready to move forward:
Eladrian will lead the way, carefully searching for more traps as he follows the stairway to the hall. Here he pauses, keen eyes searching again. Once he is certain it is safe, he will move out, looking at each door.

Perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (13) + 13 = 26
+3 vs traps

Ealdrian finds yet another pit trap right in front of the western door.

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf Slayer/9 70/70 HP] [AC: 22 T: 14 FF: 19 (+2 Dodge vs traps)] [Perc +15 {+19 vs trap}] [F+8/R+10/W+5 {+2 vs Enchantment, +2 Reflex vs Traps}] [CMB +13] [CMD 27] [SP 30FT] [INIT +9]

Take 10 on Disable Device for 21
Eladrian calls out the trap, then goes to work trying to render it inoperable.

Liberty's Edge

Male Kitsune Swaskbuckler (Inspired blade) 5 HP: 17/39 Panache 2/4 Charmed life 2/3 | AC: 23 | T: 16 | FF: 17 | CMD: 20 | Fort: +5| Ref: +10 | Will: +2 (+5 vs Mind affecting, +8 Charms & Compulsions) | Init: +5| Perc: +8, low light vision

Yesterday I coudn't see the forum and you had advanced a lot, wow.

Had you finished, Eladrian?

Eladrian gets to work on the trap, but can't seem to get a handle on it.
Failed the DC by four or less.

The Exchange

N Half-elf 7 :: HP 57/60 :: AC 22 T 15 FF 18 CMD 27 :: Fort +8 Ref +9 Will +6 :: Init +7 Perception +18 (Low-Light)

When Eladrian steps away, Jal finishes wringing out his kapenia, pulls out his tools, and tries to bypass the trap.

Disable Device, take 10 = 25

Grand Lodge

HP 69/69 AC 21, 13, 20(18 T 12 FF 17); bab 7, (scimitar) +9/+4, (lt xbow) +11; F +10 R +7 W +11; INIT +3; Perc +22; CMB +6 CMD 19; channel 8/8 | gnome cleric(theologian)/5; exalted/6 | -01 *
skills: Acro -2, Bluff 3, Diplomacy 11, Escape Artist -3, Heal 7, Know religion 12, Know planes 5 know nobility 5 Perception 22, perform oratory 6, Profession (chef) 16, Sense Motive 3, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 3, surv 3

Lore will cast guidance on Jal before he begins (make that 25 a 26)

Even without Lore's divine guidance, Jal disarms the trap, granting you unfettered acces to both doors.

The Exchange

N Half-elf 7 :: HP 57/60 :: AC 22 T 15 FF 18 CMD 27 :: Fort +8 Ref +9 Will +6 :: Init +7 Perception +18 (Low-Light)

"I say we follow the direction of Jackal-head," says Jal, "This is his tomb, right?"

Unless someone has a better idea, the Varisian moves to the corresponding door, which he searches for traps before opening it.

Liberty's Edge

Male Kitsune Swaskbuckler (Inspired blade) 5 HP: 17/39 Panache 2/4 Charmed life 2/3 | AC: 23 | T: 16 | FF: 17 | CMD: 20 | Fort: +5| Ref: +10 | Will: +2 (+5 vs Mind affecting, +8 Charms & Compulsions) | Init: +5| Perc: +8, low light vision

Yes, lets look for the pharaoh

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf Slayer/9 70/70 HP] [AC: 22 T: 14 FF: 19 (+2 Dodge vs traps)] [Perc +15 {+19 vs trap}] [F+8/R+10/W+5 {+2 vs Enchantment, +2 Reflex vs Traps}] [CMB +13] [CMD 27] [SP 30FT] [INIT +9]

Eladrian draws his bow and sets an arrow to the string. Once all is ready, he gives Jal a nod to open the door.

Brilliant treasure fills this room. From every angle, gold, silver, and myriad gems catch the light. While the floor is a soupy morass and mold grows up the walls, the Dog Pharaoh’s treasures sit atop shelves untouched by the grime below. An ornate sarcophagus lies on a dais at the far end of the room, mold growing up its sides.

Appraise DC 15 OR Perception DC 20:
The treasures are nothing but replicas of real treasure, false prizes apparently intended to deceive looters. Gems are cleverly cut glass, gold is pyrite, and everything else is of the same quality one might find in any Sothis curio shop.

Perception DC 20:
The mold on the south wall of the room has grown in an unusually linear pattern. Close inspection reveals a secret door.

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf Slayer/9 70/70 HP] [AC: 22 T: 14 FF: 19 (+2 Dodge vs traps)] [Perc +15 {+19 vs trap}] [F+8/R+10/W+5 {+2 vs Enchantment, +2 Reflex vs Traps}] [CMB +13] [CMD 27] [SP 30FT] [INIT +9]

Perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (13) + 13 = 26
Perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (15) + 13 = 28

"Don't mess with any of the treasure.." Eladrian says "Its fake, and god only knows what other traps may be in here. On the other hand, there is a secret door across the room."

GM: Before we enter the room, does Eladrian see anything odd about the mold or anything else in the room? The way things are going, I am not putting my trust in anything!!!

Dark Archive

Varisian Human Sorcerer (Sylvan) L13 | HP: 96/96 | AC:13+4+1 T:13+1 FF:12+4 | CMB:+5+2 CMD:18+1 | Saves F:14+2 R:12+2+1 W:14+2 | Init:+6 | Per:+16+2 | Spd: 30 fly 40 +30 | Reroll: 1/1 | Spells: L1 6/9, L2 5/8, L3: 4/8, L4: 5/8, L5: 5/8, L6:4/5 | Topple Rod: 3/3 | Fleeting Glance: 11/13 | Conditions: false life (13h); overland flight (13h); heroism (130m); mage armor (1h); haste

Wait, wasn't Eladrian at the western door? The room revealed is the eastern one? But I guess it's fine either way.

From behind the heavy hitters, Myrdon mutters the arcane words, "මැජික් හඳුනා!" and he scans the room, looking for the telltale aura of anything magical.

Myrdon casts detect magic

Knowledge (Nature/Dungeoneering) DC 12:
The mold is a lesser strain of brown mold and is harmless.

Myrdon senses no magic auras in the room.

Liberty's Edge

Male Kitsune Swaskbuckler (Inspired blade) 5 HP: 17/39 Panache 2/4 Charmed life 2/3 | AC: 23 | T: 16 | FF: 17 | CMD: 20 | Fort: +5| Ref: +10 | Will: +2 (+5 vs Mind affecting, +8 Charms & Compulsions) | Init: +5| Perc: +8, low light vision

Had you finished your inspections? Shall we enter?

The Exchange

N Half-elf 7 :: HP 57/60 :: AC 22 T 15 FF 18 CMD 27 :: Fort +8 Ref +9 Will +6 :: Init +7 Perception +18 (Low-Light)

Know (Dungeoneering): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19

Jal scowls at the fake wealth, but nods at Eladrian’s perceptiveness. ”Nice.” He points to the mold. ”That should be harmless,” he says as he moves into the room, "but I can't think of a reason to mess with it, either."

First, he stops at the sarcophagus, taking some time to search it for anything interesting. Or anything dangerous.
Perception, sarcophagus: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (11) + 13 = 24

Then he does the same for the hidden door.
Perception, secret door: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (19) + 13 = 32

Jal finds absolutely nothing of note on neither the sarcophagus nor the secret door. But his faction mission sense is tingling, as there was a Qadria mission in this room.

The Exchange

N Half-elf 7 :: HP 57/60 :: AC 22 T 15 FF 18 CMD 27 :: Fort +8 Ref +9 Will +6 :: Init +7 Perception +18 (Low-Light)

Should I have knowledge of the mission? I'm assuming it has to do with the sarcophagus, but I'm not sure what to do with it.

It's just the defunct pre-seadon 5 missions, where, in this case, Qadira members needed to take some of the shiny junk.
Is anybody opening the secret door?

The Exchange

N Half-elf 7 :: HP 57/60 :: AC 22 T 15 FF 18 CMD 27 :: Fort +8 Ref +9 Will +6 :: Init +7 Perception +18 (Low-Light)

Given that, Jal would have been taking odd, but stand-out looking bits and pieces as we go. Those little thingies from the first (eastern) room and a few shines from this room are likely candidates.

Jal—not finding anything dangerous—takes a bag from his pack—the same bag he placed a few of the little statues from earlier into—and scrapes some of the gold and gems into it with one of his knives. If anyone asks what he's doing, he shrugs, "When the bosses say frog, I jump."

Then, sliding the sack back into his pack, he moves to the secret door, which he opens as quietly as he can, peeking inside for threats before sneaking beyond.

Perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (4) + 13 = 17
Stealth: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31

GM Secrets:
1d20 + 16 ⇒ (5) + 16 = 21
1d20 + 16 ⇒ (3) + 16 = 19
1d20 + 16 ⇒ (6) + 16 = 22

Jal slides the secret doot open, revealing a long, dank hallway containing three sarcophagi arranged down the center of the floor. The floor, walls, ceiling and the sarcophagi themselves are completely covered with a layer of dull brown fuzz. A door in the eastern wall at the south end of the room provides the only exit aside from the secret door to the north. The air here is unnaturally cold.

Jal senses no threats as he advances into the room.
Map updated.

The Exchange

N Half-elf 7 :: HP 57/60 :: AC 22 T 15 FF 18 CMD 27 :: Fort +8 Ref +9 Will +6 :: Init +7 Perception +18 (Low-Light)

Would that previously-rolled Dungeoneering check regarding Brown Mold reveal anything else about the stuff? Or do I need a new check for more information. The brown fuzz on everything and dropping temperatures have my Adventurer Senses tingling.
add'l Know (Dungeoneering), if necessary: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

If Jal knows something dangerous about the brown mold, it'll likely change the following actions.

Jal pauses for a second, uncomfortable in the unnatural-feeling cold. "Can someone check this room for magic?" he whispers to the group behind him as he scans the room.

Once one of the group's magic-users begins checking for magic, the Varisina creeps forward, body tense as he moves towards the room's other exit. (If he gets there without springing a trap or something) he checks it for traps and listens at it before quietly opening it.

Perception, south-eastern door: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (10) + 13 = 23
Stealth: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30

Grand Lodge

HP 69/69 AC 21, 13, 20(18 T 12 FF 17); bab 7, (scimitar) +9/+4, (lt xbow) +11; F +10 R +7 W +11; INIT +3; Perc +22; CMB +6 CMD 19; channel 8/8 | gnome cleric(theologian)/5; exalted/6 | -01 *
skills: Acro -2, Bluff 3, Diplomacy 11, Escape Artist -3, Heal 7, Know religion 12, Know planes 5 know nobility 5 Perception 22, perform oratory 6, Profession (chef) 16, Sense Motive 3, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 3, surv 3

Lore scowls at the sight of the brown fuzzy stuff... and casts guidance on Jal before he proceeds to the southeastern door.

Actual Brown Mold deals non-lethal cold damage to adjacent creatures, but non of the patches you've seen so far are capable of causing harm. You also know that fire causes it to grow rapidly, while cold damage instantly destroys it.

GM secrets:
1d20 + 16 ⇒ (13) + 16 = 29
1d20 + 16 ⇒ (9) + 16 = 25
1d20 + 16 ⇒ (18) + 16 = 34

As Jal ventures deeper into the moldy chamber, the lid on the furthest sarcophagus slides open, and a creature wrapped in moldy linens rises.

Jal: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
Lore: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
Jhon: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23
Myrdon: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16
Eladrian: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21
Shamak: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
1d20 ⇒ 16

Combat Round 1
Bold may act
Jhon, Myrdon, Eladrian
Jal, Lore, Shamak

The mold on the mummy is actual brown mold, cold damage and all.

The Exchange

N Half-elf 7 :: HP 57/60 :: AC 22 T 15 FF 18 CMD 27 :: Fort +8 Ref +9 Will +6 :: Init +7 Perception +18 (Low-Light)

Can Jal have communicated about the "don't hit it with fire" bit of info before this combat started, seeing as he would have identified that bit in the previous room?


Dark Archive

Half-orc Growling Blade 11 | HP: 91/91 | DISRUPTIVE & SPELLBREAKER | AC: 25 | T: 16 | FF: 23 | CMD: 29 | Fort: +11 | Ref: +15 | Will: +12 | Init: +3 | Perc: +4 | SM: -1 | Speed 30 ft.
Tracked resources:
Bardic Performances: 24/25 ; Spells: 0 - 6 ; 1st - 6/6 ; 2nd - 5/5 ; 3rd - 25/4 ; 4th - 2/2 ; Weapon's Spell (Arcane Bond): 1/1

Wow, that was so fast, I couldn't follow. ^^

Shamak is ready to cheer but not quite.

Dark Archive

Varisian Human Sorcerer (Sylvan) L13 | HP: 96/96 | AC:13+4+1 T:13+1 FF:12+4 | CMB:+5+2 CMD:18+1 | Saves F:14+2 R:12+2+1 W:14+2 | Init:+6 | Per:+16+2 | Spd: 30 fly 40 +30 | Reroll: 1/1 | Spells: L1 6/9, L2 5/8, L3: 4/8, L4: 5/8, L5: 5/8, L6:4/5 | Topple Rod: 3/3 | Fleeting Glance: 11/13 | Conditions: false life (13h); overland flight (13h); heroism (130m); mage armor (1h); haste

Myrdon lays his hand on Aegis and incants an arcane word, "පලිහ!" as a magical force surrounds his pet companion. However, he holds Aegis from attacking just yet, instead letting the mummy draw nearer first.

Cast shield on Aegis, but won't send him to attack just yet. Will let the mummy move closer first.

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf Slayer/9 70/70 HP] [AC: 22 T: 14 FF: 19 (+2 Dodge vs traps)] [Perc +15 {+19 vs trap}] [F+8/R+10/W+5 {+2 vs Enchantment, +2 Reflex vs Traps}] [CMB +13] [CMD 27] [SP 30FT] [INIT +9]

Eladrian curses as the mummy rises from the sarcophagus. "I hate dealing with the undead.." he says, staring hard at the creature. Studied Target He then carefully puts two arrows into the air at the creature.

Attack: 1d20 + 12 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 12 + 2 = 31
Attack: 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 7 + 2 = 20

Damage: 1d8 + 2 + 2 + 2d6 ⇒ (2) + 2 + 2 + (1, 5) = 12
Damage: 1d8 + 2 + 2 + 2d6 ⇒ (5) + 2 + 2 + (4, 2) = 15

Myrdon casts an abjuration on Aegis, while Eladrian fires two arrows at the mummy. Both hit, but the harm is lessened somewhat by its tough build.

Combat Round 1
Bold may act
Jhon, Myrdon, Eladrian
Mummy (17 damage)
Jal, Lore, Shamak

Botting Jhon.

Jhon moves into the room and readies himself tom strike any enemy foolish enough to get close.

The moldy mummy clambers out of the sarcophagus and shuffles up to Jal. As it gets closer, its burning red eyes start to haunt Jal and Jhon.

Will, Jal: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8
Will, Jhon: 1d20 + 2 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 2 + 5 = 8
That's not good... Any tricks up your sleeves? Otherwise:

Jal and Jhon freeze in place, paralyzed by fear. 1d4 ⇒ 1

To add inuslt to injury, the mold on the mummy saps the warmth from Jal's body.
Non-lethal cold damge: 3d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 2) = 7

To make matter even worse, the lids of the two other sarcophagi slide open, and two additional moldy mummies rise from their graves. The mold on the mummy closest to the entrance affects both Jhon and Jal immediately.
Non-lethal cold damge: 3d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 4) = 11

Eladrian and Shamak feel the malevolent presence of the nearest mummy as well.

Will, Eladrian: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18
Will, Shamak: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26

They both resist the horror, though.

Combat Round 1/2
Bold may act
Jhon (paralyzed, 11 non-lethal damage), Myrdon, Eladrian
Mummies (red: 17 damage)
Jal (paralyzed, 18 non-lethal damage), Lore, Shamak

Dark Archive

Varisian Human Sorcerer (Sylvan) L13 | HP: 96/96 | AC:13+4+1 T:13+1 FF:12+4 | CMB:+5+2 CMD:18+1 | Saves F:14+2 R:12+2+1 W:14+2 | Init:+6 | Per:+16+2 | Spd: 30 fly 40 +30 | Reroll: 1/1 | Spells: L1 6/9, L2 5/8, L3: 4/8, L4: 5/8, L5: 5/8, L6:4/5 | Topple Rod: 3/3 | Fleeting Glance: 11/13 | Conditions: false life (13h); overland flight (13h); heroism (130m); mage armor (1h); haste

Myrdon utters an arcane word, "ඉක්මන්!" as he tosses some powdered licorice root into the air, which quickly settles on everyone in the party except for himself.

Caste haste on everyone in the party except for himself.
Haste rd 1: +1 attack, AC and reflex save. Additional attack when making full attack. +30 ft movement.

He then raises his hand, pointing at the nearest mummy and commands Aegis to attack it.

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