GM ShadowLord's Quest for the Frozen Flame

Game Master The Rising Phoenix

Book Two: Lost Mammoth Valley
Battle Map

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Male HP 74, AC 23, F +13, R +12, W +10 Half-orc thaumaturge 6

Kadosh hems and haws before answering. He much prefers calm, thoughtful deliberation and careful consideration to a hasty decision.

"I don't think we can find friends in Ashen Swale and the dragon. But, the Sutaki ... I don't think we can say now. We need to meet them, see them. If they give us any hint that we can be allies, then I think we must try. If not, we'll fight if we have to, but I can't help but think that if we must deal with them, and the necromancer, and the dragon, and still maybe the Burning Tusks, we won't be the ones surviving."

NG male half-elf animist 6 HP 31 ( 25)/57 | AC 22 | F +10 R +12 W +14 | Perc +14 | 3: 2/2 S 2: 2/2 S 1: 2/2 S speed 25 ft | focus 1/3| Hero 1 | Active Conditions:

"It is a hard time for the following, but we aren't without hope," Hakata reassures Imek. "You can count on us. We'll get back the Primordial Flame. No one wanted this to happen, but Sister Cinder has guided us this far."

Male Goblin ◆◇↺ Witch [Beastmaster] 6 Hp 14/54 AC (T) 21 Fort(E) +12, Ref(E) +13, Will(E) +9 Perception(T) +7 Focus Points 3/3 Conditions

Strongjaw places a steadying, comforting hand on Wipa's knee. The small goblin reaches for her loose strain of hair, having found escape from her kerchief.
Bees dat some leftover pasta sauce? Yummy!

The goblin smacks his lips.
Pakano? He bees in Asshat! Wheneversvwees gits our hands on himself! Your husband bees avenged! Asshat!

He does seem to have gotten all the red sauce out of her hair ...

Female Demontouched Female Kellid God-Caller 6 - HP 86/86| AC 21 | F +12 R +11 W +13 | Perception +13 | Focus 0/2 |Hero Points 2 |

Veshka hisses as her wounds is prodded, grateful when the topic finally changes from whether or not she's just 'acting' tough. "They're not demons of war; they're demons of murder. Once they pick a victim they keep going until they can carve off a trophy. I just didn't die. This one picked me because... Who knows. Probably the amulet, possibly Catamoch, it all comes back to my ill luck."

She shrugs jaggedly. "It doesn't matter. Better me than one of the others."

Honestly confused she asks, "Why are you talking about Valda?"

"Radiant" | Female human exemplar 6 | HP 98/98| AC 24 | Fort +14, Ref +9, Will +12 | Perc +10 | Focus: 3/3 | Hero Point: 0/3

Valda grins as Merthig calls her special. "I was chosen by the gods to walk in their footsteps. It is my calling. My destiny. I will not let our people down. I will lead them through the valley to salvation.

"We must find the Primordial Flame. We will fix the mistakes of the past and burn a path towards a brighter future. And I pity any that dare to stand in our way, be they demon or dragon!"

TG1 | GW | FF | RH | RoW

You wrap up your discussions and enjoy a delicious, well-deserved meal with the following. Strongjaw practices his song-singing for the group throughout the course. Evening comes and goes, and before long you find yourselves setting out eastward again to push further into the valley.

The first few days are spent traversing a forest enveloped in a frigid cold. All of the wildlife in this area appears to have died from intense cold. Icicles still hang from the trees, and the grass is damp. Kadosh confirms that this damage was caused by the breath of a white dragon.

On the fifth day, you encounter a towering 500-foot-tall tree rising above the surrounding forest. Beneath its roots is an ancient shrine to Fandarra. As you approach, you come across three terrified Mendevian soldiers.

Outside the hollow, three soldiers argue heatedly. A halfling with wide, frightened eyes, looks up as you approach. "You there! Can you help us? This place... it's haunted by angry spirits." he says, his voice trembling.

A half-elf with an air of bravado that seems forced, nods vigorously. "Yes, yes! Spirits. We were ordered to destroy them, but... well, we're not exactly equipped for that sort of thing." she adds, trying to mask her fear with a weak smile.

A kitsune abjurer, looks visibly shaken but tries to maintain composure. "Please, if you could take care of the spirits, we'll do something to make it worth your while. Trade you information or even escort you to our base. We can't handle this alone."

NG male half-elf animist 6 HP 31 ( 25)/57 | AC 22 | F +10 R +12 W +14 | Perc +14 | 3: 2/2 S 2: 2/2 S 1: 2/2 S speed 25 ft | focus 1/3| Hero 1 | Active Conditions:

Hakata frowns at the Mendevians, "Why do you want to disturb the spirits?"

TG1 | GW | FF | RH | RoW

"The spirits are disturbiung us!" the half-elf says with wide-eyes, clearly perturbed by the scary spirits. "We didn't want to have anything to do with them, but they keep haunting us! We just want it to stop!"

The kitsune adds "Maybe you could, I don't know, calm them or something? Are you any good with spirits? We have no experience in dealing with them and it's clearly beyond us."

NG male half-elf animist 6 HP 31 ( 25)/57 | AC 22 | F +10 R +12 W +14 | Perc +14 | 3: 2/2 S 2: 2/2 S 1: 2/2 S speed 25 ft | focus 1/3| Hero 1 | Active Conditions:

"Have they made it clear why they are bothering you? Perhaps they don't like your intrusion on this area," Hakata suggests. "We are quite good at dealing with such spirits, but your attitude suggests that you don't regard them as having as much right to be here as you do, if not more."

Female Demontouched Female Kellid God-Caller 6 - HP 86/86| AC 21 | F +12 R +11 W +13 | Perception +13 | Focus 0/2 |Hero Points 2 |

Veshka clomps forward on hoofed feet. "The spirits can speak for themselves Hakata. Anyone flying those colors has seen horrors that this land hasn't known. Soldiers of Mendev, will you listen to what those who are spiritwise tell you? This land is not yours, and what may have seemed simple caution to you draw as much ire as a bared blade at a talk of peace."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (12) + 11 = 23

Male HP 74, AC 23, F +13, R +12, W +10 Half-orc thaumaturge 6

Kadosh steels himself, pulling out various talismans he hopes will protect him if needed. "Perhaps we can reach some peace," he says.

He looks toward the shrine to see if he can discern anything.

"Why were you trying to reach the shrine?"

Male Goblin ◆◇↺ Witch [Beastmaster] 6 Hp 14/54 AC (T) 21 Fort(E) +12, Ref(E) +13, Will(E) +9 Perception(T) +7 Focus Points 3/3 Conditions

The Snow Goblin seems simply memorized by all the beautiful artistry that is Ice and Snow! Strongjaw is seen drooling a bit here and there as they traverse that oh so gorgeous winter!

Looking up, up, up at the...up, up Tree, the Winter Witch, The White Rabbit, and Tanngrisnir approach it with reverence and awe!
Oh Great Winter Tree dat bees great. Tell us ov da Broken Tusks Tribes wat youses bees wants?

Performance(E), Impressive Performance, familiar: 1d20 + 13 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 13 + 1 = 32

TG1 | GW | FF | RH | RoW

To Hakata, the half-elf responds "No! We don't know why! It could be they don't like us. That makes a lot of sense."

The soldiers exchange uneasy glances. Veshka's words seem to resonate with them, and they begin to relax slightly.

The kitsune, responds. "We were ordered to destroy the spirits. Our commander thinks they're dangerous, but we don't have the means to do it ourselves. We just want to complete our mission and get out of here."

Strongjaw's performance is indeed impressive, his voice echoing through the clearing. The tree seems to respond, the air around it growing warmer as if acknowledging the reverence shown by Strongjaw.

The Mendevian soldiers stand in awe for a moment, taken aback by the presence of the Broken Tusk scouts. Finally, the halfling adds "Maybe you don't have to destroy them. Maybe just find out if they are dangerous so we can report that back instead?"

Kadosh looks towards the shrine inside the hollow and can see some roots moving around and the faint whispers of sounds coming from within.

Male HP 74, AC 23, F +13, R +12, W +10 Half-orc thaumaturge 6

"We can do that," he agrees. "There are much greater dangers in this valley than spirits -- like a dragon!"

He begins heading toward the shrine, hoping to sooth the spirits.

NG male half-elf animist 6 HP 31 ( 25)/57 | AC 22 | F +10 R +12 W +14 | Perc +14 | 3: 2/2 S 2: 2/2 S 1: 2/2 S speed 25 ft | focus 1/3| Hero 1 | Active Conditions:

Hakata walks along next to Kadosh and says, under his breath in Hallit, "These outsides may be useful in our fight against the dragon, but they're liable to be devoured by the spirits of this place before they make themselves helpful."

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Kadosh leads the party into the hollow beneath the towering 500-foot-tall tree, anticipation of angry spirits thick in the air. The entrance, partially obscured by roots and foliage, formed a natural archway that beckoned them inside. As they stepped through, the light from outside faded, replaced by a dim, ethereal glow that seemed to emanate from the tree itself.

Inside, the atmosphere is cool and damp. The scent of earth and ancient wood fill your senses. The walls of the hollow are lined with thick, gnarled roots, twisting and winding their way into the ground, creating an intricate, natural tapestry. Small patches of luminescent moss cast a soft, greenish light, illuminating the space with an otherworldly glow.

The roots formed natural alcoves and nooks, some large enough to hide in. The luminescent moss clings to these roots, casting eerie shadows that dances with the slightest movement. Scattered around the base of the hollow are remnants of old offerings to Fandarra — worn stones, broken pottery, and weathered carvings. These artifacts tell a story of reverence and worship long forgotten by most.

The shadows seem to move on their own, creating an unsettling illusion of living darkness. Roots shift and creak as if they had a life of their own. The air is full of soft whispers and ghostly moans as if the very tree itself was sighing with ancient breath. Occasionally, you feel tugs at your clothing, objects moving just out of reach, and hear ghostly with an unknown origin.

This hollow is clearly haunted.

Perception DC20:
Occasionally, faint giggles, high-pitched and childlike, echo through the hollow. Tiny figures dart between the roots in the shadows. Though obscured, these mischievous creatures appear with plant-like bodies, blending seamlessly with the surroundings.

Male Goblin ◆◇↺ Witch [Beastmaster] 6 Hp 14/54 AC (T) 21 Fort(E) +12, Ref(E) +13, Will(E) +9 Perception(T) +7 Focus Points 3/3 Conditions

Perception(T) DC 20: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20

Strongjaw enters the Great Tree with reverence and awe. The Winter Witch seems mostly infatuated by the....

....Occasionally, faint giggles, high-pitched and childlike, echo through the hollow. Tiny figures dart between the roots in the shadows. Though obscured, these mischievous creatures appear with plant-like bodies, blending seamlessly with the surroundings.

Both the White Rabbit and Tanngrisnir seem a bit surprised by the goblins astuteness.

Female Demontouched Female Kellid God-Caller 6 - HP 86/86| AC 21 | F +12 R +11 W +13 | Perception +13 | Focus 0/2 |Hero Points 2 |

Veshka doesn't bother specifically addressing the mischievous plant creatures - obviously they're trying to remain concealed, instead speaking broadly to her surroundings.

"Spirits, we come to speak with you and learn your will for these lands. Long has our Following absented these paths, but we would not return without also renewing the friendships and pacts of those before us."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (8) + 11 = 19

Male HP 74, AC 23, F +13, R +12, W +10 Half-orc thaumaturge 6

Perception (expert), spiritsight: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18
Not sure if this applies: +2 item bonus when using the Seek action to find hidden or undetected incorporeal creatures within 30 feet of you.

Kadosh pulls out his charms, hoping that Veshka's words fine a reasonable response. "We seek to set this valley right, to let the spirits rest or play as they want," he adds.

Diplomacy (expert): 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (13) + 13 = 26

TG1 | GW | FF | RH | RoW

Sure, the bonus applies.

From the shadows of the hollow, hushed, hurried whispers echo faintly. "WWWHOOOOOO DARES DISTURB OUR ANCIENT SLUMBER?!" a voice crooned, elongating the words with exaggerated drama.

"We are the guardians of this place!" another added, the tone both high-pitched and wavering, almost as if trying too hard to be spectral.

"Our roots go DEEEEEEEEP, our branches WIIIIIII-DE." a third voice chanted, the sound bouncing off the walls and making it hard to pinpoint its source. "Tread carefully, mortals, or face the wrath of the spirits."

"You seek to set things right?" another voice asks, more curious than menacing. "What do you offer the spirits of these lands in return for your passage and your peace? Prove your intentions, travelers, and perhaps we shall allow you to proceed."

Female Demontouched Female Kellid God-Caller 6 - HP 86/86| AC 21 | F +12 R +11 W +13 | Perception +13 | Focus 0/2 |Hero Points 2 |

"Our passage is itself a gift. Our mammoths spread the seed-children of the tundras and taigas far and wide; we keep predators in check, and nurse the injured along our path. And when tyrants seek to bar our path, we pull them down."

Male Goblin ◆◇↺ Witch [Beastmaster] 6 Hp 14/54 AC (T) 21 Fort(E) +12, Ref(E) +13, Will(E) +9 Perception(T) +7 Focus Points 3/3 Conditions

Strongjaw, the White Rabbit and even Tanngrisnir seem to be laughing hysterically while rolling on the foliage covered ground....

TG1 | GW | FF | RH | RoW

As the witch and his companions collapse in laughter, Veshka's words resonate through the hollow, her voice filled with conviction. She speaks of the following's noble intentions, hoping their purpose will suffice.

Suddenly, from the shadows, a chorus of giggles breaks the eerie silence. Pine leshys, unable to maintain their spooky facade, burst out into the open, rolling on the ground in fits of laughter. Their tiny forms, resembling living pinecones, shake with mirth as they tumble around the party.

"Alright, alright, you've got us!" one of the leshys chortles, wiping a tear from its eye. "We couldn't keep it up any longer."

"Your words were so serious, and here we were trying to be all spooky!" another leshy adds, still chuckling. "Humanoids are so gullible! It's been ages since we had this much fun."

The leshys scamper around, rolling, dancing and twirling with amusement at the party's expense clearly (all meant in good spirits).

Male Goblin ◆◇↺ Witch [Beastmaster] 6 Hp 14/54 AC (T) 21 Fort(E) +12, Ref(E) +13, Will(E) +9 Perception(T) +7 Focus Points 3/3 Conditions

Strongjaw smiles at the cute little talking pinecones. The White Rabbit only shakes his head disappointedly, although the Familiar has a smiles on his fuzzy face. Tanngrisnir slips the goblin a gold piece while chewing some delicious foliage with a lack of conviction.

You boys really fools us. Nice! So, what's ken youses bees telling us about dis Stupids wizards and dragon?

NG male half-elf animist 6 HP 31 ( 25)/57 | AC 22 | F +10 R +12 W +14 | Perc +14 | 3: 2/2 S 2: 2/2 S 1: 2/2 S speed 25 ft | focus 1/3| Hero 1 | Active Conditions:

Hakata's mood instantly changes and a smile split his taciturn face, "Ha! You really had me going. And you scared the wits out of those outlanders."

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The leshys, still giggling, gather closer, their playful demeanor now mixed with a sense of seriousness. One of the leshys, a slightly taller one with a particularly bright green hue, speaks up. "Ah, necromancers and the dragon. Yes, we've heard much of them."

"The necromancers are a nasty bunch!" a smaller, brown leshy chimes in. "They dwell in their tower, always stirring trouble and upsetting the balance of things. They're led by Ashen Swale, a cruel god caller who serves the dragon Venexus. The tower is just to the east a bit."

"God callers are REALLY scary! I never want to meet one!" another shouts out.

"Venexus is the true threat." The first lesson continues. "A great white dragon who claims dominion over this valley. Her breath freezes all in its path, and she commands the necromancers to do her bidding."

As the laughter of the pine leshys fades, the air around the ancient tree grows still. From the shadows of the towering roots, a figure gracefully steps into view. Her skin has the texture of smooth bark, and her hair cascades like willow branches. She moves with an ethereal grace, her presence calming and serene.

"Greetings, travelers." she says, her voice soft and melodic. "I am Daphelia, guardian of this ancient tree. I have observed your kind hearts and courageous spirits, and I wish to ask a favor of you, if you will hear me out."

Male HP 74, AC 23, F +13, R +12, W +10 Half-orc thaumaturge 6

"Spirits, you should be careful," Kadosh warns anxiously. "Those people outside were afraid they had to come in and kill you. Who knows what could have happened..."

He's about to ask how many necromancers there are when Daphelia steps out.

"Of course, oh tree spirit. Ask and we will do our best to fulfill your request!"

TG1 | GW | FF | RH | RoW

"My brother, Bargott, resides in another tree on the opposite side of the valley’s central mountain. Our trees are twinned; their roots and branches were once connected through the very essence of this land. However, I can no longer feel his presence. The valley has fallen outside the sway of the seasons, and I fear it has become cursed."

She steps closer, holding out her hand to reveal a seed from the elder tree, freshly sprouted despite not resting in the soil. The seed glows faintly with a gentle, green light. "Please, take this seed to Bargott. It will let him know that he is not alone and may help lift the curse that plagues this valley."

Male Goblin ◆◇↺ Witch [Beastmaster] 6 Hp 14/54 AC (T) 21 Fort(E) +12, Ref(E) +13, Will(E) +9 Perception(T) +7 Focus Points 3/3 Conditions

As the dryad manifests from the Great Tree, Strongjaw begins fumbling about furiously looking for a comb!

The White Rabbit is seen wearing formal wear.

Tanngrisnir is seen munching on some particularly fine foliage.

NG male half-elf animist 6 HP 31 ( 25)/57 | AC 22 | F +10 R +12 W +14 | Perc +14 | 3: 2/2 S 2: 2/2 S 1: 2/2 S speed 25 ft | focus 1/3| Hero 1 | Active Conditions:

"We would be honored to," Hakata replies. "If we are successful here, I hope we will bring balance back to this valley, as well."

Female Demontouched Female Kellid God-Caller 6 - HP 86/86| AC 21 | F +12 R +11 W +13 | Perception +13 | Focus 0/2 |Hero Points 2 |

Veshka smirks to herself but doesn't trouble the small plant spirit with the knowledge of how close it came to earning a god-caller's wrath.

Bargott though, she takes more seriously. "I only hope he still lives. If not, we can at least offer you vengeance."

TG1 | GW | FF | RH | RoW

After agreeing to help the dryad, you take the elder tree seed and depart the hollow.

You don't make it more than a few steps away before you spot the trio of Mendevian soldiers cowering behind a nearby bush, surprised at your return. "You... you did it then? You've sated the spirits?" they ask, surprised to see you all uninjured.

Male HP 74, AC 23, F +13, R +12, W +10 Half-orc thaumaturge 6

Kadosh thinks for a moment about the best way to answer.

"Yes, you don't need to worry about them anymore. They weren't trying to harm anyone, just have a little fun. If you leave them in peace, they'll leave you in peace. If you need us to tell your commander that, we can. Perhaps we can give him some other suggestions for how to live in peace with the spirits too..."

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The three soldiers nod, clearly relieved, and quickly offer to escort you back to their camp to speak with Commander Montgrim. The journey through the dense forest is cautious but swift, with the soldiers leading the way. Along the path, you notice signs of recent battles: broken branches, charred ground, and the occasional piece of discarded armor or weapon.

As you approach the Mendevian encampment, you see it's well-hidden among the trees, with camouflaged dugouts, treetop watch posts, and several large yurts. The camp is bustling with activity despite its hidden location. Soldiers are moving about, tending to duties, and there's a constant hum of work from the kitchen, field hospital, and smithy.

Upon your arrival, you're met with curious stares from the soldiers, but no one seems hostile. The trio of soldiers who escorted you speaks quickly to a nearby guard, who nods and leads you further into the camp.

Shortly after, you're approached by a stout dwarf with a commanding presence. His armor is polished, and he carries himself with the authority of someone who has seen many battles.

"Greetings," he says in a deep, gravelly voice. "I am Commander Montgrim. What brings you to our encampment in these troubled times?"

The half-elf Belguese speaks up "The folk have ... satiated the spirits and are here to tell you that they are no longer a concern.". She turns to you, intending for you to speak.

Male Goblin ◆◇↺ Witch [Beastmaster] 6 Hp 14/54 AC (T) 21 Fort(E) +12, Ref(E) +13, Will(E) +9 Perception(T) +7 Focus Points 3/3 Conditions

With a sadness in his eyes at their necessary departure from the dryad, Strongjaw sits astride Tanngrisnir sobbing while The White Rabbit is seen handing the goblin clean handkerchiefs.

There seems to be a lot of formally clean handkerchiefs being eaten by Tanngrisnir.

As the group reencounters the trio of crybaby knights, the Witch resists the strong urge to spook the metal bastards.

At the eerily surrounded by long shanks camp, the goblin, the rabbit, the goat seem to be watching them all!
Dis bees un traps!

When the dwarf commander approaches they all three puke!

NG male half-elf animist 6 HP 31 ( 25)/57 | AC 22 | F +10 R +12 W +14 | Perc +14 | 3: 2/2 S 2: 2/2 S 1: 2/2 S speed 25 ft | focus 1/3| Hero 1 | Active Conditions:

Hakata holds his breath, then steps discretely in front of the goblin and his minions, waiting for one of the more outgoing members of the party to speak.

Female Demontouched Female Kellid God-Caller 6 - HP 86/86| AC 21 | F +12 R +11 W +13 | Perception +13 | Focus 0/2 |Hero Points 2 |

The yurts do not catch Veshka's eye, but the smithy surely does. "We are of the Broken Tusk Following, and the course of our Following passes through this valley. You have been long waylayed. Else it looks as though you wish to make this home, which might be acceptable, or part of Mendev, which despite the love I bear your former queen, is not."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (13) + 11 = 24

Male HP 74, AC 23, F +13, R +12, W +10 Half-orc thaumaturge 6

"And if you do stay here, you're going to need to learn to make peace with the spirits. This is their land, and they were here first. But they're willing to do so as long as you approach them properly."

TG1 | GW | FF | RH | RoW

Montgrim nods slowly, his expression thoughtful. "You speak wisely. Our presence here has indeed been fraught with challenges, not least of which are the spirits of this land. If you have the ability to broker peace with the spirits, we will accept that as a viable path forward. We have no desire to claim this place as Mendevian territory. We simply seek refuge and safety from the many dangers that beset us."

He glances at Moro, who steps forward, their eyes sharp and assessing. "We have fought many battles here, and the land itself seems to resist us at every turn. Your help in calming the spirits is appreciated, but we face other threats as well. The tatzlwyrms to the west, the necromancers to the east, and the constant fear of more attacks."

Montgrim's gaze returns to the Broken Tusks. "If you can help us secure this area and ensure the safety of our people, we would gladly ally ourselves with your following. Together, we might stand a better chance against the dangers of this valley."

Male Goblin ◆◇↺ Witch [Beastmaster] 6 Hp 14/54 AC (T) 21 Fort(E) +12, Ref(E) +13, Will(E) +9 Perception(T) +7 Focus Points 3/3 Conditions

Strongjaw, The White Rabbit and Tanngrisnir are seen wearing dark sunglasses and the trio are seen lined up and synchronizing dance moves.

Afterwards the trio are seen lying about and smoking cigarettes....

NG male half-elf animist 6 HP 31 ( 25)/57 | AC 22 | F +10 R +12 W +14 | Perc +14 | 3: 2/2 S 2: 2/2 S 1: 2/2 S speed 25 ft | focus 1/3| Hero 1 | Active Conditions:

"We would not turn down help from a willing and virtuous hand," Hakata concedes. [b]"We have heard of the necromancers in your stronghold, but tell of your troubles with the tatzlwyrms and these attacks that trouble you."

TG1 | GW | FF | RH | RoW

Commander Montgrim nods, his brow furrowing as he recalls the events. "When we first moved into this forest, we forced the local tatzlwyrms to the fringes. They managed to survive by eating birds, small animals, and the occasional lone soldier. For a while, it seemed manageable."

He pauses, glancing at his lieutenants, who nod in agreement. "But about six months ago, everything changed. The tatzlwyrms began to organize under the rule of two massive tatzlwyrms. These creatures are unlike any we've seen before, larger and more cunning. They led an attack on our camp, igniting the current conflict."

Montgrim's expression hardens. "We suspect these two monstrous tatzlwyrms either recently awakened from hibernation or were sent here by Venexus to lead her draconic armies. Whatever the cause, they've been relentless in their assaults, and we've lost good soldiers to their attacks."

Moro steps forward, their voice firm. "We believe that if we can defeat these two leaders, the remaining tatzlwyrms will disperse or at least become less organized. But it's not an easy task. These creatures are powerful and intelligent, and they know the terrain better than we do."

Montgrim concludes "Our attempts to track and confront them have been met with ambushes and traps. They seem to anticipate our moves. We need a new strategy, and your help could make the difference."

Male Goblin ◆◇↺ Witch [Beastmaster] 6 Hp 14/54 AC (T) 21 Fort(E) +12, Ref(E) +13, Will(E) +9 Perception(T) +7 Focus Points 3/3 Conditions

Youses bees knowing where's day bees? Wees ken goes and watch Valda kick dere worms butts!

Male Goblin ◆◇↺ Witch [Beastmaster] 6 Hp 14/54 AC (T) 21 Fort(E) +12, Ref(E) +13, Will(E) +9 Perception(T) +7 Focus Points 3/3 Conditions

The Witch then begins to consider what he actually knows about tatzlwyrms....
Arcana(T): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20

NG male half-elf animist 6 HP 31 ( 25)/57 | AC 22 | F +10 R +12 W +14 | Perc +14 | 3: 2/2 S 2: 2/2 S 1: 2/2 S speed 25 ft | focus 1/3| Hero 1 | Active Conditions:

"Those creatures sound like they are disturbing the order of the valley. If you help us, we would be willing to take care of them."

Male HP 74, AC 23, F +13, R +12, W +10 Half-orc thaumaturge 6

Kadosh tries to think of what he knows of tatzlwyrms.

Lore (esoteric) (trained) to Recall Knowledge: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (8) + 11 = 19

As usual, his esoteric lore fails him.

TG1 | GW | FF | RH | RoW

Kadosh and Stronjaw put their heads together and relay what they know about these creatures.

Tatzlwyrms are medium-sized serpentine draconic creatures with a poisonous or acidic breath weapon and a preference for ambush tactics. They tend to be immune to paralysis or sleep-like effects. These creatures are territorial and intelligent, often using the terrain to their advantage.

Over the next two days, the Mendevian soldiers lead you through the dense forest, navigating through thick underbrush and towering evergreens. The forest is alive with the sounds of wildlife, but there's an underlying tension as they approach the wyrm lair.

Commander Montgrim leads the way, with Lieutenant Moro scouting ahead and Nuphri, Timini, and Yosef covering the flanks and rear. Their movements are cautious but determined, showing their experience and discipline.

As you reach a forest clearing, Montgrim raises a hand to signal a halt. The clearing is surrounded by bushes and evergreen trees, making the terrain challenging. North of the clearing stands a 20-foot-tall wooden statue of The Warrior, a regional variant of Gorum, known for overseeing hunting and warfare. Beyond the statue, a series of rocky rises leads to a cave entrance.

Commander Montgrim turns to the scouts and says, "The wyrm lair is just ahead. We will stay here and guard your flank, engaging any additional wyrms that appear. Stay sharp and be ready for anything. Expect at least two to be in the lair, perhaps more."

Feel free to discuss a plan or just move forward.

Male Goblin ◆◇↺ Witch [Beastmaster] 6 Hp 14/54 AC (T) 21 Fort(E) +12, Ref(E) +13, Will(E) +9 Perception(T) +7 Focus Points 3/3 Conditions

Strongjaw is seen taking a measurement tape to everyone in the group.
Whoesevers bees da fats bees goings first.

The White Rabbit is seen smiling as he chews on a carrot stick.

Tanngrisnir is seen sucking it in....

Male HP 74, AC 23, F +13, R +12, W +10 Half-orc thaumaturge 6

"Perhaps we should try to lure them out?" Kadosh suggests. "Maybe --" he looks askance at the goblin -- "Strong Jaw's plan makes sense."

He sounds even more unsure of himself than usual.

Female Demontouched Female Kellid God-Caller 6 - HP 86/86| AC 21 | F +12 R +11 W +13 | Perception +13 | Focus 0/2 |Hero Points 2 |

"We should go in ready." A quick gash across her palm allows her to anoint Catamoch for battle, but the fortifying tincture she offers everyone doesn't have any of her blood in it. Probably.

[ooc]I'll give everyone a Thermal Remedy and give Catamoch Heroism

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