I always forget about that rule, so props to Amut for making use of it. That's not quite right, though--it's a standard action to start it this round, and another standard action next round to complete it.
Thanks everyone for the warm wishes. We got our release from the hospital late Monday, but still have to deal with the immediate recovery items and doctor follow ups. Hopefully I'll be able to map my downtime to when Roscoe is up :)
Good job, all! Aside from any final roleplaying, that's the scenario completed. I'll work on some of the chronicles today and hopefully have them all up ASAP. :)
Thank you guys for a great game! I'll run another game in the future, certainly, but not immediately.
(I admit, you guys were a great group and I'm tempted to offer the follow-up, The Slave Master's Mirror, but that's a 3-7 adventure so these characters aren't ready for that yet...)
Quin, you can add spells to your spellbook from any captured spellbooks (I don't believe there are any in this adventure), paying for the cost of materials as normal. If you're adding spells because you're leveling up, you can add any two spells to your spellbook. Keep in mind that technically you should own the book that they're from to use them in PFS (and they have to be legal for play).
Your chronicles are here! Let me know if you see any problems with them.
Female NG Suli Swashbuckler/Magus | HP: 18/18 | AC: 16 (12 Tch, 14 Fl) (+1 when adj. to one foe) | CMB: +4, CMD: 16 | F: +3, R: +4, W: +3 | Init: +2 | Perc: +4, SM: 6 | Speed 30ft | Panache 1/3, Eldritch Pool 4/4, Elemental Assault 0/1. Spells 1st 0/2 | Active conditions: none.
Got the chronicle, looks good, Just one question. Is it correct that I didn't earn the Sovereign Court boon? I think we did alright in the scenario and with both noblewoman, but it could have been a subtle condition to acquire it.