[PFS] GM Derek's W's Song of the Sea Witch (Inactive)

Game Master Derek Weil

Technic Siege/Full Map


Scarab Sages

Female Elf Sorcerer 4 / Paladin 3| HP: 40/40 | AC: 14 (13 Tch, 11 Fl) | CMD: 19 | F: +9, R: +10, W: +13 | Init: +5 | Perc: +11, SM: +5 | Active conditions: none

Sifvery is level 3, I just haven't applied it yet. Will be ready to go shortly.

Technic Siege/Full Map

Cool school. I will be getting maps and such together. Still mustering the party too. Hoping for setting up the intro over this weekend.

Technic Siege/Full Map

Ok, so no more bites. With GenCon coming up, I suspect things are quieter here. Also, lots of lower-level PBP's at the moment.

Anyway, we have 4, so I'll proceed with the intro!

Technic Siege/Full Map

OK, sorry for the slow start. I will get more up tonight. We'll be playing the 3-4 subtier.

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