[PFS] GM Brew's Confirmation 2 05-08

Game Master Wicked Brew

Current Map

Current Characters

Wicked Brew

(156 posts)
Simulacrum of Vraxeris the Illusionist
Dark Archive Arklore M. Flavii

Male Human Taldan evoker 7 NG Init +3; Senses Perception +10 Defense AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 17 hp 58 Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +7

played by Arklore (227 posts)
Silver Crusade Gabriel Angelos

Male Human Cleric 1

played by Tom Williams 444 (39 posts)
GM Brew

played by Wicked Brew (2,338 posts)
Modoru Redgrave
Silver Crusade Havelockk

Male Human Magus/5 Base Atk +3; AC 21, HP 47, INIT+7, PER +4, CMB +5; CMD 16 Feats: Blind Fighting, Combat Casting, Toughness, Spell Combat,Spellstrike, Acane Pool, Improved Initiative

played by Arklore (821 posts)
Aldern Foxglove
Scarab Sages Isador Kane

Male Human Rogue 4 |Perc +7 | Init +8 | Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +1 (+2 trait bonus vs. fear) | AC 16| HP: 27

played by Tom Williams 444 (545 posts)
Koriah Azmeren
The Exchange Kat C'ys

Female Elf Rogue (Unchained) / 3

played by Namegani (534 posts)
Shalelu Andosana
Grand Lodge Kin'zu

Female Kitsune Oracle 1

played by Namegani (58 posts)
Shadowcount Sial
Silver Crusade Tarek Delrin

Male Aasimar Oracle/4th/ Spells 1st:7/7 2nd:4/4 | Hp:25| AC: 22|Perc:+10| Init:+1| Fort:+1| Ref:+2| Will:+6

played by copmc (884 posts)
Lizardfolk Sorcerer
Liberty's Edge Tsukai

Male Nagaji Ninja/1

played by copmc (149 posts)