
Namegani's page

Organized Play Member. 129 posts (721 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


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Just got new glasses (after 7 years glasses free - thank you Lasik!) and I keep wanting to take my sunglasses off.

Go Hawks!

Wow. Some guard cats I have; my bad for thinking they would keep other animals away from their food.

Had a big fat coon up by the house just now eating their food while three of the six outside (farm) cats just laid within touching distance of it chillaxing and watching it gorge.

They'll try to maul each other if their personal bubble is invaded by another of my farm cats, but a big fat coon that would probably run at the first sign of dominance has to be chased off by the stoopid human. It would be more effective to chase it off with a hose if said hose wasn't attached to an outside water pump with virtually no water pressure and surrounded by a ton of vegetation that I want to take a machete to just to find the blasted thing.


Wow, the well issue ended up being a saga and a half. The more issues that got fixed, the more things went wrong. Being a out-of style relic did not help matters, either.

That being said, when the well guy was putting his things away and getting ready to leave, he made a comment about one of grandpa's notes (he made notes about EVERYTHING) - the last time the well got maintenance was back in '94. After 21 years, no wonder it needed some TLC.

There was mention about leathers and something else probably being the issue.

It's too early for higher brain function. Especially without caffeine.

Other than old? No idea. And no, it's one of those details that doesn't get thought about until it's broken. Think the last time it got "serviced" was about a decade or so ago when the belts broke last.

When it rains...

looks like on top of the well issues, my (possibly preggers again) mama cat got into a tangle with some hornets and got stung at least twice in her throat. No wonder she's been so grouchy.

Well, bugger. Got the belts replaced and the water's running... it's just also spilling out of the pump while it runs. Got a guy coming out tomorrow morning and hoping it's an easy fix, but off to get extra gallons of water just in case.

Fortunately no. Both belts on the motor broke... right before all stores that could replace them closed. So no water until later.


Middle of a freakin' heat wave (with high humidity) and my bloody well dies. Yay no water in the middle of nowhere!

That's what I thought but things have been... strange lately so I figured I would just make sure.


Perhaps the humor is only found in my over-tired mind but:

Congratulations! Our god-botherer posted the 666th entry.

For some reason I find the irony funny. Not gut splitting guffaws funny, but at least a little chuckle funny.

That would be appreciated on my end, though I know it seems to be hard to keep two campaigns going at the same time.

And for some reason I read somewhere that Change Shape was once per day. Rereading I do not see that anywhere.

So, theoretically, if Kin'zu decides to take the Swift Change, she could literally run through the streets assuming a new form every corner she turned. Woe to the ones who ever try to trail her.

Huh. Went to see if I could add my DEX mod to my damage score and found out I should be adding it to my attack score. Haven't been adding it at all! Or so it seems after reading this...


Dexterity (Dex)

Dexterity measures agility, reflexes, and balance. This ability is the most important one for rogues, but it's also useful for characters who wear light or medium armor or no armor at all. This ability is vital for characters seeking to excel with ranged weapons, such as the bow or sling. A character with a Dexterity score of 0 is incapable of moving and is effectively immobile (but not unconscious).

You apply your character's Dexterity modifier to:

•Ranged attack rolls, including those for attacks made with bows, crossbows, throwing axes, and many ranged spell attacks like scorching ray or searing light.

•Armor Class (AC), provided that the character can react to the attack.

•Reflex saving throws, for avoiding fireballs and other attacks that you can escape by moving quickly.

•Acrobatics, Disable Device, Escape Artist, Fly, Ride, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth checks.

Does that seem to be the right conclusion?

Or is it already included in Base Attack Bonus?


Attack Bonus

Your attack bonus with a melee weapon is the following:

Base attack bonus + Strength modifier + size modifier

With a ranged weapon, your attack bonus is the following:

Base attack bonus + Dexterity modifier + size modifier + range penalty

I haven't had caffeine yet so brain functionality is halved or less.

You shouldn't be too far from Amish country if I remember correctly (Amanas) so you should check it out some time.

REALLY can't believe I forgot this one...

Huh, Quad city area then. About 3 hours away from where I am now. I live a bit past a half hour from Iowa State University in Ames, WSW about 30-40 miles as the crow flies. Looked up Camp Dodge, Johnston? Not to far from me all things considering.

Sure you can find things in Ankeny or Des Moines to try, but...

Irish Fare
Small English Styled Pub
Great Weird Burgers and Beer

Then there are the other things found in Campus Town like the street vendor gyro maker.

Not to mention my sis works in Ankeny so I can probably find out other tried suggestions.

Well sht, can't believe I forgot about Some of the Best BBQ and Ice Cream treats in the area Though with no reservations or call-ahead you'd have to get there during an off-time or risk a wait time of a couple hours.

And for all those parents out there... how in the balls do you do it?

I'm ready to give them back before an hour is out! And only my youngest, sweetheart of a neph is here this weekend... unless you count my dad, he tends to act like a toddler more often than not anymore.

Soooo, where in Iowa?

YAY Tornadoes!!!!

copmc wrote:
Brew, I am not able to access anything from the discussion, gameplay or recruitment section of the confirmation

Just making sure you're logged into the right account...

Sounds fine to me.

Ah, if you're going cleric you may want to check out what Kinzu has ready to go as an oracle - especially since she'll be pretty much worthless in a fight. Yay -STR mod!!

I need to stop being the queen of procrastination and update Kitty's stats.

Meh, I'll do it tomorrow.

Or a perverted group of Animal Crossing.

you know, I really could make a furry joke or three right about now...

So we're getting a fox and a lizard. Anyone else?

Alts, I believe, so we can get you caught up and I can get Kinzu grandfathered in.

Unless things have changed, of course.

Hmmm, any suggestions on a new language to learn? Daemonic? Infernal? Abyssal?

I have fam. here tomorrow through Saturday, but it shouldn't interfere with anything unless you want to launch on Friday already.


Apparently one of my kittens is an escape artist. Even used his littermate as a stepladder to get out.

Thanks for posting that, I was just trying to find it again myself.

and once again




((especially since I got nothing))

I currently live on the family farmstead. So mouser and transients happen.

About a year ago I had two toms decide to adopt me. One even decided to declare himself an indoor cat. Early October my calico showed up, absolutely starving to death, poor thing; was so glad when she realized that she could get a regular meal and pseudo-shelter here. She still doesn't let me touch her, but she does rub against me when I'm standing still and the toms aren't around.

If we have a lot more cats showing up (I'm not counting my transients that won't let me get within 50 feet of them, and I have at least 2 or 3 of those) I will definitely think about the WW. It would be a lot easier on my conscience than going through the fiasco we did when my grandparents were no longer able to live here on their own. There were still three cats who lived here at the time. One tangled with a coon and had to be put down. The other two were taken to a shelter, one was adopted by one of my grandparent's (now my) neighbors while the other we found out had been deemed "too old" and "too feral" (he was about 3, not house broken or used to humans but wasn't aggressive... and he was cross-eyed but such a sweetie when he got used to you) to be adopted and was put down before the week was out. My sister was livid when she went back to check on him and found out after the fact.


I have new baby kittens. They're so adorable, but neither are calico like their mama.

Yes. I am the crazy cat lady your parents warned you about. Have been ever since I was coordinated enough to run after them.

I get the feeling most elder siblings feel that way...

*dies laughing*

My youngest nephew (2) is rocking out on the child's rocking chair singing "Row Row Row" but using meows until "gently down the stream".

I don't mix well with humans. Call me bitter but I do best when not spending the night with family.

Unless it's my sis... then we really have an hour before we've totally rubbed each other's fur the wrong way and are growly and snappish. Unless we're buzzed or more and have a common "enemy"...


My bro-in-law knows. When he and my sis came to pick up their boys he brought me a large camping flask of black Russian. He deals with my sis, he knows the best way to deal.

the joys of sharing alcoholism and the reasons for


Though when my youngest nephew dragged the child rocker over to the front door to watch the baby cows (yeah, quarter mile away I got a neighbor's cow pasture - not something you can forget on days with open windows) it was too freakin' cute. Even for an excessively non-maternal person such as I.




And now for something a little different.

I just totally fangirled.

*dies laughing @ copmc*

I'm fine with continuing with the main campaign then running an alt. Just so long as I can grandfather the race choice in soon-ish, I'll be fine.

As for the roll20, pretty much any time my family isn't scheduled for a visit is fine. I don't think they'll be back until the end of Feb right now and they're back approximately every 3-4 weeks; usually on Sat-Mon.

Just a warning. If whatever medium we use doesn't have push-to-talk, expect to hear a lot of "Damnit Shades!" and "Good Lord, boy!" And coughing if we somehow manage to run it soon enough that I'm still sick.

Just to put it out there in blunt terms, those who started at the first scenario will hit level 3 after the next one.

And FYI, as she is, Kinzu is pretty useless unless you need something translated so she'll need a meatshield or two.

copmc wrote:
oh, forgot to mention one thing. On page 38 of Tarek's Guide To Being Fabulous, it mentions that spending 5 fabulous points allows for a boon reroll. I think he has earned at least 20 points by now and has only spent 10 to increase his fabulous rating to fantabulous. :-)

Is that with the sparkly pants modifier?

GM Brew wrote:
Option 2 would be for me to run a few scenarios where everyone plays alts except for Tarek and Sy.

I'm good to go for an alt run. The way things seem to go, it would be good to get Kinzu grandfathered in before something about her becomes invalid.

You know, you're not alone.

But that's melee only, correct?

((And would you, perchance, be thinking of a certain minotaur encounter in a noob instance? 'Cause not everyone can party with such an epic axeman and would need every trick in the book.))

The DC sounds like it's because you're harrying, it doesn't matter if you actually hit the opponent so long as you can harass it. Like a swarm of gnats.

Or at least that is how I interpret it.

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