[PFS/DMK/YSK] 6-05 Slave ships of Absalom (Inactive)

Game Master Kludde


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Silver Crusade

LG Male Aasimar Paladin4 of Shelyn
Needs lvlup :
Init +1; AC19, Touch11, FF18, CMD16; hp 23/23; Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Perception:+2 (darkvision 60 ft)

Ariward moved inside small cabin, opening a possibility for others to attack the enemy. He pulled his sap in a mighty blow against enemy's head.

No action: 5ft step
Swift action: Choose Smite Evil Target Captain
Standart action: Attack (+bless, +smite evil): 1d20 + 5 + 1 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 5 + 1 + 3 = 19 DMG: 1d6 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 3 + 2 = 9

As he saw, his blow reached target, he dropped his sap on cabin floor, and touched Adrianna. Feint glow came between his fingers and she felt warm and heard a thin song of nightingale.

Free action: Drop an item
Move action: Lay on hands: 1d6 ⇒ 2

"Stay behind my shield", he said to Adrianna.
If she is attacked, she gets +2 shield bonus to AC (Immediate Action)

Liberty's Edge

Male Assimar(musetouched) HP 45/45; Reroll @+3 1/1; Channels available 2/7; Energy body available 3/3 Oracle-6 AC19 (T:11; FF18); Fort +3; Ref +3; Will +5; Perc +0; Init +1;

I shuffled Ariward up on the map, and then followed him up with Orophin.

Scarab Sages

Female Human Monk 5 | AC 19 T 18 FF 15 (Mobility) | HP 38/38 | F +6 R +7 W +7 (+2 vs enchantment)| Init +3 | Perc +13

Adrianna hated that she missed her attacks! But the captain hadn't move that far, and so she could launch another full flurry of attacks on her...
Flurry 1 attack: 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 3 + 1 = 24 (Bless bonus)
Crit confirm: 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 3 + 1 = 14
Flurry 1 damage: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

Flurry 2 attack: 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 3 + 1 = 13
Flurry 2 damage: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

Silver Crusade

LG Male Aasimar Paladin4 of Shelyn
Needs lvlup :
Init +1; AC19, Touch11, FF18, CMD16; hp 23/23; Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Perception:+2 (darkvision 60 ft)

Orophin, I don't think, you cannot shuffle me there. I've done my 5ft move on map and I cannot do another 5ft move.
I believe you still can attack Captain standing in doorway.
If not you can Acrobatic (tumble) past me and Adrianna or walk there provoking AoO.

Grand Lodge

Male Gnome Rogue (unchained) 2/sorcerer 4 | HP 36/36 | AC 17:13:15 | Init +7 | Fort +4 Ref +8 Will +4; +4 vs. illusion | Perception 14 Sense Motive -2

Active bonuses: Bless: +1 morale bonus to attack rolls and saving throws against fear; Inspire Courage: +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear, +1 competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls

Cacumattus fires his crossbow at the captain, hoping not to hit any of his allies surrounding her.

Crossbow: 1d20 + 5 + 1 + 1 - 4 ⇒ (19) + 5 + 1 + 1 - 4 = 22 for: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
Crit confirm: 1d20 + 5 + 1 + 1 - 4 ⇒ (2) + 5 + 1 + 1 - 4 = 5 for: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

Ariward knocks the captain over the head once more. When Adrianna starts another round of kicking and punching, things start looking bad for the captain. Cornered in the cabin, a bolt pierces the air. This proves to be the final blow, and the slave captain falls to the ground.

Dark Archive

F Tief (Pit) Ftr 5/HK9 - HP144 AC-30/T-16/F-27 CMB20 CMD34 F:+16 R:11: W+10/ Perc+13 - Dkvis 60' |Init+5(+combat reflex), Move 30'.

Svetlana continues on and checks the other door, unperturbed by the melee.

Grand Lodge

Halfling Bard 9 | AC 24 T 18 FF 18 | HP 75 | F +7 R +13 W +8* | CMD 22 | Init + 5 | Perception +14

Marra makes sure the papers she saved are no longer smoldering, storing them carefully until we have finished clearing the ship.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Scarab Sages

Female Human Monk 5 | AC 19 T 18 FF 15 (Mobility) | HP 38/38 | F +6 R +7 W +7 (+2 vs enchantment)| Init +3 | Perc +13

"Keep the captain alive - she may need to answer questions at the Lodge..." Adrianna says, switching from assault to rescue mode after two deep, cleansing breaths.
Heal: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13

Silver Crusade

LG Male Aasimar Paladin4 of Shelyn
Needs lvlup :
Init +1; AC19, Touch11, FF18, CMD16; hp 23/23; Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Perception:+2 (darkvision 60 ft)

"I hit him hard with my sap," said Ariward, "probably he is not going to wake up, even if they will put manacles on him and put him in a jail. I'll take a look, can we free those prisoners", and he moved to check for keys to open manacles of those, who were chained in a hold.

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

The captain is knocked out, and won't be moving for quite some time. The fire hazard is put out, and Marra is holding a pile of half-burnt papers. The least burnt of the stack lists a few names of high-up nobles, the words Make sure they end up there. and a signature "Muhlia".

Another paper is far more burnt, the message no longer legible, but the same signature scribbled at the bottom. "Muhlia"

The slaves are freed easily from their manacles, and the pilot Zigil is still dutifully waiting.

Liberty's Edge

Male Assimar(musetouched) HP 45/45; Reroll @+3 1/1; Channels available 2/7; Energy body available 3/3 Oracle-6 AC19 (T:11; FF18); Fort +3; Ref +3; Will +5; Perc +0; Init +1;

"Interesting. Muhlia? It sounds like there is an underlying plot."

He looks around the rest of the cabin.

perception: 1d20 ⇒ 6

Scarab Sages

Female Human Monk 5 | AC 19 T 18 FF 15 (Mobility) | HP 38/38 | F +6 R +7 W +7 (+2 vs enchantment)| Init +3 | Perc +13

Adrianna joins Orophin in searching the cabin, and then the rest of the ship...looking for more evidence of either the mastermind behind this plot, or perhaps other housholds and slaves that had been paired. What did they want to accomplish with these slaves and scrying?
Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30 (suh-weeett!!!)

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

Adrianna thoroughly searches the ship with the help of Orophin. The captain has some interesting items on her: healing potions, alchemist's fire, masterwork kukris, but otherwise no further evidence is here. All that is left from any incriminating records is the half-burnt papers Marra managed to salvage, and not much else.

Does the name 'Muhlia' ring a bell to anyone? Did anyone play the Dalsine Affair?

Silver Crusade

LG Male Aasimar Paladin4 of Shelyn
Needs lvlup :
Init +1; AC19, Touch11, FF18, CMD16; hp 23/23; Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Perception:+2 (darkvision 60 ft)

Not this character. The one who played is crossed-through in my Alias tab

Dark Archive

F Tief (Pit) Ftr 5/HK9 - HP144 AC-30/T-16/F-27 CMB20 CMD34 F:+16 R:11: W+10/ Perc+13 - Dkvis 60' |Init+5(+combat reflex), Move 30'.

Same same. Different character

"Looks like a good ending. The Captain will talk, oh yes, sing like a sweet little bird" The junior Hellknight smiles.

Svetlana does one more sweep of the ship before leaving.

Grand Lodge

Male Gnome Rogue (unchained) 2/sorcerer 4 | HP 36/36 | AC 17:13:15 | Init +7 | Fort +4 Ref +8 Will +4; +4 vs. illusion | Perception 14 Sense Motive -2

"Muhlia? Never heard of 'er," Cacumattus says, looking briefly at the remaining papers. "Oh well, I guess the Society higher-ups will look into that further, the rest of us will probably be sent out on some other mission."

Back on deck, he gazes out over the water. "Think we could get away with taking this thing for a joyride before we report back?" he asks with a grin.

Grand Lodge

Halfling Bard 9 | AC 24 T 18 FF 18 | HP 75 | F +7 R +13 W +8* | CMD 22 | Init + 5 | Perception +14

Marra played the the Dalsine Affair?

Marra thinks backs "Muhlia sounds familiar, there was a Pasha Muhlian al-jakri who murdered Barron Jacquo Dalsine because her younger sister was killed in a raid on a cult of the Dawnflower by the Daisines. Muhlia a Qadiran noblewoman and faction leader for the Qadiran loyalists within the Pathfinder Society was angry with rage when we founder her she told us 'You can have your shadow war for Absalom. A curse on you! You can keep souring the world for all its useless treasures, risk your lives for trivial trinkets delusions and your fame. You can have it all, I hope you choke on it!' It could be her handily work. She used Kukris too. It's really sad since it was a devious plan by Chalfon Dalsine to pit Muhlia against his cousin the Baron Jacquo."

kn local: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23
kn noble: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

Let's not get more specific on the plot of the Dalsine affair, shall we? Please don't spoil the experience for those who haven't played it yet.

Marra indeed recalls the name 'Muhlia' from her own experience. Muhlia used to be the leader of the Qadirans, but left the society in bitterness. Would it be her that is behind these attempts?

Liberty's Edge

Male Assimar(musetouched) HP 45/45; Reroll @+3 1/1; Channels available 2/7; Energy body available 3/3 Oracle-6 AC19 (T:11; FF18); Fort +3; Ref +3; Will +5; Perc +0; Init +1;

"Let us free what slaves remain, and search the ship for other clues."

Suggests Orophin, who quietly murmurs under his breath, looking around the cabin (and captain) for signs of magic.

"Given the slave has now been both paid for and refunded, I would like to try and free her - give her a chance to be something other than a slave. I may not be able to free every slave, but I can make a difference to Atlag."

Silver Crusade

LG Male Aasimar Paladin4 of Shelyn
Needs lvlup :
Init +1; AC19, Touch11, FF18, CMD16; hp 23/23; Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Perception:+2 (darkvision 60 ft)

"Oh, Orophin, that is a great deed and I will help you to accomplish it", said Ariward. He helped gnome slave to stand up and lead him out of the cargo hold.

"How you get into this, my dear friend?" he asked, trying to understand, why and where Pathfinder could be captured.

Probably, he was doing some assignment, when Muhlia found him and their paths crossed because of some ancient relic. We need to find out, where to head next to unwrap that knot of intrigues, paladin was thinking to himself.

Dark Archive

F Tief (Pit) Ftr 5/HK9 - HP144 AC-30/T-16/F-27 CMB20 CMD34 F:+16 R:11: W+10/ Perc+13 - Dkvis 60' |Init+5(+combat reflex), Move 30'.

Once the ship is emptied out, back to shore for the wrap I suppose. Slaves rescued and all that...

Scarab Sages

Female Human Monk 5 | AC 19 T 18 FF 15 (Mobility) | HP 38/38 | F +6 R +7 W +7 (+2 vs enchantment)| Init +3 | Perc +13

"We should inform the Lady Darchana of this discovery, and then report back to Venture Captain Valsin. The threads of this tapestry are unwinding quickly now..." Adrianna helps the release and return of the prisoners, even volunteering to stay on the ship while the freed slaves, and then the prisoners, are taken back to shore.

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

Returning to Lady Darchana, she is pleased with adventurer's success, and authorises the bounty payment on Captain Wardak.

“Pathfinders, you have done a great service to Absalom today. The full extent, understandably, may never be widely known or recognized by the sleeping masses, but know that the Pathfinder Society can count on me as a friend and ally, and I hope that I may call upon you again in the future should the need arise.”

Feel free to flash back to this point if you want to interact on Atlag

The Pathfinder Rilla recounts what she can upon returning to the Grand Lodge. At the Okeno slave markets, there was a veiled woman. She kept visiting the slaves, and she took blood from me, forcibly, not once but twice.

The pathfinders in my team, she finally gathers the courage to ask what happened to them?. Ambrus Valsin closes his eyes and says No contact.

Congratulations! You've freed the slaves from the hold of the At Sea and made a good impression on Lady Darchana in the process. The chronicles survived the upgrade process, so they'll be up soon.

Liberty's Edge

Male Assimar(musetouched) HP 45/45; Reroll @+3 1/1; Channels available 2/7; Energy body available 3/3 Oracle-6 AC19 (T:11; FF18); Fort +3; Ref +3; Will +5; Perc +0; Init +1;

Flash back

"Good Lady Darchana. Can I confirm with you that you have received your refund for Atlag? Given her ahh, condition, I would ask that you give her to me for the safety of your own household - and you will not be out of pocket due to the refund you have received."

Diplomacy take ten for 23

Silver Crusade

LG Male Aasimar Paladin4 of Shelyn
Needs lvlup :
Init +1; AC19, Touch11, FF18, CMD16; hp 23/23; Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Perception:+2 (darkvision 60 ft)

I think you mixed those ladies.
Atlag's owner is Lady Silviana Dimora, whose majordomo Milana, we been speaking. And Lady Darchana is Archdean of the Arcanamirium - old friend of the Society - who got us into this mission

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

Yea, my bad for confusing you. We can always flash-forward to Dimora manor...

Majordomo Milana is somewhat at unease discussing matters of property. I see what you're getting at, but when it comes to these matters, I suggest you speak to Salbus.

Liberty's Edge

Male Assimar(musetouched) HP 45/45; Reroll @+3 1/1; Channels available 2/7; Energy body available 3/3 Oracle-6 AC19 (T:11; FF18); Fort +3; Ref +3; Will +5; Perc +0; Init +1;

"The Lawyer... fine. It would be helpful to have a letter of authority to deal with him though."

Assuming the letter is provided...

Orophin makes the trek back into town to visit with Salbus.

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

Io! The diverse echelon of intrepid representatives has ingressed these premises in confirmation of their precedent. I expect your dealings with Mahdi have been satisfactory?

Dark Archive

F Tief (Pit) Ftr 5/HK9 - HP144 AC-30/T-16/F-27 CMB20 CMD34 F:+16 R:11: W+10/ Perc+13 - Dkvis 60' |Init+5(+combat reflex), Move 30'.
Orophin Telemnarn wrote:
Orophin makes the trek back into town to visit with Salbus.

Svetlana accompanies, being 'somewhat used to' dealing with Chelaxians.

Silver Crusade

LG Male Aasimar Paladin4 of Shelyn
Needs lvlup :
Init +1; AC19, Touch11, FF18, CMD16; hp 23/23; Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Perception:+2 (darkvision 60 ft)

Ariward as well is very interested into helping Orophin, because he thinks that it's great do a good things and he likes to be part of it.

Grand Lodge

Male Gnome Rogue (unchained) 2/sorcerer 4 | HP 36/36 | AC 17:13:15 | Init +7 | Fort +4 Ref +8 Will +4; +4 vs. illusion | Perception 14 Sense Motive -2

Cacumattus had approached the lawyer.

"Indeed, we require further conversance on the matter of Atlag. I feel obliged to disclose to you that we were successful in apprehending the merchant that delivered her to Absalom, however we discovered evidentiary assets which are revelatory of a further conspiracy, with the resultant factor that Atlag may still be compromised and potentially pose a complicating factor in the business dealings of your client. Since we have previously discussed the possibility of nullification of the transaction to acquire Atlag's services, we wish offer instead to acquire her for the Society, with the intention to dispense with the debt she has incurred as recompense for the hardship suffered in this ordeal; as such we request that she be released on her on recognizance."

Liberty's Edge

Male Assimar(musetouched) HP 45/45; Reroll @+3 1/1; Channels available 2/7; Energy body available 3/3 Oracle-6 AC19 (T:11; FF18); Fort +3; Ref +3; Will +5; Perc +0; Init +1;

Orophin looks at Cacumattus with impressed eyes, but figures there is little to add to the statement.


Venture Agent - Play By Post - Castamir Station

"Pending the annulment of the contract, speculation would indicate, supported by predominant conduct in these occurences - however infrequent such are - that reclamation would be the prelude to a secondary transaction with a third party, typically under a limited warranty construction and corresponding haircut to face value. "

"The colloquiallism used for such transfer types would be 'refurbished wares'" the lawyer helpfully adds.

"While we must evade any semblance of orchestration in this case - quod non - said third party is not limited to the prospectives on the nether side of these administrative premises. An interested party is at liberty to leverage the experience of the addressed, an offer as to the required closing of account can be readily produced."

please please please let this guy be a recurring npc

-Posted with Wayfinder

Dark Archive

F Tief (Pit) Ftr 5/HK9 - HP144 AC-30/T-16/F-27 CMB20 CMD34 F:+16 R:11: W+10/ Perc+13 - Dkvis 60' |Init+5(+combat reflex), Move 30'.

"I'm taking it that you are handing the woman over then? It would be appreciated" Svetlana interjects in a friendly tone, whilst absentmindedly adjusting her Hellknight insignia "As in Cheliax, a slave has rights and protections and is entitled to fit and proper care - I am concerned her wellbeing might be neglected whilst she awaited a new outcome...The Measure and the Chain was real specific."

Diplomacy (Chelish style)! 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21
+3 if House Thrune/Chelish Official/Hellknight Orde

Liberty's Edge

Male Assimar(musetouched) HP 45/45; Reroll @+3 1/1; Channels available 2/7; Energy body available 3/3 Oracle-6 AC19 (T:11; FF18); Fort +3; Ref +3; Will +5; Perc +0; Init +1;

Orophin just smiles sweetly in the background, happy to let the others take the front foot.

diplomacy aid: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (17) + 11 = 28

Arrghhh nooo!!! no recurring lawyers.

Grand Lodge

Halfling Bard 9 | AC 24 T 18 FF 18 | HP 75 | F +7 R +13 W +8* | CMD 22 | Init + 5 | Perception +14

Marra stands back and observers the others dealing with the lawyer. She ponders the idea that if they run into more of these types she may have to get a lawful bane enchantment on her scimitar.

-Posted with Wayfinder

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

Admittedly, your riposte is most convincing. Refreshing, too, to see domestic qualities displayed in this bastion suitable for development. I must protest, though, that the treatment of our conversation's subject is well beyond my jurisdiction. I will offer though, in the spirit of goodwill and to the letter of the law, to perform the necessary procurement procedure, thus allowing the parties present to ensure proper treatment of the person named Atlas, according to the rules and regulations set out in the seminal work of law The Measure and the Chain. To what level of funding does your mandate extend?

Silver Crusade

LG Male Aasimar Paladin4 of Shelyn
Needs lvlup :
Init +1; AC19, Touch11, FF18, CMD16; hp 23/23; Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Perception:+2 (darkvision 60 ft)

It's like a song, I can feel the rhythm, but don't understand those words, thought Ariward, Talking like this is a bit of art and a bit of performance. If I had enough time, I think I might combine some movements into dance around that

"Sorry for interruption, but are you taking a part-time students?", he asked, "I think, I'd like to get basics of your profession, while I'm staying in Absalom. I believe we can agree on reasonable pricing for that: I might do some paperwork, since I have some calligraphic skills"

Liberty's Edge

Male Assimar(musetouched) HP 45/45; Reroll @+3 1/1; Channels available 2/7; Energy body available 3/3 Oracle-6 AC19 (T:11; FF18); Fort +3; Ref +3; Will +5; Perc +0; Init +1;

Orophin coughts.

"A rebate for damaged goods, namely Atlag has already been agreed. We merely wish to claim said goods in lieu of damages incurred. Reptuational Damage is very hard to quantify, wouldn't you agree?"

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

We are in agreement regarding the objective quantifiability of goodwill, standard accounting practices generally lead to diverging result. What you have not weighed into your equation is that I currently do not possess ownership documents of your object of desire. These reside with the retailer named Mahjub. My interest is limited to that of an intermediary.

Now, as your companion suggests, an apprenticeship is entirely within reason, and I would not be adverse to taking on mister Falconsflight, as present today, under my tutelage and forego the payment of compensation in return for procuring and liberating the servant called Atlag.

In other words: he doesn't own the slave, Mahjub does. He's willing to act as procurer (buy the slave for you and draw up all the contracts), but you'll still have to pay. He's also willing to take up Ariward as a student, and use his salary to buy the slave. Aren't they helpful, these Chelaxians?

Silver Crusade

LG Male Aasimar Paladin4 of Shelyn
Needs lvlup :
Init +1; AC19, Touch11, FF18, CMD16; hp 23/23; Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Perception:+2 (darkvision 60 ft)

"Oh, I agree on how this goes," Ariward nods, "but we need to ensure that my aprenticeship term is not very long and suits us both. I have some plans upcoming Spring. Should we discuss this with Mahjub first or we can draft it right away?"

Dark Archive

F Tief (Pit) Ftr 5/HK9 - HP144 AC-30/T-16/F-27 CMB20 CMD34 F:+16 R:11: W+10/ Perc+13 - Dkvis 60' |Init+5(+combat reflex), Move 30'.
DM Kludde wrote:
Aren't they helpful, these Chelaxians?[/ooc]

Yes, yes we are...

Svetlana smiles as the bargain is struck.

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

Salbus prepares the paperwork for the release of Atlag, and manages a good price. Ariward spends some time as apprentice to the procurer, buried in an avalanche of mundane paperwork and legal writing, enough to scratch the legalistic itch.

And so, one more soul redeemed, one more paladin on his way to strengthen his knowledge of law. What a day.

Dark Archive

F Tief (Pit) Ftr 5/HK9 - HP144 AC-30/T-16/F-27 CMB20 CMD34 F:+16 R:11: W+10/ Perc+13 - Dkvis 60' |Init+5(+combat reflex), Move 30'.
DM Kludde wrote:
And so, one more soul redeemed, one more paladin on his way to strengthen his knowledge of law. What a day.

Svetlana sends for an extra copy of The Measure and the Chain for Ari, delighted he is showing promise as a future Hellknight aspirant.

Silver Crusade

LG Male Aasimar Paladin4 of Shelyn
Needs lvlup :
Init +1; AC19, Touch11, FF18, CMD16; hp 23/23; Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Perception:+2 (darkvision 60 ft)

Upon receiving Svetlana's gift, Ariward sends a nice bouquet of roses back to thank her.

Even working in this environment and dealing with lots of different stuff, where he couldn't help, paladin was thinking about Atlag, which is now free and how than he can use his knowledge to help others.

Ok, so with his level up, Ariward will put 1 skill point into Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge (nobility), Profession (solicitor).
I'll think about other updates.

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