The Ironfang Invasion: Fangs of War

Game Master vayelan

A tale of desperate survival set against the invasion of a ruthless hobgoblin army — the Ironfang Legion! As the Ironfang Legion begins carving out an empire of monsters, the heroes must flee their hometown of Phaendar as it burns, saving any lives they can.

Upper Caves Map
Lower Caves Map
Regional Map

Encounter Map: Ogre-Infested Encampment

Party Treasury (Old)
Party Treasury (New)
Militia Worksheet

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”Grenwold” | Male NG Small Gnome Hunter 8/ChW 3 | HP 91/91 | AC 26, T 14, FF 24 | CMD 22| F +12 R +12 W +10; +4 poison/disease, +2 Fey/Plant Target/Illusions | Init +2 | Perc +23 | Speed 15ft (50 ft while mounted) | Spells 1st 6/6 2nd 5/5 3rd 4/4 4th 3/3 | Animal Focus 8/8 | Active Conditions: R: T/B Ringo: 114/114

On second thought, @Aaron noted we have no idea how big the valley is, so it might be best to hold off until we have a little more information before we start expending all of our resources. If the camp ends up empty, we don’t know how long it will take to get to the next section, and I don’t want to be out of resources when we need them, and it doesn’t look like anyone else is doing any short term preparation, so please ignore the last paragraph of my above post (where I was “thinking” about some buffs). Instead of that, when we are a moment away, I’ll toggle wand heightened awareness.

M Male Human bard 10, oracle (seeker) 1. Hp 80/80. AC 24/FF19/T11,. S: F+8, R +16, W+11, +1 vs charm/comp. Init +8, Perc. +15. Att: Starknife +16 vs AC, 1d4+8.

I'll hedge my bets as stated in discussion, and use one Heroism and Heightened awareness on myself just in case we run into trouble early. If it takes a long time to travel, it's just one level 2 slot lost. Aaron can easily spread around morale bonusses when he needs to, as well.

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The encampment sits a little more than a mile away from the entrance of the valley, so you march forward through the fog and wisely wait until you are closer to begin your preparations for a potential battle. Thorek's keen eyes pierce the fog, and your other collective skills ensure that no accidents befall you during the hike across the valley.

The blur of light that marks the sun through the fog is creeping higher in the sky by the time you reach the camp site.

A handful of hastily built wooden buildings stand abandoned amid a sea of tent poles and tattered canvas hanging listlessly in the wet air. Hard-trodden earth and dozens of firepits speak to an army of hundreds - perhaps thousands - having recently occupied this eerily quiet military camp. Black stones piled higher than a tree fill a circle at the camp's center.

You can spot some newer, larger footprints atop the hard-packed ground.

You can also hear some large, brutish creatures thudding about somewhere among the abandoned camp.

LG Dwarf Warpriest11 l hp 97/97 l AC24 (T16, FF23) l F +12, R +7, W +12, Ini +3 l CMB +12 CMD26 l Minor Blessings 3/3 l Fervor 8/8 l Dorn-Dergar: Reach l Perc +24, SM +16 l Active Buffs/Conditions: (none) Dorn-Dergar

Coming to a sudden halt and raising his hand indicate a need for silence, Thorek points in the direction of the sound and holds up three fingers--taking an educated guess at the number of creatures that might be wandering the camp.

M Male Human bard 10, oracle (seeker) 1. Hp 80/80. AC 24/FF19/T11,. S: F+8, R +16, W+11, +1 vs charm/comp. Init +8, Perc. +15. Att: Starknife +16 vs AC, 1d4+8.

Nodding, Aaron glanced aroud the group. "How do you prefer to fight? A straightforward rush or do we send a scout first?"

Aaron is fine with either. I think the optimal play might be for whoever is best in stealth, probably Grenwold, to go see what it is, guesstimate if the creatures are open to diplomacy and if not go into combat right away with buffs up.

Female Snow Elf Druid (Restorer) 11 | Perception +29 | Character Sheet | AC 23 (Touch 13, Flat-Footed 22) | Hp: 69/69 | Fort +10, Reflex +6, Will +16

Following along quietly, Daria says, ”What manner of creatures do you sense, Thorek?”

She looks for signs of the creatures as she waits patiently.

Perception: 1d20 + 29 ⇒ (13) + 29 = 42

Survival: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (6) + 20 = 26

”Grenwold” | Male NG Small Gnome Hunter 8/ChW 3 | HP 91/91 | AC 26, T 14, FF 24 | CMD 22| F +12 R +12 W +10; +4 poison/disease, +2 Fey/Plant Target/Illusions | Init +2 | Perc +23 | Speed 15ft (50 ft while mounted) | Spells 1st 6/6 2nd 5/5 3rd 4/4 4th 3/3 | Animal Focus 8/8 | Active Conditions: R: T/B Ringo: 114/114

Happy to scout, my bonuses aren't phenomenal but I can boost them temporarily when I get close. @Vayelan, please let me know if scouting is possible and I'll toggle stealth mode (as long as I can avoid using too many rounds) before sneaking up to take a look.

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F Human Mesmerist 8 Swashbuckler 2 HP 72/80 Fort: +4 Ref: +13 Will: +8/+10 AC:21 Init: Staring At: Spells 1st 5/5 2nd 4/4 3rd 1/1 Tricks 5/5 Used Status:

"We sometimes scout ahead using some of my magic to help Aaron," Lily replies quietly looking at the camp.

I can cast invisibility on someone to help

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Daria identifies the footprints as belonging to a group of ogres. Based upon minute differences in the size and depth of the prints, she counts out about ten distinct individuals who have been using this camp.

Stopping to listen intently through the fog, Daria and Thorek estimate that there are about six ogres currently scattered around the camp, with the rest likely out hunting in other parts of the valley.

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”Grenwold” | Male NG Small Gnome Hunter 8/ChW 3 | HP 91/91 | AC 26, T 14, FF 24 | CMD 22| F +12 R +12 W +10; +4 poison/disease, +2 Fey/Plant Target/Illusions | Init +2 | Perc +23 | Speed 15ft (50 ft while mounted) | Spells 1st 6/6 2nd 5/5 3rd 4/4 4th 3/3 | Animal Focus 8/8 | Active Conditions: R: T/B Ringo: 114/114

Ten ogres - I doubt we can negotiate. Might be easier if we just went straight at them with as much surprise as we can muster. The only other reason to scout more would be if we thought there was another enemy hidden, and we wanted to prepare. Otherwise, I don’t even know if it’s worth the resources of an invisibility. @Everyone Want to just move into the town and go after them? We should have some element of surprise, depending on how perceptive they are. I definitely would give myself heightened awareness, Thorek feather step, and hand out broken wing gambit and outflank, but if they’re ogres it might not take much more in terms of resources. If everyone wants me to scout, I will, but it might make Valeyan’s life easier if we just went after them. Just a thought!

Note, Valeyan, that Gren also is pretty careful about tracking too - he’ll take 10 for 36 as they go until it gets unfeasible. Looking for signs of non-ogres. If there’s nothing, don’t worry about it - I’m happy to move on and get to fighting.

LG Dwarf Warpriest11 l hp 97/97 l AC24 (T16, FF23) l F +12, R +7, W +12, Ini +3 l CMB +12 CMD26 l Minor Blessings 3/3 l Fervor 8/8 l Dorn-Dergar: Reach l Perc +24, SM +16 l Active Buffs/Conditions: (none) Dorn-Dergar

As Daria presumably reports back, Thorek scowls. "Ogres? Ugh, might be more auxiliaries to the Legion, or just local opportunists. Or deserters, which I suppose count as both." He begins to twirl his dorn-dergar in a seemingly lazy figure-eight. "Any reason we shouldn't hit them hard now and scatter them?"

”Grenwold” | Male NG Small Gnome Hunter 8/ChW 3 | HP 91/91 | AC 26, T 14, FF 24 | CMD 22| F +12 R +12 W +10; +4 poison/disease, +2 Fey/Plant Target/Illusions | Init +2 | Perc +23 | Speed 15ft (50 ft while mounted) | Spells 1st 6/6 2nd 5/5 3rd 4/4 4th 3/3 | Animal Focus 8/8 | Active Conditions: R: T/B Ringo: 114/114

Grenwold’s small face is expressionless, ”no. We need to get access to the camp.” He retrieves a bit of parchment from his back and looks around, before sketching out a map. Without looking up, he says ”I’ve killed giants before.”

M Male Human bard 10, oracle (seeker) 1. Hp 80/80. AC 24/FF19/T11,. S: F+8, R +16, W+11, +1 vs charm/comp. Init +8, Perc. +15. Att: Starknife +16 vs AC, 1d4+8.

"Ten ogres, you say? A good warmup, if anything! Just a little bit of magic to tip the scales, and we should be good to go." Aaron says, not particularly concerned about this news and assenting to an agressive approach.

I am assuming the party agrees with assault as the approach, if not then he doesn't do the following:

Drawing upon his innate magical abilities, he bestows a sense of hope and rightenousness on the group. They *would* break through whatever monsters tried to imprese their progress into the valley! After that, another few words have his form blur and split into seven copies of himself, warping and weaving through another!

Mirror images: 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

Seven Mirror Images. He also casts Good Hope, which grants everyone a +2 morale bonus to attack, damage, all saves, skills and initiative checks for 10 minutes. He will give up his own heightened awareness to get another +4 so his next init roll is at +14.

Female Snow Elf Druid (Restorer) 11 | Perception +29 | Character Sheet | AC 23 (Touch 13, Flat-Footed 22) | Hp: 69/69 | Fort +10, Reflex +6, Will +16

Daria does indeed report her findings. She says, ”Though they are not know for their tactical brilliance, ogres can be dangerous if well-coordinated by a strong leader. Let us try and draw them out if we can—a frontal assault is fine—so they might tip their hand should they have a trap prepared for interlopers.”

Female Snow Elf Druid (Restorer) 11 | Perception +29 | Character Sheet | AC 23 (Touch 13, Flat-Footed 22) | Hp: 69/69 | Fort +10, Reflex +6, Will +16

Daria Initiative: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

”Grenwold” | Male NG Small Gnome Hunter 8/ChW 3 | HP 91/91 | AC 26, T 14, FF 24 | CMD 22| F +12 R +12 W +10; +4 poison/disease, +2 Fey/Plant Target/Illusions | Init +2 | Perc +23 | Speed 15ft (50 ft while mounted) | Spells 1st 6/6 2nd 5/5 3rd 4/4 4th 3/3 | Animal Focus 8/8 | Active Conditions: R: T/B Ringo: 114/114

Grenwold Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

Moved Grenwold next to Thorek. Ringo has bodyguard, so will defend anyone as appropriate with aid another to add +3 to AC due to the helpful trait (from additional traits). So, pre-rolling bodyguard rolls as aid another, only 1 fails.


Aid another, adds +3 to AC: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (13) + 16 = 29
Aid another, adds +3 to AC: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (6) + 16 = 22
Aid another, adds +3 to AC: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (7) + 16 = 23
Aid another, adds +3 to AC: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (5) + 16 = 21
Aid another, adds +3 to AC: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (18) + 16 = 34
Aid another, adds +3 to AC: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (15) + 16 = 31

No 1s, so Ringo can aid up to 6 times, aiding any adjacent target's AC (including Gren's) by 3. According to the map, this is only Gren and Thorek. Of course, it only works within the context of aid another, so Gren has to be in range with both the enemy and ally (probably not likely with ogres!).

LG Dwarf Warpriest11 l hp 97/97 l AC24 (T16, FF23) l F +12, R +7, W +12, Ini +3 l CMB +12 CMD26 l Minor Blessings 3/3 l Fervor 8/8 l Dorn-Dergar: Reach l Perc +24, SM +16 l Active Buffs/Conditions: (none) Dorn-Dergar

Initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12

M Male Human bard 10, oracle (seeker) 1. Hp 80/80. AC 24/FF19/T11,. S: F+8, R +16, W+11, +1 vs charm/comp. Init +8, Perc. +15. Att: Starknife +16 vs AC, 1d4+8.

init: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (17) + 14 = 31

Remember everyone has +2 from good hope!

Enemy Initiative:

Ogre Bosses A: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17
Ogre Bosses B: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
Ogre Bosses C: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17

F Human Mesmerist 8 Swashbuckler 2 HP 72/80 Fort: +4 Ref: +13 Will: +8/+10 AC:21 Init: Staring At: Spells 1st 5/5 2nd 4/4 3rd 1/1 Tricks 5/5 Used Status:

init: 1d20 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 4 + 2 = 23
Sorry about the delay I've been pretty ill recently

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Lily Moore wrote:


Sorry about the delay I've been pretty ill recently

I hope you're feeling better now. My kids each brought home a different illness from daycare and passed it around to my wife and I, so we've been pretty sick, too, so I can definitely empathize.

Anyhow, Aaron and Lily can act before the ogres, but since the ogres are unawares right now, the rest of the party can also post actions.

M Male Human bard 10, oracle (seeker) 1. Hp 80/80. AC 24/FF19/T11,. S: F+8, R +16, W+11, +1 vs charm/comp. Init +8, Perc. +15. Att: Starknife +16 vs AC, 1d4+8.

"Hm. Fog makes for difficult fights," Aaron says, "As inscrutible as the many songs attributed to it. But who am I to not pay tribute?"

He smiles as he walks forward and begins to sing and then sing as the words seemed to gain power , a palpable vibration in the air that hung both around him and the companions he directed it to, creating an odd sensation that something unseen was there with him, dancing around his words and watching over the group as he did.

"The fog is finally lifting
Now we're seeing clearly
Religion got it twisted
Thought they knew, but missed it
Spent their time just searching
Codex pages turning
But You are not to be learned
You are not a doctrine

We already know You
For You live inside us
You are captivating us
We already see You
For everything we are
Is full of who You are

The veil has finally lifted
For so long we've drifted
Thought that You were angry
Thought we were evicted
Couldn't see Your nature
Fearful of the future
Waiting for the rapture
When were never more here."

Aaron's 'surprise round' is to cast Moment of Greatness on everyone from his wand. During his actual turn, he moves a little ahead of the group and starts his Bardic Performance as a swift (inspire courage). Assuming no other morale or competence bonusses are present on other party members, the total bonus of Good Hope + Inspire courage is a +5 bonus to hit and damage rolls (3 competence, 2 morale), an extra +1d6 sonic damage to all weapon damage rolls and a +2 morale bonus to all saving throws, skills and ability checks.

Everyone can, once in the next minute, choose to use the moment of greatness buff to get an extra +2 to any attack, skill, damage roll or saving throw when you roll it.

Once slightly in front, he Readies a Grease spell for an ogre to come into view out of the mist. DC 18 reflex save or fall prone. Aaron has 7 mirror images as rolled above in case something focus fires him. If he has a surprise round action his first standard does nothing as he doesn't want to waste the spell.

Female Snow Elf Druid (Restorer) 11 | Perception +29 | Character Sheet | AC 23 (Touch 13, Flat-Footed 22) | Hp: 69/69 | Fort +10, Reflex +6, Will +16

Daria follows the others, conjuring a Flaming Sphere into the fog. She rolls it around, ready to slam it into any ogres they see.

”Grenwold” | Male NG Small Gnome Hunter 8/ChW 3 | HP 91/91 | AC 26, T 14, FF 24 | CMD 22| F +12 R +12 W +10; +4 poison/disease, +2 Fey/Plant Target/Illusions | Init +2 | Perc +23 | Speed 15ft (50 ft while mounted) | Spells 1st 6/6 2nd 5/5 3rd 4/4 4th 3/3 | Animal Focus 8/8 | Active Conditions: R: T/B Ringo: 114/114

I'll do [url=]ashen path for everyone, if they step near me (I have to be in touch range to distribute it). I'll 5' step south to be closer to Aaron and Lily.[/ooc]

Female Snow Elf Druid (Restorer) 11 | Perception +29 | Character Sheet | AC 23 (Touch 13, Flat-Footed 22) | Hp: 69/69 | Fort +10, Reflex +6, Will +16

Daria is happy to step close to receive the spell.

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