[Gameday XIII] PFS1 #8-00 The Cosmic Captive (10-11) by GM 7thGate

Game Master 7thGate

The 10-11 table of The Cosmic Captive for Gameday XIII

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Dark Archive

Male Human Sorcerer(Sage) - 10 | HP:62/62 | F:6; R:7; W:11 | AC:18(MA) | Init:8 : Perc:15 |Spell Slots: 1; 2/8, 2; 7/7, 3; 7/7 4; 5/6 5; 3/3| FR=1 | DA | 124312-21

Dao replies to the dragon.

He's not my master, he's my friend - and I care for him

Sovereign Court

Male LG Half-elf Fighter 11 | HP 92/92| AC 42 T 23 FF 36 | CMB +20, CMD 37 | F: +14, R: +13, W: +12 | Init: +13 | Perc: +22, Low Light Vision | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none

Sukit swoops around to the far side of the last elemental to land a blow.

Attack, Charge, Haste, Raging Song, Power Attack, Good Hope, flank: 1d20 + 25 + 2 + 1 + 2 - 3 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 25 + 2 + 1 + 2 - 3 + 2 + 2 = 33
damage, raging song, Power Attack, Good Hope, adamantine: 1d8 + 13 + 2 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 13 + 2 + 6 + 2 = 27

AC is 46

Sovereign Court

Male LG Half-elf Fighter 11 | HP 92/92| AC 42 T 23 FF 36 | CMB +20, CMD 37 | F: +14, R: +13, W: +12 | Init: +13 | Perc: +22, Low Light Vision | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none

passing on the seduction this time. I'm sure you'll be more tempting when the wound is a bit bigger.

Silver Crusade

M Human Fighter 10 (Drill Sergeant) | AC 28 T 13 FF 26 CMD 28 (plus Teamwork) | HP 94/94 | F+12 R+8 W+8 (plus Teamwork) | Init +2 | Per +11 | BB 5/5 | Tactician 3/3

Is it difficult terrain between Anthys and the elemental?
If not, he can use Coordinated Charge as an immediate action when the dragon charges (since Anthys has solo tactics, it doesn't matter that the dragon lacks the feat).
But the map appears to show a pretty steep drop.

Rise of the Runelords Pt2|RotRL Pt 3| Giantslayer|Emerald Spire| CORE Emerald Spire

The image of Sorrina Westyr appears as she helps an enormous water elemental dispatch a band of gargoyles. “We do not stand alone in our efforts, my friends. Our teams discovered a band of rebels fighting back against our adversaries and we have begun to coordinate with them. Some much needed assistance should be arriving shortly.”

Table GMs, the Allies benefit is now in play.

The Cosmic Captive | Oath of the Overwatched

The elemental crumples under the onslaught, with Sukit dealing the final blow.

The Crystal Dragon kneels, bowing its head before Saya and Eskar.

"I was enslaved by the runes carved into my scales. As long as I am thus marked, I must heed the rule of Ayrzul, if he has a minion to channel his will through. You disrupted the enchantment long enough that we could destroy these creatures...but more come. It shames me, but I do not know that I have the will to stay and fight."

Anyone can make a DC 33 Diplomacy check to convince it to stay and provide some type of assistance to the Pathfinder's mission, or DC 27 if you speak terran.

Sovereign Court

Male LG Half-elf Fighter 11 | HP 92/92| AC 42 T 23 FF 36 | CMB +20, CMD 37 | F: +14, R: +13, W: +12 | Init: +13 | Perc: +22, Low Light Vision | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none

I have +15 Diplomacy so I can provide aid for +2, but I'm unlikely to beat the DC as the primary.

Silver Crusade

Male Nagaji Paladin 5 (Holy Guide & Oath of Vengeance) / Living Monolith 5

Eskar bows his head as a sign of respect an steps forward


Do not let shame be your master as Ayrzul sought to be. You are no longer bound by his will, and though those runes still scar your scales, your heart remains your own. He may have carved his will into them, but he has not claimed your spirit. You resisted long enough to stand with us today, to fight back even for a moment. That is your strength.

I stand before thee as Eskar Stonefair, from the Pathfidner Society. We have arrived here to inspect a far call from within this star. It seems we face a threat not just to ourselves, but to all living beings that surround this place.

If we stand united, even the most powerful of runes can be broken. Join us. Not as a slave of the society, but as an ally. The world we defend is as much yours as it is ours, and no creature, no tyrant, should hold dominion over our fate.

Together, we can banish the darkness from this star that seeks to enslave us all. The will to fight is not something you must find alone, it is something we build together. You have it on thee, and we shall help you see it through

I have +13 at the moment. Taking a 10 would make that a 23. If you all agree, I can lead the main check. With Sukit aid, I would only need another Aid to arrive at the 27 DC needed for this

Dark Archive

Male Human Sorcerer(Sage) - 10 | HP:62/62 | F:6; R:7; W:11 | AC:18(MA) | Init:8 : Perc:15 |Spell Slots: 1; 2/8, 2; 7/7, 3; 7/7 4; 5/6 5; 3/3| FR=1 | DA | 124312-21

Patrick is not good at talking but he will aid the best he can.
diplomacy: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15

Meanwhile Dao files towards Lunette ((Does Lunnette understand draconic?))

The Cosmic Captive | Oath of the Overwatched

Patrick, Sukit and Saya assist Eskar in talking to the Crystal Dragon.

"You speak Wisdom, Eskar Stonefair. If you seek to rescue the Untouchable Opal, Aryzul and the other elemental lords of evil will oppose you at every turn. I will join your efforts, though I cannot travel with you if you venture deeper into the heart, for fear that another of his minions will subsume my mind. I will find your leaders and share what I saw as a slave here, to aid you in your quest."

"I wish you good fortune on your endeavor. Stay strong, and stay true to your hearts, my friends. And thank you, for everything."

The dragon launches itself into the air, flying up and being careful to stay away from any other elementals crawling through the crater bottom. He heads over the lip of the crater, moving towards the gate to Golarion.

You have earned a clue! This will help out at a later point in the adventure.

The Pathfinders heal and prepare to move on, following the paths along the crater floor towards the cavernous gap in the surface of the asteroid. They spend 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10 minutes traveling before reaching the walls. Go ahead and apply any healing or rebuffing you want to do.

What was once a massive convex wall has since shattered, flinging many chunks of rock outward as other fragments collapsed inward. Even now, the wall seems to undulate and ripple as it slowly knits itself back together. A sickly heat radiates outward from the walls, and hundreds of feet deeper inside stands a staggeringly titanic set of stone doors. Some immense force inside the asteroid has warped these barriers, hurling them open.

The walls are approximately 30 feet high and tipped with jagged battlements that wriggle as the wall tries to grow higher and thicker to repair the recent damage.

Someone has cast a Spike Stones spell, covering a great deal of the terrain with sharp, jagged rock that looks like it would be very painful to walk through.

As the Pathfinders approach, they hear chanting and start to see magical energies being gathered up on the wall; someone is casting a spell, though they are invisible and outside the range of See Invisibility.

Initiative Saya: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Initiative Sukit: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (7) + 13 = 20
Initiative Patrick: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22
Initiative Lunnette: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 24
Initiative Eskar: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Initiative Anthys: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
Initiative Aryzul Stonelord: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

Gateway to the Vault, Round 1
El Yama

Everyone is up!

The spikey rocks are a Spike Stones spell, but otherwise normal rock floor; they do 1d8 damage per square moved through, havled movement, and a reflex save is needed to avoid halving movement until cured. The walls are 30 feet high, and the shaded area leading up to them is difficult terrain. Low Gravity is in effect here (5x jump height/range increment on ranged weapons, 1d4 falling damage instead of 1d6).

The Concordance

Female Kitsune Druid/Oracle/Sorcerer 10

Nope, Lunnette doesn't understand draconic unfortunately, she speaks Sylvan and Common

GM, what is the thickness of the castle wall neaby?

The Cosmic Captive | Oath of the Overwatched

I am going to say 10 feet thick, since that's the depth of the top of the wall and there isn't anything indicating the area under that would not be solid.

The Concordance

Female Kitsune Druid/Oracle/Sorcerer 10

Lunnette climbs on her wasp quickly Over there! she points towards a wall nearby, EL YAMA promptly obeys his misstress and flies over the rocky side, hovering in place near the wall

The druid begins chanting in druidic and her hands touch the wall, 16 feet of stone begin melting and reshaping in the form of a ladder going down the slope, opening a pass in the solid stone wall for her companions to go through, enough for even YAMA to pass

Wall's down, please make yourself at home she chuckles

Mount Yama, move Yama to the Wall, Cast Stone shape on wall, use the wall's stone to form a stair from the path to the wall

Sovereign Court

Male LG Half-elf Fighter 11 | HP 92/92| AC 42 T 23 FF 36 | CMB +20, CMD 37 | F: +14, R: +13, W: +12 | Init: +13 | Perc: +22, Low Light Vision | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none

Thanks to Lunnette Sukit has no trouble mounting the top of the wall.

double move, enter stance

Dark Archive

Male Human Sorcerer(Sage) - 10 | HP:62/62 | F:6; R:7; W:11 | AC:18(MA) | Init:8 : Perc:15 |Spell Slots: 1; 2/8, 2; 7/7, 3; 7/7 4; 5/6 5; 3/3| FR=1 | DA | 124312-21

On the way, Dao switches to common and says softly to Lunnette
Friend Patrick, not get out much ... most likely not know what to do with Callistrian

The Concordance

Female Human ( Ulfen ) Rahadum) Skald 11

Currently airwalking, she will stride just behind Eskar for now, floating some inches abouve dangerous terrain

Does the person in the middle of the map is vissible to us? what is he doing? For the map i mean . i get that there is someone chanting , she she'll be trying to spot that one as well, in case is somepone else

The Cosmic Captive | Oath of the Overwatched

He's the one chanting, since he's actively spellcasting you know where he is even though he's invisible. He's casting a 1 round spell right now, he used his surprise round to start. He's standing on top of the wall.

Spellcraft, DC 21 +1 per 10 feet from caster:
He's casting Summon Monster VI

The Cosmic Captive | Oath of the Overwatched

Lunnette, do you want to stone shape a ladder ramp into the wall here? See discussion for details. Sukit, I'm moving you back down until the stone shape is resolved, you can take a different action.

The Concordance

Female Human ( Ulfen ) Rahadum) Skald 11

So if we know this, Can Saya throw a Silence spell over that area instead of the precicos action stated? Its still 1 round of casting. But don't know where in inicative we are, I don't want to feel i am doing meta, It does depend on when Saya learned this information

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