DM Kludde |

The adventurers lift the first door from its hinges. Pulling it closer to the god box, the door - though metallic - is completely unaffected by the pull of the box. It insert into one of the slots nicely. The humming decreases slightly, much to the startlement of the surrounding troglodytes.
Kargh, the leader of the southern clan is present, as are seven more onlookers.

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Now that Bruce is closer to the machine he would like to experiment. If the door is removed does the humming come back? Also what else can he learn by closer inspection.
Take 20 Engineering: 20 + 10 + 1d6 ⇒ 20 + 10 + (6) = 36

DM Kludde |

It seems the 'door' is actually a control plate of some sorts: inserting it attenuates the power of the box. There are six slots, with one just filled by the adventurers. Filling all six slots probably shuts down the device.

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Bruce will continue working until all six doors are inserted in the machine. "These were clearly designed to be inserted for maintenance purposes. Surely the gods placed them here for exactly this purpose." Bruce says to reassure the troglodytes.

Jolly Roger's Alias |

The little gnome looks on and gives suggestions here and there.
it would be interesting to see what happens if it deactivates...
-Posted with Wayfinder

DM Kludde |

The troglodytes keep looking on, growing increasingly restless as door after door gets lifted and inserted into the sockets. It is only through the repeated calming of Kragh that a riot does not break out.
When the sixth door is inserted, the humming of the box stops, and well over a hundred metallic items clatter to the floor.
The troglodytes are on edge, holding their breath and waiting for the next move of the adventurers...

Jolly Roger's Alias |

Asuna does the same and studies everything.
spellcraft: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15
spellcraft: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (2) + 11 = 13
spellcraft: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (13) + 11 = 24
spellcraft: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 11 = 30
spellcraft: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (1) + 11 = 12
"It's allright. We can reactivate the machine if we need to." Enora says trying to calm the mob.
I hope... She looks questioningly at Bruce.
-Posted with Wayfinder

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Fellgrim will examine the items to see if there is anything of interesting design or purpose.

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Now how does this thing provide food and water?
Thistle goes about searching the device now that it is deactivated, looking for clues as to its function.
Take 20 on perception: 20 + 8 = 28
I have know:Planes, know:religion, and spellcraft. Those are the only relevant skills I can think of that might help in this scenario, please let me know if any of those might help, and feel free to roll them for me if it helps keep things moving :)

DM Kludde |

Fellgrim and Thistle have a closer look at the device, which seems to be some kind of highly advanced, almost sentient, technological contraption. It's clearly 'off' at this point.
Enora rummages through the items, and finds an arsenal's contents: swords, hammers, farming gear, complete suits of armour, cooking ware, lanterns. Several items are magical, and she quickly identifies a +1 chainmail, a +1 great word, and a +1 heavy steel shield. There's a pouch of thieves' tools as well, which has a hidden brooch of shielding in it.
The Troglodytes starts burbling a weird chant, which should pass as a prayer. Thistle recognises it as only a travesty of regular worship, like a child mimicking a sermon.

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"Do we want to pull the pile of items away and "feed" them back to the device once we turn it back on? Then we could tell them to periodically "maintain" the device so that it doesn't get overwhelmed by all of the objects in the future right?"

DM Kludde |

Bruce, give me a sleight of hand if you want to do that (alternatively, you can talk your way through it).
Fellgrim: giving instructions like that will need some kind of Bluff check with Kragh

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Bruce takes his chalk and writes a message for Thistle.
[/b]"We can try adding a few items at a time as the machine powers up. Not a bad idea Fellgrim."[/b]

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Thistle sees the murmuring of the crowd, and reads the message from Bruce. He takes his chalk to one of the walls so all can see, and writes:
"Rydym yn credu rhai o'r eitemau hyn yn cael eu niweidio eich duw. Byddwn yn gweld a allwn ei helpu i hymian uwch hebddynt, neu drwy eu disodli gyda phethau eraill na fydd yn niweidio. Cael ffydd, ffrindiau.
Byddwch yn amyneddgar, a bydd eich ffydd yn cael eu gwobrwyo."
"We believe some of these items are harming your god box. We will see if we can help it to hum louder without them, or by replacing them with other things that will not harm it. Have faith, friends. Be patient, and your faith will be rewarded."
Once he has relayed the message to the crowd, he turns back to Bruce and the others, writing a message for them on his board in common,
"This thing may be sentient. They pray to it like children mimicking their parents, but not truly understanding. Perhaps there is a way we can communicate with it. If we can find out what draws the food and water to it, we may have some other options opened to us."
Edit: I would like to inspect the blue and red items on the map more closely, to see if there is a tie in with the device, as well as the statues in the main room. I am thinking there must be some sort of control board somewhere. What would we have seen when removing the northern doors?

DM Kludde |

Removing the northern door revealed the common area of the northern troglodyte clan: The chamber reeks of troglodytes, and is cluttered with knickknacks and trash, including scraps of armor, tattered cloaks, worn-out boots, odd lengths of rope, and more. The walls and ceiling are covered with blue paintings and writing, and embers glow in a simple fire pit.
Thistle tries to convince the crowd of his good intentions, but Klagh is very sceptical: No removing of the offerings. Ar you sure they are harmful? If so, they must be replaced by better offerings, or the box will be displeased. Bring the hum back!
I'll need a bluff check, you'll get a bonus for any item you use to replace the magical ones.

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So what is happening at this point. Have we started turning the machine back on yet? I would like to see what happens without the items I took.

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I am not great on bluff; however, I will attempt to aid another
Bluff: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10

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Thistle, weapons and shield still strapped nonthreateningly to his side, does his best to calm klagh.
Bluff: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20
Yea, I don't see a reason not to start turning it back on. If the opportunity presents itself, Thistle will go through the northern rooms carefully to make sure there isn't some form of control panel or other way of interacting with this thing, besides just turning it on and off.
Are the statues stone or metal? If they are metal, can they be moved or are they fixed to the floor? I would also like to inspect the food and water things while it is off, to see if there is a clue as to how they might work. I will keep an eye on them as they remove the doors as well, turning the machine back on. Sorry if that's a lot, trying to get a sense for what else we can do with this thing, eventually I figure we will stumble on something :)

Jolly Roger's Alias |

If only Asuna was around ;)
"I believe every magical item interacts with the magic of the box in a bad way. We need to replace them with non-magical metallic objects. I see that there are some armor remnants over there. Let's replace the magical objects with those."
bluff: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17

DM Kludde |

Very well, we'll take the magical items, then, and forge them into a statue for our god! Kragh says that way we offer in a different fashion. How many magical items have you removed? We must replace an equal amount of metal, or the god will be displeased.

Jolly Roger's Alias |

"Now now, that is not very fair is it. We are doing all this work to help your god box. At least let us have the magical items as a form of payment for the trouble we are taking in making sure the godbox will continue to work!" Enora protests.

Pregen - PatheticWretch |

"Perhaps we could leave the magical items here for now, but come back and exchange mundane items for them after we've explored a bit more," Caranthir suggests. "We're likely to find many things we could give them as offerings, and they will not be the wiser."

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Is it possible to run upstairs to the cleaned out thieves lair and grab as much metal and stuff as possible? Cooking gear, bars, shelves, mundane weapons and armor, etc? We could really drop some serious weight on their god-box... :)

Pregen - PatheticWretch |

Agreed that would be a good idea to exchange for any magic items...we could sell it as adding more to their box and taking away some harmful parasites.

DM Kludde |

Just a situation update: The god box is turned to 'off', with all six plates inserted. You 're coming to the point where you're about to turn it back on again, but since you want to keep the magic items, you'll have to reach a deal. Or just steal them form under their noses (which will take a sleight of hand roll)
The upstairs level is stacked with kitchenware, so getting a large amount of metal from there should be straightforward

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I like Thistles plan to get a bunch of metal from upstairs.

DM Kludde |

The box and six doors makes seven. Bring us seven times the metal for the items you take, and skraa-orm will be satisfied!
For the smaller items, that should be no problem. The chainmail weighs 40 lbs, so you need 280 lbs of metal (give or take) to satisfy the clan, should you want to take that item.

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I counted up the baddies from the previous level, there were 15 scouts and such, including the cleric chick. I don't know what there gear was, (hoping for chain shirts, which weigh 25lbs each) and you should probably make a ruling for us on whether or not their armor/weapons would still be there laying around... Also how much the kitchen gear would weigh, and whether or not we can salvage the iron bars from the cells they had. If all of their gear is there, we should be able to come up with close to 300 lbs of metal... I hope I am not munchkining the solution for this floor, just trying to think outside the box :) (haha, I'll just leave that pun there...)

Pregen - PatheticWretch |

Since we are supposed to involved in an ongoing exploration of the tower, with possibly only a few short trips back to town, I don't think it's crazy to suggest we could use things from the levels we've just explored. We may even be able to use things from the previous levels, though off the bat I can't think of a lot of metal gear we left behind.

DM Kludde |

There is no convincing the Troglodyte leader - he is already pretty that the adventurers want to take the magical items, and sees a sevenfold repayment as fair compensation.
Thistle remembers the scout on the previous level, but also quickly come to the insight that they wore predominantly leather armour. There were some metals gates on the level, though, and one of them could be lifted form its hinges and carried down to be sacrificed.
I'm fine with you ransacking previous levels for metal, so as long as you come up with a plan to bring sufficient metal down, I'll consider the quest solved.

Jolly Roger's Alias |

keep forgetting I don't have a dinosaur, such handy beasts of burden ;)
Enora helps carry what she can from the metal. She points the others to metal hinges, locks, nobs, chains, springs and other smaller metallic items they can stick in a bag to carry downstairs.
Yeah so really just pilphering everything that I can think of that is metal. I think we should be able to get enough downstairs to please the troglodyte gods ;)

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Thistle helps direct the gathering of the extra metal parts, doing what he can to help with the smaller items. While those are being picked from the various doors and such, and Jelani helps with the iron gates, Thistle makes his way back up to the first floor. Quickly casting light to help with the opressing darkness, he stumbles around until he finds "clanky" the robotic contraption the group dispatched of at the beginning of their adventure. Dragging that down the stairs, he smiles as he brings it into the room to offer to the god-box.
Beyond being picky about arms and armor and small stuff, that is the biggest metal thing I can remember. There was a massive metal portcullis/gate that was part of a trap, but that might be beyond us to remove...

DM Kludde |

On Clanky: YES! Well-played, sir...
The upper levels of the dungeon are completely stripped of everything metallic. Kluge is particularly pleased to see the marvellous metal construct of Clanky, in several bits and pieces, brought down to be sacrificed. A statue of a false god? This will please the skraa-orm!
And please it does. The strange Numerian alloy has an amplifying effect of the outer-planar super magnet in the central room, causing the humming to become louder and louder, and all metallic items to be locked in place, unmovable. The adventurers manage to get out before the increased pull takes hold of their possessions.

Jelani's Pregens |
"I've never lifted so much stuff to please a lizard in my life. I guess it was better than scrubbing their blood off my armor and hammer later," Jelani jokes, wiping sweat from his brow. "We ready to descend to the next level?"

Jolly Roger's Alias |

"Very well. It seems a pity I couldn't use any of my spells though..."

DM Kludde |

The exit is found in the north-eastern room:
A tall troglodyte statue stands in the center of this otherwise featureless square room, its arms outstretched. Light-sticks are mounted on the east and west walls,providing dim green illumination.
In the northeast corner, a section of the stone floor is cut away perfectly, revealing a stairway that descends into darkness.
The ramp winding down from the level above ends in a flight of stairs leading to a dank, low-ceilinged room. The curved surface of the Emerald Spire takes up the northwest corner, and to the east is a broad stairway leading down to a dark passage from which the soft sound of lapping of water emanates. A small, closed door stands in the south wall. Several toad-sized crabs skitter about.
Welcome to level five!

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Water, this should be interesting...
This pre gen is technically a female cleric. Anyone have any issues if I just pretend it is still Thistle? Who suddenly won't fail hearing perception checks for one level? :) Either way, I'll start by casting light so Bruce can see to inspect the door in front of us...
Edit: I still have to update the profile for this alias... Hopefully that will be done tomorrow...
-Posted with Wayfinder

DM Kludde |

Let me know when your are all ready. As ever, you can assume a trip to the store and returning...

Jolly Roger's Alias |

Can't buy anything so I am ready ;)

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"I hope you are all prepared to hold your breath," Caranthir observes as he looks into the darkness.
The elf removes a magical rod from his belt pouch, then casts two spells.
Mage armor and Unseen Servant with metamagic rod of extend.
"Bruce, if I may make a suggestion, I have summoned an invisible servant that can help us with dangerous tasks. Though your skill at finding and disabling traps has thus far been flawless, it might make sense to have this servant actually open doors or handle objects. It will be with us for four hours if any assignments occur to anyone," he adds.