[PFS/DMK] 0-05 Mists of Mwangi (Inactive)

Game Master Kludde

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Scarab Sages

Male Human (Keleshite) Wizard 2 | HP: 16/16 | AC: 12 | T: 12 | FF: 10 | CMD: 10 | Fort/Ref/Will: +2/+2/+3 | Init: +11 | Perception: +8 | Sense Motive: +2

As the mist recedes and things go from magical crisis to mundane inconvenience, Parumartish releases a sigh of relief.

"Well then," he begins, "now that that is taken care of, Mr. Curator, I am certain you have things you must attend to, but when you have the chance I would love to speak to you about accessing your storage room. I noticed a few things I would have loved to take more time to study, but obviously we were very pressed."

I don't know if the adventure has anything more to say about that, but it didn't seem right not to have Paru think about it again as soon as the danger had passed.

Dark Archive

angel-blooded aasimar ID:116404-2 Paladin oath of vengence /3 (hp:31/31) ] AC: 20/ T:11/ FF:16fort +8, ref +4, will +5, int+3 ,-1per

Seeing her companions depart brought a strange sense of abandonment for Lexia. I wonder if it ever gets any easier she thought with a sense melancholy.

"Well I still believe that I have a job to do" she said to her self before starting the long walk home.
"maybe after taking a long hot bath"she finished humming one of the melodies Azura was singing thru out the museum.

dear master I must regret to report that I find your belifes of the society overall sadly true. Only thru sacrifice and faith can we restore it to the full glory that it is destined to achieve. here are the personell reports that you have requested.

Parumartish-Human Wizard, I feel that people like this justify our crusade of order not only did he attack me personally but also showed hesitation in the face of fiends forcing me to believe that he secretly converses with said beings). Not to worry like most of his kind he has an ineptitude in close combat. recommendation beyond saving purge

Azura- Human Bard, masquerading under the alias of blue dove. The ability to motivate her allies shows the ability to help others but her affiliation with her faction makes me worry that it may not be a good thing.
recommendation attempt assimilation.

Dobar- Dwarf Rouge? not enough information was collected on this subject while not my first contact with dwarfs I continue to find this race confusing. Judgement held until more information can be gleaned.

- your eternal servent Imperia Lexia

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

I'm preparing the chronicles, and realised I don't have day job rolls. Could you roll if you have one?

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