[PFS]DM Elanmorin's #5-02 Wardstone Patrol

Game Master Rogar Valertis

All is NOT well in Mendev. The Worldwound is spewing demons out again and they are doing what they usually do: invading and eating people.
The Pathfinder's Society is committed to researching the past and uncovering long forgotten truths but when it comes to demonic invasions even Pathfinders sometimes have to take a stand...


[dice=Vrothum ]1d20+6[/dice]



Current Characters

Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
Liberty's Edge Batpony

(95 posts)
Activation Cube

(435 posts)
Rogar Valertis

Male Human (taldan) Fighter (Aldori Swordlord) 03
(1,422 posts)
Demon Hunter
Silver Crusade xXCrusaderXx

(126 posts)
Echo Wood Scout
Silver Crusade Azrael the Talon

Human Fighter 4 UC Monk 2 | HP: 52/52 | AC: 20 /22 T:16 FF: 14/16 | CMB:8 CMD:24 | Saves F:10 R:9 W:4 | Init:6 | Per:11 |

played by Batpony (297 posts)
Imron Gauthfallow
Shadow Lodge DM Elan Morin


played by Rogar Valertis (3,451 posts)
Silver Crusade Idril Bladesong

Male Half-elf Magus 4 | Init +4 Perc +6 | AC 18 | FORT +5 REF +4 WILL +5(+2 v ench) | CMD 15

played by Wicked Brew (274 posts)
Staunton Vhane
Silver Crusade Rogar the Righteous

63/63 HP, AC: 20, T: 11, FF: 19, CMD: 21, F: +14, R: +9, W: +11, Init +1, Pereption +6, LG Male Half-Orc Paladin 5 Hell knight 1, +1Large Falcata PA: +8, 2d6+13,19-20 x3)

played by Daveak Bringer of Destruction (192 posts)
Sovereign Court Sheela Kolphan

Spells -/3/3/2 | Laughing Touch 8/8 | Inspired |GM Reroll +2| HP 39/39 | AC 13 (T 13 FF 10) | Init +5 | Perception +0 | Saves 7/6/6 | CMD 15 | 6 Sorceress (Fey) | Female Aasimar

played by chadius (1,099 posts)
Grand Lodge Titus Minicius Parthicus

Male Human: Init +4 Perception +11 : Base Atk +4; CMB +5; CMD 18AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 18 hp 45 Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +6 CL2/FTR3

played by Arklore (223 posts)
Dwarven Rager
Silver Crusade Valentynne

| HP: 36/36 | AC: 29 (13 T, 28 Fl) | CMB: +7, CMD: 19 | F: +7, R: +2, W: +6 | Init: +2 | Perception: +4, Sense M: +2 | Speed 20 ft. (in armor) | Channel Negative 6/6 (DC 14, 1d6) | GM Reroll: +2 1/1 | Active conditions: None. |
Melee Heavy Shield Bash +7 (1d6+3/x2)
| Resist: Acid 5, Cold 5, Electricity 5 |
Other Skills:
Acro -8 (-4 to jump), Climb +3, Diplo +9, Intimidate +7 (+9 circ vs. Evil creat.), Know(Religion) +8, Spellc +4, Swim +2

played by KhaozKnight (112 posts)
Grand Lodge Vrothum

Male Tiefling (+2Dex, +2Int, -2Cha) (79)/(73) HP, AC: (21) T: (14) FF: (20), CMD: 21, F: +12, R: +6, W: +6 Bloodrage: 19/20, Spells (1st): 1/1 Init +5, Pereption +6, CG Male Tiefling Bloodrager(Rageshaper)5/ Dragon Disciple 2, Bite +12, (1d6+8, x2) (Raging)Claws +14, (1d8+8, x2)

played by xXCrusaderXx (515 posts)

Previous Characters

Sovereign Court KhaozKnight

(96 posts)
Bullying Brawler
Dark Archive Xiaobo Feng Weimin

Male 72/72 HP, AC:28[-ki], T: 24, FF: 21, CMD: 30, F: +11, R: +15, W: +14, LN Male Human Lvl 9 Manuever Master, Lvl 1 Memory Inquisitor, Init +7, Pereption +17, Attack +14 (2d6+14, x2)Trip/Disarm/Grapple +21, 20, 14 Bane:5/5 Ki Pool:11/12 Judgement 1/1 Domain Power 4/7 Stunning Fist9/9

played by Daveak Bringer of Destruction (554 posts)