[PFS_Aerondor] 06-05 Slave Ships of Absalom 06-05 (1-5) PbP GameDay 3 (Inactive)

Game Master Aerondor





Lantern Lodge

Recruitment for game starting 1st of November- Part of PbP gameday 3.

Level 1-5.

The metropolis of Absalom promotes commerce in its many forms, and although slavery is legal, it is increasingly common for citizens to frown on the institution. The practice becomes more questionable when an ally of the Pathfinder Society traces an attempt at supernatural surveillance through a slave. Sent as independent sleuths, the PCs must track down the source of this espionage, which takes them deep into underbelly of one of Absalom’s darkest industries.

Content in “Slave Ships of Absalom” also contributes directly to the ongoing storylines of the Liberty’s Edge and Sovereign Court factions

Silver Crusade

Dotting for interest?
Level 1 very eagar Dwarven Paladin (Stonelord)

Liberty's Edge


Sovereign Court

A stately man in a priestly outfit of black with a crimson sash around his waist enters the room. In a thick, Ustalavic accent, he takes a slight bow, hand over chest. "Greetings, I am Father Grigori Yefimovich, at your service."

Catching a better view of the GM, the priest asks, "Ah, but we have met before..."


Howdy again, Aerondor. I'd like to join. :)

*pokes Faerin* Hmmm, you look familiar as well. ;)

Liberty's Edge

The very plainly dressed dwarf looks ot Grigori, "Ye look like a fop. I like ye." He grins and offers Grigori an ale. Fer while we're waitin' fer things to start.

I'd like to join as well, going to let team comp decide class. Guessing its going lower tier.

Liberty's Edge

We have two fighter-types and a cleric. All we're missing is arcane casting and a roguish character.

I'm interested.

I'd like to pay with a Peri-blooded aasimar arcanist, but I have some others characters with 1 or 2 XP ready to play.

The Exchange

Jolly here

Garox Fang at your service, rogueish character :)
One lvl fighter one lvl rogue, plenty of rogue skills, though I lost trapfinding for thug abilities.
Still a bit torn between the two. Trapfinding can be important, but magical traps can also be circumvented often enough...

*Waves at Grigori* I got dibs on all the pretty girls this adventure ;).

Could also roll a new lvl 1 witch or skald if the group is up for that (wanted to make them anyway.

Aerondor are there boons specific for those from the two factions?

Dark Archive

I'm also interested :)

I can offer a character for low tier and one for high tier.

Ragnar is a common ranger, his shape shifting abilities are not developed yet. He's usually a silent man, not talking too much. He likes working with animals. His favorite weapon is his longbow, but he's also able to fight with his sword.

Grand Lodge

Taalaako would like to participate in this game!

Sovereign Court

The priest smiles at Hanud's introduction. "Well met, comrade dwarf."

"But," he corrects the order after making eye contact with the pretty barmaid. "vodka is my drink of choice. Lovely miss, might you have Kiss of the Mantis? Thank you... and by the Book of Spirals you are quite lovely, miss..." The priest smiles more broadly as he waits expectantly for her to introduce herself.

Seeing his old comrade enter the bar, Father Grigori smiles more, and gives Garox a pat on the back. "Ah! But you have come too late, my friend!" he exclaims while pointing to the barmaid with his eyes. "Come and have a seat, perhaps a drink will help you find the next rose. Ha!"

When nearer to him, the scent of cologne wafts into one's nostrils, and one may notice the priest's twin pairs of small, silver loop earrings... and a silver chain around his neck, bearing a spiral pendant over his heart. A rapier is belted by his side, and a curved dagger beside it.

Lantern Lodge

So we have
Faerin - Dwarven Paladin 1
Hanud - Dwarven Fighter 1
Grigori - Human cleric 2 (well, hewill be once that chronicle is applied)
Garox - Human fighter/rogue


I'm guessing there are special ones available from the scenario, but I don't have the PDF of the scenario yet. They will send them out a bit prior to the gameday starting so I get generate maps etc.

I'm not keen on having more than six, there are likely to be heaps of tables of games available this game day. I'm also running a low level Glass River Rescue if Rgnar or Taalaako are interested.

So marko_d3 and Jolly if you could propose a character each that would be great. Arcane and social skills seem to be the weak points for the group at the moment.

Recruitment closed pending acceptable characters from marko_d3 and Jolly Rodger.

There is now a discussion thread available for putting your character information in to make giving out chronicles easier.

Because of the boons I will go with my Skald instead of Garox.

Anyone know if it is at all possible to change the name of a pfs character on the boards?
I reshaped the lvl 1 to a different class and personality, but he already has too many posts under his name for a normal name change.

Sovereign Court

GM Aerondor - Actually, I was thinking of going cleric 1/fighter 1 (Ustalav Duelist archetype) for Grigori. I just need to review its PFS acceptability first (I think I checked a while back, but I want to double check when I get a chance). Melee combat will not be too big a deal for this party, so far...

Jolly Roger - I believe a PFS character alias works the same as regular aliases, unfortunately (you can only change names if you post fewer than 10 posts). And you get a new PFS # (e.g. 0 XP) if you recreate the PFS character alias and copy and paste the info... I defer to someone else who may know of a secret way to do it, hopefully?

Grand Lodge

Aww did I miss it? :-( I thought I got in early enough to play.

Sovereign Court

I like tengus too. :(

GM Aerondor - Actually, now I am thinking, maybe I should take a 1st-level retrain as per the PFS Guide and take the Crusader archetype instead. This way, I could stick with cleric levels and still be a swordsman...

Lantern Lodge

Yeap, sorry Taalaako, I'd be happy to have you if we were not full.

I'm not keen on running multiple tables of this for GD3, as I'll be GMing multiple scenarios anyway. I found myself doing that a couple of months ago and got a bit over comitted - which would be bad during a gameday.

@Grig - take your time, there are a couple of weeks before GD3 starts, so no real rush.

Also, I don't know if there are scenario boons for the right factions. Trial by Machine had them though, so at least some season 6 scenarios are doing this.

The Exchange

Marko here.

This will be my character.

Lantern Lodge


Actually I missed that Garox was Jolly Rodger, so if Taalaako is still free we can fit him in. I'll PM him.

Grand Lodge

Taalaako is in. :)

Silver Crusade

So what's the table like?

Grand Lodge

Taalaako is all about charging in combat, so he'll kindly ask everyone to stay clear of his running lane for the first round or so of combat. He's also very good with languages, with a +9 in Linguistics and can speak Common, Tengu, Tian, Infernal, and Gnome. He's got a wand of infernal healing that he will gladly share with anyone who is willing to be healed by devils' blood (sorry, Mr. Paladin!).

Liberty's Edge

Hanud is a defense-oriented dwarf. He'll hold whatever line needs held, charging if necessary.

Hanud has no qualms about being healed by anything so long as he can do his job.

Sovereign Court

Resident ladies' man here (watch out, Sehrli). Good at diplomacy, healing, interring the dead, and drinking vodka. Oh, and he can wield a sword fairly well, too.

I have a portrait link in my profile.

Sovereign Court

Ah I always imagined a more older man because of your picture Grigori :P.

Darius is a curious man. Bit wierd. He's a Skald so he can buff people during combat at the expense of 1 ac. Loads of knowledge skills and some social ones as well.

Wand of clw in the pocket in case it is needed.

The Exchange

Sehrli is good at burning things and... err... watching burning things with fascination.

She can also shot with her crossbow and has some knowledges, but those are boring things ;-)

Her appearance is similar to Chandra Nalaar (couldn't find any similar avatar)

Sovereign Court

He looks a little more evil than I imagined him. I wanted a jester, but not an evil demonic possessed one :P

Sovereign Court

@Darius - I do roleplay him that way, and I imagine him to be in his early 30's. By Pathfinder standards, that's nearly middle aged. I probably would have aimed for 40ish, but I didn't want to penalize his physical stats. I based the concept very loosely on Rasputin (and the rumors of his ways with women), and he was a very hard man to kill, not frail at all.

Darius is ready for Halloween, actually. :)

@Sehrli - If she looks like that, then definitely watch out for Grigori. I expect I will get burned a few times in this adventure... ;)

Sovereign Court

If she looks like that even a joker would go after her, mjum ;). Or he will just make fun of Grigori's failed attempts ;).

Lantern Lodge

Still waiting for a post in the discussion thread with PFS details for Taalako and Faerin.

Once you each have a post there it is just a matter of waiting for november the first. And hopefully the scenario arrives for me the week before.

Can I get each of you to check that you have your HP, AC and save bonus recorded on your sheet so they appear in each of your posts (it is the "class" line of your character sheet if I remember correctly).

Sovereign Court

Grigori laughs at Darius's prediction of failure. Spotting Sehrli a mile away, he remarks to the jester, "Just watch and learn how it is done, my young friend," The priest puffs up his chest, applies a little more cologne, and suavely approaches the young lady...

Sovereign Court

@GM Aerondor - Um, just remembered to pick up a few more things. I'm at 228 gold now. I'm keeping a tally in the Notes spoiler in my profile, but I'll update you again (if I remember anything else to buy) right before we begin.

The Exchange

Remember that fire can be beautiful and fascinating, but if you play with it you can get burned ;-)

Silver Crusade

Have added in my post. Will need to update though.

Liberty's Edge

Not finding Sehrli to his... preferences, Hanud looks to Faerin and gives her a smile.

"I believe amusment be the way we shall see with these two." He waves his ale mug in the direction of Sehrli and Grigori.

Silver Crusade

"What? What kind of amusement?" She turns to the older dwarf with the mug of ale, as she queries, her eyes bright with questions.

Dark Archive

I already played The Glass River Rescue, thanks.

Liberty's Edge

Hanud chuckles at Faerin's innocence. "Lass, ye need to watch and learn how foolish human men can be sometimes. It's great for amusement, but not always good for their constitutions."

Hoping Grigori and Sahrli don't mind the dwarf joking about human courting rituals.

Silver Crusade

"Eh? Torag's teachings don't exactly include those....I be but fresh out of Torag's own forge of steel?"

She means she's fresh out of training......

Lantern Lodge

I've opened the game thread for you to have some fun RP time in. No actual real posts until Nov=1st though!

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