Out of the Abyss (Inactive)

Game Master caster4life

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"Well let's get moving then.." Irdril runs off in the direction of the Inn..

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The glowing blades are nowhere to be found. They do have leather armor and on one of them you find a charcoal drawing that looks a lot like Werz Saltbaron.


Ghohlbrorn is Dwarvish for bulette.

You all decide to slip into the city as casually as possible, heading toward the Ghohlbrorn's Lair inn. But soon after you pass from the docks area into the Darklake District proper, you hear a gravelly voice right next to you call out in Undercommon "Halt, outsiders! State your business!"

Irdril turns to the voice.

"We have no official business here. We just seek shelter for a night or two before most likely moving on. We are no trouble I assure you."

Persuasion: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19

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The gruff voice chuckles. "Alright then. I'm sure ya won't be no trouble." You then hear a few pairs of footsteps walking away.

80 xp to Irdril for getting you past the guards. It takes 1600 xp to go from level 3 to level 4 so the default award for an action that moves your goals forward is 5% of that.

DC 14 perception and Dwarvish:

As they head away, the voice mutters "Though I don't think they'll be findin' it so easy to leave as they'd like..."

You continue walking further into the Darklake District of Gracklstugh. Soon, you see a grey stone statue, 10 ft tall, of a Duergar in long robes wearing a tall, angular crown. On a plaque in Dwarvish script is inscribed "Deepking Horgar Steelshadow V." You turn left and soon find yourselves walking through crowded streets full of stalls where vendors offer fine tools, weapons, and armor. This is the Blade Baazar. In a downward sloping alley, you see the sign for "the Ghohlbrorn's Lair inn" hanging over a cave entrance.

Male CG Wood Elf Ranger (Revised) 4 | HP: 15/36 | AC: 16 (current 15) | Ins +4, Inv +1, Per +4, Stl +5, Srv +4 | Saves: S2*, D6*, C2, I1, W2, C-1 | Init: +4 | PP 14 | Speed 35ft | Inspiration: No | HD: 4/4, 1d10+2 | Spells: 1st 1/3 | Status: Madness 1, Petrified

"A cheery place.", mutters Galinndan to no one in particular.

He turns to Cyrus.

"You didn't happen to snatch a spare short sword by any chance?"

HP 17/18 | AC 16 | Saving Throws: D 10, W 11, P 10, B 13, S 12

Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11

I expected that ta go much worses, good wark Irdril.

♂ | HP: 45/45 | AC: 17 | Acr +7, Ath +2, Nat +3, Per +5, Ste +7, Sur +5|Saves: S2*, D7*, C2, I0, W2, Ch0 | Init +4 | PP: 15 | Spd: 35' | Insp: No | HD: 5/5 | Spell DC: 13 | Spells: (4/4) | Status: Madness (Lvl 2)

Cyrus adjusts his new oversized shoes. Assuming they had shoes to steal

"No sword, me think it was some kind of magic attack dey used." The goblin answers.

Male GC Mtn Dwarf Wizard (Artificer) 4 | HP: 14/30 | AC: 14 | Arc +4, Ath +5, His +4, Inv +4 | Saves: S3, D1, C3, W1*, I4*, Ch0 | Init +2 | PP: 9 | Spd: 25' | Insp: Yes | M:3 | HD: 4/4 | Spell DC: 12 | Spells: 1 (2/4), 2 (2/3) | HPot: 1/2, GPot: 1/1 | Status: The Best

Perception: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (18) - 1 = 17

Speaking through the spores, Galenus says, Be warned, friends. Those guards said they don't think it'll be that easy to get out of this city. Now, I don't remember it being too difficult to leave, but I've always been here on business before. So either they got some problems with those who don't have business, or something has changed with the culture.

Just keep an eye out for things wrong, and keep a mind open for escape if we need it.

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Cyrus really likes the fine leather his new shoes are made of. Unfortunately, they are far too big.

GM screen:

Droki: 1d100 ⇒ 68

You catch a glimpse into the Ghohlbrorn's Lair as a deep gnome heads inside. Dark, damp cave tunnels are lit by torchlight. A central room holds fires and talk while customers' rooms are connected to tunnels branching off from the central chamber.

You can try to do something in the Blade Baazar, talk to people in the inn, get a room and sleep, etc.

Male CG Wood Elf Ranger (Revised) 4 | HP: 15/36 | AC: 16 (current 15) | Ins +4, Inv +1, Per +4, Stl +5, Srv +4 | Saves: S2*, D6*, C2, I1, W2, C-1 | Init: +4 | PP 14 | Speed 35ft | Inspiration: No | HD: 4/4, 1d10+2 | Spells: 1st 1/3 | Status: Madness 1, Petrified

Through the spores, Galinndan speaks:

I need to rest, very badly. I dare not rest alone, not in this place. I suggest renting a large room if we can, and sleeping or meditating in shifts. Once rested, I will gladly stand watch for as long as necessary.

Male GC Mtn Dwarf Wizard (Artificer) 4 | HP: 14/30 | AC: 14 | Arc +4, Ath +5, His +4, Inv +4 | Saves: S3, D1, C3, W1*, I4*, Ch0 | Init +2 | PP: 9 | Spd: 25' | Insp: Yes | M:3 | HD: 4/4 | Spell DC: 12 | Spells: 1 (2/4), 2 (2/3) | HPot: 1/2, GPot: 1/1 | Status: The Best

Why don't we all take a rest. It will be nice to have some safety for once. After we sleep, we shall discuss what is needed in the market, and we'll dispatch a team to go out and purchase supplies. Meanwhile, another team will meet at the Shattered Spire.

I dare not head out smelling like this; it will drive the prices up by fifty percent!

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That's a two player quorum.

You enter in and find a middle-aged Duergar working the central chamber. He appears to be the tavernkeeper. You see a sign written in Dwarvish and Undercommon:

1 gp for a 1 bunk room.
2 gp for a 3 bunk room.
1 loaf of horkar included with each bunk.

Male CG Wood Elf Ranger (Revised) 4 | HP: 15/36 | AC: 16 (current 15) | Ins +4, Inv +1, Per +4, Stl +5, Srv +4 | Saves: S2*, D6*, C2, I1, W2, C-1 | Init: +4 | PP 14 | Speed 35ft | Inspiration: No | HD: 4/4, 1d10+2 | Spells: 1st 1/3 | Status: Madness 1, Petrified

Galenus, what is 'Horkar'? And are those prices much like what you experienced? Not that we will have much choice I imagine.

Male CG Drow Fighter 2/Paladin 2
Usables Remaining:
Action Surge* 0/1 | Divine Sense 3/3 | Faerie Fire 1/1 | Lay on Hands 10/10 | Second Wind* 1/1 | Spell Slots 0/2 | HD: 4d10
HP: 27/32 | AC: 17 | Acr +5, Ath +3, Perc +2, Pers +4, Stl +5 | Saves: Str +3*, Dex +3, Con +3*, Int -1, Wis +0, Cha +2 | Init: +3 | Passive Perception 12 | Speed 30ft (swim, climb) | Inspiration: Y | Hit Dice: 4d10 | Active conditions: Madness (2)

Very pricey for a bunk indeed. But as you say, we don't have much choice.

Kanzen makes his way up to the duergar at the bar, his face impassive. He nods to the innkeep. "A drow wine, if you them. Otherwise, whatever you have." Once the drink has been poured, he gestures to the large party. "We have need of bunks. A lot of them, as you can see. We'll be staying for a couple of days, maybe more. How are things here in the city? Any trouble at the moment, or is all well?"

Persuasion: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18

Male GC Mtn Dwarf Wizard (Artificer) 4 | HP: 14/30 | AC: 14 | Arc +4, Ath +5, His +4, Inv +4 | Saves: S3, D1, C3, W1*, I4*, Ch0 | Init +2 | PP: 9 | Spd: 25' | Insp: Yes | M:3 | HD: 4/4 | Spell DC: 12 | Spells: 1 (2/4), 2 (2/3) | HPot: 1/2, GPot: 1/1 | Status: The Best

Horkar is a type of bread made from an edible fungus. It's pretty good. Kind of a staple down here.

There's 15 of us, right? So 5 rooms. That's 10 gold per night, folks. Unless we have a source of income, were going to be bleeding gold.

I would give all I have for a bath and a bed.. We can figure out something after a rest..

Male CG Wood Elf Ranger (Revised) 4 | HP: 15/36 | AC: 16 (current 15) | Ins +4, Inv +1, Per +4, Stl +5, Srv +4 | Saves: S2*, D6*, C2, I1, W2, C-1 | Init: +4 | PP 14 | Speed 35ft | Inspiration: No | HD: 4/4, 1d10+2 | Spells: 1st 1/3 | Status: Madness 1, Petrified

I will take your word for it, Galenus. I think we can afford one night anyway.

Male CG Drow Fighter 2/Paladin 2
Usables Remaining:
Action Surge* 0/1 | Divine Sense 3/3 | Faerie Fire 1/1 | Lay on Hands 10/10 | Second Wind* 1/1 | Spell Slots 0/2 | HD: 4d10
HP: 27/32 | AC: 17 | Acr +5, Ath +3, Perc +2, Pers +4, Stl +5 | Saves: Str +3*, Dex +3, Con +3*, Int -1, Wis +0, Cha +2 | Init: +3 | Passive Perception 12 | Speed 30ft (swim, climb) | Inspiration: Y | Hit Dice: 4d10 | Active conditions: Madness (2)

It may not be on the top of our list of personal priorities, but we could keep an ear out for mercenary work, or the like. We're a useful bunch, and that kind of work often pays well.

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Male GC Mtn Dwarf Wizard (Artificer) 4 | HP: 14/30 | AC: 14 | Arc +4, Ath +5, His +4, Inv +4 | Saves: S3, D1, C3, W1*, I4*, Ch0 | Init +2 | PP: 9 | Spd: 25' | Insp: Yes | M:3 | HD: 4/4 | Spell DC: 12 | Spells: 1 (2/4), 2 (2/3) | HPot: 1/2, GPot: 1/1 | Status: The Best

I'm still waiting to see if Kanzen can talk the price down before putting down the gold.

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The proprietor looks Kanzen up and down with a squint then hands him a very dark wine without a word. When Kanzen mentions rooms, he looks at the group "Huh. Well I've got an extra storeroom ya could use. It'd fit all o' ya for 5 gold a night." He raises an eyebrow at talk of rumors. "Bad things been happenin'. Trade routes gotten more dangerous lately. The local plants and critters have gotten riled by somefin. And I even heard tale that one small settlement were overrun by demons."

Male CG Drow Fighter 2/Paladin 2
Usables Remaining:
Action Surge* 0/1 | Divine Sense 3/3 | Faerie Fire 1/1 | Lay on Hands 10/10 | Second Wind* 1/1 | Spell Slots 0/2 | HD: 4d10
HP: 27/32 | AC: 17 | Acr +5, Ath +3, Perc +2, Pers +4, Stl +5 | Saves: Str +3*, Dex +3, Con +3*, Int -1, Wis +0, Cha +2 | Init: +3 | Passive Perception 12 | Speed 30ft (swim, climb) | Inspiration: Y | Hit Dice: 4d10 | Active conditions: Madness (2)

Kanzen accepts the offer of the storeroom with thanks. When the innkeep speaks of dark rumours, Kanzen nods, grimacing. "Aye, we've encountered dark things on the road here ourselves. Still, troubled times can make lots of work for sellswords, guarding merchant's caravans, the like. Where would a group of useful people find that kind of work, would you know?"

Male GC Mtn Dwarf Wizard (Artificer) 4 | HP: 14/30 | AC: 14 | Arc +4, Ath +5, His +4, Inv +4 | Saves: S3, D1, C3, W1*, I4*, Ch0 | Init +2 | PP: 9 | Spd: 25' | Insp: Yes | M:3 | HD: 4/4 | Spell DC: 12 | Spells: 1 (2/4), 2 (2/3) | HPot: 1/2, GPot: 1/1 | Status: The Best

Galenus places the five gold on the counter.

Male CG Wood Elf Ranger (Revised) 4 | HP: 15/36 | AC: 16 (current 15) | Ins +4, Inv +1, Per +4, Stl +5, Srv +4 | Saves: S2*, D6*, C2, I1, W2, C-1 | Init: +4 | PP 14 | Speed 35ft | Inspiration: No | HD: 4/4, 1d10+2 | Spells: 1st 1/3 | Status: Madness 1, Petrified

Galinndan feels deep relief at the idea of resting, and with more safety.

These others I can trust to watch my back.

He keeps the words from the spores, but not the emotions.

Male CG Drow Fighter 2/Paladin 2
Usables Remaining:
Action Surge* 0/1 | Divine Sense 3/3 | Faerie Fire 1/1 | Lay on Hands 10/10 | Second Wind* 1/1 | Spell Slots 0/2 | HD: 4d10
HP: 27/32 | AC: 17 | Acr +5, Ath +3, Perc +2, Pers +4, Stl +5 | Saves: Str +3*, Dex +3, Con +3*, Int -1, Wis +0, Cha +2 | Init: +3 | Passive Perception 12 | Speed 30ft (swim, climb) | Inspiration: Y | Hit Dice: 4d10 | Active conditions: Madness (2)

Perhaps we could find a merchant heading to the surface that wants caravan guards...? Kanzen projects via the spores.

Male CG Wood Elf Ranger (Revised) 4 | HP: 15/36 | AC: 16 (current 15) | Ins +4, Inv +1, Per +4, Stl +5, Srv +4 | Saves: S2*, D6*, C2, I1, W2, C-1 | Init: +4 | PP 14 | Speed 35ft | Inspiration: No | HD: 4/4, 1d10+2 | Spells: 1st 1/3 | Status: Madness 1, Petrified

Kanzen, that is an excellent suggestion.

Perhaps we should look for someone in power to inform of what we know. That in itself could provide monetary help.

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The man considers. "Well I s'pose the Merchant Council might hire guards. Risky, workin' for them. No backup. No support. Gotta live to git paid. Other than that, I recommend lookin' around the Bazaar for work."

Male GC Mtn Dwarf Wizard (Artificer) 4 | HP: 14/30 | AC: 14 | Arc +4, Ath +5, His +4, Inv +4 | Saves: S3, D1, C3, W1*, I4*, Ch0 | Init +2 | PP: 9 | Spd: 25' | Insp: Yes | M:3 | HD: 4/4 | Spell DC: 12 | Spells: 1 (2/4), 2 (2/3) | HPot: 1/2, GPot: 1/1 | Status: The Best

Once they're all settled in the room, Galenus starts moving things around to make a men and women section, so each can have their privacy as needed.

Ha asks for someone to order some baths, and asks those with magic to warm it up and clean the water as needed. Likewise, laundry needs to get done and magic can he used to help clean and dry as needed.

Based on our travels so far, I've got 30 gold, and three valuable gems, worth just over a thousand combined. We'll need two or three folks to head into town to get supplies, plus whoever else wants to volunteer to help out to the bazaar. Everyone else can make a list of what they'd like.

Now, here in Gracklstugh, they don't fancy d corations and whatnot - everything is plain but well made. So be careful about adding flourishes to anything you buy. Keep it simple.

We'll need to get a fresh set of clothes for everyone, and a backpack for everyone to better carry stuff. From what's left, we can upgrade or repair any weapons or armor for you warrior types. After we upgrade the warriors, the rest of us can upgrade our armor.

We'll also need to invest in some arcane focuses for those of us who can use magic.

After all that is purchased, then we can start looking at how much we have left and what we can use with it.

So, who wants to go to the Bazaar and who wants to meet with that Duergar we saved?

For the first time in a while, Galenus seems to he happy. He seems in his element as he organizes and direct the group. Logistics and planning are where he finds himself most comfortable.

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I'll assume you take a long rest on the rough ticks you've been provided by the inn.

GM screen:

Con checks: 6d20 ⇒ (15, 10, 1, 20, 4, 1) = 51

While the rest of you had the best night's sleep you've had in a long time, Galenus, Irdril, and Kanzen all wake up coughing and hacking.

You guys have gained a level of exhaustion from Grackle-lung! Turns out all the bellows and forges working in this city are really bad for you, especially if you're not a Duergar or Derro.

You also look around and notice that Buppido, your derro friend, is nowhere to be seen.

What would you like to do now?

Male CG Wood Elf Ranger (Revised) 4 | HP: 15/36 | AC: 16 (current 15) | Ins +4, Inv +1, Per +4, Stl +5, Srv +4 | Saves: S2*, D6*, C2, I1, W2, C-1 | Init: +4 | PP 14 | Speed 35ft | Inspiration: No | HD: 4/4, 1d10+2 | Spells: 1st 1/3 | Status: Madness 1, Petrified

Galinndan snaps out of meditation, feeling less exhausted for the first time in days. Despite overhearing coughing.

And sees no Derro.

"Did anyone see Buppido? I cannot.", he asks.

HP 17/18 | AC 16 | Saving Throws: D 10, W 11, P 10, B 13, S 12

Buppido, nah I ain't seen where he went. Although won't say I'll miss the crazy little dwarf.

Male GC Mtn Dwarf Wizard (Artificer) 4 | HP: 14/30 | AC: 14 | Arc +4, Ath +5, His +4, Inv +4 | Saves: S3, D1, C3, W1*, I4*, Ch0 | Init +2 | PP: 9 | Spd: 25' | Insp: Yes | M:3 | HD: 4/4 | Spell DC: 12 | Spells: 1 (2/4), 2 (2/3) | HPot: 1/2, GPot: 1/1 | Status: The Best

He's home now. Do you blame him for running off?

Who wants to go shopping and who wants to visit the guy we saved?

♂ | HP: 45/45 | AC: 17 | Acr +7, Ath +2, Nat +3, Per +5, Ste +7, Sur +5|Saves: S2*, D7*, C2, I0, W2, Ch0 | Init +4 | PP: 15 | Spd: 35' | Insp: No | HD: 5/5 | Spell DC: 13 | Spells: (4/4) | Status: Madness (Lvl 2)

Cyrus shrugs at the mention of Buppido.

"I've got nay a gold to me name so I'll be relying on yer kindness for now." Cyrus says.

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While you discuss this, a sharp knock on your door announces that your portions of horkar have arrived.

What would you guys like to do first in Gracklstugh?

Male CG Drow Fighter 2/Paladin 2
Usables Remaining:
Action Surge* 0/1 | Divine Sense 3/3 | Faerie Fire 1/1 | Lay on Hands 10/10 | Second Wind* 1/1 | Spell Slots 0/2 | HD: 4d10
HP: 27/32 | AC: 17 | Acr +5, Ath +3, Perc +2, Pers +4, Stl +5 | Saves: Str +3*, Dex +3, Con +3*, Int -1, Wis +0, Cha +2 | Init: +3 | Passive Perception 12 | Speed 30ft (swim, climb) | Inspiration: Y | Hit Dice: 4d10 | Active conditions: Madness (2)

Well, I'm desperate to get some actual swords rather than daggers - and some decent armour wouldn't hurt, but I don't actually need to do the shopping. I'd be happy to meet the merchant.

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Well I'm going to say no party split so do you guys want to head to the Blade Bazaar now? Or the Shattered Spire? Or go somewhere else and try something else? Once two people assert a plan, I'll move us along that path.

Male GC Mtn Dwarf Wizard (Artificer) 4 | HP: 14/30 | AC: 14 | Arc +4, Ath +5, His +4, Inv +4 | Saves: S3, D1, C3, W1*, I4*, Ch0 | Init +2 | PP: 9 | Spd: 25' | Insp: Yes | M:3 | HD: 4/4 | Spell DC: 12 | Spells: 1 (2/4), 2 (2/3) | HPot: 1/2, GPot: 1/1 | Status: The Best

Let's get supplies. He didn't say what time to meet him, so we don't have much to go on.

Male CG Drow Fighter 2/Paladin 2
Usables Remaining:
Action Surge* 0/1 | Divine Sense 3/3 | Faerie Fire 1/1 | Lay on Hands 10/10 | Second Wind* 1/1 | Spell Slots 0/2 | HD: 4d10
HP: 27/32 | AC: 17 | Acr +5, Ath +3, Perc +2, Pers +4, Stl +5 | Saves: Str +3*, Dex +3, Con +3*, Int -1, Wis +0, Cha +2 | Init: +3 | Passive Perception 12 | Speed 30ft (swim, climb) | Inspiration: Y | Hit Dice: 4d10 | Active conditions: Madness (2)


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Yep. He just said meet him there tomorrow.

GM screen:

Dr: 1d100 ⇒ 52
?: 1d20 ⇒ 10
Num: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
St: 12d20 ⇒ (2, 17, 3, 12, 19, 11, 12, 9, 1, 8, 20, 13) = 127

As you head out into the Blade Bazaar, you all hear at least one set of boots clanking near you. The more perceptive members of the group hear three sets.

The Bazaar is busy this morning, filled with a rumbling background buzz of merchants and customers talking. The clanking and banging of forges and machinery doesn't let anyone forget where they are. You all notice a nearby merchant railing at and insulting customers attempting to sell him some goods.

For purchases or sales of 50 gp or less, you can just describe yourself purchasing it without any RP or input from me. We'll RP bigger purchases, for now. You can't sell a ton of gems to just anyone, after all.

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HP 17/18 | AC 16 | Saving Throws: D 10, W 11, P 10, B 13, S 12

we are off to do Bazaar things

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Male GC Mtn Dwarf Wizard (Artificer) 4 | HP: 14/30 | AC: 14 | Arc +4, Ath +5, His +4, Inv +4 | Saves: S3, D1, C3, W1*, I4*, Ch0 | Init +2 | PP: 9 | Spd: 25' | Insp: Yes | M:3 | HD: 4/4 | Spell DC: 12 | Spells: 1 (2/4), 2 (2/3) | HPot: 1/2, GPot: 1/1 | Status: The Best
caster4life wrote:

For purchases or sales of 50 gp or less, you can just describe yourself purchasing it without any RP or input from me. We'll RP bigger purchases, for now. You can't sell a ton of gems to just anyone, after all.

This is exactly why I wanted everyone to give a list of what they wanted, so we could negotiate in bulk.

Male CG Wood Elf Ranger (Revised) 4 | HP: 15/36 | AC: 16 (current 15) | Ins +4, Inv +1, Per +4, Stl +5, Srv +4 | Saves: S2*, D6*, C2, I1, W2, C-1 | Init: +4 | PP 14 | Speed 35ft | Inspiration: No | HD: 4/4, 1d10+2 | Spells: 1st 1/3 | Status: Madness 1, Petrified

Galinndan wants a backpack, rope, grappling hook, and a short sword.

Irdril would like a set of studded leather, a new set of clothes, backpack/bedroll. Some Tiny Tarts, Petrified Eye of Newt, and some Bits of Fleece as spell comps. If we have spare golds after purchases a few healing pots should go along way for the non-healers.

"I will join you to negotiate if necessary."

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The lower value items (<50 gp) you should just state that you buy and mark off the gp. Gracklstugh has plenty of shops.

A duergar in a nearby booths eyes you all looking around the marketplace. "Come, come!" he commands gruffly. "Do ya want to buy or sell? I've got plenty of good stuff and I pay good coin for quality stock. What'll it be?"

Male CG Drow Fighter 2/Paladin 2
Usables Remaining:
Action Surge* 0/1 | Divine Sense 3/3 | Faerie Fire 1/1 | Lay on Hands 10/10 | Second Wind* 1/1 | Spell Slots 0/2 | HD: 4d10
HP: 27/32 | AC: 17 | Acr +5, Ath +3, Perc +2, Pers +4, Stl +5 | Saves: Str +3*, Dex +3, Con +3*, Int -1, Wis +0, Cha +2 | Init: +3 | Passive Perception 12 | Speed 30ft (swim, climb) | Inspiration: Y | Hit Dice: 4d10 | Active conditions: Madness (2)

My shopping list:
* 2 shortswords (20 gp)
* Studded leather armour (45 gp)
* Climber's kit (25 gp)
* Rope 50' (1 gp)
* Ball bearings (1 gp)
* Bedroll (1 gp)
* Potion of healing (50 gp)

That's 143 gp worth, I can skip on the potion and/or the climber's kit if necessary. I'll leave it to the treasurer to make those calls :) Also, I'll have a spare chain shirt, can't remember if it was worth anything or not, so someone else can have it, or we can sell it if it'll get any coin.

EDIT: I see the chain's worth 0, if anyone wants it, take it. The studded leather gives me the same AC for 8 lb less. If no one can use it, I guess I'll forgo the studded leather and keep the chain shirt to save us 45 gp.

Also, I have: sheet of paper, small file, lockpicks, small mirror, scissors, pliers, mason's tools. Are these worth anything DM? I've just been carrying them, the only thing I'd be interested in is the mirror, so if anyone wants anything just claim it.

Male GC Mtn Dwarf Wizard (Artificer) 4 | HP: 14/30 | AC: 14 | Arc +4, Ath +5, His +4, Inv +4 | Saves: S3, D1, C3, W1*, I4*, Ch0 | Init +2 | PP: 9 | Spd: 25' | Insp: Yes | M:3 | HD: 4/4 | Spell DC: 12 | Spells: 1 (2/4), 2 (2/3) | HPot: 1/2, GPot: 1/1 | Status: The Best

Hi. Yes. I've got some quality items to sell. But I don't think you could afford it; your wares look weak and dirty. And you're too skinny to be a proper merchant, Galenus says, blatantly insulting the merchant.

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The merchant chuckles at Galenus. "You callin' me, dirty, sun-dwarf? You smell like a weeks-dead trout! But what are these wares you're offerin'?"

Male GC Mtn Dwarf Wizard (Artificer) 4 | HP: 14/30 | AC: 14 | Arc +4, Ath +5, His +4, Inv +4 | Saves: S3, D1, C3, W1*, I4*, Ch0 | Init +2 | PP: 9 | Spd: 25' | Insp: Yes | M:3 | HD: 4/4 | Spell DC: 12 | Spells: 1 (2/4), 2 (2/3) | HPot: 1/2, GPot: 1/1 | Status: The Best

Galenus slyly pulls out one of the two gems and shows it to the merchant. Had to crawl out a whale's arse for this one, he says, Valuable.

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Gems from the statue?

The merchant eyes the gems and clicks his tongue. "Alright then. 200."

Male GC Mtn Dwarf Wizard (Artificer) 4 | HP: 14/30 | AC: 14 | Arc +4, Ath +5, His +4, Inv +4 | Saves: S3, D1, C3, W1*, I4*, Ch0 | Init +2 | PP: 9 | Spd: 25' | Insp: Yes | M:3 | HD: 4/4 | Spell DC: 12 | Spells: 1 (2/4), 2 (2/3) | HPot: 1/2, GPot: 1/1 | Status: The Best

Just one of the two from the statue.

What are you trying to do? Give me a heart attack? This thing is eight, easy.

Could use some help from some more charismatic and non-fish-cursed people.

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