Kaigon the Miscreant

Eddrikk's page

286 posts. Alias of ElbowtotheFace.


HP 17/18 | AC 16 | Saving Throws: D 10, W 11, P 10, B 13, S 12

About Eddrikk

Str: 16 Dex: 13 Con: 15 Int: 13 Wis 10 Cha 9
HP: 18
Saving Throws: D 10, W 11, P 10, B 13, S 12
Chainmail, Shield, Battle Axe, Dagger, Club, Lt crossbow, 10 bolts
Backpack, 2 Large Sacks, 6 torches, Tinderbox, 10ft pole, 50ft rope, waterskin, 1 weeks rations, 1 gold crown

Languages: Common, Dwarven, Orcish
Iron Constitution: Advantage on saves vs poison, disease, and resistance to poison damage
Dwarf Combat: When attacking and not attempting a Combat Maneuver, any roll of 20 (an autohit), triggers another attack. They can do this a number of times equal to their combat bonus
Workers of Metal and Stone: Detect secret doors on a 2 in 6 chance. Start with a single point in tinkering or a +2 in a background skill. (Point in tinkering.)
Paragon of Dwarfishness: Dwarfs can repair or disable most items and devices on a 3/6 Tinkering, if they already have advancement in tinkering, they get +1 instead.
Failed Profession: Mason

Skills: Athletics 3/6, Bushcraft 1/6, Dungeoncraft 1/6. Listen 1/6, Search 1/6, Stealth 1/6, Tinker 2/6
Appraisal: 1/6, Architecture 1/6, Break Doors 3/6, Healing 1/6

When the great abasement began to spread amongst the dwaren people and they retreated from the world, Eddrikk was a boy. In most dwaren halls the inhabitants threw themselves into work and toil. The miners delved ever deeper, the masons cut and hewed stone, and the inventors made their wares in abundance, but nothing new as ever made. No new halls were built and raw materials and and refined good began to be entombed in storehouses and then began to spill out into the commons. There were a few dwarfs that resisted being consumed by work, one becoming debased and gluttonous eating and drinking themselves to death, and those that left, some hoping to restore pride and dignity to their race.
Eddrikk had left the dwarf lands in search of something, anything, that might spark a fire in soul of dwarfkind. Arriving on the surface he took up the life of an adventurer, which has kept his belly full and added a new vigor to his existence.