Rashōmon 羅生門 |
"These weapons are unfortunately very common these days," he eyed the machineguns regretfully, knowing that he lacked the strength to use it effectively. "Unfortunate there are no rifles or submachine guns. These machine-guns will be of limited use. I could build a mount for the van, and they would probably prove useful for defense of this building, but they are too unwieldly for a man of my size to use effectively. Angel might have the strength and expertise to use one as intended. They can be set to less than-lethal output, and having that volume of fire available could be advantageous."
Rashomon next grabs some equipment from his lab, and scans the crates and weapons for any tracking devices, just to be safe.
Electronics: 1d6 + 1d6 ⇒ (6) + (2) = 81d6 ⇒ 1 Raise
Rashomon will be thorough, checking over the crates, contents, and equipment.
Once completed, he moves to the pile of weapons, and starts breaking down the blasters into their component parts. Another Rashomon brings over a laptop and pulls up the schematics of the various parts, going over them in detail as the other Rashomon strips the guns. He looks specifically for anything that deviates from the usual plans.
"I plan to thoroughly examine these devices before any of us use them. I doubt the people shipping them would have any reason to suspect they'd come to us, but when dealing with illicit weapons, you never know what might be involved. With firearms, the examination is pretty simple. If all the mechanical parts are there and it functions, add a bullet and it will go 'bang.' With a blaster, it is more complicated. They could be programed to overload at random intervals, booby trapped, or rigged with remote deactivation or overload functions, in case the gangster don't do as they're told. This may take a little while, but I intend to have them safe for use."
"If anyone else has experience with blasters or coding, a second set of eyes is always appreciated."
Repair: 1d6 + 1d6 ⇒ (6) + (4) = 101d6 ⇒ 5 A raise here as well to dismantle, function check, and reassemble each component.
I'm imagining this process will take hours, though all four Rashomons will work on it, unless any of him are needed elsewhere.
Kathrine 'Hellion' Mordonus |
Watching Rashomon deconstruct the weapons Kathrine can't help but feel a small twist in her gut. "Yeah probably wouldn't be awful to use em. But best to leave the guns here, I think the base protections would be a good idea once they're downgraded to less than lethal."
She rubs her thigh remembering where her own gun used to sit, it was a strangely empty place now, but it was probably for the best. "Had a lot of good times didn't we."
Clearing her throat she moved to help Rash, "Not sure about Fin guns myself, but if you just need a second set of eyes and another brain to remember stuff couldn't hurt right? I mean Vsix is probably way better at this stuff though. Better than me."
dont have repair so I don't think I can actually offer any benefit
Fortune Brav0 |
"Meh," Fortune comments after thinking about it a bit. "Wearing a big gun on your belt just makes people treat you as a threat. I think I'm better off without that. People tend to think someone like me as harmless and defenseless, which gives me an advantage in most cases."
GM_ZenFox42 |
Everyone hears Monos' voice in their comms, and/or thruout the entire base : "I thank you for taking those weapons off the streets, and Rashomon for his extreme caution, but once he's done checking them, I'll send a messenger to pick them up. You all already have super powers, there are many normal human resistance cells that could put these to much better use in our fight against the V'Sori. You may keep one of the machine guns to mount in the back of the van."
VeeSix |
Six looks at his earpiece as if it had let out something offensive. ”Typical.,” he mutters somewhat under his breath. ”Hellion is right, I have some experience with these weapons, I will assist you as well, Rash.”
I think I can just make a Smarts check to help as well.
Smarts: 1d6 ⇒ 31d6 + 1d6 ⇒ (6) + (1) = 7
7 with the Ace.
Rashōmon 羅生門 |
Rashomon looks disappointed, and gives the pile of weapons a mournful, longing look, "Well, that is disappointing. He is correct of course, that from a purely logistical viewpoint, the weapons will accomplish more in the hands of plain humans. We would have been able to put them to good use as well, of course. I still think that arming Angel with one of the machineguns could have some very significant applications. I am proficient as well, but I think I'd need a tripod to use it properly. When we construct the machinegun mount, I will ensure it is a quick release type, so that if we need to put it in the hands of one our shooters quickly, we can do so. We can have it on standby, so Fortune Brav0 or I can teleport it into position when needed."
Looking about the room as if talking to a listener he adds, "And of course, I'm sure there would be no issue with retaining weapons we capture in combat. I for one would like to upgrade my blaster."
Kathrine 'Hellion' Mordonus |
Shaking her head and blows raspberries at Mono's interruption. "Why am I not surprised. We do all the work and you still come and reap all the stuff. It's not like you're paying us, so what makes you think you get to determine how it's all used?"
She walks over to the crate and hefts out the machine gun and tosses a pair of the fusion grenades into her pockets as well as a single blaster pistol. Taking them all to the garage she sets the machine gun on the workbench for Rashomon to work on later.
"Alright, let's get this bolted on after dialing it down then we can hit the gang house."
GM_ZenFox42 |
Kathrine 'Hellion' Mordonus |
Shaking her head at the voice in her head and speaking to seemingly nothing she turns planting her hips to lean on the workbench.
"Really, your orders of how to handle the gangs however we see fit so long as we aren't killing anyone? And what if they've got a V'Sori monstrosity chained to the wall and we need actual weapons to kill it? You aren't Dr. Destruction anymore, but you sire kept the adopted absorbtion of everyone elses credit for the work you didn't do."
She grumbles and palms both of the things she took from the crate turning them over in her hands. "Some b$$+!*+% fishman. Sound like Samuel with your proverbs..."
After a few moments she sighed and pushed herself off the table and walked back into the main room with the crates, carelessly tossing the items back in.
"New plan, we can get the weapon fitted to the van, but I'm going out for some smokes and recon."
With that said she heads back to the garage where everyone can hear her bike fire up and take off.
Will do some forward scouting of the gang base solo, first from rooftops to remain premium sneak, then as she learns the routine we'll go from there
Fortune Brav0 |
What do we already know about their leadership and HQ location from our last recon? Fortune can gather more information in the same manner as before, pretending to be homeless near the HQ to get an idea of who comes and goes and when, if we don't have that kind of info.
GM_ZenFox42 |
From previous posts, I said :
Hellion - it's really hard to leave a gang. It was only because of your powers that they didn't try to kill you for it. So you're not exactly on "friendly" terms with them. Big Dog has a fondness for gourmet food, you might try that as a bribe, but no guarantees. Last you knew, they were running the usual street drugs (pot, cocaine, meth, etc.), but that could have changed over the years you've been gone. And when you left, none of the current gang members had any powers.
Hellion knows where the HQ used to be, and knows that the gang really liked their digs, and so are not likely to have moved, but it's possible.
She also knows access to the gang's sanctuary is heavily guarded.
Hellion said : "they'd probably not see us as a threat that's willing to slug it out if we just nip them in the ass. So they'd probably beef up and prepare to deal with an 'encroaching' gang if I were to guess.
VeeSix |
Six watches Hellion have her moment and then storm out. At first he wants to follow her, but decides she’d rather be alone. She knows if there’s trouble, the team is on the other end of the earbud and Rash can get them there in a moment. Six understood her frustration though. This disembodied voice who claimed to be one of the saviors of the world against the V’Sori and yet there were numerous sites that contained many more of them just hiding out, waiting to cause trouble and he seems to think that he can just continue to tell people what to do. Six squeezes a bit too hard on a piece of equipment, breaking it. ”Take it out of my paycheck.”, he mutters. Six then gets back to focusing on helping Rash with the gear.
Fortune Brav0 |
As one last suggestion, Fortune says, "We could show them pictures of the stuff we intercepted and set up a meet away from their guarded HQ to work out an exchange deal. We can set limits on how many to send and set it up somewhere no one will be hurt and no property will be damaged, maybe like an abandoned warehouse."
Then she too leaves to scout for information, again dressing as she did before, as a homeless drifter. She is looking to learn 1) if the gang still uses the old HQ, 2) what drugs they are currently pushing, 3) times the leader is at the HQ, if they are still using the old location as such.
Notice: 1d4 ⇒ 4
Notice, Ace: 1d4 ⇒ 2
Wild: 1d6 ⇒ 5
Result = 4 + 2 = 6
To notice patterns in activity around the old HQ for evidence that the gang is still using it, times the leader is there, etc.
Persuasion: 1d4 ⇒ 3
Wild: 1d6 ⇒ 3
Result = 3
Networking with people she meets on the street in the vicinity of the old HQ.
Spend a benny to reroll this.
Persuasion: 1d4 ⇒ 4
Persuasion, ace: 1d4 ⇒ 4 Sweet.
Persuasion, ace^2: 1d4 ⇒ 1
Wild: 1d6 ⇒ 2
Result = 4 + 4 + 1 = 9
GM_ZenFox42 |
4's are Successes, so you did ok.
Fortune and Hellion determine that the gang is still in their old base, and word on the street is that they're upset that an expected shipment is overdue (and they're taking it out on the homeless in their 'hood). You also learn the locations, routes, and patterns of the base lookouts.
Fortune Brav0 |
Fortune repeats her suggestion of claiming credit for intercepting the shipment (now with the extra motivation to get them to stop taking their anger out on the innocent) and claim to set up a swap, maybe exchanging the weapons for drugs. "If they fall for it, we can take them out and also get some of their drugs off the streets, assuming the don't try to double-cross us. They won't be in their stronghold. I know of an empty warehouse we could use for a meeting location."
VeeSix |
Six pipes up as Fortune explains her plan. ”Always assume they will double-cross us. Either way, we can use the opportunity to take a few of them down and send a message that they will understand.”
In essence, he agrees with Fortune’s plan.
Kathrine 'Hellion' Mordonus |
Sounds good to me, but... we won't have the goods so we're going in trying to start a fight openly. But otherwise yeah I'm good to go with that plan. Fortune can be our messanger to them, she looks innocent enough, and they'd suspect something if they knew Kat was in on it, so best to wait for her to reveal herself at the 'exchange'.
Rashōmon 羅生門 |
No counter-suggestions? Going once, going twice...
No objection.
"To those of you going out scouting, let me know if you'd like my company. Having me along side means instant access to backup via my portals, and I am also able to communicate with the rest of the team without breaking silence."
Unless he has an invitation, he'll continue his work and finish up his inspection of the weapons.
VeeSix |
”Always ready to bust some heads that need bustin’”, Six says as he checks his armor straps and his weapon.
Fortune Brav0 |
Fortune takes some pictures of the weapons and armor. She asks VeeSix or Rashomon to disable one of the pistols and tucks it away in her coat pocket and sets off.
She goes to the location of the HQ of the gang and approaches one of the gang members as he returns.
"Hey mister, someone gave me a message to give to your boss. You interested?"
Fortune Brav0 |
"Go ahead, kid. I'm sure it will be a very short message," Fortune says with a laugh.
Taunt: 1d6 ⇒ 3
Wild: 1d6 ⇒ 3
Spending a benny to reroll.
Taunt: 1d6 ⇒ 3
Wild: 1d6 ⇒ 4
How many gang members are there? She was planning to approach a lone gang member if possible, but she can handle a few if they always go around in packs.
GM_ZenFox42 |
Resisting the Taunt :
Smarts: 1d4 ⇒ 1 = Fail
Fortune - RAW says that "using Taunt to hit a rival’s ego where it hurts, for example, might be worth a +2 bonus to the attacker", so I think the following reaction would be normal...
He gets angry and says "Hey, I'm really good with the ladies!" and raises his hand as if to slap you...
You approached a lone guard about a dozen yards from the hangout entrance.
You can say something before he swings to hit you.
Kathrine 'Hellion' Mordonus |
Not sure but by the sounds of it most of the goons in the gang werem't even powered. Hellion figured Fortune could deliver a message without an overwatch so she wouldn't have gone with even secretly. Also yeah not good vibes when the ganger is hitting on an actual minor lol. Maybe we do just need to kill these guys.
Fortune Brav0 |
Fortune expected nothing less from a bunch whose egos depend on dominating the weak. "Too bad I'm not a lady," Fortune responds and takes up a defensive stance, to try to dodge or parry the incoming punch.
If there is an initiative card draw and Fortune wins, she make a preemptive punch to do non-lethal damage to his body but lethal damage to his ego.
Fortune Brav0 |
Fortune gives the punk a pitying frown, waits for him to get close and make his intentions clear and then kick him between the legs.
To hit
Fighting: 1d8 ⇒ 8
Fighting, ace: 1d8 ⇒ 3
Wild: 1d6 ⇒ 2
Modifier: +2
Result = 8 + 3 + 2 = 13
Unarmed Damage (non-lethal)
Strength: 1d8 ⇒ 3 + kick, Martial Artist, Martial Warrior: 2d6 ⇒ (3, 4) = 7
Base Damage Total: 3 + 7 = 10
Raise: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Raise, Ace: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Raise, Ace^2: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Crikey! Good thing this is non-lethal!
Raise, Ace^3: 1d6 ⇒ 3
Raise Damage = 6 + 6 + 6 + 3 = 21
This will likely make him unconscious for 1d6 hours. If so, Fortune will watch over him until the next gang member happens by. She will then call him over to attend to the fallen one and give try to give the message to the new one.
GM_ZenFox42 |
I'm going to say that a called shot to the groin is a -4 (it's a smaller area than the head, which is -4), so your Fighting result is a 9. So you didn't get the Raise damage. Sorry to take away so many Aces....
He's wearing *full*-body poly-carbonate armor (gangs fight dirty; he'd be a fool to not protect that area), so his Toughness is 9, so you've Shaken him.
Spirit: 1d10 ⇒ 9
Which he quickly shakes off. He says "So, you want to fight dirty, eh?" and hits you with a quick one-two punch :
Fighting: 1d10 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11
That's your Parry, so :
Damage: 1d10 + 1d10 ⇒ (9) + (6) = 15
So you take a Wound. His next attack :
Fighting: 1d10 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
Fortune - 2C
Thug - 5S
He attacks again :
Fighting: 1d10 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
Fighting: 1d10 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
But both swings miss.
You're up! You can spend a Bennie to roll to recover from the Wound. If you fail, all rolls are at -1.
Fortune Brav0 |
Bennie spent to recover.
Vigor: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Wild: 1d6 ⇒ 5
Since there is only one wound, the ace results won't matter, I won't roll them. If you want us to roll aces on vigor checks even when it won't affect the outcome, let us know.
The punch barely phases Fortune. Her eyes narrow as she considers her next attack. She makes a fist and punches hard. "I don't want to fight at all, but I'll take you down if you insist."
Fighting: 1d8 ⇒ 7
Wild: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Wild, ace: 1d6 ⇒ 5
Modifier: +2
Result: 6 + 5 + 2 = 13
Unarmed Damage
Strength: 1d8 ⇒ 3 + Fist, Martial Artists, Martial Warrior: 2d6 ⇒ (6, 6) = 12
Fist, Martial Artists Ace, Martial Warrior Ace: 2d6 ⇒ (4, 3) = 7
Base damage result = 3 + 12 + 7 = 22
Wild: 1d6 ⇒ 4
GM_ZenFox42 |
ALL - please see Discussion...
Fortune - if you had re-rolled the first d6 until it stopped Acing, your Fighting roll would have been a 16 (because you rolled a *bunch* of 6's), but it's impossible to tell what your Damage roll would have been.
Also, is the final "Wild" roll actually a "Damage Raise" roll?
But, I didn't mean this to turn into a long drawn-out thing, so I'm going to leave your rolls as-is this time.
Fortune punches the guy so hard that he's thrown back on the ground, where his head hits the pavement with an audible thump. He's out cold.
What do you do next?
Fortune Brav0 |
Fortune looks around to see who may have been watching. If there are any who look like gangers, she'll call one over, and tell them, "I was given a message for your boss. This clown thought he could take advantage of a defenseless homeless teeny bopper. So how about one of you takes this to your boss. A big guy in V'sori armor gave it to me."
If no one is around watching, she'll take a quick moment to go through his pockets, looking for spare change.
Fortune Brav0 |
"It's all in the reflexes," Fortune calls out to anyone close enough to hear. "That and this kid has a glass jaw."
Then she removes any weapons from the guy and tosses them out of reach should the guy wake up suddenly. Then she gets out her phone and checks her messages until another gang member comes along.