Myrial, City of Rogues (Inactive)

Game Master Rynjin

You've proven yourself to be a competent "entrepreneur". Welcome to the Mandrigal. Now get to work.

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Male Human Monk 5 (Qinggong Master of Many Styles from the Sacred Mountain)/Fighter (Brawler) 3

Korak: 7,650 gp
Jorriko: 10,207 gp
Jo: ??? (but pretty sure it's significantly less)

A bit off for 4th level, but reasonable since you're nearing 5th. Korak needs a small boost, Jo probably a bigger one.

Male Human Dungeon Master 10/ Munchkin 10

No suggestions for class features? You guys disappoint me. :)

BTW, Jo should buy a Mithral Buckler. And substitute Shield with Mage Armor. Then one day get a +1 Haramaki just to grab Fortification and the like. ^^

Ok, how many gold do we have?

Male Human Monk 5 (Qinggong Master of Many Styles from the Sacred Mountain)/Fighter (Brawler) 3

However much you got from the missions that you haven't spent yet.

What do you have? Your character sheet doesn't have any gear on it.

Male Human Dungeon Master 10/ Munchkin 10
Rynjin wrote:

However much you got from the missions that you haven't spent yet.

What do you have? Your character sheet doesn't have any gear on it.

Which reminds me that I should update Korak's stat block... All three of them... *sigh*

BTW... Do our bonuses to AC apply to CMD as well? Since they are supposed to reflect RoP and AoNA, I'd say only half of it applies.

Male Human Monk 5 (Qinggong Master of Many Styles from the Sacred Mountain)/Fighter (Brawler) 3

Yeah, that sounds fair.

Rynjin wrote:

However much you got from the missions that you haven't spent yet.

What do you have? Your character sheet doesn't have any gear on it.

My gear (that is in the profile) is

=== Gear ===
MW crossbow
1 Pathfinder's Kit.
Sleeves of many garmets
Ioun torch
haramaki armor
Hat of disguise
4 flask of holy water
Cracked Mulberry Pentacle Ioun Stones.


BEsides the unespended "boon" of mandriga l(the item that cost 2K), I think I have no more treasure.

Male Human Monk 5 (Qinggong Master of Many Styles from the Sacred Mountain)/Fighter (Brawler) 3

So, you've got (besides the starting gear):

Cracked Mulberry Pentacle (400)
A 2k item voucher
Hat of Disguise (1800)

For a grand total of...4200k.

Yeah, that's what I thought.

We're gonna say you've been working this week, completed a few minor jobs on your own, ones that didn't require much head bashing. Didn't mean to let you fall so far behind (part of the problem being some of the items intended for you are from missions you failed or haven't completed yet) .

You have another 4000 gp to spend on what you please, since I don't think you guys are going to be assaulting Chen's place again any time soon.

Oh come on :(, there is no reason for that. Jo have what she ave, what she earned and nothing more. We failed this mission so no pages of spell knowledge, it seems fair to me.

Male Human Monk 5 (Qinggong Master of Many Styles from the Sacred Mountain)/Fighter (Brawler) 3
Nicos wrote:
Oh come on :(, there is no reason for that. Jo have what she ave, what she earned and nothing more. We failed this mission so no pages of spell knowledge, it seems fair to me.

Okay then, if that's what you want.

I will say you still get another 1000 anyway though since I'm pretty sure you guys snatched 6 of the suckers (Ioun Stones).

I don't like it when people are waaaaay behind WBL though, it starts skewing party balance pretty bad after a certain point (and being at 1/4 or 1/5 of the rest of the party's treasure is definitely that point).

It matters a bit less in this game, I suppose, since you have those inherent bonuses, but I'm sure there are shiny things you want anyway lol.

Male Human Dungeon Master 10/ Munchkin 10

I'll have Nicos' share if he doesn't want it. ^^

I buy a cloack of elvenkin. 2 Rosewood and myrrh and 2 Sulfur and honeycomb draconic perfume .

Male Human Dungeon Master 10/ Munchkin 10

Hey, Byrdd, would you be willing to transfer your Rogue styles homebrew to a Google Doc?

I'm trying to put a Rogue homebrew compilation for a friend of mine, and it being on a google doc would be easier to find :P

M Tiefling Dark Stalker 4

here you go it still needs editing and play testing. And in addition to the rogue styles, they also get the Ninja's ki pool and trap sense becomes danger sense: a competence bonus to all saves.

Male Human Dungeon Master 10/ Munchkin 10

So... Does anyone plan on doing anything?

Male Human Monk 5 (Qinggong Master of Many Styles from the Sacred Mountain)/Fighter (Brawler) 3

That's what I've been wondering lol.

M Tiefling Dark Stalker 4

I agree with your plan. Just let me know what I need to roll.

Male Human Monk 5 (Qinggong Master of Many Styles from the Sacred Mountain)/Fighter (Brawler) 3

There's a few flaws in your plans that will lead to its inevitable failure, that I'm hoping someone will point out before you try to carry it through. =)

Let's wait and see what Nicos has to say.

Male Human Dungeon Master 10/ Munchkin 10

I'd guess Kn(Local) and/or Diplomacy to find out who will be delivering the letter, when it'll be done what routes will be used.

Take 20, if we have the time. Remember to prepare Prestidigitation the day we decide to act. You can use it and your Linguistics skill to make a great forgery.

If possible, Korak might use this time to retrain one of his rage Powers into a bonus feat.

Male Human Dungeon Master 10/ Munchkin 10
Rynjin wrote:

There's a few flaws in your plans that will lead to its inevitable failure, that I'm hoping someone will point out before you try to carry it through. =)

Let's wait and see what Nicos has to say.

Well... If we really need to infiltrate the party, Korak and his lovely Charisma score will sit this one out. He has no interest on Circlets of Persuasion and he's not that desperate for money.

He spends his days retraining Superstition, meditating and drinking booze. :)

No clue. Seems to be a good idea, if there is no carrier pigeon or something involved.

Male Human Dungeon Master 10/ Munchkin 10
Nicos wrote:
No clue. Seems to be a good idea, if there is no carrier pigeon or something involved.

They might have some bizarre magical protection on the caravan... But they definitely have some of those on super-rich dude's mansion, so we got nothing to lose.

Well, I suggest you guys use Diplomacy and Kn(local) to find out all you can about the delivery, its schedule and protections. Take 20, if possible.

Male Human Monk 5 (Qinggong Master of Many Styles from the Sacred Mountain)/Fighter (Brawler) 3

Hint: It involves the signet ring, and the fact that there's a second letter he'll be sending out that contradicts yours...

Male Human Dungeon Master 10/ Munchkin 10

Sitting this one out it is, then.

The 2nd letter would ruin the original plan anyway. Might as well spend the week relaxing.

I think I can not continue today. I have been somewhat sick this weekend and I have to finish the classwork I have to lectre tomorrow (Although "lecture" is a relly big word). Oh, those annoying engineer students.

BTW, I think we need a 4th player,so we can split missions like in the first part of the campaing.

Male Human Dungeon Master 10/ Munchkin 10
Nicos wrote:
Oh, those annoying engineer students.

Don't insult engineering students... We're lovely people! ;)

Nicos wrote:
BTW, I think we need a 4th player, so we can split missions like in the first part of the campaing.

I don't think we need a 4th player. It could be useful, but it's not necessary, and I'd rather have only 3 of us than add a player just to meet a quota.

So if we are going to invite someone else, I suggest we invite someone who can post an average of at least once a day... I really don't want another Castien situation.

Male Human Monk 5 (Qinggong Master of Many Styles from the Sacred Mountain)/Fighter (Brawler) 3

Do you want a 4th player, or just a 4th party member?

I could invite a buddy of mine, perhaps. He's always up for a PbP I think he says, and he tends to post in another he invited me to pretty frequently. Endoralis on the forums.

Or if you just want a 4th party member, I can GMNPC this one.

Lemmy wrote:
Nicos wrote:
Oh, those annoying engineer students.

Don't insult engineering students... We're lovely people! ;)

We? I see, that explain a lot :P.

I do not know if another player or just a GM-NPC. SOmething about DM-NPcs is that they can become boring, maybe a pool of DM-NPC and we can choose just one for a given mission.

By the way, Byrd droped form BS, so I do not think that campaing have a future u.u

Male Human Dungeon Master 10/ Munchkin 10

If he's willing to post at least once/twice a day on average (don't have to post everyday, but disappearing for 3~4 days slows down the game too much) I'd have no problem with it.

I don't doubt Rynjin's intentions and integrity, but GMNPCs tend to become somewhat annoying, often by accident. They should be an last resource. :P

we could however, use one of our base's construct... We add the super-intelligent marble as its central unit. lol.

Male Human Dungeon Master 10/ Munchkin 10
Nicos wrote:
Lemmy wrote:
Nicos wrote:
Oh, those annoying engineer students.

Don't insult engineering students... We're lovely people! ;)

We? I see, that explain a lot :P.

Does it? Maybe I'm a secret agent infiltrating engineering college in order to sabotage it in name of their arch-nemesis... architecture students!


Nicos wrote:
By the way, Byrd droped form BS, so I do not think that campaing have a future u.u

Yeah, just noticed that. :(

Hopefully he'll have time to keep up with Myrial and eventually join us on Blackest Scale...
I like that campaign... Although it was reaaaally hard to stay excited for it when it took 2~4 days for someone to take their action in combat. ¬¬'

C'mon, Byrd! You can't leave Myrial yet! Charles is still alive!

BTW, R, any non "sneak-into-the-castle-and-steal-stuff" mission on the board?

Male Human Monk 5 (Qinggong Master of Many Styles from the Sacred Mountain)/Fighter (Brawler) 3

I have some stuff incoming, probably tomorrow, I'm a bit out of it tonight.

I figured it'd be a job you guys would be all over lol.

Male Human Dungeon Master 10/ Munchkin 10

Well, we just had a mission like that. 2 in a row would be repetitive, IMO. If Byrdd and Nicos want to do it, I'll help them, but it's not a quest I'm looking forward to. At least, not right now.

M Tiefling Dark Stalker 4

It's been a crazy month. Being a retired/ disabled vet who relies on a gov (that is currently in the middle of a shut down) paycheck (that they are saying won't be coming this next month) to feed and clothes his family (who have been alternating being sick {it's finally my turn}), has put a bit (read truck fulls) of stress on my plate, and has had me doing back flips and jumping through hoops (all with a severely injured back {even though I know I am speaking metaphorically in that reguard}) to ensure that all creditors, collectors, and grocery clerks are going to get there palms greased by the sweat and blood of my efforts (if need be).

Plus the fact that I created my character for the game, and when I hit submit, my phone flushed my work... That was the straw that broke the camel's (already injured) back.


Male Human Monk 5 (Qinggong Master of Many Styles from the Sacred Mountain)/Fighter (Brawler) 3

Sorry to hear all that man.

Male Human Dungeon Master 10/ Munchkin 10

Wow... Sorry to hear that, Byrdd. Hope it all works out for you. :(

Ah, politicians... When you think can't screw people any harder, they find a way to surprise you... You know, I lived in 3 different countries, and politicians are douchebags no matter where you are.

Tsc... Not paying veterans and other people who depend on their pensions and denying public service to people who pay their taxes, all in order to blackmail another group of politicians into doing what you want should be enough to be accused of high treason >:(

The hardest thing about PbP are those periods of times of "busyness". Yo can keep a perfect campaign for a year and just one month you are busy and everything crumble to dust.

I would like to keep BS alive, so I am listening for nay suggestion.

Silver Crusade

Hey there.. Friend of Rynjin.. I very much Active and am currently working on a type of character for this group and to test this system out more.. I am glad to meet you all. I have seen many of you already however.. It may just be that you dont know of me.

Male Human Dungeon Master 10/ Munchkin 10
Endoralis wrote:
Hey there.. Friend of Rynjin.. I very much Active and am currently working on a type of character for this group and to test this system out more.. I am glad to meet you all.

Welcome to the party, Endoralis. Glad to have you aboard.

Endoralis wrote:
I have seen many of you already however.. It may just be that you dont know of me.

Don't feel bad... I have a lovable and memorable "face" and a terrible memory. ^^

Male Human Dungeon Master 10/ Munchkin 10

So... How cheesy would it be to get immunity to fatigue that automatically scales to immunity to stunning, then to death effects. :)

It also scales to exhaustion... But that's a bit dumb. If you're immune to fatigue, you're immune to exhaustion as well, ain't you?

No to your second question. Those are different conditions.

M Tiefling Dark Stalker 4

It's only as cheesy as a zen- rager.

Male Human Monk 5 (Qinggong Master of Many Styles from the Sacred Mountain)/Fighter (Brawler) 3

On Blackest Scale, lessee, we COULD just go with only Lemmy and I. The game seemed to flow pretty damn good when it was the Sun Xiao and Castien show.

Tone down some of the encounters (numbers-wise), maybe, and I think we can handle it.

On Fatigue immunity = Exhaustion immunity: No. You'd gain immunity to things that worked by stacking Fatigue into exhaustion, but some things (like Waves of Exhaustion) bypass that entirely, and Fatigue immunity won't prevent those.

So, are you guys going to drop the Bryond job? You don't seem to be very interested in it.

I'm beginning to think you guys are purposefully giving up or failing any mission that has a bonus reward geared towards Jo...

Male Human Dungeon Master 10/ Munchkin 10
Jorriko Krail wrote:
It's only as cheesy as a zen-rager.

I have no idea what that is...

Jorriko Krail wrote:
So, are you guys going to drop the Bryond job? You don't seem to be very interested in it.

I truly am not. Can't speak for Byrdd and Nicos, though.

Jorriko Krail wrote:
I'm beginning to think you guys are purposefully giving up or failing any mission that has a bonus reward geared towards Jo...

Hey, I just got my first magical items. No one asked her to fail her Fortitude save right before a boss battle.

Damn it, Ross! I mean, Nicos...

M Tiefling Dark Stalker 4

I totally and purposefully failed by dying, cause that's how I roll.

I was actually thinking about retooling my character and swapping wis for cha and picking up some face skills so that I am not totally useless on those missions. Korak would be the big wis guy and it would give your traps a better edge if I can auto-see them. Plus I would get back selective channel and then I could be a more efficient healer.

Male Human Dungeon Master 10/ Munchkin 10

You could grab the Conversion Inquisition instead. It allows you to use Wisdom instead of Cha on Bluff, Intimidate and Diplomacy checks. Maybe Disguise too... I'm not sure, since I pretty much never use that skill. -.-'

I plan to take it, if I ever get enough skill points to invest in Bluff.

Silver Crusade

Funny.. As Im playing a Sentinal type Char.. like the ACG's Templar or whatever.. Full bab.. 4th level casting... Wis.. with a sprinkle of Rogue.. Inquisitor and Monk.

M Tiefling Dark Stalker 4

Inquisition = domain? Cost wise anyway.

Silver Crusade

Yes IE it cost alot

Male Human Dungeon Master 10/ Munchkin 10

3 pts. 5 pts if you take 2, from what I understand.

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