Motteditor's Strange Aeons PBP

Game Master motteditor

Combat map / Overall map / Treasure tracker / Thrown splash weapon rules

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M Human - Loon 15 AC: 16 (12 FF) CMD (22/18) CMB +6 Fort +12; Ref +14; Will +15
motteditor wrote:
"Can you get us home? And find my brother?"

How old is this lad?

Tristain's face looks pained, as if he is unwilling to make a promise he cannot fulfill.

"Maybe," Tristain tells the lad. "Tell me more about where he might be and where home is and I'll see what I can do." Tristain looks around at the rest of the people.

"I'm not sure I'm useful like all of them, but maybe I can help. Or maybe I can ask for help. I'm very good at some things...I think."

HP 32/32; AC 16, T 13, T 14; F+4, R+6, W+3; CMD 17; Init +2, Perc+9

Heinrich nods, professionally as the boy is at least slightly better. As for the Loic character, he whips up another draught. Making Tears to Wine

He offers the draught to the nervous Loic. "Drink this. It will calm your nerves."

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Lucky helps out the half-orc with the wood, but also struggles to find suitable pieces, sweat building up quickly as they set to their more difficult-than-expected labor.

You don't see any weak points in the bars, later, as you look.


The boy is around 9 years old.

"I don't know where he is," the boy says, clutching the lantern. "We got separated when everything shook. He's probably scared. I wish we were back in Hyannis. I miss my mommy and daddy!"


Heinrich's sudden appearance there seems to startle the Varisian woman who's trying to calm Loic, but it's clear she's got her hands full with him.

"He hears things!" she gasps, a vial of her own in her hands that she's trying to push on the man. "His sister calling for him. You're going to have to do more than that, but don't hurt him!"

You need to convince him to calm down enough to take the drink, either the one she has or the one you whipped up.


1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
1d20 ⇒ 4

1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
1d20 ⇒ 10

1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12
1d20 ⇒ 15

May get in another post today depending on timing, but other than that will be leaving first thing tomorrow morning.

HP 32/32; AC 16, T 13, T 14; F+4, R+6, W+3; CMD 17; Init +2, Perc+9

Heinrich nods. "Drink this, lad. I know what I'm doing." Diplomacy: 1d20 ⇒ 14

AC: 35 (f28/t14); CMD: 27; F: +16, R: +12, W: +18; Perc +15

Kyffin massages his sore muscles as he tours their new 'home'. He's unhappy they seem to be trapped here, not a terribly fitting place for a home.

He shrugs off his fatigue and rejoins the others, wondering if any have leaned anything while he and Belzoni chopped. A thought begins to form, but it's so fantastic he shakes it away again.

No, this is not a dream... this is real!

He watches as Heinrich pampers the boy. Command him, don't coddle him! he thinks, but he waits to see what happens...

Male Human patient #54-46

"We have to get these people to safety", Belzoni huffs as he and Walter/Kyffin struggle with the chore of firewood. "These folk will freeze to death if left on their own."

When the task is complete and the search for escape fails, Belzoni turns his attention to the donation boxes. "Shrines to Gods of all types, but only donations to Pharasma or Asmodeus and Zon-Kuthon? Here, someone dig out a coin, given our current odds a little gift to the Lady of Graves couldn't hurt us." Assuming the big man can ply a coin from the party store (aka Tenebrynn's backpack) Belzoni prays at the granite altar before the statue, then plunks the coin into the donation box of Phrasma, then offers a second prayer at her alter.

M Human - Loon 15 AC: 16 (12 FF) CMD (22/18) CMB +6 Fort +12; Ref +14; Will +15

Tristain smiles, trying to seem confident.

"Well, I'm sure I can help. I'm very smart I think. Unlike the rest of people I'm with, I'm very logical, very thoughtful, not so prone to flights of fancy," Tristain explains what he's noticed so far. "And with my chalkboard, I can organize a nice coordinated search of this place. Don't you worry. I'll find your brother."

"Why don't you tell me your name, and the name of your brother?" Tristain asks, neglecting to offer his own name for he does not know it. "You can call me...uh...Chalker if you'd like. Because I have a chalkboard."

Tristain will write the boy's name and his brother's name on the chalkboard, then go find...uh...oh....

Tristain looks over the 4 people from the area around the cell with the starting corner. First he looks to the gnome, and doesn't think that would be a bad person-thing to ask. He also considers asking Walter, who has been friendly and is not nearly as terrifying as Belzoni. He sees that Heinrich is busy and doesn't consider asking him at all.

He approaches Kyffin.

"Walter, could you help me? Help us? This boy...has lost his brother. Can you help find him?"

AC: 35 (f28/t14); CMD: 27; F: +16, R: +12, W: +18; Perc +15

Kyffin's stomach growls a little and he wonders what food supplies they may have here, if any. He considers his pack and wonders if he should offer his rations to the group. They won't stretch far... He wonders.

Tristain the Chalker wrote:
"Walter, could you help me? Help us? This boy...has lost his brother. Can you help find him?"

"Huh? Oh. I dunno, sure. What's the lad look like and where was he last seen?"

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

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OK, guys, I'm back and should be good to post regularly for a while. Let's make Cthulhu great again!

The mustachioed man seems to make little impression on Loic, who ignores him as he continues to try to push past his minder.

The man from the cell with the starting corner seems to have more luck with the boy, however.

"I'm Brenton," he says. "And my brother is Debis. Chalker's a strange name."

At the half-orc's question, he tears up.

"I haven't seen him since everything shook. He looks like me, I think, but a little smaller."

The boy has light brown hair in a rough bowl cut, with a small smattering of freckles on his tanned skin.

Baseline Stats:
Max HP: 142 | AC 17 (15 T / 13 FF) | CMD 19 | Initiative +4 | Fort +13 / Ref +13 / Will +7 | Stealth +21 |Disable Device +20 | Acrobatics +17 | Sleight of Hand, Perception +11 | Know (Planes) +10 | Escape Artist +7

Tenebrynn removes all the debris and detritus from her fascinating backpack, having gained a fair idea of the bag's limits, and slips it on with a sigh. "Boring out here. Can I go in? Thanks." She strides past the two unamused guards, and as she walks between the pair, it utterly slips her mind that she'd left her friends' weapons and items inside the bag.

M Human - Loon 15 AC: 16 (12 FF) CMD (22/18) CMB +6 Fort +12; Ref +14; Will +15
Brenton wrote:
"Chalker's a strange name."

Tristain looks down, unhappy that he doesn't know his actual name.

"Yeah, well, Brenton...I don't know my name. My real name.So I have another name that you might like better. It's 'the man from the cell with the starting corner', if that helps. It's because that's the only thing I was certain of for a was a reference point for all that I knew."

"When that's all you know, that's all you know. What I know now, is that my friend Walter...and maybe a few others are going to go see if we can find your brother. I'll just write down those names here...on my chalkboard."

Tristain chalks up the names of Brenton and Debis.

"Walter?" Tristain addresses Kyffin. "Maybe we should begin a room by room search? I saw a few doors that need to be opened. And that red curtain thing as well. Let's start with the door in the hallway?"

Tristain gathers Walter (and anyone else who wants to come) to the door to the right of the old barricade.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Hold on; this is actually going at different paces for some people, and you're going to be interrupted at a certain point soon.

HP 32/32; AC 16, T 13, T 14; F+4, R+6, W+3; CMD 17; Init +2, Perc+9

Seeing that his efforts to calm Loic aren't working, Heinrich sighs. "Suit yourself. If you will not be helped, I cannot force you. But I think it would be best for you to take the draught. It will calm you." If the man refuses, he shrugs and looks for the others.

AC: 35 (f28/t14); CMD: 27; F: +16, R: +12, W: +18; Perc +15
Tristain the Chalker wrote:

"Walter?" Tristain addresses Kyffin. "Maybe we should begin a room by room search? I saw a few doors that need to be opened. And that red curtain thing as well. Let's start with the door in the hallway?"

Tristain gathers Walter (and anyone else who wants to come) to the door to the right of the old barricade.

"Sure thing, but I'm not going out there hunting without my weapons, nor should you." Before leaving the relative safety of the group, Walter collects his remaining gear from the guards.

motteditor wrote:
Hold on; this is actually going at different paces for some people, and you're going to be interrupted at a certain point soon.

...or waits. Not sure what this means exactly.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Before anyone's had a chance to leave...

After a fair amount of time -- time that seems to drag for those of you cutting wood -- while going far more quickly for some of the rest of you, you're interrupted by Winter, who approaches with bowls of watery onion broth and dried venison.

"Come over here," she says, "and we can talk."

She leads you to a drafty corner around a small fire.

"Thank you for your help. All things considered, you seem quite capable. Bates is much better now, and that wood should keep our fires going for a little while! That said, we can’t stay here. We need a way out. If you can find some way for us to escape, some route that doesn’t lead straight into that terrible fog, I’ll see that the Royal Accusers reward you well. Please, you have to help us.”

HP 32/32; AC 16, T 13, T 14; F+4, R+6, W+3; CMD 17; Init +2, Perc+9

"What are Royal Accusers?"

M Human - Loon 15 AC: 16 (12 FF) CMD (22/18) CMB +6 Fort +12; Ref +14; Will +15
Winter wrote:
"Please, you have to help us."

Tristain looks down at his chalkboard, then back at Winter.

"Sure, I'll help. In fact, we were already trying to find Brenton's brother," Tristain confirms. "Before I get back to what you interrupted us doing, what are you talking about with the terrible fog? Are you talking about the fog that is clouding my remembering who I am?"

Tristain seems confused by Winter.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Baseline Stats:
Max HP: 142 | AC 17 (15 T / 13 FF) | CMD 19 | Initiative +4 | Fort +13 / Ref +13 / Will +7 | Stealth +21 |Disable Device +20 | Acrobatics +17 | Sleight of Hand, Perception +11 | Know (Planes) +10 | Escape Artist +7

Tenebrynn adds without looking up from her hot ham onion water, "Rewards are nice. We want a way out too. Seems mutually beneficial. But yes, what are royal accusers?"

AC: 35 (f28/t14); CMD: 27; F: +16, R: +12, W: +18; Perc +15

Kyffin agree with the concerns already voiced by his companions, especially the corner-man. He waits to hear what this 'fog' is and who the royal accusers are. They don't sound pleasant...

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

"They're agents of the Ustalavic crown who enforce laws and exact justice without regard for titles and rank," Winter replies.

DC 18 Knowledge (local):

You realize you remember Royal Accusers have a reputation for harsh justice, acting on matters of national importance, and quietly ending noble dynasties.

She pauses at the man from the cell with the starting corner's question: "The fog that ... ? No, I'm talking about the yellow mist outside. There is something in it and ... it's unnatural, trapping us in here," she trails off, seemingly unable to come up with any clearer explanation of what she's talking about.

Sense Motive DC 15:

She's clearly shaken by the unnatural fog.

M Human - Loon 15 AC: 16 (12 FF) CMD (22/18) CMB +6 Fort +12; Ref +14; Will +15

"Where have you seen this fog? Might I look upon it?" Tristain asks, suddenly much more interested.

"Mayhaps I am correct, and this is all a dream and we are not in Ustalav at all...but within the mists of creation and this is all there is," Tristain explains. "Is it a type of swirling maelstrom of mist? Or is it more like a hazy mist? Is it only yellow? Or are there jags of electricity throughout?"

When we are done here, Tristain will guide Walter to the door.

HP 32/32; AC 16, T 13, T 14; F+4, R+6, W+3; CMD 17; Init +2, Perc+9

Heinrich stops and stares at the Loon. "You may be wrong, but you may be right and that scares me even worse, Corner man."

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

"It's outside -- there's a courtyard on the other side of the barricade -- but don't go there! It's not just the fog. The weather beyond is like nothing I’ve ever seen -- thunder like laughter, rain like blood. And that’s to say nothing of the shapes that scamper and flap within, vague forms that know when we sleep. Things are terrible here, but at least here we can see doom coming.”

M Human - Loon 15 AC: 16 (12 FF) CMD (22/18) CMB +6 Fort +12; Ref +14; Will +15

Tristain nods, hearing Winter's dire warning about the door he wants to explore. He smiles and nods with understanding.

However, as soon as they are dismissed, he goes to see for himself.

AC: 35 (f28/t14); CMD: 27; F: +16, R: +12, W: +18; Perc +15

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18

Kyffin shudders as well. We're trapped here?

"Please tell us more about this fog. When did it start, how long has it been here?"

Not wanting to badger her he waits for a response before adding, "If we're to help you here, we'll need our gear. All of it. I understand wanting to be careful, but if we are attacked, we'll not be much good with our weapons locked away from us."

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

"Of course," Winter replies to Walter. "I think you've proven we can trust you; and if not ... "

She shrugs.

"VAUSTUS," she calls out. "Can you retrieve their weapons? They'll need them back."

She turns back to you.

“As for the fog, I don’t really know," she says. "“It’s as if the outside world turned against us. I don’t know if it’s just Briarstone Isle, or if it’s the whole world, but the hospice is surrounded. Wherever it came from, it emerged soon after the revolt. What’s strange is that some of the patients and asylum staff say that, in the nights before the uprising, they had nightmares of exactly the sorts of things that stalk the halls now.”

For when we're ready, which door are you interested in, man from the cell with the starting corner?

M Human - Loon 15 AC: 16 (12 FF) CMD (22/18) CMB +6 Fort +12; Ref +14; Will +15
motteditor wrote:
"It's outside -- there's a courtyard on the other side of the barricade -- but don't go there! ”

Tristain leads Walter to the courtyard door (directly across from the room we first explored when we climbed up?).

Male Human patient #54-46

did the donation boxes and praying by Belzoni proceed uneventfully?

Baseline Stats:
Max HP: 142 | AC 17 (15 T / 13 FF) | CMD 19 | Initiative +4 | Fort +13 / Ref +13 / Will +7 | Stealth +21 |Disable Device +20 | Acrobatics +17 | Sleight of Hand, Perception +11 | Know (Planes) +10 | Escape Artist +7

A moment after Winter calls out for Vaustus, Tenebrynn raises one hand without tearing her gaze from her onion broth. With one hand still working a small wooden spoon, she flips her pack open and begins to fish her friends equipment out with her free hand. As the items clatter to the stone, she looks up at Winter and shrugs. "It's bigger on the inside."

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Yes, Belzoni. It clinks satisfactorily against what you assume are other coins in the box.

Winter smiles, eyebrows raised in appreciation, at the gnome girl's pack, but doesn't make any comment of her own.

Apparently satisfied for the moment, Chalker grabs the half-orc and drags him back out past the barricade, to one of the unopened doors in the hall.

It leads to a muddy courtyards, where trampled flowerbeds lie smeared and squashed. On all sides, stark gray walls climb toward a narrow gap of sunless sky. A strangely warm rain -- almost hot -- falls from the yellow clouds above, in which hidden shapes roil ominously as if they were trying to reach out for you.

A shedlike structure to the southeast lies largely collapsed while fallen walls to the north also obstruct any path forward that way. A number of bodies litter the area.

1d6 ⇒ 6

AC: 35 (f28/t14); CMD: 27; F: +16, R: +12, W: +18; Perc +15

Kyffin carefully re-equips his weapons before joining the others at the door. Looking out, and up, he does not like what he sees.

"This is unpleasant."

He peers at the bodies, from a distance, and tries to find out what killed them. It would have to be obvious I think as he's not going out there.

Heal: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14

HP 32/32; AC 16, T 13, T 14; F+4, R+6, W+3; CMD 17; Init +2, Perc+9

Heinrich stares hard at the clouds, at the shapes within and he begins to shake. "This is... I've seen such things... I cannot. I CANNOT!" he nearly shouts.

M Human - Loon 15 AC: 16 (12 FF) CMD (22/18) CMB +6 Fort +12; Ref +14; Will +15

Tristain shies away from the rain, but stands in a place where he can look at the clouds and the movements of them.

"I'm still not sure we are in the real world...or even if there is a real world," Tristain comments, still only certain of the starting corner.

1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10 Know (Arcana) - clouds/rain
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17 Know (Nature) - clouds/rain
1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12 Know (Religion) - clouds/rain

"This is normal? Is this not normal? How can we, who have no memories or experiences know?"

Baseline Stats:
Max HP: 142 | AC 17 (15 T / 13 FF) | CMD 19 | Initiative +4 | Fort +13 / Ref +13 / Will +7 | Stealth +21 |Disable Device +20 | Acrobatics +17 | Sleight of Hand, Perception +11 | Know (Planes) +10 | Escape Artist +7

"Might still be dream. Might not. Better to assume the worst though. And worst is this is not a dream. If proven wrong later, good. If not, oh well."

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

You have no idea what this all is, Chalker.

It is not obvious what killed the bodies from afar.

M Human - Loon 15 AC: 16 (12 FF) CMD (22/18) CMB +6 Fort +12; Ref +14; Will +15

"Could it be that the cell with the starting corner is the safest place to be? If the outside is like this, then the inside might be where we should stay," Tristain grumbles, wondering if any of the bodies are that of Debis.

"Does someone want to go out there and see if one of those bodies is that of a young boy, Brenton's brother?" Tristain asks.

HP 32/32; AC 16, T 13, T 14; F+4, R+6, W+3; CMD 17; Init +2, Perc+9

Heinrich sighs and shakes his head. "Can't go there, can't stay here, can't be what i think it is. Can't can't can't." He looks on the edge of a breakdown.

Baseline Stats:
Max HP: 142 | AC 17 (15 T / 13 FF) | CMD 19 | Initiative +4 | Fort +13 / Ref +13 / Will +7 | Stealth +21 |Disable Device +20 | Acrobatics +17 | Sleight of Hand, Perception +11 | Know (Planes) +10 | Escape Artist +7

Tenebrynn nods and steps outside, looking up at the strange yellowed sky with bald curiosity shining in her eyes. She makes her way toward the fallen gingerly and slowly, still plainly inquisitive but the similarities of the sky to the fog in their shared dreamscape gives her some modicum of pause and caution.

Any particular check you'd like provided I get near enough to make one?

AC: 35 (f28/t14); CMD: 27; F: +16, R: +12, W: +18; Perc +15

Kyffin watches as Tenebrynn braves the outdoors under that sky. He draws his scimitar and watches her leave. "Don't go far!" he calls out leaning to the balls of his feet.

Male Human patient #54-46

Belzoni scowls terribly as the smallest amongst them ventures forth. He also grips his weapon and watches intently as he waits with Walter to pounce upon the sneaky undead when they show themselves.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Gnome girl, you don't find any children's bodies. The bodies seem to have wounds of some sort, but you're not at all sure what caused them.

As you look around, a peal of thunder rolls across the sky -- sounding eerily like a deep voice laughing, though at what you couldn't say.

Gnome Girl Heal: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

M Human - Loon 15 AC: 16 (12 FF) CMD (22/18) CMB +6 Fort +12; Ref +14; Will +15

Tristain watches as the gnome from the cell near the starting corner ventures the weather to examine the bodies. He turns his gaze upward, towards the laughing clouds.

"Maybe...maybe we climb to the top here? Might there be a way out up there?" Tristain asks, wondering if any of his friends can climb or are as useless as he is.

Tristain waits to see who responds and what the gnome reports.

"Gnome! Are any of the bodies that of young boys?"

Baseline Stats:
Max HP: 142 | AC 17 (15 T / 13 FF) | CMD 19 | Initiative +4 | Fort +13 / Ref +13 / Will +7 | Stealth +21 |Disable Device +20 | Acrobatics +17 | Sleight of Hand, Perception +11 | Know (Planes) +10 | Escape Artist +7

Tenebrynn shakes her head. "No children. Only adults." She looks up at where Tristain suggests and shrugs. "Can take a look if you like." She then turns and leaps to the top of the roof without waiting for a reply.

Jump: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29
results doubled for a total of 58, then doubled again with 1 point of burn - resulting in a total jump check of 116 - a total height of 29ft

M Human - Loon 15 AC: 16 (12 FF) CMD (22/18) CMB +6 Fort +12; Ref +14; Will +15

Tristain is watching Tenebrynn when she disappears from view...his jaw drops.

"What kind of reality is this, Walter? Nothing makes sense..." Tristain wonders if Tenebrynn is going to return to the ground.

HP 32/32; AC 16, T 13, T 14; F+4, R+6, W+3; CMD 17; Init +2, Perc+9

"Do whatever she is usually have the ability to do that?" Heinrich asks in a breathless, exasperated voice.

AC: 35 (f28/t14); CMD: 27; F: +16, R: +12, W: +18; Perc +15

Kyffin is floored by the little gnome's jump. How the hell?

He doesn't like that she's out of sight, but his fear keeps him in the threshold of the door, though he does step out with one foot and look up trying to keep the little one in sight.

"Don't go far! We cannot help you up there!"

He looks back and murmers, "None of this makes a lot of sense."

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Gnome girl, as you leap, you enter the fog, where you hear a skittering noise as if something horrible were approaching through the bilious mist.

You land on the roof a moment later, where you realize the fog hangs low enough that your head is firmly in its midst, blocking your vision for anything beyond your immediate surroundings. The rain seems to feel even hotter here, threatening to scald you.

Gnome Girl Perception DC 10:

What you can see are the shadows of horrific spiders scuttling upon forests of legs, though they don't seem to be aware of you ... yet!

Baseline Stats:
Max HP: 142 | AC 17 (15 T / 13 FF) | CMD 19 | Initiative +4 | Fort +13 / Ref +13 / Will +7 | Stealth +21 |Disable Device +20 | Acrobatics +17 | Sleight of Hand, Perception +11 | Know (Planes) +10 | Escape Artist +7

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27

Tenebrynn squints, then gasps as her mind tries to refuse the truth her eyes are showing her. With a frightful squeak, she spins back around and slides down the roof, dropping back to the safety of the ground down below.

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22 not sure if the roof is high enough to cause fall damage when returning to the ground - I'm able to reduce fall damage by 10 feet at least with that check if it is high enough

"Inside! Inside! Bad things in the fog! Bad bad!" Her eyes, normally overly large already, are even wider as she hustles toward the group and her breath comes in short, terror-filled puffs.


HP: 21/21
Nonlethal: 1
AC: 15 (13 T / 12 FF)
Fort: +6 // Ref: +6 // Will: +1 (+2 vs illusion)
Burn Accrued: 1/6
SLAs: dancing lights [ ], ghost sound [ ], prestidigitation [ ], speak with animals [ ]

Ongoing Effects:
Warden of Nature: +1 to hit/+2 dodge bonus vs aberrations, oozes, vermin
Foe of the Strange: +1 to saves vs aberrations, -10 to confusion results
Point Blank Shot: +1/+1

M Human - Loon 15 AC: 16 (12 FF) CMD (22/18) CMB +6 Fort +12; Ref +14; Will +15

Tristain retreats to safely, moving well under a place that has a ceiling and walls and not-clouds.

"What? What did you see? Did you see anything that makes you believe that this is not just an imagination and a small part of a dream rather than the real world? Mayhaps what you experience is what happens when we travel too far from the starting corner?" Tristain is a flurry of questions of the gnome.

"Also, how did you do that jump?"

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

The roof here is only about 15 feet high, so I'm fine saying you take no damage with that roll, gnome girl.

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