Motteditor's Strange Aeons PBP

Game Master motteditor

Combat map / Overall map / Treasure tracker / Thrown splash weapon rules

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Male Human patient #54-46

Belzoni leaps to Walter's aid as he draws his blade and slashes at the creatures. "Stand back and tend your wounds, I'll revoke the license of these incompetent doctors." shift to flanking, one square SE

aldori sword: 1d20 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 3 + 2 = 8
damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Yikes. Bloody Knuckles is scary!

Round 1:

Tenebrynn: 7
Belzoni: 4
Tristain: 20
Kyffin: 16
Heinrich: 9
Antagonist: 9

The gnome girl's blast hits the nearest doppelganger, unfortunately nudging it out of the way of Lucky's sword.

Chalker's hammer glances off the bad doctor as he tries to avoid hitting his ... friend? ... seeming to not bother her at all. The same can't be said for the half-orc's blade, which cuts deep. Unfortunately, it's not enough to put the doctor down, and she slashes him again 8 hp, again the wounds seeming more painful than it should.

"See, Dr. Latchke? Like that. Trim away the pectoral, and you'll have easy access to the heart.

Confusius transforms, seeming more like Angry-us now as he enters the room, just in time to see Dr. Latchke take advantage of the other "doctor's" instructions, claws tearing into the still-off balance Lucky and sending arterial blood spraying across the room. 24 hp

"Ah, yes, Dr. Oathsday. Much appreciated," the second, male doppelganger replies.


Dagger: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25
1d4 + 4 + 1d6 ⇒ (1) + 4 + (3) = 8

Claw: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20
1d8 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
Claw: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28
1d8 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
Crit?: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23
1d8 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

Dr. O: 20
Dr. L: 8

Baseline Stats:
Max HP: 142 | AC 17 (15 T / 13 FF) | CMD 19 | Initiative +4 | Fort +13 / Ref +13 / Will +7 | Stealth +21 |Disable Device +20 | Acrobatics +17 | Sleight of Hand, Perception +11 | Know (Planes) +10 | Escape Artist +7

Tenebrynn gasps at the arc of blood as it slices through the air, but she knows there's little she can do other than try to bring down the not-doctors. She spins, sending another blast into the same grey-skinned vivisectionist as before.
Air Blast: 1d20 + 8 - 4 ⇒ (14) + 8 - 4 = 18for: 1d6 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9


HP: 21/21
AC: 15 (13 T / 12 FF)
Fort: +6 // Ref: +6 // Will: +1 (+2 vs illusion)
Burn Accrued: 0/6
SLAs: dancing lights [ ], ghost sound [ ], prestidigitation [ ], speak with animals [ ]

Ongoing Effects:
Warden of Nature: +1 to hit/+2 dodge bonus vs aberrations, oozes, vermin
Foe of the Strange: +1 to saves vs aberrations, -10 to confusion results
Bless: +1 to hit/+1 vs fear
Point Blank Shot: +1/+1

Is Lucky Belzoni? He might want to finish his level up from when we were at Winter's camp before suffering that potentially life-ending crit!

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

He's leveled up.

Baseline Stats:
Max HP: 142 | AC 17 (15 T / 13 FF) | CMD 19 | Initiative +4 | Fort +13 / Ref +13 / Will +7 | Stealth +21 |Disable Device +20 | Acrobatics +17 | Sleight of Hand, Perception +11 | Know (Planes) +10 | Escape Artist +7

I didn't scroll down in his profile far enough. Don't mind me. Carry on. Carry on.

AC 18, T 13, FF 14; F+5, R+7, W+3; CMD 20; HP 38/38; Perc +7

The thing that used to be Heinrich grins. He steps to the south and tries to pummel the good doctor attacking Lucky.

Unarmed Strike!: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16 for 1d3 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7 damage plus 1d4 ⇒ 4 bleed damage!

Male Human patient #54-46

Belzoni collapses in a bloody mess.

hp: -9/15, con of 10, need a 19 or better on the con check or Belzoni enters the deadzoni

Constitution check to stabilize, DC 19: 1d20 ⇒ 14

The gift of life fades from the big man as his jaw goes slack and the flow of blood stops along with the beating of his heart.


HP 32/32; AC 16, T 13, T 14; F+4, R+6, W+3; CMD 17; Init +2, Perc+9

Belzoni, you get a free roll, then a roll for your turn. So you get one more chance!

AC: 35 (f28/t14); CMD: 27; F: +16, R: +12, W: +18; Perc +15

Round 3, Initiative: 16

HP: 3/19 AC: 15 (f14/t11)
Weapon Equipped = Scimitar
Silver Blanch, Cold Iron Bolts = 10/10
Conditions = None
Melee: Attack: BAB +1, Str +3 Damage: Str +3
Ranged: Attack: BAB +1, Dex +1 Damage: +0 (Str +3 thrown)
Blessings (4/4) (DC 13)
Fervor (1/3) (1d6)
Spells (Caster Level 2, Concentration +4)
Once Per Day (12): Prestidigitation
Zero (12): Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Stabilize
First (13): Divine Favor, Divine Favor, Shield of Faith

If the DM will allow a few seconds delay on the death of Belzoni:
Kyffin reacts swiftly to his fallen comrade taking a 5’ step back and quickly casting Stabilize upon his bleeding form.

If Belzoni is dead and cannot be helped:
Kyffin grits his teeth and presses what little advantage he has against his foe, fearing the next attack may be his last.
Scimitar: 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 4 + 1 = 10 (bless) damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

As a swift action, he uses his fervor to heal himself a little of the damage he’s absorbing. He knows it won’t keep him conscious if he’s hit again, but it might just keep him alive long enough for his companions to get to him.
Heal: 1d6 ⇒ 2

M Human - Loon 15 AC: 16 (12 FF) CMD (22/18) CMB +6 Fort +12; Ref +14; Will +15
Tristain the Chalker wrote:
"What? No! NO! NO! NO!" Tristain runs behind Walter in fear. "We're not here for that! No! Irori help me!"

Round 3, Init 20

"What? No! NO! NO! NO!"

For the second time in a few moments, Tristain let's loose with a cry of despair, this time as Belzoni falls. He rushes to the big man, not so much as healing him, but Tristain uses his mind to *force* Belzoni to heal itself.

1d8 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5 CLW

AC 18, T 13, FF 14; F+5, R+7, W+3; CMD 20; HP 38/38; Perc +7

Totally forgot to include Bless in my attack roll above..

Male Human patient #54-46

The big man twitches slightly, does life still remain in that fallen shell?

Stabilize, DC 19: 1d20 ⇒ 9

No, no it does not.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Round 2:

Tenebrynn: 7
Belzoni: 4
Tristain: 20
Kyffin: 16
Heinrich: 9
Antagonist: 9

"Ah, quite efficacious," the male doppelganger continues, clearly about to say something else when the gnome girl's blast of air hits it, snapping its head back and silencing it for the moment. The silence is made permanent as he's pummeled moments later by the transformed member of your group, its fits shattering the creature's face and sending blood pouring forth from its orifices.

Chalker runs forward to try to help your fallen comrade, but his efforts seem to have no effect, the man's chest motionless as he no longer breathes.

Walter, thrown by his own wounds and the sudden death of the man they knew as Lucky, presses on, hoping he won't soon be reunited with the man in the Boneyard. Still, his distraction throws off his aim, and the doctor is able to easily avoid the strike. decided to go with the attack, as you could see Chalker was unable to help him

"Ah, Dr. Latchke, you seem to have quite sanguinated. Now I shall need a new assistant!" the female doppelganger says. "Would any of you care for the job? I shall most certainly spare your life for the moment."

Despite her words, she slashes again at the half-orc, and he joins the other bodies lying about the area, blood starting to pour onto the hard title floor, though his labored breathing shows he's not quite dead yet. 13 hp

"Whoever takes my offer, your first job will be to clean up this mess," the bad doctor says with a laugh.


Scalpel: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23
1d4 + 4 + 1d6 ⇒ (4) + 4 + (5) = 13

Dr. O: 20

AC: 35 (f28/t14); CMD: 27; F: +16, R: +12, W: +18; Perc +15

Round 4, Initiative: 16

HP: -10/19 AC: 15 (f14/t11)
Weapon Equipped = Scimitar (dropped)
Silver Blanch, Cold Iron Bolts = 10/10
Conditions = Unconscious but stable
Melee: Attack: BAB +1, Str +3 Damage: Str +3
Ranged: Attack: BAB +1, Dex +1 Damage: +0 (Str +3 thrown)
Blessings (4/4) (DC 13)
Fervor (1/3) (1d6)
Spells (Caster Level 2, Concentration +4)
Once Per Day (12): Prestidigitation
Zero (12): Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Stabilize
First (13): Divine Favor, Divine Favor, Shield of Faith

Stabilize: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21 vs DC 20

Good thing I healed myself... is the last thing that passes through Kyffin's mind as he collapses to the floor in a bloody pool, mostly of his own making. His scimitar clatters to the floor next to him.

Baseline Stats:
Max HP: 142 | AC 17 (15 T / 13 FF) | CMD 19 | Initiative +4 | Fort +13 / Ref +13 / Will +7 | Stealth +21 |Disable Device +20 | Acrobatics +17 | Sleight of Hand, Perception +11 | Know (Planes) +10 | Escape Artist +7

Tenebrynn blinks in astonishment at the growing pile of bodies around the not-doctor-doctors before her face twists into a scowl. "Clean up this!" Wind and air in the room begin to slash past everyone, buffeting each of the combatants as the slight gnome begins to gather the air around her.

Once the winds whip around her like flashing white knife blades, she spins, sending a tremendous blast of air at the doppleganger, a fierce orb of debris carried along in the center.

Air Blast: 1d20 + 8 - 4 ⇒ (19) + 8 - 4 = 23for: 1d6 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
target also affected by a 50mph gust of wind for 1 round, regardless of whether attack hits (Fort Save DC 14 negates)

Move action: Gather power (reduce burn of following blast by 1)
Standard action: Air Blast w/ Gusting Infusion (2 burn normally, reduced to 1)


HP: 21/21
Nonlethal: 1
AC: 15 (13 T / 12 FF)
Fort: +6 // Ref: +6 // Will: +1 (+2 vs illusion)
Burn Accrued: 1/6
SLAs: dancing lights [ ], ghost sound [ ], prestidigitation [ ], speak with animals [ ]

Ongoing Effects:
Warden of Nature: +1 to hit/+2 dodge bonus vs aberrations, oozes, vermin
Foe of the Strange: +1 to saves vs aberrations, -10 to confusion results
Bless: +1 to hit/+1 vs fear
Point Blank Shot: +1/+1

AC 18, T 13, FF 14; F+5, R+7, W+3; CMD 20; HP 38/38; Perc +7

Bloody Knuckles, his namesake hands dripping, smiles. "My dear doctor, I must decline your kind offer. But fear not, you shall soon join your dear friend momentarily." He charges!
PUMMEL!: 1d20 + 5 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 5 + 2 + 1 = 11 for 1d3 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7 damage plus 1d4 ⇒ 3 bleed!

M Human - Loon 15 AC: 16 (12 FF) CMD (22/18) CMB +6 Fort +12; Ref +14; Will +15

Sorry for crap post, enjoying stuff too much on my vacation.

Tristain screams no.No.NO! again and rushes to heal Walter, hoping he's not too late again.

1d8 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5 CLW

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Hey, I wasn't expecting any posts from you, Chalker, so you're one step ahead of the game.

Round 3:

Tenebrynn: 7
Belzoni: 4 DEAD!
Tristain: 20
Kyffin: 16
Heinrich: 9
Antagonist: 9

The gnome girl blasts the remaining doctor, who cries out "Oh, my external occipital protuberance!" as she's briefly spun around by the force of the air hitting her. Unfortunately, the air also pushes her out of the way of Bloody Knuckles' namesake pugilism, his swing hitting nothing by the space she'd been in moments earlier.

As Chalker rushes to the half-orc, whose breathing eases slightly at the pudgy man's urging though he doesn't wake, the false doctor steps back with the wind's help ... and disappears! Her icon is in the last place you saw her.


Dr. O Fort: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25

Dr. O: 31

AC 18, T 13, FF 14; F+5, R+7, W+3; CMD 20; HP 38/38; Perc +7

Bloody Knuckles sniffs the air. "Flee or fly or go hidey, little doctor. I can smell your wounds. I'll taste your blood yet!" He licks the previous doctor's blood from his knuckles. He steps to the square where the doctor was and prods directly south of that spot!

M Human - Loon 15 AC: 16 (12 FF) CMD (22/18) CMB +6 Fort +12; Ref +14; Will +15

"Where is it? Tell me," Tristain says, his eyes fierce, looking at Bloody Knyuks.

Waiting to see if BK Supreme can ID the square with the foe.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

1d100 ⇒ 38

Bloody Knuckles probes at the spot, but doesn't feel the false doctor.

Gnome girl?

Baseline Stats:
Max HP: 142 | AC 17 (15 T / 13 FF) | CMD 19 | Initiative +4 | Fort +13 / Ref +13 / Will +7 | Stealth +21 |Disable Device +20 | Acrobatics +17 | Sleight of Hand, Perception +11 | Know (Planes) +10 | Escape Artist +7

gust of wind mentions snuffing candles, kicking up dust, etc - if it's not too big a stretch, can I try at send a storm of dust and blood and such to see if it reveals the doppleganger in a line of squares? Not to break the doppleganger's invisibility or anything, but just to identify what square it might be in if I catch the right line?

Tenebrynn growls beneath her breath as the not-doctor doctor vanishes, and she spins again sending another sudden gust of powerful wind whipping through the room, kicking up dirt and dust and even splattering some blood from the other not-doctor doctor's corpse along the wind's path.

move action: move 10 feet to the right on the map
Standard action: Air Blast w/ Gusting Infusion (2 burn normally, reduced to 0 by reducing damage of air blast to 0), blasting the wind down Tenebrynn's column on the map


HP: 21/21
Nonlethal: 1
AC: 15 (13 T / 12 FF)
Fort: +6 // Ref: +6 // Will: +1 (+2 vs illusion)
Burn Accrued: 1/6
SLAs: dancing lights [ ], ghost sound [ ], prestidigitation [ ], speak with animals [ ]

Ongoing Effects:
Warden of Nature: +1 to hit/+2 dodge bonus vs aberrations, oozes, vermin
Foe of the Strange: +1 to saves vs aberrations, -10 to confusion results
Bless: +1 to hit/+1 vs fear
Point Blank Shot: +1/+1

M Human - Loon 15 AC: 16 (12 FF) CMD (22/18) CMB +6 Fort +12; Ref +14; Will +15

Did the Doctor cast a spell before disappearing? Spellcraft?

Tristain hopes BK Supreme's continued movement (I don't think you're done moving yet, right?) finds the location of the Doctor...or if the gnome girl's actions will.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Sure, Gnome Girl; that seems reasonable (not that it matters in this case, but where are the rules for reducing blast damage to 0? I don't remember that, though that doesn't mean it's not there...). Chalker, she used a psychic spell, which I don't think offers a Spellcraft chance, as there are no obvious signs of casting (but please let me know if I'm wrong, as that does seem like a significant advantage). Also, I took it as that was the extent of BK's moves.

Round 4:

Tenebrynn: 7
Belzoni: 4
Tristain: 20
Kyffin: 16
Bloody Knuckles: 9
Antagonist: 9

The gnome girl's detritus proves as unsuccessful as Bloody Knuckles' probing at finding the doppelganger as Chalker waits nervously ... only to see her reappear as she finishes drinking from a vial, which she drops on the floor.


1d8 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6

Dr. O: 25

AC: 35 (f28/t14); CMD: 27; F: +16, R: +12, W: +18; Perc +15

Round 4, Initiative: 16

HP: -5/19 AC: 15 (f14/t11)
Weapon Equipped = Scimitar (dropped)
Silver Blanch, Cold Iron Bolts = 10/10
Conditions = Stable & Unconscious
Melee: Attack: BAB +1, Str +3 Damage: Str +3
Ranged: Attack: BAB +1, Dex +1 Damage: +0 (Str +3 thrown)
Blessings (4/4) (DC 13)
Fervor (1/3) (1d6)
Spells (Caster Level 2, Concentration +4)
Once Per Day (12): Prestidigitation
Zero (12): Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Stabilize
First (13): Divine Favor, Divine Favor, Shield of Faith

Kyffin remains nearly motionless on the cold floor, his clothes slowly soaking up his spilled blood. Though he’s no longer bleeding, his breath is ragged as he lies there.

AC 18, T 13, FF 14; F+5, R+7, W+3; CMD 20; HP 38/38; Perc +7

Bloody Knuckles roars with delight and charges the newly appeared Doctor!
Unarmed SMASH!: 1d20 + 5 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 5 + 2 + 1 = 14 for 1d3 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7 plus 1d4 ⇒ 4 bleed!

Baseline Stats:
Max HP: 142 | AC 17 (15 T / 13 FF) | CMD 19 | Initiative +4 | Fort +13 / Ref +13 / Will +7 | Stealth +21 |Disable Device +20 | Acrobatics +17 | Sleight of Hand, Perception +11 | Know (Planes) +10 | Escape Artist +7

It's specific to the gusting infusion she uses to add the gust of wind effect to her air blast

Tenebrynn sends a blast of air, without the tremendous gusts she'd used previously, zipping in behind the red-man's eager charge.

Air Blast: 1d20 + 8 - 4 ⇒ (18) + 8 - 4 = 22for: 1d6 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10


HP: 21/21
Nonlethal: 2
AC: 15 (13 T / 12 FF)
Fort: +6 // Ref: +6 // Will: +1 (+2 vs illusion)
Burn Accrued: 1/6
SLAs: dancing lights [ ], ghost sound [ ], prestidigitation [ ], speak with animals [ ]

Ongoing Effects:
Warden of Nature: +1 to hit/+2 dodge bonus vs aberrations, oozes, vermin
Foe of the Strange: +1 to saves vs aberrations, -10 to confusion results
Bless: +1 to hit/+1 vs fear
Point Blank Shot: +1/+1

M Human - Loon 15 AC: 16 (12 FF) CMD (22/18) CMB +6 Fort +12; Ref +14; Will +15

I'm confuzzled if Tristain is up again or not. Hopefully, the powder puff gnome took out the Doctor and it won't matter...

Tristain considers reaching down and picking up Walter's dropped weapon.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Chalker is up, as remains the bad doctor.

M Human - Loon 15 AC: 16 (12 FF) CMD (22/18) CMB +6 Fort +12; Ref +14; Will +15

Round 4/5, Init 20

Tristain reaches out and picks up Walter's scimitar, holding the unfamiliar weapon before him awkwardly, his face a mask of rage.

"NO! NO! NO!" Tristain's face twists as an anxiety manifests itself in his mind, twisting reality, creating a sharp quill of force to shoot at the Doctor, unerring in aim and impact.

1d6 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5 force damage

Tris' stats:

HP: 13/13
AC: 12

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Chalker's scream seems to hit the doppelganger like a pile of bricks, following up the gnome girl's blast, and the bad doctor falls to the ground, unmoving (though still breathing).

AC 18, T 13, FF 14; F+5, R+7, W+3; CMD 20; HP 38/38; Perc +7

Bloody Knuckles lets out a disappointed sigh. "Shall I break its neck before it wakes? Or would you like to play with it a bit?" He grins, showing bloody teeth.

Baseline Stats:
Max HP: 142 | AC 17 (15 T / 13 FF) | CMD 19 | Initiative +4 | Fort +13 / Ref +13 / Will +7 | Stealth +21 |Disable Device +20 | Acrobatics +17 | Sleight of Hand, Perception +11 | Know (Planes) +10 | Escape Artist +7

Tenebrynn regards the man, cocking her head to the side inquisitively. She simply answers his question with one of her own, "Who are you?"

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AC 18, T 13, FF 14; F+5, R+7, W+3; CMD 20; HP 38/38; Perc +7

The bloody knuckled brute laughs loudly. "I'm what happens when the buttoned up let loose, little lady. I'm the little voice that tells you to let go. I'm your dear doctor's sweet little urge to live. He calls me Bloody Knuckles, on account of how very good I am at cracking skulls. Well, I should say I call myself that, for he never thinks much of me. Pretends I'm simply a product of his imagination, a coping mechanism, never mind the bodies, no sir, that couldn't have been me."

M Human - Loon 15 AC: 16 (12 FF) CMD (22/18) CMB +6 Fort +12; Ref +14; Will +15

Tristain looks at BK Supreme as if trying to fit the concept of *two* personalities into a world where he only had room for one.

"So...are you the same or different than the man who started in the cell near the cell with the starting corner?" Tristain asks, wanting more information before categorizing the man. "Also, so you think any of us or any that we've met are also dual faces within one body?"

While he waits for an answer his eyes flick down to the body of the Doctor.

"Oh, we should end that thing's life and that of the other one as well. Nothing good will come from keeping it alive," Tristain opines and goes to check on Belzoni and Walter.

"I think the big one is dead. I might be able to save Walter...maybe."

1d8 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9 CLW

And just like that, Tris is out of spells.

AC 18, T 13, FF 14; F+5, R+7, W+3; CMD 20; HP 38/38; Perc +7

BK laughs. "I'm the same as your man near the starting corner. Except I'm the parts of him that don't fear being alive. With a slight chemical modification. You see, when he drinks the concoction, I can come out and flex my muscles for a time. Hour, two hours at most. Don't fear: your little timid friend with the secret love of blowing sh!t up is still here. For now. Some day he'll realize how much FUN it is to be me and he'll be gone for good. But until then, we share the same flesh suit." He smiles and calmly reaches over and twists the head of the Good Doctor.

Coup de Grace damage: 2d6 + 8 ⇒ (2, 4) + 8 = 14

"Pity, I seem to have broken this one. I'm sure we'll find another to play with."

M Human - Loon 15 AC: 16 (12 FF) CMD (22/18) CMB +6 Fort +12; Ref +14; Will +15

Tristain laughs, trying to both please BK Supreme but also alleviate the tension he feels at Belzoni's death. He fails miserably, looking at the dead Belzoni and his laugh turns to a mixture of sobs and snuffles and OMGs.

We are truly and rightfully f*%~ed.

Baseline Stats:
Max HP: 142 | AC 17 (15 T / 13 FF) | CMD 19 | Initiative +4 | Fort +13 / Ref +13 / Will +7 | Stealth +21 |Disable Device +20 | Acrobatics +17 | Sleight of Hand, Perception +11 | Know (Planes) +10 | Escape Artist +7

Tenebrynn watches the red man curiously for a moment before Tristain steals her attention. She walks over slowly and quietly, sinking down to her knees beside the man from the starting corner as they look on Belzoni's body. The gnome whispers sadly and solemnly, "We didn't even know his name." She leans sideways at this, into Tristain and a gentle hug.

AC: 35 (f28/t14); CMD: 27; F: +16, R: +12, W: +18; Perc +15

Kyffin opens his eyes, the very act itself being a struggle. He sits up, and examines the carnage around him, and the fallen comrade.

He stands shakily, and moves over to the group. "Damn." he swears aloud. He kicks one of the 'doctors' on his way back to collect his blade.

He looks at the others, "Does anyone need healing? I have some juice left."

He waits to see what others may need before using his magics on himself.

M Human - Loon 15 AC: 16 (12 FF) CMD (22/18) CMB +6 Fort +12; Ref +14; Will +15

Tristain cries with the gnome girl over the man from THE cell with the starting corner. Like gnome girl, Tristain did not know his name...and that painful realization adds to the angst he feels about not knowing his own name, which adds to the tears and sadness.

As he does not need healing, he does not respond to Kyffin.

He cries and sobs for a few more moments, not ready to talk his feet nor let loose of the gnome girl.

AC 18, T 13, FF 14; F+5, R+7, W+3; CMD 20; HP 38/38; Perc +7

BK nods at the dead Belzoni. "He died like a man: on his feet, standing against the foe! He needs no name other than this: hero." BK nods again, putting his final thought on the matter.

M Human - Loon 15 AC: 16 (12 FF) CMD (22/18) CMB +6 Fort +12; Ref +14; Will +15

Tristain snuffles, then looks at the body...and even at his goods.

"What do we do with him? Seems wrong to leave him here..." Tristain asks, snuffling. "Can we bury him someplace? Or burn him? We don't want the ghouls to get him."

Tristain will help carry drag the big man's body in a direction.

Baseline Stats:
Max HP: 142 | AC 17 (15 T / 13 FF) | CMD 19 | Initiative +4 | Fort +13 / Ref +13 / Will +7 | Stealth +21 |Disable Device +20 | Acrobatics +17 | Sleight of Hand, Perception +11 | Know (Planes) +10 | Escape Artist +7

While Tenebrynn herself doesn't cry, she tries to console Tristain for as long he needs with the hug. When he pulls away to discuss how to inter the large man's body, she shrugs. "Maybe Winter would know what to do with him? Somebody in her camp likely to have good idea at least. Agree though, leaving him here not an option. Too many ghouls. Too many not-doctor doctors."

AC 18, T 13, FF 14; F+5, R+7, W+3; CMD 20; HP 38/38; Perc +7

BK takes the body and throws it over a shoulder without too much issue. "The girl is correct. The Winter lady will know what to do with him." He heads in that direction.

AC: 35 (f28/t14); CMD: 27; F: +16, R: +12, W: +18; Perc +15

HP: 19/19 AC: 15 (f14/t11)
Weapon Equipped = None
Silver Blanch, Cold Iron Bolts = 10/10
Conditions = None
Melee: Attack: BAB +1, Str +3 Damage: Str +3
Ranged: Attack: BAB +1, Dex +1 Damage: +0 (Str +3 thrown)
Blessings (3/4) (DC 13)
Fervor (1/3) (1d6)
Spells (Caster Level 2, Concentration +4)
Once Per Day (12): Prestidigitation
Zero (12): Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Stabilize
First (13): Divine Favor, Divine Favor, Shield of Faith

Kyffin converts a Divine Favor into a Cure Light Wounds, and juices it with a blessing to improve it’s effect.

Cure Light Wounds: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10 (+50% = 15 total healing)

He then Creates Water and takes a quick bath to wash away the bulk of the blood from his equipment and wash his face.

As the man from the corner begins to haul the body, he sheaths his scimitar and helps carry the deceased. He takes the heavy end.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

One of the doctors did have a wickedly sharp scalpel, if anyone's interested in it. Also, just to make sure it didn't get lost in the mess, "Praise Zandalus' " body was also in the room but not the elderly woman's.

After making sure the doppelgangers are truly dead, you make your way back, carrying the body of your slain companion.

Shortly after the guards let you in, you're greeted by a weary-looking Winter.

"What happened?" she asks.

AC 18, T 13, FF 14; F+5, R+7, W+3; CMD 20; HP 38/38; Perc +7

BK will grab the scalpel if no one else does, just to examine later.

AC: 35 (f28/t14); CMD: 27; F: +16, R: +12, W: +18; Perc +15

Kyffin heaves the body into the chamber and sets it down carefully. He takes a moment to catch his breath before replying, "We lost one of our own to more of those damnable dopplegangers." he mutters.

"Is there somewhere we can bury him where the ghouls won't get to him?"

Baseline Stats:
Max HP: 142 | AC 17 (15 T / 13 FF) | CMD 19 | Initiative +4 | Fort +13 / Ref +13 / Will +7 | Stealth +21 |Disable Device +20 | Acrobatics +17 | Sleight of Hand, Perception +11 | Know (Planes) +10 | Escape Artist +7

Tenebrynn adds to Kyffin's description, "The not-doctor doctors were vivisecting the person we found yesterday. 'Praise Zandalus.' Strange man. Didn't help him by freeing him. Person died on table when we woke in cells too. Also being cut by a not-doctor doctor." She enumerates each person who's died with one long, willowy finger after another as she speaks. She sighs then, concluding, "We're better at killing and avenging than saving it seems."

M Human - Loon 15 AC: 16 (12 FF) CMD (22/18) CMB +6 Fort +12; Ref +14; Will +15

Tristain helps drag/lift Belzoni's body with his noodly arms (Tristain's not Belzoni's, surely). He still seems quite sad to loose his not-friend from the cell with the starting corner...aka the first man he saw in his entire known life.

He listens and hopes that Winter has a good solution for Belzoni's body.

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