Motteditor's Module Madness PBP (Inactive)

Game Master motteditor

Combat map / Dungeon map

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Allright, i just decided to try something completely crazy here, not even really sure if it will function.
Need some time to write the story down and check the crunch a bit.
Can reveal as much that it will be an elf or half-elf oracle.
If i can put that to work, that´s even crazier than the two ideas i had before and will make for the hell of a roleplay^^

Are character submissions still being accepted for this?

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Yup. Through Thursday.

Cool, then I would like to submit the following character for your approval :-)

Garett Martigan
Male human (Taldan) rogue (bandit) 1 (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat 71)
CG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +3; Senses Perception +4
AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 8 (1d8)
Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +0; +2 trait bonus vs. charm and compulsion
Speed 30 ft.
Melee rapier -1 (1d6+1/18-20), dagger -5 (1d4/19-20) or
rapier +3 (1d6+1/18-20)
Ranged light crossbow -5 (1d8/19-20)
Special Attacks sneak attack +1d6
Str 13, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 15
Base Atk +0; CMB +3; CMD 14
Feats Agile Maneuvers, Weapon Finesse
Traits charming, fencer, strong willed
Skills Acrobatics +7, Bluff +6 (+4 for 24 hours when you fail an opposed Charisma based check, +7 vs. characters who could be attracted to you), Diplomacy +6 (+4 for 24 hours when you fail an opposed Charisma based check, +7 vs. characters who could be attracted to you), Disguise +6 (+4 for 24 hours when you fail an opposed Charisma based check), Escape Artist +7, Intimidate +6 (+4 for 24 hours when you fail an opposed Charisma based check), Perception +4, Ride +4, Sense Motive +4, Sleight of Hand +7, Stealth +7, Use Magic Device +6 (+4 for 24 hours when you fail an opposed Charisma based check)
Languages Common, Kelish, Varisian
SQ trapfinding +1, vain
Combat Gear caltrops; Other Gear leather armor, crossbow bolts (20), dagger, dagger, dagger, light crossbow, rapier, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, blanket, flint and steel, signet ring, thieves' tools, torch (3), waterskin, whetstone, 35 gp, 3 sp, 5 cp
Special Abilities
Agile Maneuvers Use DEX instead of STR for CMB
Charming +1 Bluff/Diplomacy/save DC for a language-dependent spell vs. targets who could be sexually attracted to you.
Fencer +1 to hit with dagger or sword AoOs.
Sneak Attack +1d6 Attacks deal extra dam if flank foe or if foe is flat-footed.
Strong Willed Your fervent desire to choose your own path gives you strong willpower, and you receive a +2 trait bonus on saving throws against charm and compulsion effects.
Trapfinding +1 Gain a bonus to find or disable traps, including magical ones.
Vain -2 to Cha checks for 24h after failing an opposed Cha check
Garett was the youngest scion of a minor Taldan noble family, born to wealth and privilige. His family life was strict, and even though his chance of inheriting the family titles and lands it was drilled into him at an early age that even though he was of less significance than his elder brothers he must at all times maintain the honor and reputation of his station. However, being neglected by a distant father, considered somewhat worthless as his eldest brother was being groomed for the family seat and his middle brother entering the clergy, and being somewhat spoiled and bored, Garett sought out ever increasing ways to both relieve his boredom and to act out. In his youth Garett was particularly taken with romances featuring dashing and cunning rogues, particularly those of disenchanted young noblemen as himself assuming daring aliases and as he had been trained in fencing and horsemanship decided to become a highwayman. At first, this was simply to amuse himself and rebel against his family and station, however, during the course of his predations he became aware of the cruel, unjust, and wretched fashion the neighboring demense was under. For once in his life, Garett felt the call of something higher than his own selfishness. Bending his cunning, daring and bravado to the task he became a thorn in the side of the local lord, stealing from his tax collectors, swindling his agents, and resucing the unjustly imprisioned. This of course did not sit well with the lord in question who bent his considerable power into uncovering the identity of and arresting the miscreant responsible for bleeding his coffers. Garett managed to both keep his secret and remain uncaught for some time, however, all was soon to come to a tragic end. He fell madly in love with a wealthy tavern owner's daughter and the two of them enjoyed a passionate clandestine affair. Unfortunately, the nefarious baron uncovered this fact and using the most spurious of evidence imprisoned, tortured and eventually hanged Garett's lover all in an attempt to lure him into the open. Lure him it did, sending Garett into an impassioned fury, storming the baron's manse in reckless fashion intending to rescue his love before she could be executed. He of course failed and was captured. His identity revealed, his family shamed and facing the gallows, all seemed lost. However, in his cruelty, the baron decided to hang the two lovers on the same day, her just before him simply to extend his suffering a few moments more. When the day came, Garett had to watch in horror as his true love dangled and kicked from the short noose knowing it was he ultimately who had put her there. This did serve though to set alight a fire of vengeance within him, enough to fuel one, last desperate attempt to free himself and take his revenge even if this ultimately mean his own end. He managed to loose himself and take a sword from one of the guardsmen and in the ensuing melee managed to kill the eldest son of the baron, though not the baron himself. In the chaos and confusion Garett fought his way free through a combination of cunning, daring and sheer dumb luck with the baron's oaths of promised vengeance echoing in his ears. Disgraced, disowned by his family and outlawed by Taldan Garett has since spent his life on the run, living by his wits and his blade. While he is still something of a fop and a scoundrel, he has often used his talents to aid those less fortunate and cannot defend themselves, always hoping to make up for the mistakes of his past and the life of his love he could not save.

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Liberty's Edge

Motteditor, about Teva, I was looking for traits that would match her backstory, and found some.

Almost Human: You have enough human features that it's easy for you to pass for a pureblooded human.
Benefits: You gain a +4 trait bonus on Disguise checks to pass as human, and Disguise is always a class skill for you.
That trait would make the feat Pass for Human almost unneeded, and I could use the feat for something else.
Iron Control: You learned the hard way that expressing the rage you inherited from your orc blood exacerbates humans' fearful and hostile reactions to you; after years of effort, you've mastered self-control and buried your anger deep.
Benefit(s): Whenever you're confused and roll to determine behavior in a given round, subtract 10 from the result.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Thanks, Oddr. Please make sure you also include an in-character post, and I'd like to know how long you've been doing PBP.

I've never actually done a PBP before to be honest, this would be my first time...and with the in character post, is there a context or should I just like post what my character would say/how he would act just to give an idea?

Liberty's Edge

Oddr: You could make your character "chat" with mine...
The big woman wears a loose fitting robe, and a scarf around her head, covering almost all of her face.
Back coarse hair pour behind her, to her shoulder, in an irregular cut.
Her eyes and forehead show determination, as well as her step.
The greataxe on her back show she is dangerous. She is tall, maybe to tall for a woman. She is strong. Maybe too strong.
But her voice is feminine, almost sweet, as she reach the group of travelers.
"Hi, my name is Teva. Care if I walk with you? I have been traveling alone for a long time, and I would like the company."
She turns out to be a good walking companion, willing to hear and ready to talk about herself.
"I was born there, you know, I am a Steader. But I left with my mother long ago, when I was only a baby."
Her eyes show a tear when she is asked about her mother.
"She passed away, I am afraid, not long ago. She asked me to go to her old town, and present myself to the rest my family."
If asked about her family, or why she didn't came back before, she excuses herself.
"Sorry, that is a private matter. Maybe if when we know each other a little bit better... What brings you to Arwyll Stead?"
So now its time to Garett to answer her...

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Oddr Last-Laugh wrote:
I've never actually done a PBP before to be honest, this would be my first time...and with the in character post, is there a context or should I just like post what my character would say/how he would act just to give an idea?

Oddr, you might want to re-read the first post in this thread. It lays out what is expected from prospective players in this thread, and by when. You can also look at some of the other in-character posts that have already been made in this thread.

*(Having been with the group on foot since earlier that day...)*

The elf woman nods to the not-too-tall (for an elf) but way-too-broad (for an elf) woman as she explains her humble beginnings. "I can respect a wish for privacy." She inclines her head and asks, "Since you are not really from this Stead, do you plan on staying? Oh, why am I asking? I don't have any desire to stop my wandering in this place, and it's hard out there with the orcs and all." With a broad smile she adds, "If it weren't for an ambush by those pesky orcs, I would've just ridden past this metropolis. But it seems someone, Calistria maybe, wants me to enjoy this bit of humble pie." She gestures broadly at their surroundings, "Too much to pass on, though. Unless you are passing from horseback and quickly, too."

Alina wants nothing to do with responsibility. Family may as well be a curse word to her. Or is it. Sometimes torn between her selfish desire to be unfettered and the guilt of her final conversation with her father, she chooses the path of least resistance: Escapism. Her world is to be explored and savored. Her faith is a healthy mix of Calistrian and Cayden-ite. Not as brazen as some, but in it for the thrills to say the least.

Arwyll Stead?:
Never heard of it. Was passing through on my way to... well, a dear friend was headed this way and I got on his trail and followed him. No, I didn't lose him. I just got ahead of him is all. What? He might have turned and gone somewhere else? Mayhap. Until we know, let's celebrate this fine eve.

Some. I got my start in late '12 with Jelani's Carrion Crown; I tried to GM some of my own as an extension of our TT games, but my players prefer face to face and found it hard to get into the *writing* aspect I would not say I am a newcomer; nor am I the grizzled gorgnard :) (Also, I have an alt in Mott's Kingmaker (Katerina the Maid)

Oddr, maybe you were walking into town with some other pedestrians? ;)

Liberty's Edge

When Alina mentions orcs Tuva flinch almost imperceptibly.
"Maybe I have not lived there, but I am a Steader, and I hope I can live there with the rest of my family. Maybe is not the best place to live, but it is home."
Her voice shows sadness when she finishes.
"I hope it is home."
She gets her composure back and asks Alina.
"And where do you plan to go next? Surely not into the Hold?"

Alina reacts to Teva's home-sickness with a jibe, "Come now, what family wouldn't want a lummox like you to help out around the house?" She barely frowns as she thinks again on what Teva is saying. "Oh, maybe you are right. Home is where you make it is all I mean to say."

"Will I go into the Hold? Mayhap. Depends where the road takes me. I don't want to go into that swarming mass of ugliness. Too many tusks, too few brains." She traces her delicate finger along the shaft of her bow, implying that she can fix the former if not the later.

"But back to you! You seem like you're really out of place... "

That DC12 Perception check? Yeah, take ten ;)

"and that's fine. But if you find you need a more mobile home, I don't care a whit about how you got where you are this day, this moment." She offers the woman a smile, welcoming and sincere.

Alina's character sheet is up in the profile. Her background has a foundation giving her motive, but the details are left less than firm on purpose. The character sheet will see some adjusting in the equipment section as I decide exactly what she has on her (and she still has a bundle of cash, too ;)

Dragoncat's submission here: meet Crystal Delphi, an inquisitor of Pharasma!

The road to Arwyll Stead was a long one from the city of Caliphas, passing through the haunted county of Virlych and ending close to the border of the Hold of Belkzen. Most people wouldn't take such a road without an armed escort--the constant threat of orcs and bandits hang over the road like a burial shroud.

Still, it was the fastest way to the town, and she wasn't going alone from the looks of things.

Crystal takes a moment to observe her companions.

Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28

A half-orc who thought that wrapping herself in scarves and a robe would be enough to hide who she really was, and a blonde elf woman who looked quite at home in the wilds, even with her hodgepodge of Varisian, Elven and Chelish clothing. A stark contrast to Crystal herself, clad in the blues and blacks of her faith, with a grey slouch hat protecting her head from the sun.

"I've no interest in entering the Hold." She shrugs and keeps walking forward, her stark white hair blowing back as a breeze picks up. She fingers the longbow slung over her shoulder--a magnificent piece of weaponry, given to her by the inquisitors in recognition of her completed training.

"And you say you have family waiting for you at Arwyll Stead as well?" She turns to the robed woman as she moves.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Oddr, you can also look at Doomed Hero's Guide to PBP for the basic gaming conventions.

as Alina and Teva pass along on the road into town they spy a lone, lean figure leaning against a style, a broad brimmed slouch hat pulled low over his eyes, clothed in what once may have been rather elegant clothes that have seen better days, with a long rapier riding his left hip. The figure sways a bit in place, seeming to need the support of the fencepost until the two ladies are abreast of him, at which point the figure lurches into step along side them, apparently much the worse for drink despite the early hour. After a few staggering steps the young man begins to mumble a rather ribald song, flashing a grin to either woman in the awkwardly familiar way of drunkards everywhere...

could either of you ladies...ummm, be so kind as to tell me which road I happen to be on? I seem to have quite forgotten

the stranger's voice is smooth and cultured despite the slurring and as he speaks his grey eyes seem to flash with a sharpness that may indicate his intoxication may not be entirely as deep as it seems

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Crystal Delphi isn't an oracle?! :)

Nope. Inquisitor. :)

She prefers to seek truth out herself instead of through visions. (Although I COULD take the Truth Inquisition if it'll make you feel better. XD)

By the way, I forgot to mention these. Sorry about that.

What drives Crystal onward?:
A couple of things, really: the desire to see her mother again and to meet her father are only one part of it.

The second thing that drives Crystal forward is her desire to prove herself to the world. For most of her life, she's been treated as an inferior simply by virtue of being a Varisian-born bastard child. To put it bluntly, she's desperate to prove herself worthy of being Pharasma's agent in the mortal world, even though she puts on an air of cold detachment.

My PbP Experience?:
I've got several campaigns I'm GMing right now, and several PbPs I'm already in. I've got experience under my belt, but I'm open to new ideas on gaming.

P.S.: GM:
Siolad sends his regards. ;)

Liberty's Edge

To Alina Teva answers with a sincere smile.
"I am glad to have a friend on this road, and this trip... Home is where do make it? Well, I hope I can make mine on the Stead. With my family. But if that doesn't work is good to know I have a friend I can travel with. But as well, if I can stay with my family, I can ask them to let a friend of mine stay too. The only thing I miss now is your name..."
She waits for Alina to tell her name...
To Crystal she also answers.
"Yes, my mother's family. I don't know them in person, but I hope they receive me well. You have family there too? Have you been there?"
She finally sees Garett with surprise...
"You don't know where you are? Do you feel ok?"

Realizing she'd been having a pretty serious conversation with a total stranger she laughs with the sound of water running over bells. "Oh, just Alina if you please."

Her mind wanders about while walking, Passes the time better, it does! When she sees a lone figure on the side of the road, her attention is brought back, front and center. She whispers to her companions, "Careful. He may be a spotter for an ambush/ Her caution seems overblown when she hears the half drunk man ask for directions. "Could be worse; he could know exactly where he is and have no issues with his state. Praise Cayden, eh Friend?"

Teva wrote:
"Yes, my mother's family. I don't know them in person, but I hope they receive me well. You have family there too? Have you been there?"

"Yes--my mother." Crystal nods. "I understand that my father is supposed to be there as well. I've never visited the place myself..."

"And, by the way, my name is Crystal."
Crystal isn't especially reassured by the sight of the drunken man...

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13
...then again, as distracted as she was by talking, it was difficult for her to determine if he is drunk or not.

Alina wrote:
"Could be worse; he could know exactly where he is and have no issues with his state. Praise Cayden, eh Friend?"

Crystal says nothing, instead eying the drunk with a wary look. One of her hands inches towards her quiver of arrows.

To avoid walls of text, i put this in spoilers. Laiiriliel Shalandalan

Character Background:

Laiiriliel, grew up with other elves and her mother Daurauncath Shalandalan, who was impressed by a human wizard a long time ago. Her mother Daurauncath had hoped for a child that inherited both the fathers and mothers arcane power, also to make up for her slight of having a child from a human father. When Laiiriliel showed no signs of any arcane talent, Daurauncath was bitterly disappointed. Especially, since that unruly human had left before the childs birth, refusing to marry, leaving her heartbroken and shamed. Now she was left vulnerable before her suitors and her family, who pressed more than before to marry Vanatolril Vaneme, a mediocre wizard born to a grand name. Daurauncath could not refuse that any longer even though she felt Calistiras sting in her heart.

For Laiiriliel that was a big thing and she came to think her best always wasn´t good enough. A second class being, maybe even lower, neither elf nor human. Frustrated by the disappointment she gave her mother Daurauncath by not being able to cast magic and always being an outsider among elves, yet fascinated by the glory of elven society and court, she took to learning elven martial traditions.
While Laiiriliel showed quite the talent with the elven branched spear, her mother Daurauncath disliked this even more. Martial combat was for men and nowhere near the supremacy of magic. Daurauncath felt her union with the human wizard, whose name she would never say, had been a complete failure and only brought shame upon her. Whereas her grandfather and Daurauncath´s new husband Vanatolril Vaneme would love upon that silly notion of breeding more magic ability with a human and the unworthy offspring.
Laiiriliel hoped and prayed that she would be able to perform magic one day, to do something great and good, so her mother could be proud of her and she earned a respected place among the elves. Until one day while on a patrol a group of Drow elves raided their territory. In the fight she got really excited and suddenly began to talk in a strange and cruel language, while her body began to glow like a torch. The Drow were taken aback and could be turned away, but some were suspicious of her transformation. In the aftermarth, it became clear she somehow learned to work some magic. Yet that wasn´t arcane magic, but divine magic. Even worse, when under stress she only could talk in that weird tongue now, which turned out to be infernal, the language of the devils.
Vanatolril Vaneme made a big skandal out of it, proclaiming that her human father had probably dealed with devils and that would be the outcome. Or worse, she would deal with devils!
Some days later she left…before worse happened.

Crunchy side:

I like the idea of using a spear with weapon finesse and was a bit disappointed it couldn´t be done with the swashbuckler at that time. Now the elven spear suits that.
Also wanted to play an oracle again for some time, but none of the normal OP choices like heaven, lunar or battle. Something with more flavor. Solar mystery fits there really fine.
Idea of the crunch is to have luminous form, which gives concealment and great roleplay opportunities. Then make use of moonlight stalker, that takes advantage of concealment. Unfortunately that´s feat intensive, so i had to take two levels of fighter. Not sure if that will work out good or how the damage output is and never played an oracle in battle before. Stats are also a bit over the place due to the 13INT for combat expertise. Taking swashbuckler would have been a bit nicer for weapon finesse and using CHA instead of INT for weapon finesse, but that won´t work with a two-handed weapon. Heavily considered warsighted oracle archetype, but definately wanted the revelation first.
I also have ideas for a halfling rogue/oportunist and a barbarian/shadowdancer. Quite fond of exploring prestige classes and unusual character ideas.
For me its kinda important to make roll and roleplay meet each other too.

About me:

After my RPG group disbanded at the time due to people moving, i was left dried up and thirsty for some good RPG. So i came here and on november 1. 2012 started the first PbP, a PFS game.
(Character alias is not the same anymore, but similar.)
Shortly after i looked out for PFS around my area and found some nearby, where i participed when possible. Same time Mike Brock was there on a gameday and running Bonekeep, where i was asked if i wanted to become a VO and agreed. Since then i ran PFS as often as possible and generaly tried to promote Pathfinder. Also had my first GM experiences then. While there were some breaks where life just didn´t let me do much, most of the time i´m here regularly and both play and run games. Also i´m running PFS on roll20, have some gamedays here going on and an Iron Gods group i GM for at the moment. And i play Giantslayer on maptools since last week.
I´m looking to play with experienced GM´s, who also encourage and stress roleplay, so i can develop my own skills there and at the same time have fun. I also want this to improve my roleplay for PFS scenarios, which i think pretty important.

Wind blew from the river, dispersing the fog that had come down from the hungry mountains, gloomy and eerie, as she set her feet on the ground. Three weeks ago she had boarded a ship in Greengold and left elven lands, not entirely voluntarily. The ship had taken her over Lake Encarthan up the Pass river all the way to Vigil. And here she stood now, among humans, the sun shining on her nose, chasing away the fog that had also clung to the river most of the time, so she hadn´t seen much of the landscape. With firm steps she headed for the next tavern.
Ho there, steward! Know any work for a good spear? A caravan you say? Thank you good Sir!
Fast paced as before she headed for the place which the steward had decribed her, watching the unfamiliar human town on the way.
How different everything here is...dirty and stinky...crowded and close. I just hope i made the right decision. I need to find out where my divine power comes from. And perhaps i can find my father. Also i can bring light to this dark places.
As she arrived, there was an already lively caravan. A red haired gnome jostling about, a man overseeing crates being hauled upon a wagon and swearing at his subordinates. She decided to approach him.
Excuse me, is this caravan headed north? I´m looking for some work and an opportunity to still need someone?

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

"Nay," Argus calls from his perch on the rear rail of one of the caravan wagons, notebook in hand. "T'were headed south, deeper into Lastwall. Arwyll Stead and points beyond."

"You'll have to ask the caravan master about the 'points beyond', though. I disembark at the Stead."

Teva wrote:

"You don't know where you are? Do you feel ok?"

to which the stranger replies, craning his neck upwards to look her in the eye

"perfectly capital, top of the world, why do you ask?"

then, blinking blearily, her turns and flashes a grin at Alina

Alina wrote:

"Could be worse; he could know exactly where he is and have no issues with his state. Praise Cayden, eh Friend?"

the stranger then flourishes his arm, somewhat unbalancing himself as he does so, causing his long cloak to flare out as he fumbles for a bulging skin at the same time revealing the butt of a pistol tucked into his belt well back where it had been concealed by the drape of his cloak...after a bit of turning about he finally grasps the neck of the wineskin and tugs it forward on the thong it hangs from about his neck, popping the top open and proffering it to Alina

"aye, praise Cayden indeed!!! what a brilliant suggestion my lass, here have a pull and sing with me a goodly hymn'

without really waiting for a reply Garett begins again the rather "colourful" tavern song he had been butchering before, only more loudly and in a broader selection of keys, yet still his sharp grey eyes seem to flick ever so briefly towards the young Varisian woman walking along with them

how exactly are we handling dice rolls? I feel I probably should make a bluff roll here without giving too much away since a sense motive was rolled

Dang, saw this last minute...

I also want you to give me 3 things:
* A list of driving forces, aspirations or secret desires. Basically, why are you adventuring?

  • A place of home (improbable until father's memory is put to rest).
  • putting her father's memory to rest.
  • discover the blight of nature in the Fangwood (allowing her mother to stop her wandering investigations).

Lyra's mother came to the Fangwood to investigate the blight there, and Lyra's love of nature has led her to continue her mother's research. On one excursion into the forest her father was kidnapped and then killed. Lyra has been following any and all rumors about the criminals that might be responsible. With the loss of her father felt she no longer has a home.

A slight hand moves the long blonde strand from the elf's face restraining it behind a pointed ear. "My mother loved the forest and is often lost in its depths. I was away with her when my father was killed. No one could offer any explanation, but I found a few hints with his body. I tracked some of his killers all the way to the Ustalavian border." The elf pauses and puts a hand to the creature walking beside her. "I discovered some connections to Belkzan and," the elf grips the bow a little tighter. "and I don't think I will find anything, but I just couldn't let it rest. Not without trying to do something at least. He brought me here once, when I was little. He liked Arwyll Stead; said the 'steaders' seemed so close to the earth."

Bicor has become my recruitment alias so the profile is not updated. Lyra is an elf druid (tree-singer) or half-elf summoner (wild caller). Despite the magic, she practices focuses is as an archer. Her companion is a treant sapling or a snapping turtle based eidolon. This 'nature companion' is the only sense of 'home' Lyra currently has. Class and race (even gender?) are secondary to a wandering adventurer who hasn't had a place to call her own since the loss of her father. I will balance the arcane/divine choice to what the party needs.

My first PbP post is 2008. It started a week before the Paizo boards went down for a full day. When it came back up the GM said, new plan: let's build these with the Pathfinder rules! I have GMed over a dozen PFS scenarios (one attempt at Savage Tide) and played in many other games.

Oh excuse me, i thought you were leading this caraven, since you deal with those crates here. South to Arstead?
She shrugs her shoulders.
Sounds good too. Probably just as dark and dangerous a place that needs light as any other here.

What is it you transport there? I take it you´re a businessmen then? Some trader? What would you deliver into the hinterlands here?

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

"Naw, just a passenger, with my cargo." He snaps the notebook closed and pockets it, hopping down from the railing to walk alongside the wagon instead. "Let's find the caravan master, see what 'e thinks of ya."

"I'm an engineer. There's a mine at Arwyll that requested my services. The crates are my tools, or the means to make more tools."

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Garett, are you asking the mechanics of how to make a roll on the messageboards? If you, you drive (dive)1d20+4(/dice), replacing the parentheses with brackets.

That said, I think you were more asking how we're handling them here, in which case I'd say just do what you think is fun for the recruitment thread and don't worry too much about actual results at this point. :)


OK, so with about a day to go, I figure might be a good time for a status check. This is mostly to make sure I've got all the candidates and your submissions are correct. If I've missed you (or mischaracterized you), just holler.

PBP rookies:
Dragonfire996: Smith, human gunslinger
Alistus: Elven rogue/alchemist
Julio: Human rogue
Oddr Last-laugh: Garett Martigan, human rogue

PBP veterans:
Evans Luckbringer: human alchemist still needs in-character post
Ingrid: Dwarven cleric (I assume? could be paladin possibly, but definitely felt cleric-y to me) still needs in-character post
Shackleton: Gnome Rogue/Wizard/Arcane Trickster
ElterAgo: Human druid/feral hunter
Ross Byers: Human alchemist
Corsario: Half-orc barbarian
FireBERDgnome: Alina Las'Baelin, elf ranger
Dragoncat: Crystal Delphi, human inquisitor
Hayato Ken: Laiiriliel Shalandalan, half-elf oracle
Bicor Capshin: elf druid/half-elf summoner

Ok, cool, good to know :-)...and if I make any mistakes or drop the ball or anything, anyone feel free to call me on it or point it out. I've been gaming for a long time but this is all new to me so I am here to learn as much as to have fun. Cheers all and I hope this all gets off the ground and I can be a part of it...oh, and from my first post, I already had Garett made as 1st lvl in HeroLab, but I've updated his levels for this, so here's his modified stat block

Garett Martigan
Male human (Taldan) rogue (bandit) 3 (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat 71)
CG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +3; Senses Perception +6
AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 19 (3d8+1)
Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +1; +2 trait bonus vs. charm and compulsion
Defensive Abilities evasion, trap sense +1
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee rapier +1 (1d6+1/18-20), dagger -3 (1d4/19-20) or
rapier +5 (1d6+1/18-20)
Ranged pistol -1 (1d8/×4), pistol -5 (1d8/×4)
Special Attacks sneak attack +2d6
Str 13, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 15
Base Atk +2; CMB +5; CMD 16
Feats Agile Maneuvers, Gunsmithing[UC], Weapon Finesse
Traits charming, fencer, strong willed
Skills Acrobatics +6 (+2 to jump), Bluff +8 (+6 for 24 hours when you fail an opposed Charisma based check, +9 vs. characters who could be attracted to you), Climb +3, Diplomacy +7 (+5 for 24 hours when you fail an opposed Charisma based check, +8 vs. characters who could be attracted to you), Disguise +8 (+6 for 24 hours when you fail an opposed Charisma based check), Escape Artist +6, Intimidate +8 (+6 for 24 hours when you fail an opposed Charisma based check), Perception +6, Ride +2, Sense Motive +6, Sleight of Hand +6, Stealth +6, Use Magic Device +7 (+5 for 24 hours when you fail an opposed Charisma based check)
Languages Common, Kelish, Varisian
SQ rogue talent (firearm training), trapfinding +1, vain
Combat Gear caltrops; Other Gear leather armor, black powder (20), dagger, dagger, dagger, firearm bullet (20), pistol, pistol, rapier, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, blanket, flint and steel, signet ring, thieves' tools, torch (3), waterskin, whetstone, 665 gp, 3 sp, 5 cp
Special Abilities
Agile Maneuvers Use DEX instead of STR for CMB
Charming +1 Bluff/Diplomacy/save DC for a language-dependent spell vs. targets who could be sexually attracted to you.
Evasion (Ex) If you succeed at a Reflex save for half damage, you take none instead.
Fencer +1 to hit with dagger or sword AoOs.
Gunsmithing You can use a gunsmithing kit to craft/repair firearms and ammo.
Sneak Attack +2d6 Attacks deal extra dam if flank foe or if foe is flat-footed.
Strong Willed Your fervent desire to choose your own path gives you strong willpower, and you receive a +2 trait bonus on saving throws against charm and compulsion effects.
Trap Sense +1 (Ex) +1 bonus on reflex saves and AC against traps.
Trapfinding +1 Gain a bonus to find or disable traps, including magical ones.
Vain -2 to Cha checks for 24h after failing an opposed Cha check
Garett was the youngest scion of a minor Taldan noble family, born to wealth and privilige. His family life was strict, and even though his chance of inheriting the family titles and lands it was drilled into him at an early age that even though he was of less significance than his elder brothers he must at all times maintain the honor and reputation of his station. However, being neglected by a distant father, considered somewhat worthless as his eldest brother was being groomed for the family seat and his middle brother entering the clergy, and being somewhat spoiled and bored, Garett sought out ever increasing ways to both relieve his boredom and to act out. In his youth Garett was particularly taken with romances featuring dashing and cunning rogues, particularly those of disenchanted young noblemen as himself assuming daring aliases and as he had been trained in fencing and horsemanship decided to become a highwayman. At first, this was simply to amuse himself and rebel against his family and station, however, during the course of his predations he became aware of the cruel, unjust, and wretched fashion the neighboring demense was under. For once in his life, Garett felt the call of something higher than his own selfishness. Bending his cunning, daring and bravado to the task he became a thorn in the side of the local lord, stealing from his tax collectors, swindling his agents, and resucing the unjustly imprisioned. This of course did not sit well with the lord in question who bent his considerable power into uncovering the identity of and arresting the miscreant responsible for bleeding his coffers. Garett managed to both keep his secret and remain uncaught for some time, however, all was soon to come to a tragic end. He fell madly in love with a wealthy tavern owner's daughter and the two of them enjoyed a passionate clandestine affair. Unfortunately, the nefarious baron uncovered this fact and using the most spurious of evidence imprisoned, tortured and eventually hanged Garett's lover all in an attempt to lure him into the open. Lure him it did, sending Garett into an impassioned fury, storming the baron's manse in reckless fashion intending to rescue his love before she could be executed. He of course failed and was captured. His identity revealed, his family shamed and facing the gallows, all seemed lost. However, in his cruelty, the baron decided to hang the two lovers on the same day, her just before him simply to extend his suffering a few moments more. When the day came, Garett had to watch in horror as his true love dangled and kicked from the short noose knowing it was he ultimately who had put her there. This did serve though to set alight a fire of vengeance within him, enough to fuel one, last desperate attempt to free himself and take his revenge even if this ultimately mean his own end. He managed to loose himself and take a sword from one of the guardsmen and in the ensuing melee managed to kill the eldest son of the baron, though not the baron himself. In the chaos and confusion Garett fought his way free through a combination of cunning, daring and sheer dumb luck with the baron's oaths of promised vengeance echoing in his ears. Disgraced, disowned by his family and outlawed by Taldan Garett has since spent his life on the run, living by his wits and his blade. While he is still something of a fop and a scoundrel, he has often used his talents to aid those less fortunate and cannot defend themselves, always hoping to make up for the mistakes of his past and the life of his love he could not save.

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Tons of good submissions here, having a lot of fun looking through them. Will we be allowed to use the spontaneous alchemy rules from the alchemy manual? It'll make my character's crafting much easier, and it'll allow me to spam more alchemical weapons!

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

I'll have to look through those rules, Alistus.

Garett wrote:
"aye, praise Cayden indeed!!! what a brilliant suggestion my lass, here have a pull and sing with me a goodly hymn'

Crystal's hand stops moving towards her quiver.

...if he isn't completely drunk, he appears to be mostly harmless. Still, I thought followers of the Lucky Drunk weren't supposed to take after his drunkenness. Well, not to this degree, at least.

"...I'm not much of a singer." She politely waves off the offer of a drink and a song. "Unless you're a fan of funeral chants."

She does notice the look he gives her. Sharper than you look. I thought so.

Hey Mott, long-time-no-game. I've got a submission I'm playing with. Not sure whether or not she'll use a gun *but* to help me decide...what are level guns at (e.g. emerging, or...)?


Garett shrugs at Crystal's refusal of drink, taking a long pull from the wineskin himself, smacking his lips and wiping his lips with the back of his hand.

...there must be something to this Arwyll Stead for so many well heeled travelers to be headed there, I shall have to keep my eyes open

"nor am I, yet that has never stopped me"

Garett grins, continuing with his drunken antics, staggering and swaying down the road whilst humming to himself all the while his bright, sharp eyes taking in all of the details of his fellow travelers

"I'm still not sure exactly where we're all going, I just happened to find myself along this road...p'rhaps one of you ladies could tell me"

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Hey Gyrfalcon, we're definitely at emerging guns level.

Garett wrote:
"I'm still not sure exactly where we're all going, I just happened to find myself along this road...p'rhaps one of you ladies could tell me"

"We are traveling to the town of Arwyll Stead, mostly to visit family." Crystal keeps walking and scratches her nose.

Sorry, the site must have garbled my post (as it sometimes does). I'll get my in-game post up for Ingrid this afternoon. And yes, you have the right of her.

Franchesko Thistleblossom - CG Halfling Swashbuckler


Growing up in Korvosa, many of his brethren were enslaved and he managed to escape that life by stowing aboard a halfling-sized ship heading for Sargava. His intention was to gain his fortune so he could buy his six brothers and secret sweetheart Belladonna from their current masters and take them somewhere safe where they can build their lives in peace and freedom. But not all of those whom he is wanting to rescue wish to be rescued, as most of them have become accustomed to their role and the idea of adventure and pioneering is more frightening to them then their invisible chains.

When he was discovered on the ship he gained a hint that he did not recognize as of yet concerning this as he was appalled by the way Captain Trout and his crew kowtowed to their human bosses because they planned to return him to his master when their voyage was done. It was easier for them to do business and to save their own necks and families from slavery than it was for them to stake their lives on freeing slaves. The captain did sympathize with Franko, and tried to explain that not all slaves wanted to be freed, but Franko wouldn’t hear of it. Fortunately for him, they were boarded by Wide Olga in the shackles and he volunteered for service. The pirates were used to conscriptions, and incorporated them into their crew.

He stayed and trained with them for a while, learning swordplay as well as various other skills. He never forgot his purpose, and when he eventually found a chance to make his fortune, he took it. He found a treasure map and escaped from them, eventually coming all the way to Arwyll Stead seeking his fortune. His intention is to free his family in Korvosa, then establish a city just for halflings and other repressed minorities. He understands intrinsically that not all humans are bad, but has no patience for those who deal with demons in particular due to their connection with Cheliax and the slavery of his people.

Driving forces:

Franko has a chip on his shoulder concerning some humans.
Franko wants to gain fortune to release halflings from slavery.
Franko is planning to found a city where halflings can be free.

Pushing post:

He padded down the path at his own pace, resolute in his look. ”You know, the main reason they enslave halflings? Because we’re smaller than them. We require less food, less living area, we make less of a mess, and we cost less at the slave market. Because they don’t have to look them in the eye.”

Turning his face toward his traveling companion he gave them a bit of a mournful look. ”The worst part about slavery is when they don’t even want to leave. When I escaped, I tried to bring any of my six brothers with me. I approached them all. But not one of them was willing to take the chance. They’ve become comfortable enough in their slavery and it just makes me sick. They need help. They need someone to break their chains and force them to accept a little bit of freedom whether they like it or not so they can develop their own hunger for it.

But it isn’t just halflings, I realized. There’s tons of people, all sizes and colors who’d rather accept their fate than inconvenience themselves to for their own betterment. They simply accept the evil and the oppression in this world, sigh and say ‘that’s just the way it is.’” He looked up toward the horizon, speaking under his breath. ”It doesn’t have to be.”

With that, he swats your thigh and laughs. ”But you already know that, don’t you! He laughs again for a few seconds and gets serious again. ”Let’s go shake things up.

Experience: I've got a pretty good list of games I've done in the past few years. This one looks like fun, and I've gotten pretty choosy. Thanks for your consideration.

The Flingflopsparkfizz clan got their illustrious name in a bygone era when great-great-great-grandpoppa Umbilicus first brewed the Ultimate Fizzy Drink. Umbilicus was bold and clever, and family lore tells that he often adventured side-by-side with Nivi Rhombodazzle before she ascended to godhood, but the most glowing stories always return to his fabled fizzypops. There's some debate in the family as to whether the Ultimate Fizzy Drink was best enjoyed as a beverage or thrown at one's foes, but all agree that it was zesty, uplifting, and very very fizzy.

Tragically, the original recipe for the Ultimate Fizzy Drink was lost during the Age of Anguish. Since then the Flingflopsparkfizz clan has worked frenetically -- but fruitlessly -- to try to replicate it. Clarabibulus believes that her own father has gone about his Life Quest all wrong: staying at home, trying recipe after recipe. Great-grandpoppa Umbilicus had adventured beside Nivi herself, and had clearly found interesting ingredients to add to his soda pop in the wild reaches of Golarion.

Clarabibulus is going to succeed where previous generations have fallen flat. She's on a quest to discover the legendary missing ingredients and create a new recipe to brew the Ultimate Fizzy Drink.

So far her quest has netted her some dried silverroot which she managed to sneakily harvest from under the nose of a hill giant sleeping in his cave, and six strips of ghoran bark--a gift in exchange for rescuing the ghoran from a band of brigands. Now she’s heard tale of a supposed devil sightings near Arwyll Stead. The scraps of Umbilicus’ notes suggest he’d fought devils before--though the type is unclear--and that perhaps he used their powdered horns or teeth in some of his fizzypop recipes.

At 3’ tall and 34 lbs, Clara is slight even for a gnome. Her hair, eyes, and skin color tend to change weekly--likely based on what the latests barks, fruits, reagents, and other ingredients she’s been experimenting with. On the other hand, her stained, sticky apron and the various vials at her belt are a constant and give away her proclivity for alchemy.

Driving forces, aspirations or secret desires. Basically, why are you adventuring?:

Clara has a clear mission: to reinvent the legendary recipe for great-great-great-grandpoppa Umbilicus' Ultimate Fizzy Drink. I don’t have any idea if what the mechanical form of this would be (if any) and expect it to be something that would take a long time to complete (if ever). Along the way I imagine plenty of hooks, from the promise of finding other scraps of great-grandpoppa Umbilicus’ mostly destroyed notes, to searching out rare and unusual ingredients.

IC post describing why on the road to Arwyll Stead: eeek, I’m running short of time. This is a character I’ve played before so you can read a few posts from her here, here, and here. (Note that these were in a game that was based Krynn/Dragonslance rather than in Golarion but they can give a sense of how I’ll play her). I'm happy to try for a post on the road to Arwyll Stead but it won't make it in before the deadline. Cheers, yall!

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Clara -- that's fine; honestly, as long as I can get some sense of how you post, I'm a happy camper.

Five more minutes, and then I'll start deciding. I'll have announcements ASAP.

Liberty's Edge

Good luck everybody!

Great, thanks...and I forgot to say my experience: I'm in a number of PbP games and have been for several years. Longest running at the moment is about one and a half years strong...and I also played Big Al in your Fires over Blackcrag game.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Clarabibulus Flingflopsparkfizz wrote:

and I also played Big Al in your Fires over Blackcrag game.

Ah, that's where we played together! I didn't recognize the alias with the new picture and was racking my brain to try to think of what we'd done before.

I'd hoped to have time for some more IC posting but here I am with half my crunch done and one foot out the door! I hope my submission was solid enough to hold up on it's own.

Crunch sans Gear and Skill Allocations:
Init: +4, Senses: Perception +8; low-light vision

AC: 19; Touch 14, Flat-footed 16 (+5 armor, +3 dex, +1 size)
HP: 2d8+1d6+8 (27 hp) Favored Class: 2/2
Fort: +2, Ref: +6, Will: +1; +2 vs. illusion
Defensive Abilities: defensive training, forewarned

Speed: 20ft
Melee: mwk rapier +6 (1d4/18-20)
Ranged: ranged touch +5 (as spell)
Special Attacks: sneak attack (+1d6), prescience 5/day
Wizard Spells Prepared: (CL 1, Concentration +3)
1st - , shield, shocking grasp x2*
Cantrips - acid splash, message, open/close, ray of frost
Spell Like Abilities: (CL 5, Concentration +6)
1/day - dancing lights, ghost sound (DC 12), prestidigitation, speak with animals

STR: 10 DEX: 17 CON: 14 INT: 14 WIS: 8 CHA: 12
BAB: +3 CMB: +2 CMD: 15
Skills: Acrobatics +13, Bluff +7, Disable Device +13
Feats: Combat Expertise, Weapon Finesse(B), Improved Disarm, Scribe Scroll(B)
SQ: barred schools (enchantment, necromancy)
Combat Gear Other Gear - scribe costs for disguise self, feather fall, magic aura, ventriloquism
Carrying Capacity: <25 light, <50 medium, <75 heavy
Spellbook: all 0 level spells sans bleed, daze, disrupt undead and touch of fatigue | 1st | shield, vanish, shocking grasp, silent image, true strike

The magical knack trait would bring Shackleton a long way toward effectiveness and I hope I can justify as much in my background. Ultimately your call though.

Excitement intensifies. If you need full crunch of my character let me know, I have it right here I just haven't typed it out yet.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Sorry, guys, lots of good options will make this a tough choice. It will likely take me overnight to make any decisions, especially since I want to consider the couple last-day entries.

I don't blame ya.

Good luck to everyone!

Yep, take your time. Just be glad you limited recruitment to just a week.


No sweat

Have fun folks, I can't come up with a concept that's really striking me right. Also, I can see everyone else is writing much better than I do.

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