Monsters and Men Table 1
Game Master
Modern Magic and Monster Hunting
Human Wizard | Defense: 12 | T: +4, F: +10, R: +8, W: +10 | Init: +5 | Notice: +3 | Powers: Magic (Regeneration, Telekinesis, Duplication, Create Object, Blast, Super Senses), Teleport, Device (Force Field, Obscure)/(Dimension Pocket, Light) Hero Points: 2
Mmmmaybe? It's not a perfect description of how it could work, of course, but it might just be as simple as making more generalizations. For instance, with Coop looking at that last one, your description was fine. He's familiar with barbed wire and what it's used for, so he can make connections that way. Pain, restraint, caging something in, punishment for trying to divert from whatever path is set.
It might just mean that you have to think about WHO is looking at the thing and what their background would suggest resonates with them most. Which I realize is asking a lot of you as a DM, but we could maybe help with that. If anybody has ideas that could go along with this, please feel free to toss them in. I'm blanking just this second on how to handle this in a manner that is easy and friendly to all of us.
Human Wizard | Defense: 12 | T: +4, F: +10, R: +8, W: +10 | Init: +5 | Notice: +3 | Powers: Magic (Regeneration, Telekinesis, Duplication, Create Object, Blast, Super Senses), Teleport, Device (Force Field, Obscure)/(Dimension Pocket, Light) Hero Points: 2
So, I had this idea as I was falling asleep last night, which mean it is dubiously well thought out. But it would be interesting, at least in my mind, to have both groups' stories going on parallel to one another. So every time this group tries to get a hold of the local warden, the message gets through the grapevine to Kishan or someone else a bit later that all this is going on.
Might make storytelling hell, but it would be kinda cool.
Yeah, that is my plan. If you guys seek out the Wardens, it will get to or be Kishan. And she will get a hero point so bonus for her.
And they will hopefully bump into your STFU plots. No one has turned on the news over there, but I have news articles written related to most of these adventures.
Just finished book one of MHI, and it's really good. Hans, I totally see what you were talking about. The author is a REAL gun afficionado. I think I know more about guns now just from what he wrote about them :D. But yeah, really good characters, some good twists in the story, and a hell of a lot of fun! :D
I enjoy the MHI series quite a bit, but his Grinnoir series is even better.
I'm not sure if I said this before, but I think MHI is by far his worst book. I enjoy the world, but the characters aren't very interesting or deep and his actual writing is sometimes pretty weak. He gets better in each subsequent book, and he has a real knack for telling stories in that world in the voice of different characters.
Grimnoir is also a great series.
He is very blatant when talking about his writing about how weak MHI was. If you read his blogging he talks a lot about how the best way to become a better writer is to write more. The results are clear since his books get better as he writes more of them.
Well with that in mind, I look forward to the later books. I'm also listening to them on audio book during my commute to work. The narrator is really good, which probably helps with the characters as well.
I'll have to check out Grimnoir. I like the "urban fantasy" genre, in general. Dresden so far is my favorite, but the "Hollows" series is really good, and the series by Ilona Andrews that starts with "Magic Bites" is also good.
I got in-lawed this weekend. In law came for Thanksgiving, and then stayed a day or two later than expected...
I am running an interest check for a more straight super hero game. Looking like we are leaning Mutants and Masterminds 3rd Edition. Thought I would give it a plug here. You guys are all pretty great, so I'd love to have you in that game if you are interested.
Half-Fey | Defense: +10 | T: +5, F: +5, R: +8, W: +5 | Init: +5 | Notice: +6 | Powers: Cosmic Energy Control, Concealment, Illusion, Plant Control, Super Movement
I think I'd have a hard time not trying to be a Teen Titan in something like that xD
I'd be interested Tumbler. You have a great grasp on the genre. :D
I find it amusing that, while having never been to Boston, I'm recognizing streets from playing Fallout 4....
Hailey, it is still there. Just called Interest Check Mutants and Masterminds. We are getting pretty close to opening recruitment.
A killer GM with a killer smile.
Please come and check out the recruitment for another Mutants and Masterminds 2e game, running parallel to the Justice League Generations game tumbler is running, and that some of you play in.
Suicide Squad: Generations
Half-Fey | Defense: +10 | T: +5, F: +5, R: +8, W: +5 | Init: +5 | Notice: +6 | Powers: Cosmic Energy Control, Concealment, Illusion, Plant Control, Super Movement
Sorry for my absence. Things have been crazy around here. I've moved and gotten a new job that has me with almost no free time during the week. 10 hour days paired with over an hour of commute time each way. Ick.
Anyways, as it stands, I'm just not able to keep posting in the forums any more. Really sorry about this. Good luck with the campaign!
Really sorry to hear that Gemma. We will miss you. Good luck with the new job.
What's up, folks? Do we need to do an info dump on this interrogation and move on? Are people bored or losing interest? We seem to have lost momentum.
Hans doesn't talk much in wolf form, so I'm inclined to let someone else lead the interrogation.
Though we seem to have lost some people.
Not lost. We've had 4 major projects go live in the last two weeks, with two more on top of it for next month. Just busy as hell, but still trying to keep up ;)
On a trip, posting will be sporadic until Sunday evening.
Bot me as needed.
I will be on a trip again starting today with rather limited time to play on the internet. I'll be back online Sunday night. Bot me as needed.
Sorry for the delayed response. Work problems kept me away for a few days. Should be resolved now.
On a different note, I just watched Dracula Untold for the first time, and was terribly disappointed at the waste of talent and potential.
I hate apologies, and I always tell my students, "Don't be sorry, be better." That said, sorry for the terrible post rate and responsiveness. To misquote Goldblum, "Life, uh, gets in the way." I will be better.
Also posting this on my other games.
Is anyone still here? I'm not sure where you want to go from here. I can make something up, but that doesn't seem right.
Human Wizard | Defense: 12 | T: +4, F: +10, R: +8, W: +10 | Init: +5 | Notice: +3 | Powers: Magic (Regeneration, Telekinesis, Duplication, Create Object, Blast, Super Senses), Teleport, Device (Force Field, Obscure)/(Dimension Pocket, Light) Hero Points: 2
I'm still here! And would love to continue, but I'm not sure what to do, either.
Still here, but I'm not sure where to go.
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