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That's cool, Grimdog.
Just a note (to everyone):
There is NO "common" language in this campaign. You get the language of where you were raised for free and everything else for INT modifier & Linguistics.
So Paddy -- you get an additional language for free -- if you grew up in Italy, France, Germany or Spain (your human languages) that becomes your "common" & you still get another, and if you didn't grow up in one of those places then, still, pick another language (for where "common" is now on your statblock.
EDIT: *looks at Paddy's statblock again
Actually, it looks like you should just delete Common and pick one of your human languages to be your "home-language." Your +3 INT mod and your 1 rank in Linguistics = four languages which is what you have, minus the "Common."

Iommi-Tyr Magnusson |

The Background is tweaked a bit from my earlier post (I remembered Philippa was born in 1394 shortly after I posted and thus made a small adjustment.)
And my statblock is complete (under a Spoiler Tag) at the end of my backstory.
So let's go kill some Gremlins and Undead under Notre Dame Cathedral!

Michael Johnson 66 |

Okay, here are the two groups! There are a few more PCs then I originally planned to allow already, so please, with my sincere apology (I'd love to let in everyone who was interested, but these groups will be a lot to manage as is), NO MORE SUBMISSIONS!
Hisao of the Yellow Reeds, ninja
"Iommy" Tyr Magnusson, investigator
Hoenheim Dobberkau, inquisitor
Tevaga the Redeemer, inquisitor
Tom Weed, Druid
Ubchell ap Ossian, ranger(?)
Charmaine Da'Vi, class ?
John Marteau, class ?
Paddy, rogue
Meeko's Howl, arcanist
Oterisk's cavalier or paladin PC
FireSkorn, iron skin monk
Jemino Diaz de Vivar, Spanish Jinette (class ?)
Nohwear's PC, witch hunter inquisitor
Caleb D'natin, cleric or inquisitor
Michael the Warsong, bard
Joshua Hitz's PC, class ?

Michael Johnson 66 |

Okay, here are the two groups! There are a few more PCs then I originally planned to allow already, so please, with my sincere apology (I'd love to let in everyone who was interested, but these groups will be a lot to manage as is), NO MORE SUBMISSIONS!
Hisao of the Yellow Reeds, ninja
"Iommy" Tyr Magnusson, investigator
Hoenheim Dobberkau, inquisitor
Tevaga the Redeemer, inquisitor
Tom Weed, Druid
Ubchell ap Ossian, ranger(?)
Charmaine Da'Vi, class ?
John Marteau, class ?
Paddy, rogueROME TEAM
Meeko's Howl, arcanist
Oterisk's cavalier or paladin PC
FireSkorn, iron skin monk
Jemino Diaz de Vivar, Spanish Jinette (class ?)
Nohwear's PC, witch hunter inquisitor
Caleb D'natin, cleric or inquisitor
Michael the Warsong, bard
Joshua Hitz's PC, class ?
Might make some adjustments to shuffle a high BAB PC where needed (Paris team seems low on hard hitters while Rome seems to have a few)....

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So,... introducing the PCs so far (in random order w/ me last); Now awaiting the FINAL Word from Mike as to who starts in Paris and who in Rome (It could be another day or so, I assume.):
Seth 86........... FireSkorn ; LN Hobgoblin ironskin Monk
Tech 5BB......... Charmaine Da'vi ; NG Warpriest of the Christian deity (female)
James F........... Ubchell Ap Ossian ; NG H-Orc Druid Wolf Shaman
Jason Rodarte.... Fray Manuel Jose ; LG Spanish Cleric of Dominican
William Oak...... Tevaga the Redeemer ; NG H-Orc Inquisitor of St Jude (NE Europe)
Zayne Iwatani.... Michael the Warsong ; CG Italian Bard, mute
Grimdog.......... Paddy ; CG Tiefling Rogue from the city streets
Rynjin............. John Marteau ; LG (Paladin or Cavalier)
Azih............... Hisao of the Yellow Reeds ; CN Japanese Ninja
Endoralis......... Hoenheim Dobberkau ; LG human Investigator / Slayer or ?something?
Rocan............. Jemino Diaz de Vivar ; NG Spanish Fighter
Goldmyr (Matt Adams). Tom Weed & Nightshade ; N Elf Druid w/ Plant companion
Rorek.............. Akio Derik Ryuu ; CG Aasimar Samurai (Japan)
Meeko............. Howl ; Arcanist
Nohwear........... . . . . ; Inquisitor
Joshua Hitz....... ? ? ? ?
W E Ray........... Iommi-Tyr Magnusson ; LG Norwegian Investigator

Tiberius Tacitus |

Here is Tiberius Tacitus for your perusal and judgement. While, I was already given the go on joining, I am posting him here to be looked over for any mechanical issues. He is a gladiator that has been offered his freedom in return for fighting the great wyrm. While he will do his best to defeat the mighty dragon, he thinks of this as an opportunity to see more of the world considering he believed himself doomed to die in the walls of the coliseum.

Michael Johnson 66 |

A bit of anachronism with your gladiator, Tacitus, as combat hasn't been held in the Coliseum for over a thousand years at the time of this campaign, but here is a sweet solution:
You were a gladiator during the reign of Commodus. A noble lady, a transmuter of great power, took an unrequited shining to you. When it became clear to her that you did not return her affections, she cast transmute flesh to stone on you, and kept you in her villa as a statue....
Then the Goths sacked Rome, and you were looted and spent some time as a trophy of Alaric....
You wound up being sunk in the River Tiber for centuries, until fishermen hauled you up and gave you as a gift to a Roman merchant in 1390 AD....
The merchant relocated with his fortunes (including his favorite gladiator "statue") to Paris....
In 1425, you were traded to the famous alchemist, Nicolas Flamel, who thought you looked a little too realistic to have been sculpted, so he tried a stone to flesh formula on you, and presto! You were living flesh once more! The kindly Flamel taught you to speak French, gave you a small purse of gold, and set you free to be a living marvel to delight mankind....

Tiberius Tacitus |

I realize this is the Paris recruitment thread, but this is where most of it was done so I figured I would post it here. Otherwise, I am fine with going to either campaign. I just need your go ahead.
Also, I'll trade his favored class bonus over to an extra skill point for French. For his starting language, I'll take Greek.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Here's a link to the Rome thread, Akio.... Post your PC character sheet in Recruitment thread for inspection, please....

Michael Johnson 66 |

I realize this is the Paris recruitment thread, but this is where most of it was done so I figured I would post it here. Otherwise, I am fine with going to either campaign. I just need your go ahead.
Also, I'll trade his favored class bonus over to an extra skill point for French. For his starting language, I'll take Greek.
Our resident rules sage, Ruladin, will inspect your PC when he gets the chance, Tacitus.... In the meanwhile, go ahead and catch up on the Gameplay thread so far, and feel free to start posting (I'll give your PC a scan myself)....