Medieval Europe PbP campaign (Inactive)

Game Master Michael Johnson 66

Set in a version of 15th century Europe where magic, monsters, myths and legends are real....

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All applicants should post their full PC stats here for the inspection of the mighty Ruladin (resident RAW paladin extraordinaire). His scrutiny can be painful, but ensures a tight RAW game, and I likes my meat RAW! Lol....

Fine to take a drawback for a third trait?

No, two traits max, from two different categories, no stacking traits, as per strict RAW, please.

Getting slightly ahead of myself here, but hit points when advancing to a new level as per PFS: half of max plus 1, plus Con mod.

How are you going to handle religion,domains,inquisitions, and alignment?

Religions shall be handled thusly: choose a pagan deity from Earth mythology or a Christian patron saint that best fits the domains or inquisitions or character concept you want and customize with my approval. Just submit your idea here first....

Alignment can be any you are able to RP without causing inter party conflict. If anyone is gonna play a paladin, please let's not have any overtly evil PCs....

I'm interested in this, but before I post my character concept, is there anyone willing to take the Allied Spellcaster feat alongside me?

I'm going to make a Treesinger Druid from the historic druidic order who was sent to Paris at the request of his chieftain. The red dragon's influence has been devastating to the natural world the pagans worship and the order is willing to put aside their differences in beliefs with the christian knights and work to put an end to the tyrannical rule.

I am thinking of a witch hunter inquisitor with the chivalry inquisition. Here is his saint. He is against demons and witch craft.

Any input on my hobgoblin monk? :) =^^=

These character concepts are freaking awesome! This is exactly why I love running games in this setting.... Everyone already knows the campaign world pretty well, and rich character concepts come naturally to players' minds!

Due to the large number of interested players with awesome PC concepts, I'm seriously considering running two parallel Medieval Europe campaigns, one starting out in Paris, the other in Rome....

Seth86 wrote:
Any input on my hobgoblin monk? :) =^^=

Yes: he sounds awesome! Do you see him as being from a Christian monastery? Or from Asia? Or a pagan unarmed warrior?

Alright will hopefully make my changes by tomorrow.

As soon as six PCs have been posted and inspected by Ruladin (and any corrections needed to bring them within RAW have been made), assuming they make up a well-balanced group, we will begin that group, and I will start a second campaign called Medieval Europe PbP II, and will start that group out in Rome, to adventure simultaneously with the other group....

it will be possible for the two groups to cross paths and interact, if I can figure out the logistics, and the final battle against the great red wyrm will either involve both groups uniting, or else I'll come up with a surprise climactic confrontation for one or the other groups that isn't the dragon....

After all, Europe is a big place, with lots of room and lots of potential adventures....

i dont know. i feel RL religion should stay out of fantasy, but I will be true to my own faith. I will choose Christian

Very very nice... Well, in any case, Tevaga will serve the roman catholic church, so I imagine she would fit better in Rome. I will have an adjusted build tonight.
In any case, this sounds quite interesting.

Seth86 wrote:
i dont know. i feel RL religion should stay out of fantasy, but I will be true to my own faith. I will choose Christian

I will try to be as respectful to RL religions as possible while still telling the story I have in mind.

There will be no direct appearances of Jesus or God or Allah, etc, and not likely to be any divine interventions by pagan deities, either....

However, angels and archangels, named demons and devils from Judeo-Christian demonology, and other divine agents have been known to make appearances in my campaigns (see my Post-Apocthulhu PbP)....

All Earth mythologies and religions will be treated as being true in this setting, so there is a very real struggle between the many old deities and the relatively new faith of the Church of Rome, with Christianity dominating most of "civilized" Europe....

The conflicts between Islam and Christianity, of course, might also come into play, depending on where your PCs travel--I always run a sandbox-style game, where you are free to go and do whatever you please. I will place adventures everywhere, and let you decide the destiny of your PCs....

Hi , where do you want character stats sent to please?

Create an avatar with the full character sheet and post here, please, JamesF....

I'm now thinking of either playing a Spanish Jinette (Fighter Dragoon archetype) on or off the horse he would be a force to be reckoned with. Fighting with a buckler and a set of javelins/throwing spears, a lance and a longspear.

Is the rich parents trait allowed in order to buy a horse as a son of minor nobility?

The other option is the horselord archetype from the cavalier, but then from Moorish descent, probably from Granada, riding a dark horse.

Do you think we'd go somewhere towards the desert?

BTW, is there any specific date/time? This could determine which saints do/do not exist. For the moment I am only looking at saint from before 1000 AD for the moment.

Grand Lodge

Still mulling over the concept for my PC -- probably best to start posting & editing the background "out-loud" now so the ideas in my head start to come together and I can build a 1st level PC.

In late 1403 I'm a 26 year Norwegian, cousin to King Eric I of Pomerania and best friends with young Prince Harry Monmouth in England. It's due to that friendship with the Prince of Wales (and my interest in England more than my native Norway) that Queen Margaret I (the REAL Power of Scandinavia and the Matron of all Kalmar Union nobles) selects me to be in charge of getting Princess Philippa Lancaster safely from England to Norway for her marriage to my cousin King Eric I.

Unfortunately, on the way back to Norway from England with my beautiful Noble charge, a North Sea Dryad invisibly boarded us and, in seeing my secret, frustrated love for Princess Philippa (She's about to marry my cousin the King and is sister to my best friend, the Prince of Wales!), decides to spirit me away to her undersea coral grotto in the Fey Realm and requite my passion herself. For 3 days and nights, under the frozen waves of the North Sea, we knew each other, until at last she released me and I washed upon the southern shores of Norway -- protected from the cold by my Dryad's Fey Bewitchment.

And hurry to the first fishing village I can find so as to get back to Princess Philippa, King Eric and Queen Margaret. But I learn the truth: It is 26 years later and my cold nymph has stolen from me a lifetime. Princess Philippa, no -- Queen Philippa -- is recently deceased. My best friend Prince Harry became a great King and he too is dead, his child son on the tottering throne of England. My cousin King Eric is old and unloved, a weak monarch, while I still show the youth of a 26 year old.

In Norway I know the King will know me but I just can't bring myself to him after all these years. .... In London the child King Henry VI will have no connection to me despite the brotherly love I have for his father and his mother (who still, despite the years, remarkably looks like her sister, my Princess Philippa -- no, Queen Philippa; I gotta start remembering that.)

So I travel to the continent -- my first time here -- and make my way to Paris -- Where I meet some others....

Grand Lodge

Still mulling over Class -- though I may grab the 1st Level Feat, Fey Foundling from my experience with the Fey.

Probably be some kind of fighter-type, maybe Ranger with an archetype. Very possibly to multi-class.

Absolutely Lawful Good, though.

Count on my PC, whatever it may be, to be grossly BADDD-ASSSSS for Knowledge History, Nobility, Local, Geography, Planes, Nature,... Diplomacy, Linguistics, and hopefully Bluff & Sense Motive.

Tevaga the redeemer wrote:
BTW, is there any specific date/time? This could determine which saints do/do not exist. For the moment I am only looking at saint from before 1000 AD for the moment.

June of 1430 AD

Re: Languages:

The closest thing to a Common language is Latin.

Each PC gets one free language, appropriate to their background, plus bonus languages based on Int mod, as per RAW.

Characters from England, for instance, get English for free, and might also speak French, Latin, or Gaelic, depending on Int mod, while characters from France would start with French for free, characters from any of the Holy Roman Empire states would speak German, characters from the Italian city-states start with Italian (or possibly Latin if brought up in a monastic setting), characters from eastern Europe would speak a slavic language, etc.... Do a bit of research for your character, and try to be as historically accurate as possible....

Racial languages do exist (Elvish, Dwarven, Gnome, Halfling, Goblin, Orc, etc), as do planar languages (Celestial, Infernal, Abyssal, Auran, Ignan, Aquan, Terran, etc)....

*Dusts off his Ruling Greaves.... they have no dust on then*


*Small themesong plays.. something along the lines of 'Ruladin is on the move, Ruladin is loose. Feel Mechanics, Hear the rule, Ruladin is loose...' *

Derrik Stonesmith wrote:

*Dusts off his Ruling Greaves.... they have no dust on then*


*Small themesong plays.. something along the lines of 'Ruladin is on the move, Ruladin is loose. Feel Mechanics, Hear the rule, Ruladin is loose...' *


Hisao the ninja would start with Japanese for free, and will need either bonus languages from Int mod or else ranks in Linguistics if he wants to verbally communicate with the other PCs! Muahahahaha! Otherwise, he will be doing alot of Scooby Doo-style pantomiming....

Rocan wrote:

I'm now thinking of either playing a Spanish Jinette (Fighter Dragoon archetype) on or off the horse he would be a force to be reckoned with. Fighting with a buckler and a set of javelins/throwing spears, a lance and a longspear.

Is the rich parents trait allowed in order to buy a horse as a son of minor nobility?

The other option is the horselord archetype from the cavalier, but then from Moorish descent, probably from Granada, riding a dark horse.

Do you think we'd go somewhere towards the desert?

I'm gonna have to say no to Rich Parents trait, sorry.... Your first few adventures are likely to involve dungeon crawling anyway, so a horse would be of little use until later, at which point you can afford one anyway....

However, with max starting wealth for your class, you might be able to afford a riding horse anyway at 1st level....

For instance, a fighter or paladin gets 300 gp to start, and a light horse (combat trained) is 110 gp, so he could afford that....

And i have 60... lol. Luckely no weapon or armor to buy.
Will have basic monk stuff

You will hate me , is there a guide for creating avatars , it's been a long time since I was on this site :(

Do you accept herolab statblocks as well ?


herolab statblocks are fine, but I'd really prefer that you post the stats in a format that everyone can easily reference under your avatar.

Go to My Account tab at top of this page, click it, you will find the option to create a new avatar. I'm not sure if there is a guide to creating an avatar on here, but there probably is one....

Grand Lodge


Go to "My Account" and make a new "Messageboard Alias."

As long as I can Read it It shall be fine.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ok imagine this face green

I think I have added him ok , pleas let me know if I havent

JamesF wrote:
Ok imagine this face green

At a brief glance, he looks good to me....

My good friend and colleague in the RAW, Ruladin, will inspect Ubchell Ap Ossian when he gets the chance, and on passing inspection, young Ubchell can feel free to post in gameplay....

(BTW, Ruladin = Derrik Stonesmith)

This sounds like a lot of fun, I would love to play a Spanish Dominican inquisitor in the vein of Torequemada. I wont have the chance to build anything until I get home tonight/ this afternoon.

The pace of this PbP will depend on all the players involved, of course, but if you don't think you'll be able to keep up with posting at least every other day, this might be too fast for you, just a heads up....

My Post-Apocthulhu campaign, set in the same setting but circa 2013, was going at a dizzying pace for periods....


Will my services be needed, GM Michael?

Eeeeeek! Squeak!

Initiative Monkey wrote:


Will my services be needed, GM Michael?

Eeeeeek! Squeak!

But of course, my dear Initiative Monkey! Glad to see you are still swingin' around....

Eeeeek! Eeeeeek!

Yup, I'm still here, MJ....

Hopefully, I can help convert the chaos of PbP combat into a symphony of meaningful, lovely, fantasy violence!


Tevaga the redeemer wrote:

Very very nice... Well, in any case, Tevaga will serve the roman catholic church, so I imagine she would fit better in Rome. I will have an adjusted build tonight.

In any case, this sounds quite interesting.

Thanks for your interest, Tevaga! And welcome aboard.... Once you have a full character sheet posted under your avatar on this thread, Ruladin will inspect her, and on passing inspection, we will see her off to the city of Paris as an agent of the Church of Rome, sent to investigate claims that the cathedral of Notre Dame is plagued by gremlins and the parishioners beset by undead coming from the catacombs and the Cemetery of the Holy Innocents within the City of Lights....

So should I even bother submitting?

Caleb D'natin wrote:
So should I even bother submitting?

Sure, Caleb.

As stated before, once 6 PCs have passed Ruladin's inspection and have formed a balanced group, I will start another campaign entitled Medieval Europe PbP II that starts out in Rome. So if you don't make the first group in Paris, there ought to be room for you in the second group in Rome....

I Shall do so By Day's end the Ruladin still has other matters.. such as dreaded laundry and DISHES! So submit your characters if you have confidence in them because there will be two groups it will be fine.

Ok. I can put something together when I get home. Maybe an Inquisitor or a monastic or tehologian cleric.

Grand Lodge

I just talked to Mike (He's sitting next to me.) about him separating PCs into two groups (Paris & Rome) not by 1st come / 1st serve but rather by PC composition -- him looking at the various PCs and deciding which starts where.

Maybe this will give us another day or so to make our builds.

Maybe I could make a Borgia :)

If there is still room I am thinking of mute bard(Thundercaller) based off of Orpheus. Unfortunately with RAW in place that means he would be damn near useless as almost all bard spells require verbal components. The DM would have to house rule that my instrument could take the place of the verbal component.

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