Medieval Europe PbP campaign (Inactive)

Game Master Michael Johnson 66

Set in a version of 15th century Europe where magic, monsters, myths and legends are real....

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Zayne Iwatani wrote:
If there is still room I am thinking of mute bard(Thundercaller) based off of Orpheus. Unfortunately with RAW in place that means he would be damn near useless as almost all bard spells require verbal components. The DM would have to house rule that my instrument could take the place of the verbal component.

Because it is a cool concept, I would allow the instrument to substitute for the verbal components....

Grand Lodge

I'm looking at Investigator (Empiricist) using a Heavy Crossbow -- again, with several gross-broken Knowledge skills, Diplomacy, Sense Motive & Bluff.

Will draw up something later then.

Hello There my Friend, Welcome to the Investigator Club.. Though I specialize in a much.. different path.

Yeah with this guy I just decided to go Half Investigator Half Slayer. Seems to fit him. Using Two Sawtooth Sabres.

Woot, finally finished my character, here she is!

Tevaga The Redeemer

Here's her backstory

“You shall be redeemed, by your will or by my sword!”
Tevaga (Teva), the half-orc inquisitor of the catholic church

Born in an orcish tribe in the east of the holy roman empire, of a mother that had a thing for human adventurers, the child named Tevaga was taken in by her tribe’s shaman. It was never an easy childhood. Her slender frame and less intimidating appearance led her to be largely excluded from her peers. And the shaman made her perform all the back-breaking work she could do, hoping to make her the next shaman.However, one day when her tribe was traveling through some forests, and a witch tempted her away from her kin into a gingerbread hut (or so she remembers), she was hexed & beaten black & blue. She escaped, but struggled for several days in the forest, dragging her broken body forward, trying to find an escape. But fate blessed her, and eventually she saw a single ray of light shining from the heavens onto a small, unknown shrine in the forest, dedicated to Saint Lucia & Saint Ambrose. There, she found soft plants to eat, and fresh water to drink, and flat stone to sleep on. There, bloodied and broken, she found the calm and comfort that she had never known in her former life.
As she recovered, she began to meditate over the shrine, as the shamans did upon their idols. And as she meditated, the Apostle Jude, patron of lost causes, touched her back, teaching her ways and showing Tevaga a world of compassion and peace, threatened by those that hide outside the light. As she regained strength, he taught her the ways or compassion, of redemption, and of swift justice. Now she wanders the world, seeking out those dark places in the hope of redeeming or destroying what might be found there. Because of her experiences with a witch she is particularly aggressive towards evil spellcasters.

She will be a follower of the apostle St Jude (patron of hopeless causes). I have also stated him up as a "deity" (with domains & all):

St Jude the apostle:
-St jude: patron saint of lost causes, Armenia, desperates situations, hospitals.
Titles: Jude The Apostle, Brother of Jesus, Jude Thadaeus
Portfolio: Lost causes, healing, redemption, conversion

Worshippers: Doctors, The despaired, the hopeless, armenians
Cleric Alignements (LG, NG, CG & N)
Domains: Luck (curse, fate), Healing (restoration), Good (redemption), Travel Domain (exploration)
Favored weapon: scimitar (because of his association with armenia)

Send me any questions you have. She comes from the Holy Roman Empire, so she could start from either Paris or Rome. I have 2 possible stories depending on the choice.

Tevaga's superiors, knowing her martial skill, offered her this mission: to go and serve Jacques du Chastelier (bishop of Paris) and investigate strange goings-on in the french capital. Delighted at the opportunity for travel, Tevaga said yes, and now she travels to Paris!

Desirous to serve the church in it's fullest, she convinced her superiors to allow her to go on a Pilgrimage to Rome. It was a long voyage, but her faith would not waver for the chance to work under the Holy See in Rome, cradle of civilization.

Here are my long-term plans with the character:


Narrative: I would like to have her rise in the church hierarchy; she is zealous and quite ambitious. She will also strive to bring otherwise questionable individuals to good and to the church

Mechanical: I plan to make her more of a melee fighter, using the "dervish dance" feat. She will not be a casty inquisitor. Otherwise, that's pretty much the only thing I've planned.

In any case, hope you guys enjoy.

Paris and Rome were not part of the Holy Roman Empire Tevga.

Caleb D'natin wrote:
Paris and Rome were not part of the Holy Roman Empire Tevga.

She is quite aware. She traveled from the holy roman empire to those places ( the 2 possible starting places for the campaign). The church is pretty universal.

This is the alias I (Rynjin) will be using, but I'm making him a Cavalier (Daring Champion) I think. Though, it would be fun to play a Paladin, maybe. Hm. I think backstory would be the same either way:

He wanted to be a Knight, and joined a Round Table tournament to prove his worth, but was beaten. So, he does good works to gain experience and help people, and hopefully prove himself worthy of knighthood in other ways.

Hisao is ready for inspection. He's not picking up Linguistics until 2nd level which should be hilarious.

So I made it so the Iga are known as the Yellow Reeds in this alternate reality and the Koga are known as the Block Rocks and they've had an ancient rivalry. Also the worship of Sun Wukong has developed roots in Japan.

Please let me know if there's anything else you need.

I realize this is going to be sandbox style but do you think it'll have some sort of arc towards an end point? And what kind of posting frequency are you expecting?

Hisao of the Yellow Reeds wrote:
And what kind of posting frequency are you expecting?


So, what's the explanation for non-Human races/ how are they reacted to?

Grand Lodge

Tevaga sounds really cool!

Looks like I'm leaning to Mindchemist Alchemist for two Levels and all the rest Investigator, Empiricist. I'll be using a Light Crossbow.

So yeah, radically different Investigator build from Hoenheim!

But just think about my Skill checks!
(And help me in the combats.)

I've got my Spanish Jinete statted out, still working on his story.

His name is Jemino Diaz de Vivar and he is a distant descendant of a famous Spanish (Catalan) lord and general, adopting the old name of his forefather to relive his glory.

After his initial training he was applying for a border province near the Spanish-Granadan border to eventually join the Spanish army in the Reconquista against the Moors.

Though he was initially accepted into the army, the recruiting captain recognised the name and shook his head to him. "If you want to live up to that name I suggest you'd train up first. We've got another important mission coming up for which we need to find volunteers. Our bishop Alonso Tostado, the bishop of Ávila, is due a visit to the Notre Dame, I don't know the specifics for this visit, however he needs an escort. You can be part of his retinue and then see where the road takes you."

Jemino took the hint and signed up to be part of Alonso's escort, travelling to Paris.

John Marteau wrote:

This is the alias I (Rynjin) will be using, but I'm making him a Cavalier (Daring Champion) I think. Though, it would be fun to play a Paladin, maybe. Hm. I think backstory would be the same either way:

He wanted to be a Knight, and joined a Round Table tournament to prove his worth, but was beaten. So, he does good works to gain experience and help people, and hopefully prove himself worthy of knighthood in other ways.


I can definitely provide some good opportunities for a would-be knight errant to earn his spurs....

Hisao of the Yellow Reeds wrote:

Hisao is ready for inspection. He's not picking up Linguistics until 2nd level which should be hilarious.

So I made it so the Iga are known as the Yellow Reeds in this alternate reality and the Koga are known as the Block Rocks and they've had an ancient rivalry. Also the worship of Sun Wukong has developed roots in Japan.

Please let me know if there's anything else you need.

I realize this is going to be sandbox style but do you think it'll have some sort of arc towards an end point? And what kind of posting frequency are you expecting?

The arc will be organically created by the choices the parties make, my friend. No railroads here! The end goal would presumably be to defeat the great red wyrm Conflagratius at Mt Vesuvius and live happily ever after as wealthy retired adventurers after you loot his unbelievably rich hoard....

Re: posting pace

I expect daily participation. Everyone has some point in the day or night when they can post, if we're to be honest.

I'm forgiving of the inevitable RL hindrances that can postpone the 15-20 minutes it takes to read the latest posts and the other 15-30 minutes it takes to post your own responses or whatnot, as those who've played in my infamous Post-Apocthulhu PbP can attest....

Shiz happens, I get that.... When it does, do your best to deal with it, and catch up when ya can....

If we don't hear from you for a couple days, expect to either have a GM substitute show up and make my best guess at your actions (which is why it is essential that PC character sheets be kept up to date and posted for all to see), or have you hesitate and miss your turn to act....

Rocan wrote:

I've got my Spanish Jinete statted out, still working on his story.

His name is Jemino Diaz de Vivar and he is a distant descendant of a famous Spanish (Catalan) lord and general, adopting the old name of his forefather to relive his glory.

After his initial training he was applying for a border province near the Spanish-Granadan border to eventually join the Spanish army in the Reconquista against the Moors.

Though he was initially accepted into the army, the recruiting captain recognised the name and shook his head to him. "If you want to live up to that name I suggest you'd train up first. We've got another important mission coming up for which we need to find volunteers. Our bishop Alonso Tostado, the bishop of Ávila, is due a visit to the Notre Dame, I don't know the specifics for this visit, however he needs an escort. You can be part of his retinue and then see where the road takes you."

Jemino took the hint and signed up to be part of Alonso's escort, travelling to Paris.

I like the back story! This is gonna be a fun group!

Tevaga does sound pretty awesome! I love her back story. She's in one of the groups for sure!

Rynjin wrote:

So, what's the explanation for non-Human races/ how are they reacted to?

Elves are from Alfheim, a separate world coterminous with Earth, reached through a portal in the Black Forest of Germany.... They are regarded as beings that are capable of magical feats and trickery, and are a part of the pagan world, and thus enemies of the Church of Rome.... Most worship Frey or Freya, and hang out in forested regions of Scandinavia or continental Europe, with a small contingent in Albion (England)....

Dwarves dwell in the Kingdom Under the Mountains (the Alps), and are regarded as trustworthy but greedy miners of gold and gems.... They worship Nordic deities for the most part, or else Hephaestus or the Christian God....

Halflings live among humanity and are essentially "little

Gnomes live in the wild places of Europe, specifically in the hills and forests.... They are regarded much like the elves, as pagan enemies of the Christian church, who worship the local pagan deities or else have converted to Christianity....,

Hiaz! This looks like a real fun campaign to play in :)
I also like that you guys are pretty close knit ^_^
So i have 2 ideas, the first i a dwarf Viking whose ship crashed off the coast and left him stranded on the contenent. Being rather stuck for the moment he has decided that it is probably best to "play nice" with the locals. At least for now, until he can get home or some other overarching plot hook pulls him along, hook line and sinker ',)
He will be gruff, rough, short and bearded XD true Viking/Dwarf style :)
He would also be a fish out of water, socially wize, as he is unused to the customs of the lands :)

Mechanically he will be a fighter with the viking archetype, true to style :)

The second idea is a human vanilla summoner, since it looks like we have an abundance of martials.
Smaug, prophet of the DRAGON is a chrottichy old koot, a little too acustomed to life out in the wild. He brings with him a prophesy of a coming dragon who will bring about the End Times and believes it to be his duty to warn the nation lest they perish from ignorance. While he does not believe that this mighty Red Dragon is the one of the prophesy, he still believes it needs to be elliminated/connected.
His eidolon, Igneel, is a young red wyrmling from the outer planes who is trying to manifest on this world and anchored himself to Smaug. What Smaug doesnt realize is that Igneel is the dragon from the prophesy, indeed it is a prophesy made by him and Igneel is using Smaug as a way to grow in power. The more people who believe in the prophesy, the greater its power and the greater chance it has of actually coming true :)

Mechanically, Smaug is a human with a decent Con score and the toughness feat, hes as tough as old boots! He will have a good Cha score and a focus on deplomacy and intimidation, but not bluff. This Prophet does not lie (tho Igneel might).
At some point he will take a level of Thug Rogue as his firey speeches literally cause those that hear to take off running!
Igneel will take the evolutions that best represent a growing red wyrmling and have a larger focus on a "smarter and more charasmatic" dragon then a "RageLancePounce" eidolon :s he will have Skill focus: intimidate and some Knowledge skills about dragons :)

What do you guys think of the two?

Cam James wrote:

Hiaz! This looks like a real fun campaign to play in :)

I also like that you guys are pretty close knit ^_^
So i have 2 ideas, the first i a dwarf Viking whose ship crashed off the coast and left him stranded on the contenent. Being rather stuck for the moment he has decided that it is probably best to "play nice" with the locals. At least for now, until he can get home or some other overarching plot hook pulls him along, hook line and sinker ',)
He will be gruff, rough, short and bearded XD true Viking/Dwarf style :)
He would also be a fish out of water, socially wize, as he is unused to the customs of the lands :)

Mechanically he will be a fighter with the viking archetype, true to style :)

The second idea is a human vanilla summoner, since it looks like we have an abundance of martials.
Smaug, prophet of the DRAGON is a chrottichy old koot, a little too acustomed to life out in the wild. He brings with him a prophesy of a coming dragon who will bring about the End Times and believes it to be his duty to warn the nation lest they perish from ignorance. While he does not believe that this mighty Red Dragon is the one of the prophesy, he still believes it needs to be elliminated/connected.
His eidolon, Igneel, is a young red wyrmling from the outer planes who is trying to manifest on this world and anchored himself to Smaug. What Smaug doesnt realize is that Igneel is the dragon from the prophesy, indeed it is a prophesy made by him and Igneel is using Smaug as a way to grow in power. The more people who believe in the prophesy, the greater its power and the greater chance it has of actually coming true :)

Mechanically, Smaug is a human with a decent Con score and the toughness feat, hes as tough as old boots! He will have a good Cha score and a focus on deplomacy and intimidation, but not bluff. This Prophet does not lie (tho Igneel might).
At some point he will take a level of Thug Rogue as his firey speeches literally cause those that hear to take off running!
Igneel will take the...

I prefer the dwarf Viking of the two, but both are pretty rad....

Build is done except for Traits and Backstory. Be done with it tomorrow. Website going down put me behind. Short story is he is a mute bard who found a voice in music. Even then the only one that truly understood what he was saying was his childhood friend and eventual lover. Unfortunately she was taken by the dragon for her beauty, both physically and vocally. So if someone wants to stop the dragon they will find no one more willing.

Michael the Warsong wrote:
Build is done except for Traits and Backstory. Be done with it tomorrow. Website going down put me behind. Short story is he is a mute bard who found a voice in music. Even then the only one that truly understood what he was saying was his childhood friend and eventual lover. Unfortunately she was taken by the dragon for her beauty, both physically and vocally. So if someone wants to stop the dragon they will find no one more willing.

So good, my friend! Welcome!

Grand Lodge

I'm gonna throw my hat in the ring. Going with a crazy Irish rogue, inspired by the crazy guy from Braveheart. Be back soon.

Alright here's my Spanish Jinete. Not completely historically accurate, but close enough.

The idea is pretty Feat-intensive however, we'll see how he holds up alongside the others.


Luckely i have a few backup character ideas if this one dies, that is if i am chosen :P

goodluck peoples


(the link to my stat sheet is found in the "special abilities" section of my profile)

I am going to be posting the cleric I made in a few moments. Sorry I couldnt get to it quicker but the site was down.

changed my profile pic as I saw someone else in this thread using the same one, it might get quite confusing.

Fray Manuel Jose is a young newly vowed member of the Dominican Order. As a young man in the convent in Avila he nearly drowned but was saved through the intercession of St. Dominic, another Spaniard. This near death experience helped him in his vocation and he directed himself to study and prayer as a member of the Dominican Order. Through his prayer and study of Thomism and nights spent in vigil of prayer before the blessed Sacrament he was often seen to be talking to unseen people. When asked, Fray Manuel would respond that he was talking to the angels. People from all over would come to ask him to pray for them and to ask the holy angels to help them. God often answered his prayers for healing even before he was ordained.

As a member of the Dominican Order, newly ordained, he has been sent out into the world, as a mendicant to bring the fruit of his prayer and study into the world that has been embattled by the forces of the dragon and hence the forces of evil. He seeks to bring hope to the people of Spain and through them to the Papal States.

For some reason I don't have a domain but am looking towards the good domain or healing.

Fray Manuel Jose Lopez of the Order of Preachers
Human cleric (cloistered cleric, evangelist, theologian) of Dominican 1 ( Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat
40, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 31, 32)
LG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +1; Senses Perception +4--------------------
AC 13, touch 11, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +1 Dex)
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee quarterstaff +0 (1d6)
Special Attacks countersong, fascinate, inspire courage +1, sermonic performance
Cleric (Cloistered Cleric, Evangelist, Theologian) Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +4)
1st—cure light wounds
0 (at will)— detect magic , light
Str 10, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 16
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 11
Feats Skill Focus (Knowledge [religion]), Skill Focus (Perform [oratory])
Traits faithful feedback, mentored
Skills Diplomacy +7, Knowledge (history) +7, Knowledge (religion) +10, Perception +4, Perform (oratory)
+11, Perform (sing) +7, Sense Motive +7, Spellcraft +6
Languages Celestial, Common, Custom Language
SQ breadth of knowledge, focused domain, public speaker, spontaneous casting
Other Gear leather armor, quarterstaff, 140 gp
Special Abilities
Bardic Performance: Fascinate (1 targets, DC 13) (Su) One or more creatures becomes fascinated with
Bardic Performance: Inspire Courage +1 (Su) Morale bonus on some saving throws, attack and damage
Breadth of Knowledge +1 Add + 1 to all knowledge skill checks.
Faithful Feedback Whenever you cast a spell belonging to the healing subschool on someone of your
religion, increase the hit points healed by +1.
Focused Domain +2 to cleric level for domain powers.
Mentored (Perform [oratory]) +1 to skill checks when making an aid another roll.
Public Speaker (-4 DC to hear) An evangelist gains Perform as a class skill. In addition, she is trained
to project her voice with great skill and effect; the DC to hear her speak in difficult conditions is reduced
by an amount equal to her class level plus her Charisma modifier (
Sermonic Performance (standard action, 7 rounds/day) An evangelist gains the ability to deliver a
select number of supernatural and spell-like performances through the force and power of her divinely
inspired preaching and exhortation. This ability is similar in all respects to bardic performance as us
Sermonic Performance: Counterspell (Su) Counter magical effects that depend on sound.
Spontaneous Casting An evangelist does not gain the ability to spontaneously cast cure or inflict spells
by sacrificing prepared spells. However, an evangelist can spontaneously cast the following spells by
sacrificing a prepared spell of the noted level or above:

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Are you still accepting new applicants? I had to skim through for the moment, but I was curious.

I'm sorry to say that no further spots remain.... Currently at a dozen players by my count, to be divided into two groups of six.

After Ruladin has had a chance to inspect all 12 PCs (I imagine we should expect this process to take several days, allowing all time to post their stats, and considering the staggering amount of info our much appreciated and belabored Ruladin will have to go through), we will have to form two well-balanced groups, and then I will create the second PbP....

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Very well. Best of luck to you and your groups in your endeavors.

Joshua Hirtz wrote:
Very well. Best of luck to you and your groups in your endeavors.

Thank you, Joshua :)

So about when should we check back?

Ray's PC:

Lawful Good
Human Investigator-Empiricist
Favored Class: Alchemist (going Mindchemist)

STR 8 (-2 pts) {Carrying capacity: 26 lbs}
DEX 14 (5 pts)
CON 14 (5 pts)
INT 19 (13 pts +2 Race)
WIS 12 (2 pts)
CHA 12 (2 pts)

Magic -- "Magical Knack": Alchemist
Combat -- "Firebug"

1st Level Feat: Point Blank Shot
Human Feat: Focused Study: Knowledge Nobility

Skills: .......................Ranks..Class..Ability..Feat
+11 Knowledge Nobility ....1......3......4.......3
+8 Knowledge History ......1......3......4
+8 Knowledge Religion .....1......3......4
+8 Knowledge Planes .......1......3......4
+8 Knowledge Geography ....1......3......4
+8 Knowledge Local ........1......3......4
+8 Knowledge Nature .......1......3......4 (INT Bonus Rank)
+8 Linguistics .................1......3......4 (INT Bonus Rank)
+5 Diplomacy ................1......3......1 (INT Bonus Rank)
+5 Sense Motive .............1......3......1 (INT Bonus Rank)
+5 Bluff ......................1......3......1 (Human Skilled Rank)

Norwegian (my common)
Sylvan (from Linguistics)

Fort +2
Ref +4
Will +3

CMB -1
CMD 11

Initiative +2
Move 30

AC: 14 Leather (15 lbs)

Short Bow w/ 20 arrows (5 lbs)
+2 attack (+3 w/in 30')
1d6 damage (x3) .... 60' range

This PC will go 2 levels of Investigator: Empiricist followed by 18 levels of Alchemist: Mindchemist

Ray's PC Background:

In late 1403 I'm a 26 year Norwegian, close cousin to King Eric I of Pomerania and best friends with young Prince Harry Monmouth in England. It's due to that friendship with the Prince of Wales (and my interest in England more than my native Norway) that Queen Margaret I (the REAL Power of Scandinavia and the Matron of all Kalmar Union nobles) appoints me to be in charge the tutoring/mentoring of Princess Philippa Lancaster during her new life in Norway and, first, getting her safely from England to Norway for her upcoming marriage to my cousin King Eric I.

Unfortunately, on the way back to Norway from England with my beautiful Noble charge, a North Sea Dryad invisibly boarded us and, in seeing my secret, frustrated love for Princess Philippa (She's about to marry my cousin the King and is sister to my best friend, the Prince of Wales!), decides to spirit me away to her undersea coral grotto in the Fey Realm and requite my passion herself. For 3 days and nights, under the frozen waves of the North Sea, we knew each other, until at last she released me and I washed upon the southern shores of Norway -- protected from the cold by my Dryad's Fey Bewitchment.

And hurry to the first fishing village I can find so as to get back to Princess Philippa, King Eric and Queen Margaret. But I learn the truth: It is 26 years later and my cold nymph has stolen from me a lifetime. Princess Philippa, no -- Queen Philippa -- is recently deceased. My best friend Prince Harry became a great King and he too is dead, his child son on the tottering throne of England. My cousin King Eric is old and unloved, a weak monarch, while I still show the youth of a 26 year old.

In Norway I know the King will remember me but I just can't bring myself to him after all these years. .... In London the child King Henry VI will have no connection to me despite the brotherly love I have for his father and his mother (who still, despite the years, remarkably looks like her sister, my Princess Philippa -- no, Queen Philippa; I gotta start remembering that.)

So I travel to the continent -- my first time here -- and make my way to Paris -- Where I meet some others....

Fray Manuel Jose wrote:
So about when should we check back?

This depends on how long Ruladin (Derrik Stonesmith, aka Hoenheim) requires to check each PC stat block for RAW violations. Personally, I'll check in daily to see how things are progressing....

Good thing I popped in when I did. Character is finally finished. Had to make some major changes so he wouldn't suck or die in the early levels. It's really hard to make a bard that can't use any of the vocal performs and uses an instrument as main source of performances and as verbal component. Means he can't fight and play at the same time so had to add dance. Now at least he is a decent fencer until level 3 when I will be using copious castings of Sound Burst which is what I was aiming for. Using sound as a weapon as well as moving people. Also going to add a few of the neat Masterpieces available. Almost changed my concept for Ancients' Flight and still might but the Dragon and the First King is nice too.

I am Goldmyr's submission

Tom Weed:

Tom Weed "Kudzu Archaeamphora"
Male Elf Druid 1
Medium Humanoid (elf)
Init +2; Senses Low-light Vision; Perception +9

AC 18 Touch 12, Flat-Footed 16 (+4 armor, +2 shield, +2 Dex)
HP 8
Fort +2; Ref +2, Will +5 (+2 vs enchantment effects)
Immune to sleep effects

Speed 30ft (20ft in armor)
Melee Scimitar +2 1d6+2 18-20/x2
Melee Unarmed Strike +2 1d3+2
Ranged Longbow +2 1d8 x3(40 arrows)
Spells (CL 1st)

Str 15, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 15, Wis 17, Cha 8
Base Attack +0; CMB +2; CMD 14
Feats Improved Unarmed Strike
Skills Heal +7, Knowledge (geography) +6, Knowledge (nature) +9, Perception +9, Spellcraft +7 (+9 when identifying magic items), Survival +10
Traits Tactician (+1 Initiative; 1/day +2 on an attack of opportunity), Serpentine Squeeze (+1 CMB to grapple, +1 CMD against grapples)
Languages: Common, Elven, Druidic, Sylvan, French or Latin

Proficient with club, dagger, dart, quarterstaff, scimitar, scythe, sickle, shortspear, sling, spear, longsword, rapier, shortbow, longbow, composite shortbow, and composite longbow
Bonus Spells-one 1st
Favored Class Bonus-+1/3 Natural Armor when Wild Shaped
Elven Immunities-Immune to Sleep effects, +2 save vs enchantments
Keen Senses-+2 Perception
Woodcraft-+1 Knowledge (nature), +1 Survival
Spontaneous Summoning
Orisons-0 level spells are not expended when cast
Carnivorous Flower Plant Companion
Nature Sense-+2 Knowledge (nature) and Survival
Green Empathy-1d20+1+-1 to influence the attitude of plant creatures. -4 when used on animals


N Small Plant
Init +3; Senses Low-Light Vision, Scent; Perception +1

AC 16(+3 Dex, +2 Natural Armor, +1 Size)
HP 13
Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +1

Speed 20ft, Climb 10ft
Melee Bite +1 (1d8)

Str 10, Dex 17, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Attack +1, CMB +0, CMD 13
Feats: Improved Natural Attack
Skills: Climb +12
Languages: Understands Druidic, but cannot speak.

Appearance and Backstory:

Kudzu Archaeamphora, traveling under the created guise of Tom Weed, has the fair skin associated with elves, though most will notice the blue druidic symbols tattooed over his entire body before anything else. His hair is a basic brown decorated with braided vines and leaves. His red, catlike eyes complete the demonic visage for most of the European populace.

Tom speaks of a plant called Nightshade often. He is not, however, referring to the traditional variety of flowering plants. A creature of animal instinct but with a vegetative form, Nightshade is a rather unique member of plant life. It is the living myth of man-eating flowers. With grey, twisting branches in the shape of claws, it pulls itself along the ground at remarkable speed. This dark wood is incredibly hard, resistant to both axe and flame and densely packed to hold up the "head", a great flower of black pedals that sways to light and sound as if caught in an invisible wind. At night or when given the command to attack, the black flower blooms, revealing the inner pedals that give off a fluorescent blue light, and at the center of the blooming flower is a hole lined with teeth like spines that expands and contracts to tear meat off other living things.

Kudzu sat among the smoking wreckage of Redwolf, his former home. After refusing the dragon, Smaug, his tribute, the druidic village had been burned to the ground. He had spent the better part of the last few days tending to the injured while those without his knowledge of healing plants buried the dead in what was left of the woods. Now the care was done, only sporadic treatments and prevention of the festering of wounds was left.

As he rested his body, the sounds of horses approached the village. Drawing his curved blade, Kudzu raced to ruined settlement with Nightshade crawling beside him. The riders had all ready arrived in the town's square. Men and women in various or non-existant armors sat atop steeds of all shades and colors. The markings of more than a dozen different villages covered them. "Who is the leader here?" asked the head of the company.

"I am," Kudzu said curtly as he put away his weapon. "Chief Corvus was killed in the attack."

"The council has requested the leaders of all villages to a special meeting. Do you have anyone you can leave behind in your stead?"

"We're a little short of authority right now."

"I can supply a pair of warriors to help keep the peace until you return. Will that be fair?" The leader of the company motioned for two of the riders to dismount. They were large men, brutish looking with tattoos of dragons on their backs. Kudzu doubted their ability to keep peace and wanted nothing more than to send the pair on their way. However, he could not think of a polite way to refuse the invitation to a cheiftain's council. "These men are Aiken and Kamar from Darkglade," the captain rider continued. "They will guard what remains of your people until you can return here."

"How long will I be away?" Kudzu asked, but no answer was given. Instead a black horse was brought to him. Ominous thoughts crossed his mind. After taking one last look at the town of ashes, he had Nightshade crawl onto his back and told it to sleep before mounting the dark horse.

The Council of Chieftains was smaller than Kudzu thought it would be. Only about fifty people were in attendance. From the news brought by other riders, many tribes had been completely obliterated by the dragon's attack. Many who had attended the previous council some months ago were quick to place blame on the elders, who had asked that all tribes refuse Smaug's tribute. Since they had relatively little gold even combined and they were isolated from the main body of land the dragon controlled, the elders thought they would be ignored. They were wrong. The dragon had attacked them all.

Faced with the question of how to proceed, the chieftains divided rather quickly. Some wanted to accept Smaug's rule, but the elven race could not abide the loss of their maidens every year. They were too slow to mature and grow. Others thought to unite the tribes and war with Smaug, but that would surely doom them. Even the humans, who were far more populous and faster breeding, didn't have the armies to battle the great dragon. On the evening of the fifth night, Kudzu spoke up. "Why don't we send someone to the humans? If we combine forces, perhaps we can find a solution."

Silence fell across the council for a moment. Finally, one of the elders spoke, "Will you go to the humans? Will you ask for the help of the people who have deemed worthy of extermination?"

"I cannot," Kudzu replied.

"But you would ask someone else here to undertake such a perilous journey?"

"If someone is willing."

"Very well. Is there a soul here brave enough to meet the humans in their cities?" the elder called almost mockingly. No one answered. "Such a young and green chieftain has no business making a request like that." The discussion began to resume the circle it had been following for days.

Kudzu blinked in surprise. Was that a remark on his own tribe's worship of plants? Every tribe here considered trees and such to be sacred. His tribe just took it a bit further by giving them the same intelligence that animals were born with. Fuming, he stood up. "If no one else can see that allies are the only way we can survive the dragon's fire, then I will go. I will find one of our boats and travel to the human's land."

A day later, he was packing the few belongings he had left into a sack of cured animal skins. He had appointed a young woman called Longicervia to watch over the town while he was gone, but she was desperately trying to talk him out of the journey. "But they're so close minded," she said, yet again. "It's useless to try to talk to them."

"But I still need to go. It's for the best of all the races to unite and battle Smaug. If I can't get through to the humans, perhaps the Halflings will listen to reason They live among the humans and have a more open mind then their tall cousins."

"Okay, but their cities are so crowded. You won't feel comfortable there."

Kudzu stared at her. Longi retracted the statement quickly. "At least take a human name. Like Tom. I hear a lot of humans are called Tom"

"Tom." Kudzu rolled the name around on his tongue. "It sounds so simple."

"They are a simple people."

"What do they use for clan names? Green?"


"I'm not using green. Our tribe is all ready mocked for being so close to plants."

"How about Weed then. It's roughly the translation to your first name."

"I'm not giving them the satisfaction of mocking us by taking a name that is so negative in their point of view."

"Perhaps you can teach them to rethink what should be exterminated."

"Not likely. better than Green." By now Kudzu had finished packing. As he mounted the black stallion, Longi handed to him a cloak. "Humans do not take kindly to tattoos or plants in your hair."

"Or man eating plants." Kudzu pointed to Nightshade on his back. "I need to show my druidic heritage proudly. If we are to work with humans, we can't hide our customs around them or they'll go right back to hating us after the threat has passed."

And so it happened. Kudzu Archaeamphora became Tom Weed to meet the humans under their own terms. Uncloaked and fully decorated, he rode forth in his armor of bearskin atop a black horse. Upon reaching the waiting boat, he left the beast by the waterside. As he sailed away, Kudzu's gaze returned to the land. Seeing the beast's silhouetter as a small wooden boat took him to the human lands, he couldn't help but return to the ominous thoughts of a week earlier.

Hey Tom, the Dragon's name is Conflagravious.

And welcome to the party!


So I got my Avatar and now I'm struggling with the name.... I want "Iommi" something. I'm looking at Iommi-Tyr Magnusson. So my granfather is King Magnus and Black Sabbath (the Iommi) had an album called "Tyr" -- which of course also fits the Norse theme.
Iommi-Tyr Magnusson
But I'm just not sure how it sounds yet...

Grand Lodge

Ah fudge..I knew I should have done the toon last night...oh well....

Aww poop. I didn't see this until today. I would have loved it.. Even have a character set up for it :(

Alright I have compiled the characters, but it seems we have a few more Applicants, you have about 5~ish Hours to submit something for evaluation otherwise I will announce my findings and then proceed to do the rest.

To Be Announced wrote:

Hey Tom, the Dragon's name is Conflagravious.

And welcome to the party!


So I got my Avatar and now I'm struggling with the name.... I want "Iommi" something. I'm looking at Iommi-Tyr Magnusson. So my granfather is King Magnus and Black Sabbath (the Iommi) had an album called "Tyr" -- which of course also fits the Norse theme.
Iommi-Tyr Magnusson
But I'm just not sure how it sounds yet...

You could name yourself Tyr Magnusson (pretty awesome name) but you ask everybody to call you Iommi for some reason.

well, I had thought about a eastern monk, but I decided this on this guy-

When are you looking to make your announcement and beginning?

Grand Lodge

ok, here's the numbers


Paddy `` the loon``
Male teifling rogue 1
CG medium outsider(native)
Init +6; Senses darkvison 60; Perception +`6(+7 traps)


AC 16; Touch 14: Flat-Footed 12; (+2 armor, +4 Dex)
HP 9(1d8 +1)
Fort +1; Ref +6; Will +3
Defensive Abilities na; DR na; Immune na;
Resist cold 5, electric 5, fire 5; SR na


Speed 30/30 armored
Space 5ft; Reach 5ft

rapier +4 1-6 18-20 x2
dagger +4 1-4 19-20 x2

short bow +4 1-6 x3
dagger +4 1-4 19-20 x2

Special Attacks
sneak attack +1d6


Str 10, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 11
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD +14 ( vs. trip)

weapon finesse

stealth +10
bluff +6
acrobatics +8
disable device +8(+9 traps)
survival +6
perception +6(+7 traps)
climb +6
escape artist +8
sleight of hand +8
sense motive +6
know. local +7
linguistics +7

common, infernal, Italian, French, German, Spanish

Racial Modifiers
+2 Dex, +2 Con, -2 Cha

Racial traits
cold, electric and fire resistance 5, +2 bluff and stealth,
darkvision 60`, prehensile tail

Class features
sneak attack +1d6, trapfinding

poverty stricken-+1 survival, class skill
reactionary-+2 initiative

Combat Gear
6 daggers
shortbow 20 arrows
leather armor

Other gear
50`silk rope
4 days rations
flint steel
4 pitons
4 fishhooks
iron pot
4 chalk
belt pouch
3 candles
small mirror
5 paper

gp 104
sp 9
cp 8

working on backstory now

Grand Lodge

quick backstory:


Paddy life growing up was hard. He was the son of a barwench who had a dalliance with a charismatic stranger. Unbeknownst to her, the stranger was not human, but of a more demonic heritage. Paddy was born in the back of the bar, where his mother had a small room. The horror of realizing that the infant had a tail was too much for her to bear after her difficult delivery, and she died holding her newborn son. The owner of the bar took the infant and raised him as his own with his wife. The youngster had a hard life...people always ridiculing him, shunning the boy. He did the best he could to fit in, but it was in vain. The strain of his anguish and pain broke the lad mentally. He started to act...different. He randomly blurted out things in a foreign tongue; he twitched and made odd movements. He left home, not wanting to cause his adoptive parents any hardship. They gave him a few coins to help him get by. The boy grew up on the streets, stealing food and picking pockets to survive. He lifted the coinpurse of the wrong person one day. The man beat the boy severly, leaving him in a heap in an alleyway. The boy came to in a room with a strange man caring for him. He told the boy to relax, that he would look after him. the man was a thief with the local guild and saw potential in him. He taught the boy all he needed to know about being a thief. After learning all he could, he thanked his mentor and struck out in search of new places to eke out a living. He heard Paris was a nice place to go.....

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