About Akio Derick Ryuucouple of images to help define the way he looks. realistcish image (change eye color to green) Akio comes from a line of great and noble samurai, First son of the family of the Minamoto Clan head. After growing up learning both the way of the blade and the way of the trade (so to speak, not just trading, but government administration as well!) A foreigner trader had made his way from far to the west, bringing with him all manner of stranger goods, armor, and weaponry. Intrigued by the prospect of trade, but frightened by a potential unknown enemy The minamoto head member selected a number of men personally to return with this caravan with goods of there own. To learn the ways and strength of these people to the west, and return once they each felt enough information had been gathered. To lead this mission, he selected his son, Akio, Who, while a great warrior, and quite capable administrator, would not have the heart for the things that would soon come. So, he was chosen to lead this mission His kind heart and amiable ways surely to win over any who he would meet. Over the course of the journey Akio had the Europeans teach him their languages, as many as he could learn in the long travels as his caravan of goods traveled with them. (story is a bit cheesy I guess, just roll with it :) ) "Hmm, let me tell you a tale, It is one of several from my journey from my homeland. It is a tale of a bandit lord. " You see, it was in the evening, after the caravan I was traveling with had already stopped, and many were either still unpacking, or already sleeping! I myself was helping myself to some food as I as off watch duty at the time. Halfway through my bowl of noodles I heard a sentry cry out! "BANDITS! BANDITS ARE ATTAC---" well as you can image after the sudden gurgley end to the alarm many people panicked! I was able to calm the few around me and set them about gathering the innocents and non combatants up towards the middle of the caravan. Grabbed my naginata, and my trusted Katana and strode forth. Well, not more than 100 feet had I paced before I was set upon by a savage youth of a boy no more than 18 years of age in furs wielding what seemed to be a stone tied to a stick. Before I could offer him a chance to surrender he struck out at me, he had put much to much force into the strike and threw himself off balance and I easily cut him down, though such a foe could not harm me, so I made sure to not kill the boy. As I walked through the camp the sounds of death could be heard and deeply sorrowed me, for by now I had seen another 3 boys much similar to the first. It was not long until I finally saw whom I believed to be the warlord of these so called Bandits A older man, perhaps 30, He looked strong, and to many he seemed in a bloodlust, but, I thought I could see something different, desperation
I pray you, Stow away your weapons, we mean you no harm I had, at this point sheathed my blade to show I spoke true unfortunately, The "savage" ordered his two guards, whom also wore tanned leather to assault me. Though more I had more experienced than the youths and they had never had true training so I easily dispatched them in the same manner so as not to severely harm or kill them. After re-sheathing my blade I spoke once more. If it is food you seek, I can provide you, I ask again, let us end this needless bloodshed, I have killed none of your men whom I met today let us defend the smiles of everyone. once again I bade him end this. Sadly, so driven by fear, hunger, and desperation was he that my words seemed to have little effect. When he rushed me I knew he was different, he had had training, if crude, and much experience. I parried his strike with an upper block, then, twisting my blade under his threw it out wide, However he managed to step back out of reach before I managed a strike. I Came on in an overhanded slash, followed by a quick side slash and began my dance, in a few moves I had my foe off balance, and with a final strike flung his blade from his grasp. With a blow to the head I rendered him unconscious. Upon awaking I once again offered him my hand, speaking yet again. My friend, Let us shed no more blood today, why do you attack my caravan? Do you seek food? Shelter? weapons and armor? Or have we offended you in some way? [b] [b] My people, we ar' starvin. There is little game here. We wer' pushed out of our homes by raiders. He seemed to come to a realization after his statement And we have become like them. Why? Why did you not kill me? I attacked you, attempted to raid and plunder you. I responded
once again I extended his hand. What say you? Friends? The man takes but a moment to look from my face to my hand, then grasps it and speaks only one word, but was worth many. Yes Statblock.
gear- backpack, belt pouch, rations (40), Hammer, Flint and steel, Fishhook, Waterskin (3), Bedroll, Silk rope (100ft), Torch (10), Grappling hook, Signet Ring, canvas, cold weather outfit, explorer's outfit, Noble's(asian) outfit. 3 potions of CLW heavy combat trained horse+saddle Gold=105G, 87S Skills 4+int (1) Climb-1 (+9)
Order of the Blue Rose The cavaliers of the order of the blue rose dedicate themselves to promoting peace in the lands they roam. Skilled warriors and adept diplomats, these cavaliers counsel wisdom, patience, and understanding, but are ever mindful of the need to take up arms to strike down aggressors, tyrants, or evil usurpers. Although they believe wholeheartedly in peace as an aim and a final goal, cavaliers of the blue rose are warriors first, and embrace their role as guardians of those who cannot or will not take up arms to defend themselves. Edicts: The cavalier must guard against needless violence, protecting both the land and its people from wars they neither started nor wish to fight. He must seek to stop conflict with a minimum of bloodshed, to encourage peaceful resolutions to disagreements between intelligent creatures, and to mend the wounds opened by battle. He must also honor quarter when he gives it, protecting captives who have surrendered from his own allies if need be. Challenge: Whenever an order of the blue rose cavalier issues a challenge, he receives a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls made against the target of his challenge, if the target is an intelligent creature to whom the cavalier offered the chance to surrender (by taking a standard action to offer terms). This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels the cavalier possesses (to a maximum of +5 at 17th level). Skills: An order of the blue rose cavalier adds Knowledge (history) (Int) and Knowledge (nobility) (Int) to his list of class skills. Whenever an order of the blue rose cavalier uses Diplomacy to try to mediate a dispute between two parties that do not include him, he receives a bonus on the check equal to 1/2 his cavalier level (minimum +1). Order Abilities: A cavalier belonging to the order of the blue rose gains the following abilities as he increases in level. Flat of the Blade (Ex): At 2nd level, the cavalier of the order of the blue rose gains the ability to moderate his attacks in order to take an enemy alive. He no longer takes a –4 penalty when attacking with a lethal weapon to deal nonlethal damage. When dealing nonlethal damage, the cavalier receives a +2 bonus on damage rolls. When the cavalier makes use of this ability, he must attempt to subdue his target without killing it; dealing lethal damage after using this ability, or allowing his allies to kill the target, is considered a violation of his edicts. Inner Peace (Ex): At 8th level, the cavalier has learned that while not all things in the world will go as he wishes, he must remain calm and centered. Once per day as an immediate action, the cavalier may ignore an amount of damage from a single source (one attack, spell, or effect) equal to his cavalier level plus his Charisma modifier. He can only ignore hit point damage in this fashion. The cavalier can use this ability one additional time per day at 12th level and every four levels thereafter (to a maximum of four times per day at 20th level). Shield of Blades (Ex): At 15th level, the cavalier gains an expert sense of impending violence around him. When taking the total defense action, the cavalier can extend his protection to those around him, granting a +2 circumstance bonus to AC to all adjacent allies. In addition, while taking the total defense action, as an immediate action, the cavalier can attempt to deflect an attack by making an attack roll opposed by the attacker's original attack roll. If successful, the attack is deflected and deals no damage. |