Hoenheim Dobberkau *Nacht* |

We might want to Identify this thing first.. Then again likely it wont change anything. MJ how high is the crows nest from the Dragon-thing?
The sound of something buzzing comes from Nacht as he descends his coat opening up revealing two more blades and Keenstar in his other.
Activated Fly on armor draw Keenstar on a move, moved behind the drake.

Kyleon |

The creature's maw opened, spreading lightning upon the crew with ruthlessness. This beast must be put down.
Reflex: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23
Though the perceptive skirmisher dodged most of the attack, the scorching energy burned as it coursed through him.
Back into the depths with you!
Kyleon takes 15 damage. Currently at 13 HP.

Hoenheim Dobberkau *Nacht* |

Wait how did the attack get all these people I'm fairly certain we are not all within 20ft of each other.. as a matter of fact if it targets one person it won't reach far enough to hit the others, especially Nacht

Hoenheim Dobberkau *Nacht* |

Reflex: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (11) + 11 = 22
I meant on anyone else as they got there, but its fine I believe it would still get it against me.
Nacht is at 0 so he will delay

Michael Johnson 66 |

The drake lands at center of the boat, Nacht flies down behind it, at which point, Nacht is within 20 ft of Paddy (on one side), Kyleon (on the other side), Alphonse (near the bow), and Ferryman Roger (at the helm).... Unfortunately, it's not a very big ship, so the drake is able to catch everyone on deck within the 20-ft-from-each-other area....

Hoenheim Dobberkau *Nacht* |

Im going to try and put something here.. the beast is what.. 10 feet big I can't see a map, If I move I can fly meaning more distance between me and other people. When i move I do so in a way that would make it so I am not near alt of people/easy cone/line breath (Im aware it isnt such) also so I would get flanking possibly on the other side. If it targets me it very unlikely to ALSO hit everyone else due to logistics. You have to account for high as well in distance. You must also account for Area of effect. I understand small but it has to be EXTREMELY small to the point it provoked just getting on the ship.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Im going to try and put something here.. the beast is what.. 10 feet big I can't see a map, If I move I can fly meaning more distance between me and other people. When i move I do so in a way that would make it so I am not near alt of people/easy cone/line breath (Im aware it isnt such) also so I would get flanking possibly on the other side. If it targets me it very unlikely to ALSO hit everyone else due to logistics. You have to account for high as well in distance. You must also account for Area of effect
A map would indeed be good, but as we don't have such luxuries, I'll try to describe the battle area as best I can.... The ship itself is only about 20 feet wide from starboard to port, and about 80 ft long from prow to aft.... So, actually, the one character who might be outside the ball lightning breath area would be Alphonse, at the prow of the ship, some 35-40 ft from the center of the deck where the drake landed....

Paddy |

reflex: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18
Well, so much for a nice quiet trip...
Paddy looks for a weak spot in the creature's defenses.
trying to flank with someone...will add flank and roll sneak attack, if they dont apply, disregard them
attack: 1d20 + 9 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 9 + 2 = 271d6 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 32d6 ⇒ (6, 6) = 12

Kiyu Amunatus |

Kiyu pulls her reed as she moves and upon arriving now onto the deck sees the drake attacking the group.
Kiyu hisses at the Drake, before manifesting a wispy green cloud resembling an asp, that wraps around her body before flying towards the Drake.
Toxic Words (Misfortune Hex & Sleep Venom) DC14 Will, DC16 Fort (Roll Twice if failed Will(Taking the Lower))

Hoenheim Dobberkau *Nacht* |

Alright...we have the proper sequence of order here. First Nacht saw it and cast a spell. It jumped on Board, then Kyleon missed. Actual Init starts, Paddy goes and trues to stab, it would AoO him. Thus that damage goes to him not Nacht ( You might want to roll Acrobatics). Then Nacht Flies down behind him likely giving Paddy the Flanking he needs. Alphonse moves up and misses. It gets more AoO's if it has Combat Reflexes (Likely does not). Then it goes to which it breaths which now would hit everyone but would have to target either Paddy or Alphonse on the ground instead. Then the rest have their turn after making saves. Alright then that has been clarified.
Now on to Paddy.. One Paddy you are an Unchained Rouge, You placed your training on Shortswords which means you get Dex to damage with Shortswords. You to our knowledge are wielding Greenthorn which means you should be doing 1d6+5 plus SA. When you get a SA you can apply an Injury, it can be a -2 to Attacks, AC or movement lockdown.
Without further Ado I shall take Nacht's actual turn
Nacht tries to cut up the Drake like so much fine sushi.
Multi Flanking Keenstar: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 261d8 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Multi Flanking Gladius: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 221d6 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
Multi Flanking Kukri: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 181d4 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
Multi Flanking Kukri: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 121d4 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
Confirm Multi Flanking Keenstar: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 111d8 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

Hoenheim Dobberkau *Nacht* |

Indeed, now what do you want to do with your Injury ability? It is also your turn.. you havent updated your Combat line so include the jump to 31 Hp also you are free to take your turn now..

Iommi-Tyr Magnusson |

Round 2
After arriving on deck and seeing an old viking friend, the mischievous little sea drake, Iommi-Tyr Magnusson hails it...
In Norwegian:
Goodness, I haven't seen you since you were a kitten on your mommy's tit; whatever are you doing this far out of the North Sea?! Is Fluffy okay -- how is your old mom these days?
Now Cutie, you aren't attacking my friends are you? For shame! They're not Swedish!
Standard Action: Bombs over Baghdad!: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14 vs Cutie's TOUCH AC.
Burn Baby Burn, Disco Inferno!: 1d6 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9 Ref DC 17 for half damage ...(precise bomb eliminates 6 friendly squares, should be enough)
Move Action: Moves out of Curie's reach and away from others (so as not to be in an AoE)

Hisao of the Yellow Reeds |

Round One
Hisao, after having made himself invisible, makes it up to the deck.
Round Two
Seeing the monster Hisao rushes to flank with one of the others surrounding the sea creature and charges into it with VenomFang
VenomFang Flank Attack on FlatFooted Drake while Invisible and charging: 1d20 + 8 + 2 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 8 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 321d6 + 2 + 1d6 + 2d6 ⇒ (6) + 2 + (1) + (3, 5) = 17
Confirm Crit: 1d20 + 8 + 2 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 8 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 28
Crit Damage: 1d6 + 2 + 1d6 ⇒ (2) + 2 + (4) = 8
Taking advantage of the confusion Hisao rushes the monster and flips neatly onto its distracted back sinking his new weapon deep into the scaly hide with the same motion. The acid from VenomFang helps him slice through the beast's natural armor and leave a burning wound behind. Ripping the blade back with a cruel final yank Hisao somersaults away from the thrashing foe and lands a bit off balance.
AC 15 for this round. 5 of the 25 total damage is acid

Sea drake |

Retroactive changes: The sea drake's AoO would actually target Paddy, not Nacht, since Paddy reacts first....
AoO bite at Paddy 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (10) + 12 = 22 deals 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14 bite damage plus 1d6 ⇒ 3 electricity damage!
Breath weapon still targets Nacht, then Paddy (who evades), then Kyleon, then Ferryman Roger (who is fried to a crisp)!

Sea drake |

Kiyu pulls her reed as she moves and upon arriving now onto the deck sees the drake attacking the group.
Kiyu hisses at the Drake, before manifesting a wispy green cloud resembling an asp, that wraps around her body before flying towards the Drake.
Toxic Words (Misfortune Hex & Sleep Venom) DC14 Will, DC16 Fort (Roll Twice if failed Will(Taking the Lower))
Will save vs toxic words hex 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11 fails.... Fortitude save vs sleep venom 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14 or 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16 fails, but sea drakes, like all dragons, are immune to sleep effects....

Sea drake |

Alright...we have the proper sequence of order here. First Nacht saw it and cast a spell. It jumped on Board, then Kyleon missed. Actual Init starts, Paddy goes and trues to stab, it would AoO him. Thus that damage goes to him not Nacht ( You might want to roll Acrobatics). Then Nacht Flies down behind him likely giving Paddy the Flanking he needs. Alphonse moves up and misses. It gets more AoO's if it has Combat Reflexes (Likely does not). Then it goes to which it breaths which now would hit everyone but would have to target either Paddy or Alphonse on the ground instead. Then the rest have their turn after making saves. Alright then that has been clarified.
Now on to Paddy.. One Paddy you are an Unchained Rouge, You placed your training on Shortswords which means you get Dex to damage with Shortswords. You to our knowledge are wielding Greenthorn which means you should be doing 1d6+5 plus SA. When you get a SA you can apply an Injury, it can be a -2 to Attacks, AC or movement lockdown.
Without further Ado I shall take Nacht's actual turn
Nacht tries to cut up the Drake like so much fine sushi.
[dice=Multi Flanking Keenstar]1d20+7; 1d8+4
[dice=Multi Flanking Gladius]1d20+6; 1d6+3
[dice=Multi Flanking Kukri]1d20+6; 1d4+3
[dice=Multi Flanking Kukri]1d20+6; 1d4+3[dice=Confirm Multi Flanking Keenstar]1d20+7; 1d8+4
Nacht's first two swings slice Brinegullet's scaly green hide open for a total of 20 slashing damage!

Sea drake |

[dice=reflex] 1d20+8
Well, so much for a nice quiet trip...
Paddy looks for a weak spot in the creature's defenses.
trying to flank with someone...will add flank and roll sneak attack, if they dont apply, disregard them
[dice=attack]1d20+9+2; 1d6+1; 2d6
Paddy sinks his short sword into the drake's hide for 15 piercing damage, getting a flank with Kyleon....

Paddy |

note Paddy has electric resistance 5...
I think we can make a good stem out of this one when we are done with him....guppy stew!!
attack: 1d20 + 9 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 9 + 2 = 251d6 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 112d6 ⇒ (3, 6) = 9
I will put the injury on his attack rolls...so -2 for him
current hp 17/31

Sea drake |

note Paddy has electric resistance 5...
I think we can make a good stem out of this one when we are done with him....guppy stew!!
[dice=attack] 1d20+9+2; 1d6+5; 2d6
I will put the injury on his attack rolls...so -2 for him
current hp 17/31
Paddy's swift thrust deals the sea drake another 20 piercing damage!

Kyleon |

Not completely dissuaded by his first shot, Kyleon fires again. This time, he was more prepared.
HRC: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21 Damage: 1d10 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

Kyleon |

With a creature so loud, it's a surprise we were surprised!

Sea drake |

Round One
Hisao, after having made himself invisible, makes it up to the deck.Round Two
Seeing the monster Hisao rushes to flank with one of the others surrounding the sea creature and charges into it with VenomFang
[dice=VenomFang Flank Attack on FlatFooted Drake while Invisible and charging]1d20+8+2+2+2;1d6+2+1d6+2d6
[dice=Confirm Crit]1d20+8+2+2+2
[dice=Crit Damage]1d6+2+1d6Taking advantage of the confusion Hisao rushes the monster and flips neatly onto its distracted back sinking his new weapon deep into the scaly hide with the same motion. The acid from VenomFang helps him slice through the beast's natural armor and leave a burning wound behind. Ripping the blade back with a cruel final yank Hisao somersaults away from the thrashing foe and lands a bit off balance.
AC 15 for this round. 5 of the 25 total damage is acid
The ninja suddenly appears on the sea drake's back, Venomfang sinking deep into the back of its neck! With a ragged roar, the beast collapses on the deck, thrashing wildly in its death throes for a moment!
AAARRRRRRGGGHH!!! ..... Hissssss.....

Hisao of the Yellow Reeds |

Hisao crouches and experimentally touches the fatal neck wound..
San... he says to himself
He then takes 20 to look over the beast 27 on per ignoring the spinning. Someone will do ship things to fix the ship he assumes. Quirking his eyebrows at Paddy he says.
English lady in port only one to resist your charms. Everything else run into arms for big hug.

Kyleon |

Kyleon did not lower his bow. Strange folk happen aboard. Strange creatures attack. Especially the way Hisao showed immediate interest in searching the beast, it seemed the mismatched group knew of its coming - or at least were familiar with dangerous creatures of the sort.
"Wo sind Sie?!" The one-step-closer-to-captain asked about, waving his weapon from person to person, but bringing it back to Hisao more than the others.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Hisao crouches and experimentally touches the fatal neck wound..
San... he says to himself
** spoiler omitted **
He then takes 20 to look over the beast 27 on per ignoring the spinning. Someone will do ship things to fix the ship he assumes. Quirking his eyebrows at Paddy he says.
English lady in port only one to resist your charms. Everything else run into arms for big hug.
Hisao finds nothing of interest on the sea drake's corpse....

Michael Johnson 66 |

Kyleon did not lower his bow. Strange folk happen aboard. Strange creatures attack. Especially the way Hisao showed immediate interest in searching the beast, it seemed the mismatched group knew of its coming - or at least were familiar with dangerous creatures of the sort.
"Wo sind Sie?!" The one-step-closer-to-captain asked about, waving his weapon from person to person, but bringing it back to Hisao more than the others.
It would seem that Kyleon is now in possession of a single-sail ship, having been Roger's first mate for the last few weeks, and the closest thing the sea captain had to next-of-kin....

Hoenheim Dobberkau *Nacht* |

The sounds of charged flesh cracking and falling off. His yellow eyes narrow menacingly at the one being with the crossbow. His vitality seems to grow as the buzzing sound drones on.. and he gets closer and closer.
" Das große Wesen ist tot. Das ist alles, was zählt. "