
Kyleon's page

36 posts. Alias of Stratos.

Full Name

Kyleon Yonnatil


AC 19/16/13 CMD 20/19/15 HP 13/28 / F +5 R +9 W +3 (+2 vs. Enchantments) / Init. +7


HRC: 1d20 + 9 (120'), 1d10 + 5 @19-20x2; Dagger: 1d20 + 5, 1d4 @ 19-20x2


Acrobatics +12, Bluff +4, Perception +11, Sense Motive +9, S.o.Hand +12, Survival +6, Swim +1








The one true god


On a boat


Swedish, German

Strength 13
Dexterity 20
Constitution 12
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 14
Charisma 10

About Kyleon

Male Half-elf Bolt Ace 4
LN Medium Humanoid (Human, Elf)
Initiative +7; Senses Perception +11; Low-light vision 30’.
AC 19, touch 16, flat-footed 13 (+5 dex, +1 dodge)
HP: 28 (1d10+1/lvl = 10 + 6 + 6 + 6)
Fort +5, Ref +9, Will +3 ( +2 vs. enchantments, sleep)
Speed 30 ft.

+1 Heavy Repeating Crossbow (using deadly aim): 1d20 + 9; 1d10 + 5 @ 19-20 x 2, 120'

Light Crossbow (using deadly aim): 1d20 + 7; 1d8 + 4 @ 19-20 x2, 120'

Dagger: 1d20 + 5; 1d4 @ 19-20x2

Str 13, Dex 20, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 10
Base Atk +4; CMB +5; CMD 20
Traits Snowbound, Reactionary
Feats Weapon Proficiency (Heavy Repeating Crossbow), Extra Grit, Gunsmithing, Weapon Focus (HRC), Deadly Aim
Skills (6 points; 4 Class, 1 INT, 1 FCB)
(4) Acrobatics +12
(1) Bluff +4
(1) Craft(Weapon) +5
(1) Know(Engineering) +5
(4) Perception +11
(4) Sense Motive +9
(4) Slight of Hand +12
(4) Stealth +12
(1) Survival +6


Gunsmithing (Ex):
If you have access to a gunsmith's kit, you can create and restore firearms, craft bullets, and mix black powder for all types of firearms. You do not need to make a Craft check to create firearms and ammunition or to restore firearms.

Crafting Firearms: You can craft any early firearm for a cost in raw materials equal to half the price of the firearm. At your GM’s discretion, you can craft advanced firearms for a cost in raw materials equal to half the price of the firearm. Crafting a firearm in this way takes 1 day of work for every 1,000 gp of the firearm’s price (minimum 1 day).

Crafting Ammunition: You can craft bullets, pellets, and black powder for a cost in raw materials equal to 10% of the price. If you have at least 1 rank in Craft (alchemy), you can craft alchemical cartridges for a cost in raw materials equal to half the price of the cartridge. At your GM’s discretion, you can craft metal cartridges for a cost in raw materials equal to half the cost of the cartridge. Crafting bullets, black powder, or cartridges takes 1 day of work for every 1,000 gp of ammunition (minimum 1 day).

Restoring a Broken Firearm: Each day, with an hour’s worth of work, you can use this feat to repair a single firearm with the broken condition. You can take time during a rest period to restore a broken firearm with this feat.

Special: If you are a gunslinger, this feat grants the following additional benefit. You can use this feat to repair and restore your initial, battered weapon. It costs 300 gp and 1 day of work to upgrade it to a masterwork firearm of its type.

Grit (Ex):
A gunslinger makes her mark upon the world with daring deeds. Some gunslingers claim they belong to a mystical way of the gun, but it’s more likely that the volatile nature of firearms simply prunes the unlucky and careless from their ranks. Whatever the reason, all gunslingers have grit. In game terms, grit is a fluctuating measure of a gunslinger’s ability to perform amazing actions in combat. At the start of each day, a gunslinger gains a number of grit points equal to her Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). Her grit goes up or down throughout the day, but usually cannot go higher than her Wisdom modifier (minimum 1), though some feats and magic items may affect this maximum. A gunslinger spends grit to accomplish deeds (see below), and regains grit in the following way:

A bolt ace regains grit when she scores a critical hit or deals a killing blow with any kind of crossbow.

Deeds (Ex):
Gunslingers spend grit points to accomplish deeds. Most deeds grant the gunslinger some momentary bonus or effect, but there are some that provide longer-lasting effects. Some deeds stay in effect as long as the gunslinger has at least 1 grit point. The following is the list of base gunslinger deeds. A gunslinger can only perform deeds of her level or lower. Unless otherwise noted, a deed can be performed multiple successive times, as long as the appropriate amount of grit is spent to perform the deed.

A bolt ace can perform the following deeds with a crossbow instead of a firearm: gunslinger initiative, pistol-whip, dead shot, targeting, bleeding wound, death's shot, and stunning shot.

Sharpshoot (Ex): At 1st level, a bolt ace can resolve an attack against touch AC instead of normal AC when firing a crossbow at a target within its first range increment. Performing this deed costs 1 grit point.

Gunslinger’s Dodge (Ex): At 1st level, the gunslinger gains an uncanny knack for getting out of the way of ranged attacks. When a ranged attack is made against the gunslinger, she can spend 1 grit point to move 5 feet as an immediate action; doing so grants the gunslinger a +2 bonus to AC against the triggering attack. This movement is not a 5-foot step, and provokes attacks of opportunity. Alternatively, the gunslinger can drop prone to gain a +4 bonus to AC against the triggering attack. The gunslinger can only perform this deed while wearing medium or light armor, and while carrying no more than a light load.

Vigilant Loading (Ex): At 1st level, as long as a bolt ace has at least 1 grit point, she does not provoke attacks of opportunity when loading a crossbow.

Gunslinger Initiative (Ex): At 3rd level, as long as the gunslinger has at least 1 grit point, she gains the following benefits. First, she gains a +2 bonus on initiative checks. Furthermore, if she has the Quick Draw feat, her hands are free and unrestrained, and the firearm is not hidden, she can draw a single firearm as part of the initiative check.

Pistol-Whip (Ex): At 3rd level, the gunslinger can make a surprise melee attack with the butt or handle of her firearm as a standard action. When she does, she is considered to be proficient with the firearm as a melee weapon and gains a bonus on the attack and damage rolls equal to the enhancement bonus of the firearm. The damage dealt by the pistol-whip is of the bludgeoning type, and is determined by the size of the firearm. One-handed firearms deal 1d6 points of damage (1d4 if wielded by Small creatures) and two-handed firearms deal 1d10 points of damage (1d8 if wielded by Small creatures). Regardless of the gunslinger’s size, the critical multiplier of this attack is 20/×2. If the attack hits, the gunslinger can make a combat maneuver check to knock the target prone as a free action. Performing this deed costs 1 grit point.

Shooter's Resolve (Ex): At 3rd level, a bolt ace can spend 1 grit point when making a crossbow attack as a standard action and ignore the effects of concealment (though not total concealment) and cover (other than total cover) against that shot.

Dead Shot (Ex): At 7th level, as a full-round action, the gunslinger can take careful aim and pool all of her attack potential into a single, deadly shot. When she does this, she shoots the firearm at a single target, but makes as many attack rolls as she can, based on her base attack bonus. She makes the attack rolls in order from highest bonus to lowest, as if she were making a full attack. If any of the attack rolls hit the target, the gunslinger’s single attack is considered to have hit. For each additional successful attack roll beyond the first, the gunslinger increases the damage of the shot by the base damage dice of the firearm. For instance, if a 7th-level gunslinger firing a musket hits with both attacks, she does 2d12 points of damage with the shot, instead of 1d12 points of damage, before adding any damage modifiers. Precision damage and extra damage from weapon special abilities (such as flaming) are added with damage modifiers and are not increased by this deed. If one or more rolls are critical threats, she confirms the critical once using her highest base attack bonus –5. For each critical threat beyond the first, she reduces this penalty by 1 (to a maximum of 0). The gunslinger only misfires on a dead shot if all the attack rolls are misfires. She cannot perform this deed with a blunderbuss or other scatter weapon when attacking creatures in a cone. The gunslinger must spend 1 grit point to perform this deed.

Distracting Shot (Ex): At 7th level, a bolt ace can spend 1 grit point and choose to miss a target that she could normally attack within her range with a crossbow attack. When she does, the target loses its Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) for 1 round.

Targeting (Ex): At 7th level, as a full-round action, the gunslinger can make a single firearm attack and choose part of the body to target. She gains the following effects depending on the part of the body targeted. If a creature does not have one of the listed body locations, that part cannot be targeted. This deed costs 1 grit point to perform no matter which part of the creature she targets. Creatures that are immune to sneak attacks are immune to these effects.

Arms: On a hit, the target takes no damage from the hit but drops one carried item of the gunslinger’s choice, even if the item is wielded with two hands. Items held in a locked gauntlet are not dropped on a hit.
Head: On a hit, the target is damaged normally, and is also confused for 1 round. This is a mind-affecting effect.
Legs: On a hit, the target is damaged normally and knocked prone. Creatures that have four or more legs or that are immune to trip attacks are immune to this effect.
Torso: Targeting the torso threatens a critical on a 19–20.
Wings: On a hit, the target is damaged normally, and must make a DC 20 Fly check or fall 20 ft.
Bleeding Wound (Ex): At 11th level, when the gunslinger hits a living creature with a firearm attack, she can spend 1 grit point as a free action to have that attack deal extra bleed damage. The amount of bleed damage is equal to the gunslinger’s Dexterity modifier. Alternatively, the gunslinger can spend 2 grit points to deal 1 point of Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution bleed damage (gunslinger’s choice) instead. Creatures that are immune to sneak attacks are also immune to these types of bleed damage.

Vigilant Shooter (Ex): At 11th level, as long as a bolt ace spends 1 grit point when she does so, she does not provoke attacks of opportunity when firing a crossbow.

Inexplicable Reload (Ex): At 11th level, loading a crossbow becomes unthinking and automatic for a bolt ace. As long as she has at least 1 grit point, she always starts each round of combat (even a surprise round) with her crossbow loaded. Also the amount of time needed to reload a crossbow decreases by one step: a standard action becomes a move action, a move action becomes a swift action, a swift action becomes a free action, and a free action becomes not an action.

Evasive (Ex): At 15th level, when the gunslinger has at least 1 grit point, she gains the benefit of the evasion, uncanny dodge, and improved uncanny dodge rogue class features. She uses her gunslinger level as her rogue level for improved uncanny dodge.

Pinning Shot (Ex): At 15th level, the bolt ace can spend 1 grit point while shooting a crossbow and attempt to pin down its target with the bolt. If the crossbow attack hits, it pins the target to a nearby object, to a wall, or to the ground, entangling and staggering the target. While pinned by the bolt, the target cannot move out of its space until it takes a standard action to free itself from the pinning bolt, except by means of teleportation.

Slinger’s Luck (Ex): At 15th level, the gunslinger can spend grit to reroll a saving throw or a skill check. It costs 2 grit points to reroll a saving throw, and 1 grit point to reroll a skill check. The gunslinger must take the result of the second roll, even if it is lower. The deed’s cost cannot be reduced by the true grit class ability, the Signature Deed feat, or any other effect that reduces the amount of grit a deed costs.

Cheat Death (Ex): At 19th level, whenever the gunslinger is reduced to 0 or fewer hit points, she can spend all of her remaining grit points (minimum 1) to instead be reduced to 1 hit point.

Death’s Shot (Ex): At 19th level, when the gunslinger scores a critical hit, she can spend 1 grit point to deal normal damage, and the target must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw with a DC equal to 10 + 1/2 the gunslinger’s level + the gunslinger’s Dexterity modifier. On a failed saving throw, the target dies. This is a death attack. Performing this deed does not allow the gunslinger to regain grit from confirming a critical hit or making a killing blow.

Stunning Shot (Ex): At 19th level, when a gunslinger hits a creature, she can spend 2 grit points to stun the creature for 1 round. The creature must make a Fortitude saving throw (the DC = 10 + 1/2 the gunslinger’s level + the gunslinger’s Wisdom modifier). If the creature fails, it is stunned for 1 round. Creatures that are immune to critical hits are also immune to this effect.

Nimble (Ex):
Starting at 2nd level, a gunslinger gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC while wearing light or no armor. Anything that causes the gunslinger to lose her Dexterity bonus to AC also causes the gunslinger to lose this dodge bonus. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels beyond 2nd level (to a maximum of +5 at 20th level).

Crossbow Training (Ex):
Starting at 5th level, a bolt ace can select one specific type of crossbow, such as hand crossbow or heavy crossbow (HRC). She gains a bonus on damage rolls equal to her Dexterity modifier with that crossbow. Furthermore, when she scores a critical hit with that type of crossbow, her critical modifier increases by 1 (a x2 becomes a x3, for example). Every 4 levels thereafter, she can pick a different type of crossbow, gaining the bonus damage and increased critical multiplier with that type of crossbow as well.

Standard Half-elf Abilities (Ex):
+2 Perception, counts as elven and human, Low-light vision, immune to sleep, +2 on saves vs. enchantments.

Ancestral Arms (Ex):
Some half-elves receive training in an unusual weapon. Half-elves with this racial trait receive Exotic Weapon Proficiency or Martial Weapon Proficiency with one weapon as a bonus feat at 1st level.

Fey Thoughts (Ex):
Select two of the following skills: Acrobatics, Bluff, Climb, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Fly, Knowledge (nature), Perception, Perform, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Swim, or Use Magic Device. The selected skills are always class skills for the character.

Carrying Capacity
Light 0-50 lb. Medium 51-100 lb. Heavy 101-150 lb.
Current Load Carried 48 lb.

Money 17 PP 140 GP 29 SP 10 CP (~4 pounds)

Cold Weather Outfit (8 GP) (1 lb.)
Crossbowsmith's Kit (15 GP) (2 lb.)

Fighter's Kit (9 GP) (29 lb.)
Masterwork Artisan's Tools (55 GP) (5 lb.)
Fishing Kit (5 GP) (5 lb.)
+1 Leather Armor (1100 GP) (15 lb.)
+1 Heavy Repeating Crossbow (2150 GP) (12 lb.)
60 bolts (3 GP) (6 lb.)
Daggers (4, 2 hidden on person, 2 in bag) (8 GP) (2 lb.)
Light Crossbow (in bag) (35 GP) (4 lb.)
Bag of Holding I (2500 GP) (15 lb.)

Born in the rugged and desolate region of Lappland, Kyleon's parents, Dagmar and Ulf, raised him well. Dagmar's beauty, being of the fairer race, kept his temperamental father tame, though his upsets were only sparked by bad hunts and the like: The living was sparse and simple.

Kyleon was curious about the world though. He took after his Ulf's ability with the hunts, growing in skill from an early age in striking targets at a distance. After a while, his mother had no need to keep his father's temper in check, the pride he took in his son's performance at the seasonal festival competitions and tradesmeets was great.

One day, one of the region's noble's lieutenants came into town, asking for the boy. "Asking" meant taking, though no manacles were involved. Dagmar wept, not because she wouldn't see her son again, but because he was being recruited to join the noble's guard. It would be dangerous work. There would be raiding and combat. Ulf had a different reaction: He toasted to the occasion. Kyleon was scared, though excited, for he got to see more of the world. Yet the experience turned sour for him. Sven, the noble, wanted rigorous training for all his men. Kyleon was accustomed to lining-up a shot from afar, but he got bloody and dirty with axes soon enough.

One raid took them South to Gotland, and during the battle, Kyleon was nearly killed, a large gash on the right side of his chest (leaving a significant scar) incapacitating him. He nearly died. However, a day later, he woke up in the care of a priest after the raiders had left. The priest, though injured nearly as badly as he had been, managed to pull him back to the looted chapel.

"My thanks," was all Kyleon could manage. Why did he save me?

He had his answer in time. The priest showed him the ways of Christ, reading to him as they and the few others who had fled, been out fishing, or left for dead recovered and rebuilt. They were not afraid of him, for Kyleon was outnumbered and had no way of reuniting with his raiding band. The young man himself didn't even want to: Battle is not my place. Winning him over with his words, the priest imbued Kyleon with a sense of spiritualism, one not well-imparted by his parents, followers of the old gods. They were more tales to Kyleon then, myths now.

After a year or two, his wanderlust set in again, and he took a boat across the small sea to Riga. A metropolis, the religious seat boasted an opening for a guard captain in one of its districts. Keeping the peace was a service Kyleon had provided to the island, and here, they found his speed commendable. However, they laughed at his bow. "Nimmt das!" They pointed to a new device he'd heard of, a crossbow, and trained him with it. It was easy to master, which was apparently necessary for there weren't many skilled bowmen in the town.

During one routine capture of a thief, soon after he'd been jailed, Kyleon discovered (by commotion in the barracks) he was the bishop's grandson. It was a few short weeks before the religious rule came down: The guard's "relaxed" vigilance had led to them persecuting "innocents"; a change in leadership was necessary. Though the ruler's word was law, Kyleon was furious. He tried to forgive the man as he was taught, but he could not do it in his heart. His anger clouding his judgment, he decided to leave, becoming a deckhand.

Trading vessels out of Lübeck went every direction, and he worked on quite a few of them, providing the services he could. He met a rather quirky man in the city though, an inventor of sorts: Karl. Kyleon's skill with the crossbow was just what the innovative gentleman needed to test a new weapon he was developing. Very complicated in construction, the two tweaked it to be deadly efficient: It did not need to be reloaded as frequently as a standard crossbow, yet the lever did not hamper the accuracy of how the bolts were loaded in any way (this was the main problem to be addressed). Eventually, Kyleon had spent enough time with the man he could make his own, though the mechanism Karl had given him always seemed to work better. It was possible the man knew magic, always being buried in books of some sort, or perhaps he hired-out for it, for he had a good bit of coin.

Kyleon kept the prototype with him, occasionally heading back out to sea for more jobs. The most recent vessel took him to England...

Though his skin is worn and demeanor cold, Kyleon's eyes remain bright, his blue circles piercing the guise of powder and veneer of liars. Of average height and build (for a human, a touch on the sturdy side for a half-elf), his cut goldenrod hair would be the embodiment of his Nordic heritage if he could grow a beard to match.

Perhaps the oddest thing about this man who has seen his share of scuffles by scratches here and there is the device strapped across his back: It has enough working parts to confound those at merely a glance, though it is clearly a crossbow of some sort.

Even in cold weather, he does not mind letting wind and rain strike him, seeming to be impervious to their nature.

Though terse to strangers, Kyleon is helpful (when convenient) with though he doesn't dislike. His tendency to take things literally has exempted him from some nicer social situations, though it is not out of lack of understanding; he simply chooses to ignore what people want for his own interests if he cares not for them.

Though not learned in the ways of region, he is a devout believer in the workings of the lord, though he has inner doubts about the structure of the church after his dismissal from Riga. His interest in worldly studies, however, have no doubt. In fact, they are instrumental in his upkeep of his enforcement weapon. Generally curious though, he is happy to listen to tales of elders that have something to impart.

From Kyonin hails an Elven warrior estranged from his land, though by his own choice. Queen Telandia Edasseril's policies did not speed his people's progress towards greatness as hastily as Kyleon would like, and his traditionalist parents agreed. Proud of their eldest's agreeable viewpoints, they sought use for his exceptional discipline under a banner where (they felt) it would be better used. His mother's place on the Winter Council allowed her both the ears to hear of the opportunity in Brevoy and the reach to take advantage of it for her son.

Though Kyleon does not hate the Queen - in fact finding her very kind and an apt leader - he does strongly dissent with her style of leadership, wishing a more strict, perhaps draconian body of rules to force safety and productivity. He admires the goodness in the woman's heart, something his parent's refuse to acknowledge, and he strives to emulate her mercy and grace. As a result, though trained in classical swordsmanship, the young Elf prefers words to swords in most cases. His particular talent with light is not aimed at harming, but mending.

Skill Ranks (3/level due favored class): Diplomacy, Sense Motive = class level, 1 rank in Knowledge (Nobility).

Traits: Patient Optimist (Erastil) - You gain a +2 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks to influence hostile or unfriendly creatures, and if you fail at such an attempt you may retry it once.

Noble Born (Contacts with House Orlovsky via his mother) - +1 on Diplomacy.

Racial alternative: Lightbringer - Elves with this racial trait are immune to light-based blindness and dazzle effects, and are treated as one level higher when determining the effects of any light-based spell or effect they cast (including spell-like and supernatural abilities). Elves with Intelligence 10 or higher may use light at will as a spell-like ability. This racial trait replaces the elven immunities and elven magic racial Traits.