Jean Lamarre |
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Jean, dizzy and faint, wretches the contents of his stomach onto the floor as he begins to process the inconceivable moments which have just passed.
The smells of the dungeon, mixing with the blood of his own body and the stench of that... thing alone was too much to handle, even barring the events which took place.
With a pathetic whimper he prays to his God for respite from all he sees; both before him and within the folds of his prescience.
Oh Lord... Take me way from here... Please......
Cure Light Wounds: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Spells left=2
As he recovers, he stands up, picks up his longspear, and withdraws back from the corpse of the fell beast which took him.
He stares at its gruesome form, holding his spear in front of him vertically, hiding behind it, as if trying to shield himself from the horrors and violations which he had just experienced.

Hisao of the Yellow Reeds |

Hisao sighs with relief first as the monster turns to flee and second as it is taken down.
Taking 20 if possible for 24 per

Iommi-Tyr Magnusson |

What the hell?!!
Something on the floor just tripped me; You see that? What was that thing? A crack in the floor or something.
I was just about to shoot that monster, too.
dice = Bluff 1d20 =
nat 1

Alphonse Veritas |

"So, onward?" Alphonse says.
"We're here to kill a necromancer after all, we should expect such monstrosities, and perhaps worse."
"Though, he grimaces "Ones that smell a bit less FOUL would be welcome."

Jean Lamarre |

Perception to see what the heck Iommi's talking about: 1d20 ⇒ 6
Jean sidesteps in a frenzied manner at Iommi's exclamation, then realizes their position as Alphonse speaks.
"Y-you're right, sir. We should go forth and bring this sorcerer to the justice of the Church."
Jean's composure stiffens, as if he is consuming the horrors of his thoughts, embracing them, to brace himself against the eldritch devils which he may soon come to face.
In a grave tone he states as he points his long spear into the dark hollows before them:
"Let us go forward... Pour le Seigneur."

Michael Johnson 66 |

Pressing on northward, the adventurers traverse a long gallery of macabre decor--scenes from scripture, the stations of the Cross, depictions of saints, Angels, beasts, or demons, all composed of human bones and skulls....
Some 50 feet up this gallery hall, on the east wall, a 20-ft-square opening into a dark, spacious chamber beyond, shows the iron teeth of a portcullis raised into the ceiling. A winch on the wall to one side of the opening most likely can be turned to lower or raise the portcullis....

Michael Johnson 66 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

At the end of the gallery, a raised altar of human bones and skulls is presided over by a great crucifix of bejeweled silver!
In the shadows, a multi-armed, man-sized, bipedal silhouette, somehow an abominable hybrid of man and insect, crouches and mutters to itself!
Enter the verminous stalker!

Hoenheim Dobberkau *Nacht* |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

The creature looks at the invading group and was curious yet confused sensation and slight panic. Were they hallucinations like before? Cruel games played on his mind by foul memories of torture and pain. Two of its arms seem to flick away at them like a fly as if they were not there. The voice was deep and harsh with a hint of clicks and snaps much like a beetle or ant.
" Es scheint, dass Beute wurde in die Magier ging Den? Geh weg Schattierungen , ich möchte nicht noch einmal belästigt werden. "
The creature is posed but mutters once more in some.. variation of clicks, snaps and whirs. Clearly insectoid in nature, it shakes its head violently.

Jean Lamarre |
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I'm posting this assuming that if I interact with the motifs that they won't animate, as the scene Haas progressed past that. However if they did, Jean would proceed in much the same manner.
As the squad passes through the nefarious lair of the warlock, with its skeletal murals, Jean loses whatever fear he once bore as it gives way to holy wrath. Mockery of the Christ and His Saints in such an offal display drove the ruddy French boy to rage. With his spear he dashes to ruin each and every figure, until the bones are all strewn to the floor set apart. His frenzy is that of a rogue boar; almost foaming.
In his high tongue he recites that same legendary taunt of David to the mongrel Goliath found in scripture, and his cries reverberate down the halls of despondency even past where sight may reach.....
As they enter the presence of the larger abomination, Jean charges the new face of his adversary, with all the rage of a tired, broken zealot.
He lashes forth with his lancing spear, to find the flesh of sin to pierce, wherever it may dwell.
Charging Longspear Attack!: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 131d8 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
AC-2 for the first round I'm inciting, assuming that all of the post above takes place; feel ever so free to retcon/delete parts of this post wherever seems necessary, I took a lot of liberty and assumptions here.

Jean Lamarre |

If you are the towering insectoid 'abomination', yes. However, should reasoning arise Jean may be coaxed from his misguided rage, of course if your intent is combat then it would proceed. Nice to meet you!

Hoenheim Dobberkau *Nacht* |

A hand reaches out blocking the speartip with a strange click as if Jean had strike steel. The distracted eyes of the creature move to jeans, piercing yellow orbs. Upon closer inspection the eyes belong to a chitinous dark hued face. It speaks once more the chitin growing tougher
" Nicht Schattierungen sind Sie? interessant. "
Initiative: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13
He seemed prepared.

Jean Lamarre |

Initiative: 1d20 ⇒ 1
As Jean comes face to face with this monster, and his dark pupils meet those yellow locked in gaze, he is surprised with the creatures' swiftness. However, this spurs him on to his passionate crusade, and to slay what he believes is a puppet of the necromancer.
"Cheareb Borroghesh Sh'Yah Cou'Hrus Sh'Yah!"

Hoenheim Dobberkau *Nacht* |

Nacht chitters moving right nxt to the being all four arms reaching around to grasp the Longspear away from him.
Disarm: 1d20 ⇒ 8
Disarm: 1d20 ⇒ 20
Disarm: 1d20 ⇒ 6
Disarm: 1d20 ⇒ 1
After which it tosses the stick behind it and stares at the paleskinned yeller oddly.

Alphonse Veritas |

Roll what? He's the one who rolls to Disarm you.
Had Alphonse had the time before Jean ran off into the room, he would have used his ability to Detect Evil on the creature.
Of course, getting no result since HD are lower than 5:
Alphonse, detecting nothing, but seeing the creature simply disarm Jean when he could have easily hurt or killed him calls out.
Are you basing Celestial on an actual language or just making stuff up?
English: "Does anyone speak the language of that beast? Perhaps we can get it to let us pass, instead of pushing through by force."

Paddy |

He's speaking Germanic. I think he's a wee bit daft or something of the sort. I can tell...]
Paddy translates what the creature said.
I dont think we can talk our way past this one boys....
initiative: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20

Jean Lamarre |

It's sort of based off a language...
Jean, taken aback by the front of this beast, sees it take his spear out of his hands, and does what a soldier of the French army knows how to do; keep on the assault. He draws his morningstar and tries to wail on the beast. In his tunnel vision, he barely notices what Alphonse is saying to him.
Jean is approaching this thing as if it is the next monster in the caverns, not a PC. In character, we can't yet really ACTUALLY know that this guy is a potential friend. He has a tell by disarming Jean, yeah, but that can be interpreted as him making me defenseless so he can eat Jean. I think the natural reaction to this whole thing is that Nacht is a monster, not a PC, in the current state. So I'm playing it out like that until the state is changed. Feel free to dispatch him.
Morningstar Attack: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 161d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
Move Action: Draw Morningstar. Standard Action: Attack with said morning star.

Hoenheim Dobberkau *Nacht* |

That is legitimate dont worry
The morningstar strikes at the creature at the chest with a satisfying thunk. However this only causes it to look down at the strike in a nonchalant manner. It looks to the shade in front of it. This shade seemed real, this shade seemed furious. But could he touch the shade? THis shade was not like the bone he had known would visit him. The creature took his fists in each hand, balling them up to strike at the face, midsection, Hand and knee. Well until the shade stopped, which they would always disappear after the first strike. Maybe it could take the weapon away again after it fell!?
Unarmed Strike: 1d20 ⇒ 201d3 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Unarmed Strike: 1d20 ⇒ 131d3 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Unarmed Strike: 1d20 ⇒ 161d3 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Unarmed Strike: 1d20 ⇒ 141d3 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
It provokes from these strikes, they are all non-lethal
Confirm Unarmed Strike: 1d20 ⇒ 21d3 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

Rynjin |

Well, yes, but we haven't been murderhobo-ing our way through the rest of the game so far, I see no reason to start just yet. He made no threatening moves, and even attempted to communicate...Jean just charged at him.

Jean Lamarre |

Jean gets pummeled to unconsciousness.
How much damage is that altogether? Defense wins on a matching roll right? I'd either be at a -1 or a -5? Ok so it can talk. Necromancers can talk... I'd imagine some of their minions and demons can too.

Rynjin |

What roll? You're going to have to explain to me why you keep mentioning rolls in regards to defense, since defense isn't based on opposed rolls except in some very special cases.
As for HP, you should be at 0 (only the 20 and 16 hit, for 7 damage total). So you're conscious, but Staggered.

Hoenheim Dobberkau *Nacht* |

Offense always wins when it comes to rolls so the DC was your A, regardless none of it was lethal so you simply have so much non-lethal you fell down, your regular HP is the same.
The creature seems to look at it's hands in awe as if the act was.. accomplishing some task.
" Dies ist kein Schatten. Das ist echte Schmerzen ! Ich lebe. "
The creature looks past the being who fell at the rest of the beings it sees.

Paddy |

Paddy looks at the four armed being with a quizzical look.

Hoenheim Dobberkau *Nacht* |

The creatures yellow eyes flash with surprise at something speaking a language it.. understands. The eyes quickly narrow as it looks to this being.
" N- Nekromant ? Ich , ich lebe hier . Sie , Sie Schatten. Ihr sprechen meine Sprache ? Sie sind nicht eine Spur zu ? Ich - ich bin nicht Nekromant ...
A flash of anger reflects in his posture " Ich , ich hasse Nekromanten . Bringing Knochen und Schattierungen und playing Tricks im Kopf. I am imply.. this "
The creature grips its multiple fists.
" I, I hate necromancer. Bringing bones and shades and playing tricks on my mind. "

Paddy |

Hold off lads.....he is confused. He is not the necromancer. He thinks we're shades

Hoenheim Dobberkau *Nacht* |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

If the creature could tear up it would have. It nestled its own head in two hands the others come out as if praising the dark ceiling. He raised his head soon after and looked to the German being.
It picked up and shoved the longspear back into the loud being's other hand and nodded to the German being.
" Hilfe , ich helfen kann. Ich will gehen . Ich habe hier unten , so lange . Menschen sind die Menschen nett. Meine Erinnerungen sind schlecht. Ich , ich kann immer noch töten recht gut. Wird Nekromanten zu töten, ist er verantwortlich ... Ich denke . "
Reaching in it folds in a flash it draws out hidden weapons, A longsword, a wicked pick, a Hammer, a Gladius. It nods once more to the German being as a sign of recognition. The holds the weapons at ease.
" Ich bin Nacht "
" I am Nacht "

Iommi-Tyr Magnusson |

" Ich , ich hasse Nekromanten . Bringing Knochen und Schattierungen und playing Tricks im Kopf. I am imply.. this "
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
Iommi-Tyr Magnusson translates Paddy and Nacht's conversation in French and English for the others.
To Nacht: (German)
My name is Magnusson, Iommi-Tyr, a Nobleman from Norway and a scholar.
Pray tell us, how did you come to be down here? You are a long way from Germanic lands; do you know where you are?....
If the Necromancer has been tormenting you, you can tell us about him -- what he looks like, what his powers are, what his minions are? ...Maybe where he keeps his lair?
Iommi-Tyr Magnusson also checks to make sure Jean Lamarre is okay.
Finally, I look around this chamber or alcove or room (or whatever) and look for any sign that this poor creature has been kept prisoner here (with all his gear) or has been sleeping/living here for a long period of time -- or is just lost -- or some reasonable evidence that he speaks the truth.
Perception: 20 = 20 =21 (taking 20)

Iommi-Tyr Magnusson |

Is it obvious that Nacht understands us when we speak French? I did translate Paddy's conversation in both French and English; we all may have noticed that Nacht understands.

Hoenheim Dobberkau *Nacht* |

Your sense motive tells that he is telling the truth but is mostly confused in this situation. At no time did think the Frenchman was a threat nor did he seem worried if he were injured.
Nacht's eyes show recognition when Tyr repeats the conversation especially in French to the others.
Once Tyr speaks his eyes widen again. " Weitere konkreten Menschen . Wer die Sprache selbst zu sprechen? Tyr , sind Sie Tyr . Ich weiß nicht, wo ich bin , ich bin für die Nacht das ist, was ich zum ersten Mal sah . Der Nekromant verwendet Untoten , einige Knochen einige nicht Knochen. Ich lebe hier , ich weiß nicht viel zu bewegen. Hier Manchmal verirren sie , zerstören ich . "
when you look around there s little refuse, this creature seems to naturally be quite meticulous.
" Est-ce plus approprié ? "
The voice was harsh and unnaturally, the sounds of metal being stripped somewhat, but understandable. it reacted to the other language seeing it used.

Hoenheim Dobberkau *Nacht* |

Nacht looks to the being who still speaks in an odd language and thinks. He points at him and speaks what the being reacted to.
" Comprenez vous? "
It pointed to the scythe intrigued and makes slashing and jabbing motions as if testing it's own weapon usage after much time. You notice it strikes are precise as if it were a doctor or something.
" Êtes-vous un guerrier ? "
" Are you a warrior? "

Hoenheim Dobberkau *Nacht* |

Linguistics: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Nacht's eyes narrow as the being speaks what he thinks is bad French but not sure what to make of it.
He simply nods replacing his weapon outfit with the Longsword and two Gladius and a Pick. then pointing near the altar

Jean Lamarre |
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Jean, rambled on the floor, doesn't really know if the scene before him (littered in stars) is reality or his wretched visions. He sees his party conversing with the insect-man, and thinks he hears bits of French mixed into the muddle...
...Deciding he doesn't want to fall again, with the room still spinning around him in stars, he decides to wait it all out until things go back to normal... He gurgles a bit, unintelligibly.

Hoenheim Dobberkau *Nacht* |

Nacht points to the being that felt the sensation of his fists and questions the rest of the beings here.
" Je ne ai pas tué , mais je pense que l'on est en train de mourir . Je ne peux pas guérir. Je suppose que vous pouvez guérir ? "
He says inquisitively towards the downed being.