Lords of Gossamer & Shadow (diceless) (Inactive)

Game Master Johnny_Panic

This is a Lords of Gossamer & Shadow Using the Diceless game designed by Erick Wujcik and Game setting from Rite Publishing

Silver Crusade

Ever wonder if there is a game level higher than Level Empic 30 +Mythic 10?

Well there is, but to play it you need a god level system, one that uses no dice but raw story telling ability. Still interested? if so read on.

This my Lords of Gossamer & Shadow is an Interest check for such a game.

A am an old Amber (Diceless) GM and know the Diceless system welli.
It can be amazing fun and it opens you up to play so free and crazy you get to be and do what ever you wish.

A (Diceless) GM's job is to be as much a facilitator of players aims as it is to be an over lord of Challenges. With the Ability to craft whole cosmoses the risk and Drama of play comes from a mix of PCs seeking it and the GM shaping events to supply it. Its an interplay that can be just as rewarding as smacking down a bad guy. In pathfinder and DnD fluff can some times be seen as something you tag onto a PC Build. The rules can dictate the fluff. But with a Diceless game Fluff is ALL! your PC's very soul and power lives Breaths in its personalty, history and background. PCs for this game will be expected in that alone, once picked stats will be bid on at the start of game. So there is little point thinking about rules for now. Think PC personalty, history and background.

OK now the Game info.

The setting is Rite Publishing Lords of Gossamer & Shadow.
The Evolution of Diceless

If you need a Preview of the game setting and system it can be found here HERE The full Game PDFs and other setting books can be found on the Rite Publishing Rites own site.

Once you have an idea of the world and its setting, move onto sating the following.

Step 1: Are you Interested?:

[yes / No ]

If yes are move on to step 2

Step 2: Your PCs Concept:

1A: Personality
[Motivations, aims and goals, Think a hero's journey where are they going, points of personal conflict.]
1B: Description
[How dos your PC look, how dos their stuff look, you have a star ship, sports car or flying house, what dos it look like, what dos it do?]
1C: Personal History
[Think hero's journey, where are they from - Link to Personality]
1D: Enemies and Rivals
[List any Enemies and Rivals your PC has, minimum 3]
1E: The Precious Things.
[List any loves or things your PC counts a Precious to them, minimum 3]

Once that's done then Step 3

Step 3: World/cosmos of Origin:

3A: Description
[Like Our world, magic world, Sifi world. what's its Level of tech, population, races etc]
3B: Key locations
[The holy city, The Empire world, the magic wood, Minimum 5 Locations]
3C: Races
[Just Humans, all kinds, magic Cats, fay, Robots, thinking Black holes, just the key ones will do]
3D: Danger
[Something bad is going on, war, plague, the end of days, evil AI's, there is a clear and present danger, what is it.]

Now short step 4

Step 4 Short PC Bios:

4A 3 words
[Describe your PC in 3 words.]
4B 100 words.
[100 words or less as a short Bio of your PC]

Last of all Stap 5

Step 5: All about you:

5A A fow words about you as a player.
[how do you like to play, what kind of things do you like to do, what other games have you played]
5B A fow words about what you wish to see in the game.
[What are you looking for in a game, what do you like from your GM?]

Other Creation Notes::

All players will start in their own Gossamer and have an Awakening moment in game play.

All Stats, items and others will be done at start of game play in a silent bidding contest.

Game mechanics::

Players will have 100 points.
I will expect 1 post every 1 to 2 days from players min. if you have RL stuff come up, then please let me know. My aim is to play until we hit a natural end point, or RL gets us all.

About your GM:

I'm a lecture at a University, Teaching Scrip Writing, Media Production and Business studies. My spelling and grammar sucks!! There is a whole in my head where such things should live, I have a help work wise and a nice computer spell checker that sometimes even works. Ye I know lots missed on this post, but life is just to short to live it the Pedant way. hehe. If your unhappy with C**py spelling and grammar at times then this may not be the game for you. Just so your warned, no hard feelings.
Also this outside of my RL game will be the only PbP game I will be DMing.

My GM style:

I like light hearted games with some
- Rule of Cool, if the game benefits from something cool I will tend to let it in.
- Wheaton's law will be in place "Don't be a D**K" if you start to be one I will show you the door. Have problems with another Play, PM them.
-PVP I don't like PvP in PbP, but if both sides agree and it fits into the game I will allow it with my oversight.
- Rules of paizo, all rules of paizo boards will be respected.
- Adult content, NPC and PCs can say rude things but always like this, "YOU &#^# of a&#^#*#( I hope YOU @&#^##*!! etc.
- Sex will be show like this, "They headed to bed for the night, Images of trains entering tunnels and pan to curtains blowing in the breeze no Graphic sex content but you can still have fun.
- Graphic Violence, there will be some, but under spoiler and not overly descriptive, A sick puppy I may be for there are younger kids use this site so, its best kept suggested.

Well over to you, lets see who is in.

Silver Crusade

If any one wants it I can post more background and setting info.

Silver Crusade

There is now more Background information in Campaign Info.


Silver Crusade

we will do attribute auction at the start of the game, but that should not stop players from building the PC they want.

Silver Crusade

Note I may Change the rules a little

Folding Strength and Endurance Attributes together as one called "Incarnation", (It will count as Strength/Dexterity/Coordination/Senses, etc.)

I will split up Psyche into
Focus - (to handle the mind-wracking powers/willpower/clarity of thought, etc.)


Eminence - (That will be the social stat, It does for peacetime/civilized settings what Warfare does for war/combat.)

Warfare stays. as is.

Players will also get "Warden Of The Grand Stair" free in game.


Has this been posted about in the LoG&S google + group yet?

Silver Crusade

Done :)

Jonny...Panic wrote:
Done :)

Interests Shown. Would like to get into a LoGaS game.

Silver Crusade

There is room as only two have shown an interest so far, hoping for more.

Do you want those questions PMed to you ?

I'm interested. I'm looking to get as much LoGaS experience I can before trying to run a game of my own.

Silver Crusade

Post under spoiler here,




Bidding will be done hidden, for the hidden rounds

Sent a PM

Hmm... Color me intrigued. I was involved in a diceless PbP game a few years ago for a little while, and it'd be neat to get into another one. The setting certainly has me interested.

Been looking for a LoGaS game for ages. Interested!

Silver Crusade

Got it thanks


Silver Crusade

Exultant, have a look at my posts, more info in
Campaign Info

I'm interested, but concerned that I have no idea ow to play a diceless RPG.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Interested in the campaign, definitely.

If you want to downplay the conflicts between player characters, I'm not all that much interested in participating in the attribute auction. Instead of a Warfare score of 20 pts, it means I have a Warfare score that's defined as "3rd place". It promotes competition between players. So I'll just assign points and then sit the auction out.

Silver Crusade

Look at the Primer Phoenix Hunter

So can I PM you an initial concept etc or do you want to wait on getting a full idea of the number of interested parties?

I'm definitely interested. Amber was an old favorite and this looks like an worthy setting for a successor.

I've got a couple of character ideas and am trying to put something together.

I'm a little curious about where you see the game going though. You seem to want a lot on homeworlds and things going on there. Do you expect a lot of focus on the Gossamer worlds we come from or more of an exploring the Stair kind of game?

Particularly in the case of rivals and threats, for characters who start out as relatively mundane, such things are likely to be pretty inconsequential once you're awakened to Warden of the Grand Stair. If you're already coming from a high fantasy world, then local things can still remain threats, but if it's more like the modern world, for example, that doesn't work so well.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Character concept - Nuuskamuikkunen:

1A: Personality
Nuuskamuikkunen (known to many as Nuuskin) has been a wandering vagrant in the cool hills and fjords for the last century. His disdain for money and his impatience with people who claim to own territory for private gain is notorious. Once, after an obnoxious family claimed property along a road he frequented, Nuuskin sowed the pasture with toxic nettles to drive the family away.

He's not afraid of hard work, and always pitches in, if he's arrived in a town in time to help with a community project like clearing a field, removing a large fallen tree, or building a new town hall. He does more than his fair share, but never seems to strain from the effort.

IF Nuuskin knows how to cast spells, he has kept that talent wholly hidden. But he is a scholar of both magic and the natural world, offering friendly advice to those who need to remove a curse, set a spirit to rest, or simply stop burning the oatmeal for breakfast.

He smokes tobacco and drinks with those who would bear his company, but never gets intoxicated.

1B: Description
Nuuskin is a scruffy-looking man of good height, sometimes wearing a solid beard going gray around the edges, other times clean-shaven. He wears green robes under his wide-brimmed straw hat. He keeps a walking stick in hand, but doesn't wear weapons. He walks with an easy gait, habitually scanning his surroundings, even if they are old and familiar.

Nuuskin almost never speaks aloud, but manages to communicate through gestures and and expressions. And when he smokes his pipe, those who smell the sweet smoke can hear a deep, patient voice in their heads. If he does speak aloud, it's usually as he's leaving one community and heading down the road.

(If he were being cast as a television character, he might have been played by Tom Baker, maybe 10 years after his "Doctor Who" run. Like so.)

1C: Personal History
The character's history began in the Deep Elsewhere: two creatures of Shadow fell to war, and tore each other to shreds. Some of their essence bled through a doorway into a world where a team of doctors were set to bring life back to an infant's corpse.

Nuuskin is only half-human, created by his parents as much as born, and fused with Dwimmerlaik heritage from his first day. Three days after Nuuskin's miraculous revivification his fathers and mother were scattered by servants of the Shadow who came looking for their stolen essence. What became of them is up to you.

Nuuskin has been wandering towns for a long, long time, gradually working his way from Mediterranean territories through the steppes of western Cathay to the cool mountain ranges he now calls home, moving from one set of communities to another every 40 years or so.

1D: Enemies and Rivals

Nuuskin is honestly friendly with those he likes, and stands up honestly to those he finds rude or greedy. There is a trail of hurt feelings and bent noses in his wake, but those petty men are hardly enemies to be taken seriously.

Except they have an agent, a man named Toffle, Toffle was once a friend and companion of Nuuskin, sharing adventures and seeing the world. Toffle's hot-headed enthusiasm was often a nice contrast to Nuuskin's long-sightedness.

But one day Nuuskin saw that Toffle had grown fond of a young lady in a village they had saved from a pack of intelligent wolves, and left him there to grow old with her. Toffle wed her, but the marriage turned nasty.Toffle's anger got the better of him during an argument, and he struck her dead.

Outlawed and forever lost to his home people, Toffle has turned his shame and bile into hatred for Nuuskin, and acts as an agent of vengeance, supported by a network of informants paid by those Nuuskin has humiliated or taken down from power.

There's also the Dwimmerlaik, who seem to track Nuuskin's movements only when he speaks aloud.

His parents (Ilkir, Sonar, and Eser) are out there somewhere, gestating abominable little siblings, children with monstrous body parts and unholy powers. They call Nuuskin by his birth name, Nuzar,

1E: The Precious Things.

Really, not that many. Nuuskin chooses to avoid connections with things. He has a pipe, and a walking staff, and a medicine bag filled with rare components, but he holds them as "things it would be inconvenient to replace" rather than treasured belongings.

Step 3: World/cosmos of Origin:

3A: Description

Like Earth, but with elements from the local fairy tales. Nuuskin started his journey in Turkey, and is now moving about Norway.

3B: Key locations

To follow.

3C: Races

Mostly humans and fey.

3D: Danger

A pestilence has been reported by other far travelers. Something like spindley locust, who melt in direct sunlight. Nuuskin has met the damned things once or twice, after speaking, and identifies them as something the Shadow is sending.

Now short step 4
Step 4 Short PC Bios:

4A 3 words

Wise vagabond.

4B 100 words.

See above.

Step 5: All about you:
5A A few words about you as a player.

I've played a lot of games, including several AMBER campaigns. Recently, I've spent most of my time GMing Pathfinder Society.

5B A few words about what you wish to see in the game.

I like investigating mysteries, and I like a solid cast of NPCs for role-playing opportunities. If a game has a tactical combat system, I enjoy employing it, but Gossamer & Shadow doesn't have such a system.

It seems that AMBER campaigns often split, with individuals having their own stories and rarely interacting, because (a) they can; travel through the multiverse is easy, and (b) nobody really trusts anybody else, so they sleep in separate locked dimensions. I don't think that's much fun.

Silver Crusade

Guys I need to make something clear, This is an Awaking game
You start off on your own Gossamer world/cosmos and know nothing about
Gossamer the grand Stair, doors or any other part of the greater reality.

All you know is you are Better then others, your magic is stronger, your smarter, you fight better, As a leader there's just follow you.

You know deep down you where meant for more.

Now you could have been born outside that Gossamer reality.
But your true past in unknown to you.

Think where would your PC at the point they found out what is really going on.

I will be playing the NPCs who awaken them.

The end date for recruitment has not been set, but once I am happy with a few applications I will set a end date.

Party size will be MAX 6 players.


The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Is there a problem with my character, JP? The PC doesn't know any of the outside-reality of his origins; he identifies the pestilence as coming from somewhere else, but he doesn't have any accurate information about where. Are you suggesting that there not be anything in there about his truer origins at all?

Hmmmm. Looks like you're going with the approach where the characters are already special before finding the Stair, rather than the one where time on the Stair/becoming a Warden boosts your abilities beyond the normal for your world.

Ok. That probably helps with my earlier question and cuts off one concept I had in mind.

Another might still be possible, but it looks like we need to have a mysterious past to tie into, which kind of kills my genetically engineered hacker/thief.

I'll start thinking more about the technomancer.

Silver Crusade

Chris Mortika wrote:
Is there a problem with my character, JP? The PC doesn't know any of the outside-reality of his origins; he identifies the pestilence as coming from somewhere else, but he doesn't have any accurate information about where. Are you suggesting that there not be anything in there about his truer origins at all?

No that's good, its kind of what I am looking for as a starting point.

Silver Crusade

Yep they stand out in their respective worlds, or they can feel something is off, some force or power is endangering their world. Hints and odd feelings of other. Etc.

@Chris Mortika:

He needs more grounding in the world he is from, its his world, hes really just on hold till he moves on, and they means he dos not care about his world.

Also being part Dwimmerlaik, if he is hes is tainted and will be hunted by others because of that taint. Just so you know.

Do you need a solid concept before the auction bid takes place? I have two or three concepts, and depending on how the bid goes I may have to flip flop between them.

You mentioned a silent bid. Does this mean the initial bid is silent, but then you reveal the numbers (not who bid what of course) and then we get a chance to bid again? Or is the entire bid silent, so at no point will anyone know what the stats are or what place we may be in?

Do characters need to be mostly human in appearance? Or are obviously different races allowed?

Sent you a PM

Silver Crusade

Yes the 1st rounds will be PMs to me, as in the rules
you will not know how many points have been bid but I will post rankings after each round,

Try one Idea, a core idea, IF you fail to get the rankings you wish then we can take it from there.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16


Really, it's the only world he's known; he is heavily invested in it. He has just seen more of it than almost any other inhabitant. (I was planning to buy Allies native to the world. Maybe I can describe some of them.

The Lodge at Kunisgaarde -- Kunisgaarde is a land with few cities and an extensive collection of trade routes: most of the inhabitants are farmers and traffickers. Nuuskin felt that it was important to have eyes and ears in the area, to keep tabs on the shifting tides of trade goods, and to keep watch for any powerful contrabands.

By day, twelve ravens patrol the skies above an empty hunting lodge at the edge of a port town; at sunset the birds transform into seven brothers, each an excellent huntsman, and their five dogs. Nuuskin and his companion Aidelle came upon the lodge many years ago, and wrested it free from a blood-thirsty giant. Nuuskin gave the lodge to the brothers, and they have ever since served as his spies in the area.

The Black Dwarves of Asaland Nuuskin spent years among the dwarfish men under the eastern mountains, guised as one of them. He learned rune magic at their dark academies, and taught them in return what he knew of summoning servants from earth, magma, and pools of black tar. He fought besides them against a terrible, 50-foot-tall efreet and against an army of plant-pygmies conjured by a surface sorcerer.

When Nuuskin left them, on good terms, they showed him a secret that they had kept from him throughout his stay: a pair of great doors, made of gold and brass, radiant with magic. They would not say what lay on the other side of the doors, but the word they used for them was "doorway" rather than "vault".

How does Dwimmerlaik taint work with Stuff? My understanding is that a character with a positive balance of Stuff is well-regarded.

Silver Crusade

I have three very good submtions so far, once I get to 4 or 5 I'll start setting you in your world in game play, you will know nothing of each other at start of play,

There will be an event, then bidding, then true play will start.

Silver Crusade

ok 3 solids

Silver Crusade

Ok Game play is open as well as Discussion.

I would like

Nuuskamuikkunen -> Chris Mortika
Severus -> Jedric101
Unknown as yet Hero-> ChromaticDragon

To head over and if you so wish start to roll play your PC in their Gossamer world. Not under spoiler but open. If you wish to pass something to me outside of that, please do so V PM.

I trust you all not to meta game.

Remember your PC knows nothing outside of their own world, movement between Gossamer worlds can only be done V a door out the Grand Stair and a door back in to another Gossamer world. none of you know of this OR can do it yet


Sent a character concept. Let me know if you need anything else.

Have you decided to use your house rules for attributes or the book rules?

Silver Crusade

Pookaking wrote:

Sent a character concept. Let me know if you need anything else.

Have you decided to use your house rules for attributes or the book rules?

Yes Pookaking just read it, OK you player four.

Head over to game play.

Also I will be using a new Game Mechanic

And gives more then just PvP and combat meaning to powers and ranks.

Its this GOSSAMER worlds
Will have their own budget of points with which to
build the world and its Attributes and quality's.

Attribute and resistance Values

Eidolon: +/- 0-100 points
Umbra: +/- 0-100 points
Shadow: +/- 0-100 points

What the three main GOSSAMER world Attribute and Inhibitors Values represent and do. Every GOSSAMER world as a value setting for each of the three.

World that are physics's based, change slowly over a very long time like ours has a set yo like this.

Eidolon: +75 / -25 points
Umbra: +25 /-75 points
Shadow: +2 /-98 points

This means our GOSSAMER world/Cosmos is stable, long lasting with only a taint of shadow.

What this means, for players?.
Well the Value that is important is the (-)
Eidolon -10
Umbra -90
Shadow -98

A player who has points points to get Eidolon 30 can use there Eidolon ability's and powers in our cosmos, there is little resistance to there powers. They can affect a wide area and do much.

But a PC however who has spent 55 points on Umbra would find it hard to do things with their Umbra powers and ability's, they would find 35 points of resistance. They would find they could do very little, just some localized stuff and it would be short lived.

The same with Shadow taint.

The next thing a GOSSAMER world has points in.

Good Stuff:
Bad stuff:

but this time the closer you are to matching the point score per area the more in tune to the GOSSAMER world, to much above or below and you start to hit resistance.

So think about that when you bidding, not all low bids are bed, you find a world your low bit is a-tuned to and you can do things other even more powerful cant.

So every bid could count, given the right GOSSAMER world

Then Normally you Home World have the same Values as you, give or take a few points.

Re the Domains - I think you need to edit the numbers boss. The negative side figures don't match the summary lower down

Quick questions:
1. Same thread for all PCs?

2. I just jump in and post Varus' location and situation?

Silver Crusade

yep all good, upps

Are you still accepting characters for this? I think I've got a decent one in mind but I want to check before writing it all out for submission.

Silver Crusade

there are 2 slots left. So yep

Jonny...Panic wrote:

...World that are physics's based, change slowly over a very long time like ours has a set yo like this.

Eidolon: +75 / -25 points
Umbra: +25 /-75 points
Shadow: +2 /-98 points

This means our GOSSAMER world/Cosmos is stable, long lasting with only a taint of shadow.

What this means, for players?.
Well the Value that is important is the (-)
Eidolon -10
Umbra -90
Shadow -98

A player who has points points to get Eidolon 30 can use there Eidolon ability's and powers in our cosmos, there is little resistance to there powers. They can affect a wide area and do much.

But a PC however who has spent 55 points on Umbra would find it hard to do things with their Umbra powers and ability's, they would find 35 points of resistance. They would find they could do very little, just some localized stuff and it would be short lived...

Should the first set of numbers be:

Eidolon: +90 / -10 points
Umbra: +10 /-90 points
Shadow: +2 /-98 points

Silver Crusade

Eidolon: +90 / -10 points
Umbra: +10 /-90 points
Shadow: +2 /-98 points


I edited and did not pass it on to the second set, but you get the idea.

If you have paid for a GOSSAMER world/Cosmos you set the stats for it
They should match your PCs as close as you can get them

Step 1: Are you Interested?:
Step 2: Your PCs Concept:

1A: Personality
[Motivations, aims and goals, Think a hero's journey where are they going, points of personal conflict.]
Desperate to save his family only to lose them. Consumed with time and time travel to repair his damaged life
1B: Description
[How dos your PC look, how dos their stuff look, you have a star ship, sports car or flying house, what dos it look like, what dos it do?]
I'm not sure. I plan on him being originally from Atlantis before ascending to the staircase. So blonde human male, about 40 years, healthy, ancient Grecian clothing.
1C: Personal History
[Think hero's journey, where are they from - Link to Personality]
He was a documentation psy who recorded historical and scientific information in crystal matrices using his mind. He gets caught up in the singularity disaster. The atlantians scientist who harnessed a miniature black hole for an unlimited power source, which inevitability failed. While recording info, he works out the disaster is not far off. Our hero unsuccessfully tried to save his wife and child.
1D: Enemies and Rivals
Sars Demin. The guy who derailed our heros career as a scientist, and stole his theories.
Palonias Granis. The arbitor (president) who won't listen to his warnings
His father, who was violently abusive to him as a child

1E: The Precious Things.
[List any loves or things your PC counts a Precious to them, minimum 3]
Once that's done then Step 3
His Wife, Daughter, and his psi focus crystal

Step 3: World/cosmos of Origin:

3A: Description
[Like Our world, magic world, Sifi world. what's its Level of tech, population, races etc]
Atlantis, earth ancient past
3B: Key locations
[The holy city, The Empire world, the magic wood, Minimum 5 Locations]
Greece, Egypt, India, Atlantis, Atlantian colony in Antarctica
3C: Races
[Just Humans, all kinds, magic Cats, fay, Robots, thinking Black holes, just the key ones will do]
Just Humans
3D: Danger
[Something bad is going on, war, plague, the end of days, evil AI's, there is a clear and present danger, what is it.]
Singularity Disaster
Now short step 4
Step 4 Short PC Bios:

4A 3 words
[Describe your PC in 3 words.]
Smart, broken, driven
4B 100 words.
[100 words or less as a short Bio of your PC]

The PC has/will become obsessed with time travel. He is fully consumed with repairing what once went wrong. I'm not sure where we will be in the timeline when we start. Prior to the disaster. He is desperate to avert the disaster he sees coming. He feels a little like Cassandra, who know the future, but no one will listen to him. His inability to stop the disaster turns to escape. He moves from desperate to frantic, as he tries to save his family, and time shrinks to inevitability.

Last of all Stap 5

Step 5: All about you:
5A A fow words about you as a player.
[how do you like to play, what kind of things do you like to do, what other games have you played]
I've played d&d in some form for close to 30 years. I recently (a year ago) came to the message boards, after a long lived virtual table top game petered out(10 Years). I do like the tactical aspects of path finder. But I equally like Roleplaying and puzzles. If this game pushes us deeper into solving mysteries, I'll be happy.
5B A fow words about what you wish to see in the game.
[What are you looking for in a game, what do you like from your GM?]
I kinda answered the first part already. From GMs, I like details and description. I especially like engaging NPCs

Silver Crusade

OK like it

Send me a PM with your 100 point spend, and make an alt as per the institutions posted here.

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Current Characters

Previous Characters

The Exchange Chris Mortika

(9,851 posts)

(5 posts)
Silver Crusade Johnny_Panic

(486 posts)


(7 posts)
Vance*The Void* Hurst

Female Half Elve Witch 1
(57 posts)
Mage Slayer
Klang Slaughter

HP 46/49 | AC 23 | T 18 | FF 16 | CMD 20 | Fort +13 | Ref +11 | Will +14 | Init +4 | Perc +11
played by LitanyOfCurses (27 posts)

Male Augmented human

played by Chris Mortika (32 posts)
Ezer Hazzebaim
Severus Caelio

played by Jedric101 (61 posts)
Haughty Avenger
The Splinted Goddess


played by Johnny_Panic (20 posts)

Female Skorvid/Darkling

played by Pookaking (17 posts)