Lord Zekk's First Steps (Inactive)

Game Master Lord Zekk


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Liberty's Edge

M Aasimar Warpriest of Milani 9 | HP 59 | AC 24 | T 17 | FF 18 AC 23 | T 17 | FF 17 | CMD 26 (27 vs grapple) | Fort +10 | Ref +12 | Will +12 | Init +7 | Perc +13

Name: Aeris Calistrel
Player Name: Khelreddin
PFS#: 80015-4
Faction: Liberty's Edge

Thanks very much for running this, Zekk.

Silver Crusade

Female Half-Orc (Varisian) Paladin 4 | HP 6/35 | AC 17:10:17 | Fortitude +8 Reflex +5 Will +8 | Perception 1 Sense Motive 6

"It's been a pleasure working with you all," bids her companions a fond farewell (including the GM), Zlata heads out of the city to recuperate from her brush with death.

Name: Zlata
Player Name: Karrion
PFS#: 125832-2
Faction: Silver Crusade
Day Job (Profession (farmer)): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6

Silver Crusade

Female Aasimar (human) Monk/1
HP 7/9; AC 16, 16, 14 ; F+3, R+4, W+6; Init +2; Per +8; CMD +19

Thanks everyone. GG.

Name: Arcana Accipitridae
Player Name: Alex
PFS#: 129922-8
Faction: Silver Crusade
Profession(Merchant): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21

Dark Archive

I have everyone's info. I'll have the chronicle sheets to you soon. Just got caught up with some work.

Dark Archive

Tiefling Barbarian 1 / Sorcerer 4 / Dragon Disciple 4 | HP 87/87 | AC 20 [24 shield]; Tch 12 ; FF 18 | F +10; R +6; W +7 | CMB+14; CMD 25 | Speed 40 ft | Init +6 | Bite: +14 (1d6+13/19-20) | Perc +11

Thanks again!!! It was a pleasure running this with everyone!

Liberty's Edge

M Aasimar Warpriest of Milani 9 | HP 59 | AC 24 | T 17 | FF 18 AC 23 | T 17 | FF 17 | CMD 26 (27 vs grapple) | Fort +10 | Ref +12 | Will +12 | Init +7 | Perc +13

Hey Zekk - when can we expect chronicles? I've got Aeris set to play in PbP gameday, and I'd like to get him updated before that starts.

Dark Archive

Writhing the next 24 hours. You have it in time.

Dark Archive

Thank you for playing and tolerating my slow pace. The session has been reported and I have messaged you links for your chronicle sheets. Just in case here they are once again. If there are any mistakes please let me know.





Liberty's Edge

M Aasimar Warpriest of Milani 9 | HP 59 | AC 24 | T 17 | FF 18 AC 23 | T 17 | FF 17 | CMD 26 (27 vs grapple) | Fort +10 | Ref +12 | Will +12 | Init +7 | Perc +13

Thanks again for running, Zekk. The chronicles don't have the fame section filled in. Did we get both prestige points?

Male Half Orc Ranger/4 (Urban) (HP 41/41 | AC/T/F:14/14/14 | CMB +7 | CMD:21 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+7 | Will:+5 | Init:+3 | Per+11 | Stl+10 | Climb+8 | DD+10| Handle Animal +6 | Heal+8 | Int +10 | K(Dung/Geo/Local)+4 | Ride+7| Surv+11 | Swim+8

I filled it in reporting and seem to have missed that in the sheets. I'll have new ones for you in bit, you can use these till then.

Yes you all receive 2 PP

-Posted with Wayfinder

Silver Crusade

Female Aasimar (human) Monk/1
HP 7/9; AC 16, 16, 14 ; F+3, R+4, W+6; Init +2; Per +8; CMD +19

Thanks again everyone.

Dark Archive

Tiefling Barbarian 1 / Sorcerer 4 / Dragon Disciple 4 | HP 87/87 | AC 20 [24 shield]; Tch 12 ; FF 18 | F +10; R +6; W +7 | CMB+14; CMD 25 | Speed 40 ft | Init +6 | Bite: +14 (1d6+13/19-20) | Perc +11

Can we deactivate this thread now, please? :)

Thanks again!

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