Lord Zekk's First Steps (Inactive)

Game Master Lord Zekk


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Dark Archive

Aeris inspects the crane and realises that with some of the odd tools and materials lying around the warehouse they could get the crane to work without too much trouble.

The crane can be used to move the crate to the side or lower it into hole below to a waiting boat.

You plan sounds good. A couple of you work on the crane while the other two work on the boat. I will require a DC 10 Knowledge Engineering check for you guys to figure out how to get the crane working effectively. The check can be made untrained.

Silver Crusade

Female Aasimar (human) Monk/1
HP 7/9; AC 16, 16, 14 ; F+3, R+4, W+6; Init +2; Per +8; CMD +19

Know Engineering: 1d20 ⇒ 18

"Lucky for you guys I am the smartest monk in the world."

Liberty's Edge

M Aasimar Warpriest of Milani 9 | HP 59 | AC 24 | T 17 | FF 18 AC 23 | T 17 | FF 17 | CMD 26 (27 vs grapple) | Fort +10 | Ref +12 | Will +12 | Init +7 | Perc +13

Knowledge (engineering): 1d20 ⇒ 9

Aeris studies the crane a bit more, muttering a bit. "If we hitch that doodad up to the thingy there, we might be able to get the crane to shimmy-slide along that raily bit. But it looks like the framistat at the end has a busted flange. Anyone have any ideas how we could rig up the end of this doohickey?"

A little Aid, anyone?

Dark Archive

Tiefling Barbarian 1 / Sorcerer 4 / Dragon Disciple 4 | HP 87/87 | AC 20 [24 shield]; Tch 12 ; FF 18 | F +10; R +6; W +7 | CMB+14; CMD 25 | Speed 40 ft | Init +6 | Bite: +14 (1d6+13/19-20) | Perc +11

Insidion thinks about what he's heard of cranes.

"You forgot about the thingamajig, right there," he says to Aeris.

knowledge engineering assist: 1d20 ⇒ 10

Dark Archive

I don't believe you can assist with knowledge but I'll take that as your roll. I'm going to wait to give Zlata a chance to post in the meanwhile you guys can post and role play this a bit if you like. Arcana has very clear understanding about how the crane can be made to work and operated, Insidion just about knows how to get it done and Aeris thinks he knows how to do it, but clearly it doesn't all add up. I'll be back in 6-8 with the next step.

Silver Crusade

Female Aasimar (human) Monk/1
HP 7/9; AC 16, 16, 14 ; F+3, R+4, W+6; Init +2; Per +8; CMD +19

Arcana spreads her wings, making sure to hit Aeris with one."Stop talkin' guys you don't know what you're talkin' about! I happen to be quite knowledgeable in such things as these. Someone get the boat."

Silver Crusade

Female Half-Orc (Varisian) Paladin 4 | HP 6/35 | AC 17:10:17 | Fortitude +8 Reflex +5 Will +8 | Perception 1 Sense Motive 6

Zlata chuckles to herself at Aeris's attempt to decipher the mechanism. Reminds me of the men back in Urghai standing around a broken plough, pretending to know how to fix it, she thinks with a pang of sadness.

"I think you boys better listen to Arc, she seems to know what she's doing," she says teasingly. "I'll see what I can do with that boat."

She exits the warehouse and checks out the boat (if there aren't any ours she'll try to improvise with some of the detritus in the warehouse), and once satisfied that it's serviceable climbs in and moves into position beneath the hole in the floor.

I'm not sure what kind of skill check would apply to navigating a small boat, but I'll take 20 on whatever it is ;-)

Dark Archive

Arcana explains the workings of the crane and how to go about getting crate moved safely while Zlata with a little bit work finds that she is quite skilled at maneuvering the little craft.

Aeris sees the logic of Arcana's explanation which is backed up by Insidion.

Unfortunately the mechanism of the crane is to damage to put the box down in the warehouse but they are able to safely lower it into the boat where Zlata awaits.

With a fair bit of ingenuity and a good bit of teamwork the pathfinders are able to get the crate to safety. The rescued crate holds a smaller mahogany box inside, which contains five books and a few loose sheets of paper in a leather folder. The titles and subjects seem completely unrelated to each other: Practical Thaumaturgy In Accordance with Creation, Geographic Anomalies of the Inner Sea, Under Kaer Maga: A Trial and Travel, Physiology of Dragons: An Illustrated Reference, Lost Sarusan. The leather folder contains cargo manifestos, warehouse inventories, and other financial logs from a dozen different merchant houses and trade guilds.

The crate also contains 10 sets of masterwork thieves’ tools, three flasks of alchemist’s fire, a flask of acid, a dozen jars of various inks, a footprint book, adamantine weapon blanch, three bags of powder, a deck of marked cards, and two sets of average loaded dice.

Dark Archive

Tiefling Barbarian 1 / Sorcerer 4 / Dragon Disciple 4 | HP 87/87 | AC 20 [24 shield]; Tch 12 ; FF 18 | F +10; R +6; W +7 | CMB+14; CMD 25 | Speed 40 ft | Init +6 | Bite: +14 (1d6+13/19-20) | Perc +11

Insidion rummages through the crates.

"Not the most valuable cargo," he muses. "Still, they said the rest of these crates will be confiscated...may as well go through them, too." he adds.

The tiefling begins searching the rest of the warehouse crates for anything interesting, but mainly seems to be having fun breaking crates open and causing wanton destruction.

perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

Liberty's Edge

M Aasimar Warpriest of Milani 9 | HP 59 | AC 24 | T 17 | FF 18 AC 23 | T 17 | FF 17 | CMD 26 (27 vs grapple) | Fort +10 | Ref +12 | Will +12 | Init +7 | Perc +13

"A funny collection of stuff to ship with some old books," comments Aeris, "whoever packed this crate was either expecting trouble or looking to cause some. I guess we should haul it all with us and get on with our to-do list." He pockets a flask of alchemist's fire and puts a portion of the other items in his backpack, waiting for the others to collect the rest.

"Okay, looks like it's time to collect some medicine and deliver it to some orphans. Sounds pretty straightforward. Let's go."

Silver Crusade

Female Aasimar (human) Monk/1
HP 7/9; AC 16, 16, 14 ; F+3, R+4, W+6; Init +2; Per +8; CMD +19

"Huh. Maybe it's better whoever this was intended for didn't get it." Arcana takes the acid flask and jars of ink.

Silver Crusade

Female Half-Orc (Varisian) Paladin 4 | HP 6/35 | AC 17:10:17 | Fortitude +8 Reflex +5 Will +8 | Perception 1 Sense Motive 6

Zlata looks with distaste at the theive's tools, but takes a flask of alchemist's fire and a bag of powder. "I think you're right; still, some of this could be useful. Let's get these books to that shady merchant and move on."

Dark Archive

Tiefling Barbarian 1 / Sorcerer 4 / Dragon Disciple 4 | HP 87/87 | AC 20 [24 shield]; Tch 12 ; FF 18 | F +10; R +6; W +7 | CMB+14; CMD 25 | Speed 40 ft | Init +6 | Bite: +14 (1d6+13/19-20) | Perc +11

Insidion throws any valuables the other party members haven't taken into his backpack.

"Let's drop this off and get on with things," he mutters.

Dark Archive

Off you go. On the way to the the Temple of the Shining Star Arcana senses that someone is following her. She gets a glimpse of a dwarf but before she make any more out or follow the dwarf is gone.

Arriving at the Temple of the Shining Star you are immediately directed to Ollysta Zadrian. This paladin of Sarenrae is young in her years, but holds herself with the poise of a queen and warrior simultaneously. As she notices the your arrival, she strides forward, addressing the group in a strong voice. “Thank the light of Sarenrae you have arrived! I knew Ambrus would come through for us in the Silver Crusade. I desperately need you to bring medicine to an orphanage and let me know if the headmistress, Gilga Baltwin, is deserving of our charity. Since our quest began, the needy have clamored for our aid, and I suspect some are abusing our generosity. It may sound cruel, but there are plenty of dishonest people out in the world eager for easy gold."

“Do you know of the Silver Crusade? After discovering so many factions splintered the Society, a number of us banded together to proliferate the cause of charity and kindness using the Society’s resources. As it is said, ‘The Dawn brings new light’ and I’ve made it my life’s work to use our recent darkness to bring a new light to the world and to the Pathfinder Society. I apologize for straying off point. Will you bring this parcel of medicine to Auntie Baltwin’s Home for Recovery in the
East gate district?”

Silver Crusade

Female Aasimar (human) Monk/1
HP 7/9; AC 16, 16, 14 ; F+3, R+4, W+6; Init +2; Per +8; CMD +19

Arcana salutes the paladin and takes the package. "We will save these orphans and bring Gilga to justice."

Silver Crusade

Female Half-Orc (Varisian) Paladin 4 | HP 6/35 | AC 17:10:17 | Fortitude +8 Reflex +5 Will +8 | Perception 1 Sense Motive 6

Zlata approaches her fellow paladin with a gesture of respect. "My lady, I know of your Crusade, and hope to count myself among you. I assure you we will discover the truth and take what action is necessary."

Liberty's Edge

M Aasimar Warpriest of Milani 9 | HP 59 | AC 24 | T 17 | FF 18 AC 23 | T 17 | FF 17 | CMD 26 (27 vs grapple) | Fort +10 | Ref +12 | Will +12 | Init +7 | Perc +13

"We'll bring her to justice," comments Aeris, "if justice is what she needs. We've no idea if she's done anything, right?"

Without really needing an answer, he moves off toward the orphanage.

Do we still need to deliver the goods to the Pickled Imp, or is that task considered complete at this point?

Dark Archive

The Pickled Imp is considered completed. You have delivered the books.

Ollysta Zadrian smiles recognizing the another Paladin in her midst. Addressing Aeris she answers saying, "We are only concerned if the resources are being used for the purpose they are given. Your mission is to uncover whether it is so. At this point I have no particular reason to suspect Auntie Baltwin."

"If that is all I suggest you set off. May Sarenrae smile upon you all."


On the way to orphanage you may you try to ask around about Auntie Baltwin and try to recall what you have heard about her.

You may make Knowledge Local and Diplomacy Rolls

DC 10::
Miltivis, who runs a nearby market, claims he’s served Auntie Baltwin for over 30 years, and while a good customer, she is quite demanding and often rude to the other customers. He says she’s kept his supplier of fine whiskeys in business for decades.

DC 15::
Gilga Baltwin’s neighbors Travost and Tirelle Anthos are frankly tired of the noises the children make and the retinue of cats—though they do appreciate the latter’s mousing skills. They admit to being happy when Auntie Baltwin sends the children “off into the town” during the day, as it gives them a few hours of peace and quiet before they return in the evening.

DC 20::
At the estate across the street, Master Trebb Bonto, a retired builder, says nothing but nice things of Lady Baltwin, as he calls her. He recounts tales of tea and games on the sitting porch, though if pressed, he lets slip that she often cheats at games and sometimes had some shady characters coming to whisper in her ear and palm her small bags of what might have been money before slinking away. “Otherwise a fine lady, indeed.” he quickly adds.

Liberty's Edge

M Aasimar Warpriest of Milani 9 | HP 59 | AC 24 | T 17 | FF 18 AC 23 | T 17 | FF 17 | CMD 26 (27 vs grapple) | Fort +10 | Ref +12 | Will +12 | Init +7 | Perc +13

Diplomacy: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (14) - 1 = 13

Aeris stops at a market near the orphanage to buy a snack and gets to chatting with Miltivis, the proprietor. Still chewing on the last bites of a kebab as he comes back to the group, he says, "Turns out Auntie Baltwin shops there too, though she's not the most beloved of customers - demanding, and often rude to others in the shop. Sounds like she doesn't mind a sip or two, either. She's kept Miltivis' high-end whiskey supplier in business for decades."

Silver Crusade

Female Aasimar (human) Monk/1
HP 7/9; AC 16, 16, 14 ; F+3, R+4, W+6; Init +2; Per +8; CMD +19

Diplomacy: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (16) - 2 = 14

"Well, kids are pretty annoying."

Silver Crusade

Female Half-Orc (Varisian) Paladin 4 | HP 6/35 | AC 17:10:17 | Fortitude +8 Reflex +5 Will +8 | Perception 1 Sense Motive 6

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

"So are some of these citizens," replied Zlata, her exasperation clear in her voice. "When I ask them anything they just seem to mutter something noncommittal and hurry away as if they're scared of me."

Dark Archive

Insidion, you can still make your roll.

You all have also heard that, Auntie Baltwin’s Home for Recovery is known for being a place where sick kids go to get better, and the results seem amazing. Some people claim the place looks odd because people are always coming and going, sometimes taking kids with them. Auntie Baltwin has always played that off as their parents taking them home. A few of the
kids come and go throughout the day, especially children that are now well, but have nowhere else to go.

Nearly swarming with cats and children, this fine upper-class home appears to be clean and in good condition considering the number and ages of its inhabitants. Three young boys shoot marbles in the dirt near the side porch, and inside strewn toys and more cats lie about on the floors. A few children take care of chores, while coughs and sneezes softly erupt from the children’s dormitories upstairs.

You're at the house, let me know what you'll do now.

Dark Archive

Tiefling Barbarian 1 / Sorcerer 4 / Dragon Disciple 4 | HP 87/87 | AC 20 [24 shield]; Tch 12 ; FF 18 | F +10; R +6; W +7 | CMB+14; CMD 25 | Speed 40 ft | Init +6 | Bite: +14 (1d6+13/19-20) | Perc +11

diplomacy: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14
knowledge local (untrained): 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (18) + 0 = 18

Though not entirely unskilled in twisting words to his advantage, Insidion is able to determine all that much about 'Auntie Baltwin.'

Silver Crusade

Female Aasimar (human) Monk/1
HP 7/9; AC 16, 16, 14 ; F+3, R+4, W+6; Init +2; Per +8; CMD +19

Arcana kneels by the boys in the dirt and smiles at them, her wings splayed out to either side of her. "Hi, guys. Whatcha' up to?"

Dark Archive

Tiefling Barbarian 1 / Sorcerer 4 / Dragon Disciple 4 | HP 87/87 | AC 20 [24 shield]; Tch 12 ; FF 18 | F +10; R +6; W +7 | CMB+14; CMD 25 | Speed 40 ft | Init +6 | Bite: +14 (1d6+13/19-20) | Perc +11

Kids! Scare them and make them run!

Yeah, that would be really helpful to the mission.

Insidion tries not to get too close, knowing his appearance might unnerve the boys.

diplomacy aid another: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11

Liberty's Edge

M Aasimar Warpriest of Milani 9 | HP 59 | AC 24 | T 17 | FF 18 AC 23 | T 17 | FF 17 | CMD 26 (27 vs grapple) | Fort +10 | Ref +12 | Will +12 | Init +7 | Perc +13

Aeris glides past his companions as they speak to the children, nodding his head at the door to indicate that's where he's going. Once inside, he moves as unobtrusively as possible into the house to take a look around before Auntie Baltwin knows they're here.

Stealth: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16

Dark Archive

The most you know is upto the DC 15, though you will still need to a bit of investigating to know whether to trust Gilga Baltwin.

Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23

One of the boys responds to Arcana, "Just playing. Whatcha upto?" The children don't seem to be afraid of Insidion and a few watch him with fascination.

Aeris attempts to enter the house discretely but a bell rings as soon as the door open and he is greeted by Auntie Gilga Baltwin.

lady Baltwin says eyeing Aasimar with suspicious interest, "Good day, how may I help you?"

If you look around the room you notice a very nice living room which quite expensively decorated, though not opulent and in nearly immaculate condition with the exception of a few children's toys here and there. A fire burns in the fireplace and there are a inviting sofas nearby.

Please give me a heal check as you interact with Lady Baltwin.

Liberty's Edge

M Aasimar Warpriest of Milani 9 | HP 59 | AC 24 | T 17 | FF 18 AC 23 | T 17 | FF 17 | CMD 26 (27 vs grapple) | Fort +10 | Ref +12 | Will +12 | Init +7 | Perc +13

Heal: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

"Oh, hello," Aeris responds, "are you Auntie Baltwin? What a nice place you have here. My companions are outside, we've got a package for you." He turns and moves back out the door, as if that had been his intent all along.

Silver Crusade

Female Aasimar (human) Monk/1
HP 7/9; AC 16, 16, 14 ; F+3, R+4, W+6; Init +2; Per +8; CMD +19

"Mmmh, nothin'. Just lookin' around. What goes on around here? You guys live here?"

Dark Archive

The kids look to one another for a moment unsure what to say. Give me a diplomacy check Arcana

"A package, what package? she says confused for a moment. Suddenly remembering she beams, "Oh yea, the medicines for the children, we've been running low. Oh these are just in time thank you. These will come to good use. You can set it down over there. That's a a good fellow." She motions towards a spot in the corner.

Silver Crusade

Female Aasimar (human) Monk/1
HP 7/9; AC 16, 16, 14 ; F+3, R+4, W+6; Init +2; Per +8; CMD +19

Diplo: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (12) - 2 = 10

Dark Archive

Tiefling Barbarian 1 / Sorcerer 4 / Dragon Disciple 4 | HP 87/87 | AC 20 [24 shield]; Tch 12 ; FF 18 | F +10; R +6; W +7 | CMB+14; CMD 25 | Speed 40 ft | Init +6 | Bite: +14 (1d6+13/19-20) | Perc +11

Insidion moves toward Aeris, not wanting anyone to be too far away from the group.

Silver Crusade

Female Half-Orc (Varisian) Paladin 4 | HP 6/35 | AC 17:10:17 | Fortitude +8 Reflex +5 Will +8 | Perception 1 Sense Motive 6

Heal: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25

Zlata steps up to Auntie Baltwin and introduces herself. "It's so good of you to be helping these children in their time of need. Losing one's family is... difficult, and some people would be tempted to take advantage of that."

As she speaks, she attempts to gauge the woman's reaction. Detect Evil, Sense Motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17

Dark Archive

The child smiles at you and runs off with his friends.

You remember from paladin school that you cannot detect the aura of those of a level below 4 HD.

DC 12 Heal Check:
 You can  spot  broken  blood  vessels  in  the  eyes  and nose,  shaky  hands,  glassy  eyes,  and  a  fine  sheen  of  sweat on  the  woman.

Everyone make a perception check as you enter the house.

Aunie Baltwin says to Zlata "Yes, that is a reality of the world we live in. But thank you for the supplies. They will be most useful. I am grateful that you brought them. You place them over there and leave. Please send my thanks to Ollysta  Zadrian."

1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9

Dark Archive

Tiefling Barbarian 1 / Sorcerer 4 / Dragon Disciple 4 | HP 87/87 | AC 20 [24 shield]; Tch 12 ; FF 18 | F +10; R +6; W +7 | CMB+14; CMD 25 | Speed 40 ft | Init +6 | Bite: +14 (1d6+13/19-20) | Perc +11

Insidion looks around, but doesn't see anything interesting.

Let's just deliver the goods for all the poor, wretched little orphans and get out of here.

Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9

Liberty's Edge

M Aasimar Warpriest of Milani 9 | HP 59 | AC 24 | T 17 | FF 18 AC 23 | T 17 | FF 17 | CMD 26 (27 vs grapple) | Fort +10 | Ref +12 | Will +12 | Init +7 | Perc +13

Heal: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14

Aeris's eyes narrow for a moment as he takes a closer look at Auntie Baltwin, then he quickly turns his head and looks around as if admiring the decor. She looks like an addict of some kind! Broken blood vessels in her eyes and nose, her hands shake, her eyes are glassy and she's sweating. I wonder how she'll react if we delay in giving her the medications? Could she be somehow hooked on them?

He makes no move to set down the medication as she asks, instead engaging her in conversation and observing her closely. "How do you keep this place so clean with all the children about? I had an uncle, a very educated man, who always referred to children as 'agents of entropy' - I don't know exactly what he meant, but I understood it to mean that they spread chaos everywhere. There's no evidence of that here, how do you manage it?"

Dark Archive

Someone can aid Aeris in his perception check if they like

Auntie Baltwin blushes at the compliment and replies "Oh you know it isn't easy, the little ones are quite the handful and sometimes I think it's just too much. Why don't you put the medicines over there and let me make you all some tea as a thank you for dropping these off."

Auntie Baltwin leads them into the sitting area and head into the kitchen all the while chatting. "I'm sorry, I didn't quite get your names."

She doesn't seem to be lying but you get the feeling she isn't being completely honest either.

Silver Crusade

Female Aasimar (human) Monk/1
HP 7/9; AC 16, 16, 14 ; F+3, R+4, W+6; Init +2; Per +8; CMD +19

Arcana enters the house.
perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
She joins the others, holding the medicine package to her chest.
"I am Arcana, Pathfinder agent at your service."
Sense motive: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23

Dark Archive

Well it's very nice to meet you all. You are such good souls to bring this medicine. My stocks have been running low."

She comes out of the kitchen with a tray of tea cups and a kettle. She pours out the tea and offers it to you.

Perception DC 15:
You notice Auntie Baltwin slipping some liquid in her own tea though you are unable to discern what it is.

Silver Crusade

Female Half-Orc (Varisian) Paladin 4 | HP 6/35 | AC 17:10:17 | Fortitude +8 Reflex +5 Will +8 | Perception 1 Sense Motive 6

Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20

"Thanks for the tea," Zlata says, "though I usually drink something stronger." As she emphasises the last word, she inclines her head slightly with a glance from Arcana to Baltwin's cup, hoping her friend will take the hint.

"And you manage this place all on your own? Or do you have others to help you?"

Dark Archive

Tiefling Barbarian 1 / Sorcerer 4 / Dragon Disciple 4 | HP 87/87 | AC 20 [24 shield]; Tch 12 ; FF 18 | F +10; R +6; W +7 | CMB+14; CMD 25 | Speed 40 ft | Init +6 | Bite: +14 (1d6+13/19-20) | Perc +11

Insidion notices the woman adding something to her tea.

No wonder the orphans are so pathetic.

He doesn't need to hear your commentary all the time, infernal wretch!

Insidion shakes his head of distraction, then moves discreetly to Auntie Baltwin and whispers to her.

"I always like to spice mine up, too," Insidion says as he holds out his cup.

perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19

diplomacy: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15

Liberty's Edge

M Aasimar Warpriest of Milani 9 | HP 59 | AC 24 | T 17 | FF 18 AC 23 | T 17 | FF 17 | CMD 26 (27 vs grapple) | Fort +10 | Ref +12 | Will +12 | Init +7 | Perc +13

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21

Aeris notices the woman doctoring her tea as well. One eyebrow rises up when Insidion asks for a bit for himself, and Aeris awaits Auntie Baltwin's reply with great curiousity.

Dark Archive

"Well it's nice to know you pathfinders know how to take it easy. I suppose your line of work is as stressful as well. Here you go my lovelies."

Auntie Baltwin adds a bit of whiskey into your tea cups. "There you go. I think you'll enjoy it quite a bit more now." she says with a smile.

Dark Archive

Tiefling Barbarian 1 / Sorcerer 4 / Dragon Disciple 4 | HP 87/87 | AC 20 [24 shield]; Tch 12 ; FF 18 | F +10; R +6; W +7 | CMB+14; CMD 25 | Speed 40 ft | Init +6 | Bite: +14 (1d6+13/19-20) | Perc +11

Insidion downs the scalding tea in one quick drink, his teifling resistance making the hot liquid like a warm bath.

"Much better," he says. "Now we can talk business."

Dark Archive

Is everyone still around? Come one, clearly seems like there is something dodgy that might be going or more. You lot got what it takes to figure it out?

Autie Baltwin smiles. "Now I must really be getting back to my duties. Lots to do you know. Thanks for stopping by. Come again sometime." She stands and starts to go upstairs with the box of medicines.

Silver Crusade

Female Aasimar (human) Monk/1
HP 7/9; AC 16, 16, 14 ; F+3, R+4, W+6; Init +2; Per +8; CMD +19

Sorry, I'm sick. Did my sense motive check earlier get anything?

Silver Crusade

Female Half-Orc (Varisian) Paladin 4 | HP 6/35 | AC 17:10:17 | Fortitude +8 Reflex +5 Will +8 | Perception 1 Sense Motive 6

"Now, wait a second. I have nothing against a drink at the end of a day's toil, but never while on duty." Drawing herself up to her full height, the half-orc confronts Baltwin, "And being drunk while looking after children? That would... upset me. Are these medicines we've brought you really for the children, or to ease your hangover?"

Intimidate: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18

Liberty's Edge

M Aasimar Warpriest of Milani 9 | HP 59 | AC 24 | T 17 | FF 18 AC 23 | T 17 | FF 17 | CMD 26 (27 vs grapple) | Fort +10 | Ref +12 | Will +12 | Init +7 | Perc +13

Sorry for the absence, all. Was at a local con and very busy. I usually post beforehand about such absences, and failed to do so this time.

Aeris takes an appreciate sniff of the steam wafting off his tea cup, the whiskey infused in it giving it a pleasant smokiness. When Zlata begins accusing the matron of the orphanage, Aeris thinks, Uh-oh, not sure that's going to help the situation. But I might as well do what I can to make it work...

He stands and looks at Auntie Baltwin with his ferocious raptor eyes, saying, "She's right, that's no way to care for children! Maybe we should take a look around and make sure they're getting the care they need!"

Intimidate, Aid Zlata: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14

Dark Archive

Tiefling Barbarian 1 / Sorcerer 4 / Dragon Disciple 4 | HP 87/87 | AC 20 [24 shield]; Tch 12 ; FF 18 | F +10; R +6; W +7 | CMB+14; CMD 25 | Speed 40 ft | Init +6 | Bite: +14 (1d6+13/19-20) | Perc +11

Bah! Just like a bunch of righteous paladins and aasimar to go all goody-two-shoes! I was about to propose something a lot more...subtle.

I'm inclined to agree with you this time, demon.

Insidion rolls his eyes.

Dark Archive

"What? Dealing with these children is pretty difficult work you know. They go on all day long non-stop. This just helps a little. And no, why on early would I want to consume medicines. Do I look like I need healing? You better watch yourselves otherwise I"m going to call the town guard. You have no right to go through my house. I'm going to have to report you unless you leave right away."

She seems quite serious and you could end up in trouble with the guard if you don't proceed carefully.

She suddenly notices Arcana's injuries, "Oh you poor thing, still not feeling better here let me help with that." she does something which you think might be magical and Arcana is back up to full HP.

Arcana you know the same thing as Zlata. She doesn't seem to be lying though you don't think she is being completely honest.

Spellcraft checks if anyone can make them to identify what she did.

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