Irabeth Tirabade

Zlata's page

201 posts. Organized Play character for Karrion.

Full Name



Half-Orc (Varisian)


Paladin 4 | HP 6/35 | AC 17:10:17 | Fortitude +8 Reflex +5 Will +8 | Perception 1 Sense Motive 6








Lawful Good




Common, Gnoll, Orc, Varisian



Strength 18
Dexterity 11
Constitution 13
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 12
Charisma 14

About Zlata

Zlata is tall and stout, with golden hair and dark amber eyes. She wears banded mail and wields a scythe. Zlata is pious and mischievous.


Zlata was born in the small farming community of Urghai in western Lastwall, near the border with the southernmost portion of the Hold of Belkzen. Formed by refugees from both sides of the conflict, along with a group of Erastilian missionaries from Varisia, this small settlment of humans, orcs and half orcs escaped the war for generations, until a few years ago when a band of orc raiders wiped the settlement out.

Even as a child, Zlata struggled to reconcile her impulsive, mischevious nature with her devotion to he family and community. On the day Urghai was attacked, she had shirked her work harvesting the fields to go hunting alone. She returned to devastation; too late to save her family from slaughter, she could only witness the raiders methodically destorying everything she had ever known. Zlata tried to hide in a toolshed, but was discovered. The nearest weapon to hand was a scythe, and after fighting off several orcs with it, Zlata fled into the Fangwood. If any others survived the massacre, they were few, and scattered in all directions.

Eventually she made her way to Vigil, where she rededicated herself to her deity and took vows as a Paladin, sworn to defend the innocent and peaceful.

Character Sheet
Str 18 (+4) Dex 11 (+0) Con 13 (+1)
Int 12 (+1) Wis 12 (+1) Cha 14 (+2)

AC 17; 10 touch; 17 flat-footed (10 Base, +7 Armor)
Max HP 35
Fortitude +8 Reflex +5 Will +8
Initiative +0 Perception 1 Sense Motive 6


BAB +4 MAB +8 RAB +4
CMB +8 CMD 18

Masterwork Scythe: 2H +9 2d4+6 crit 20/x4
Dagger: 1H-P +8 1d4+4 1H-O +4 1d4+2 2H +8 1d4+4 2W-P-(OH) +2 1d4+4 2W-P-(OL) +4 1d4+4 2W-OH +0 1d4+2 crit 19-20/x2
Dagger (Thrown): 10' +4 1d4+4 20' +2 1d4+4 30' +0 1d4+4 40' -2 1d4+4 50' -4 1d4+4 crit 19-20/x2
Acid (Flask): 10' +4 1d6 20' +2 1d6 30' +0 1d6 40' -2 1d6 50' -4 1d6 crit 20/x2
Alchemist's Fire (Flask): 10' +4 1d6 20' +2 1d6 30' +0 1d6 40' -2 1d6 50' -4 1d6 crit 20/x2
Holy Water (Flask): 10' +4 2d4 20' +2 2d4 30' +0 2d4 40' -2 2d4 50' -4 2d4 crit 20/x2
Masterwork Longbow: 30' +5 1d8 100' +5 1d8 200' +3 1d8 300' +1 1d8 400' -1 1d8 crit 20/x3
Gauntlet: 1H-P +8 1d3+4 1H-O +4 1d3+2 2H +8 1d3+4 2W-P-(OH) +2 1d3+4 2W-P-(OL) +4 1d3+4 2W-OH +0 1d3+2 crit 20/x2


Class Spell-like Abilities
Detect Evil (Divination): You can sense the presence of evil.
Wayfinder Spell-like Abilities
Light (Evocation): This spell causes a touched object to glow like a torch.

1st-level Paladin Spells (1/day)
Honeyed Tongue: (Transmutation) Roll 2 dice when using Diplomacy, take higher roll.


Skill: Total modifier = Ability modifier + ranks + misc
*Acrobatics: -6 = Dex 0 + 0 + -6
*Appraise: 1 = Int 1 + 0 + 0
*Bluff: 2 = Cha 2 + 0 + 0
*Climb: -2 = Str 4 + 0 + -6
*Craft (Untrained): 1 = Int 1 + 0 + 0
Diplomacy: 8 = Cha 2 + 2 + 4
*Disguise: 2 = Cha 2 + 0 + 0
*Escape Artist: -6 = Dex 0 + 0 + -6
*Fly: -6 = Dex 0 + 0 + -6
Heal: 6 = Wis 1 + 2 + 3
*Intimidate: 4 = Cha 2 + 0 + 2
Knowledge (Nature): 2 = Int 1 + 1 + 0
Knowledge (Planes): 2 = Int 1 + 1 + 0
Knowledge (Religion): 6 = Int 1 + 2 + 3
*Perception: 1 = Wis 1 + 0 + 0
*Perform (Untrained): 2 = Cha 2 + 0 + 0
Profession (Farmer): 5 = Wis 1 + 1 + 3
*Ride: -6 = Dex 0 + 0 + -6
Sense Motive: 6 = Wis 1 + 2 + 3
Spellcraft: 5 = Int 1 + 1 + 3
*Stealth: -6 = Dex 0 + 0 + -6
Survival: 2 = Wis 1 + 1 + 0
*Swim: -2 = Str 4 + 0 + -6
* Untrained


Common, Gnoll, Orc, Varisian

Aldori Dueling Sword, Amentum, Amentum (Javelin), Atlatl, Axe (Boarding), Axe (Orc Double), Axe (Throwing), Bardiche, Battle Aspergillum, Battleaxe, Bayonet, Bec de Corbin, Bill, Blowgun, Boar Spear, Boarding Pike, Brass Knife, Brass Knuckles, Broadsword (Nine Ring), Butterfly Sword, Cat-O'-Nine-Tails, Cestus, Chakram, Club, Crossbow (Heavy), Crossbow (Light), Cutlass, Dagger, Dagger (Chain), Dagger (Punching), Dart, Dogslicer, Double Chicken Saber, Earth Breaker, Falchion, Flail, Flail (Heavy), Gaff, Gauntlet, Gauntlet (Spiked), Gladius, Glaive, Glaive-Guisarme, Grapple, Great Terbutje, Greataxe, Greatclub, Greatsword, Guisarme, Hair, Halberd, Hammer (Light), Handaxe, Hook Hand, Hooked Lance, Horsechopper, Hunga Munga, Iron Brush, Javelin, Jutte, Katana, Kerambit, Klar, Kukri, Lance, Longbow, Longspear, Longsword, Lucerne Hammer, Lungchuan Tamo, Mace (Heavy), Mace (Light), Mattock, Mere Club, Monk's Spade, Morningstar, Naginata, Nodachi, Ogre Hook, Pick (Heavy), Pick (Light), Pilum, Poisoned Sand Tube, Quarterstaff, Ranseur, Rapier, Rhomphaia, Rock, Sansetsukon, Sap, Scimitar, Scizore, Scythe, Sea-Knife, Shang Gou, Shieldbash, Shortbow, Shortspear, Sibat, Sickle, Sling, Spear, Spear (Boar), Spells (Ray), Spells (Touch), Spiked Armor, Splash Weapon, Stake, Starknife, Sword (Bastard), Sword (Short), Sword (Tri-Point Double-Edged), Sword Cane, Tepoztopilli, Terbutje, Tiger Fork, Tonfa, Trident, Tube Arrow Shooter, Unarmed Strike, Underwater Crossbow (Heavy), Underwater Crossbow (Light), War Razor, Waraxe (Dwarven), Warhammer, Wushu Dart

Deft Dodger: Growing up in a rough neighborhood or a dangerous environment has honed your senses.
Erastil's Speaker: You understand the importance of keeping the peace in your community, and you have learned how to speak to the faithful in ways that they understand.

Special Attacks
Channel Positive Energy(2d6, DC 14): You can unleash a wave of positive energy dealing 2d6 (DC 14 for half) /day. You can unleash a wave of positive energy. You must choose to deal 2d6 points of positive energy damage to undead creatures or to heal living creatures of 2d6 points of damage. Creatures that take damage from channeled energy receive a DC 14 Will save to halve the damage. Using this ability consumes two uses of her lay on hands ability.
Smite Evil: You can call out to the powers of good to aid you in your struggle against evil 2 times per day. As a swift action, you choose one target within sight to smite. If this target is evil, you add +2 to your attack rolls and +4 to all damage rolls made against the target of your smite. If the target of Smite Evil is an outsider with the evil subtype, an evil-aligned dragon, or an undead creature, the bonus to damage on the first successful attack increases to +8. Regardless of the target, Smite Evil attacks automatically bypass any DR the creature might possess. In addition, while smite evil is in effect, you gain a +2 deflection bonus to your AC against attacks made by the target of the smite. If you target a creature that is not evil, the smite is wasted with no effect. The Smite Evil effect remains until the target of the smite is dead or the next time you rest and regain your uses of this ability.

Special Qualities
Aura of Courage (Su): You are immune to fear (magical or otherwise).
Aura of Good (Ex): You project a moderate good aura.
Darkvision (Ex): Range 60 ft.; Darkvision is the extraordinary ability to see with no light source at all, out to a range specified for the creature.
Detect Evil (Sp): At will, you can use Detect Evil, as the Spell.
Divine Health (Ex): You are immune to all diseases, including supernatural and magical diseases, including mummy rot.
Intimidating (Ex): Half-orc receive a +2 racial bonus on Intimidate skill checks due to their fearsome nature.
Lay on Hands (Su): You can heal wounds (your own or those of others) by touch.
Orc Blood (Ex): Half-orc count as both humans and orcs for any effect related to race.
Orc Ferocity (Ex): Once per day, when a half-orc is brought below 0 hit points, but not killed, he can fight on for one more round as if disabled.
Sickened (Su): Whenever you use Lay on Hands to heal damage to one target, the target is no longer sickened.
Weapon Familiarity (Ex): Half-orcs are proficient with greataxes and falchions, and treat any weapon with the word "orc" in its name as a martial weapon.

Desperate Battler: Your experiences fighting against numerous foes that have already overwhelmed your allies, friends, and family have forced you to excel at fighting on your own. Gain +1 morale bonus on melee attack and damage when alone.
Power Attack: You can make exceptionally deadly melee attacks by sacrificing accuracy for strength.

Pathfinder Society:

PFS #125832-2
Faction: Silver Crusade

The Confirmation
The Technic Siege
First Steps Part I: In Service to the Lore
The Wounded Wisp
The Citadel of Flame
Shades of Ice, Part I: Written in Blood
Shades of Ice, Part II: Exiles of Winter
Shades of Ice, Part III: Keep of the Huscarl King
Between the Lines


Item - Cost Bought/Sold/Expended
Banded Mail - 250 3/-/-
Outfit (Peasant's) - 0 -/-/-
Holy Symbol (Wooden) - 1 -/-/-
Dagger - 2 -/-/-
Torch - 0.01 -/-/-
Rope (Hemp/50 ft.) - 1 -/-/-
Potion of Cure Light Wounds - 50 -/-/-
Bread (Loaf) - 0.02 -/-/-
Acid (Flask) - 10 -/-/3
Acid (Flask) - 10 -/-/-
Acid (Flask) - 10 1/-/-
Acid (Flask) - 10 3/-/-
Flint and Steel - 1 -/-/-
Wayfinder - - 1/-/-
Alchemist's Fire - 20 1/-/-
Alchemist's Fire - 20 1/-/-
Alchemist's Fire - 20 3/-/-
Alchemist's Fire - 20 3/-/-
Holy Water (Flask) - 25 3/-/-
Holy Water (Flask) - 25 3/-/-
Cloak of Resistance +1 - 1000 4/-/-
Masterwork Scythe - 318 6/-/-
Masterwork Longbow - 375 6/-/-
Outfit (Cold-Weather) - 8 7/-/-
Potion of Barkskin - 300 7/-/-
Potion of Barkskin - 300 7/-/-
Rope (Silk/50 ft) - 10 8/-/-
Arrow Magnet - 600 9/-/-

Ammunition/Wands/Other - Cost Bought/Sold Charges
Arrows (20) - 1 -/- xxxxx xxxxx xxx-- -----
Rations (trail/per day) - 0.5 -/- x
Wand of Cure Light Wounds (CL 3) - 360 1/- xxx-- ---
Wand of Magic Weapon - 2PP 3/- xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx
Arrow (+1 Holy) - 1440 8/- xxxx

Item - Cost Bought/Sold/Expended
Hide - 15 -/3/-
Scythe - 18 -/6/-
Shortbow - 30 -/6/-


Paladin Code:

Lacking a community of her own, Zlata has modified the traditional vows of a Paladin of Erastil slightly:

• I must never commit an evil act.
• I must respect legitimate authority, act with honor, help those in need, and punish those who harm or threaten innocents.
• I must offer the poor assistance, but I may not do the work for them — instead, I must teach them to rely on themselves. It is only through cooperation that a community grows strong.
• When danger threatens, I am not a fool. I seek first to make sure the weak and innocent are safe, and then quell the danger.
• I keep to the old ways, the true ways. I am not seduced by the lure of money or power. I remember that true honor comes from within, not from the accolades of others.
• I remember that reputation is everything. Mine is pure and upstanding, and I will repair it if it is broken or tarnished. I stand by my decisions, and live so that none shall have cause to blame me.
• I show respect to my elders, for they have done much. I show respect to the young, for they have much left to do. I show respect to my peers, for they carry the load. And I shall carry it with them.
• I am honest, trustworthy, and stable.

(based on Pathfinder Player Companion: Faiths of Purity, p. 26 and Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Core Rulebook, pp. 63-4)