About ZlataZlata is tall and stout, with golden hair and dark amber eyes. She wears banded mail and wields a scythe. Zlata is pious and mischievous. Biography:
Zlata was born in the small farming community of Urghai in western Lastwall, near the border with the southernmost portion of the Hold of Belkzen. Formed by refugees from both sides of the conflict, along with a group of Erastilian missionaries from Varisia, this small settlment of humans, orcs and half orcs escaped the war for generations, until a few years ago when a band of orc raiders wiped the settlement out. Even as a child, Zlata struggled to reconcile her impulsive, mischevious nature with her devotion to he family and community. On the day Urghai was attacked, she had shirked her work harvesting the fields to go hunting alone. She returned to devastation; too late to save her family from slaughter, she could only witness the raiders methodically destorying everything she had ever known. Zlata tried to hide in a toolshed, but was discovered. The nearest weapon to hand was a scythe, and after fighting off several orcs with it, Zlata fled into the Fangwood. If any others survived the massacre, they were few, and scattered in all directions. Eventually she made her way to Vigil, where she rededicated herself to her deity and took vows as a Paladin, sworn to defend the innocent and peaceful. Character Sheet
AC 17; 10 touch; 17 flat-footed (10 Base, +7 Armor)
BAB +4 MAB +8 RAB +4 CMB +8 CMD 18 Masterwork Scythe: 2H +9 2d4+6 crit 20/x4
Class Spell-like Abilities Detect Evil (Divination): You can sense the presence of evil. Wayfinder Spell-like Abilities Light (Evocation): This spell causes a touched object to glow like a torch. 1st-level Paladin Spells (1/day)
Skill: Total modifier = Ability modifier + ranks + misc *Acrobatics: -6 = Dex 0 + 0 + -6 *Appraise: 1 = Int 1 + 0 + 0 *Bluff: 2 = Cha 2 + 0 + 0 *Climb: -2 = Str 4 + 0 + -6 *Craft (Untrained): 1 = Int 1 + 0 + 0 Diplomacy: 8 = Cha 2 + 2 + 4 *Disguise: 2 = Cha 2 + 0 + 0 *Escape Artist: -6 = Dex 0 + 0 + -6 *Fly: -6 = Dex 0 + 0 + -6 Heal: 6 = Wis 1 + 2 + 3 *Intimidate: 4 = Cha 2 + 0 + 2 Knowledge (Nature): 2 = Int 1 + 1 + 0 Knowledge (Planes): 2 = Int 1 + 1 + 0 Knowledge (Religion): 6 = Int 1 + 2 + 3 *Perception: 1 = Wis 1 + 0 + 0 *Perform (Untrained): 2 = Cha 2 + 0 + 0 Profession (Farmer): 5 = Wis 1 + 1 + 3 *Ride: -6 = Dex 0 + 0 + -6 Sense Motive: 6 = Wis 1 + 2 + 3 Spellcraft: 5 = Int 1 + 1 + 3 *Stealth: -6 = Dex 0 + 0 + -6 Survival: 2 = Wis 1 + 1 + 0 *Swim: -2 = Str 4 + 0 + -6 * Untrained Qualities:
Languages Common, Gnoll, Orc, Varisian Proficiencies
Special Attacks
Special Qualities
Pathfinder Society:
PFS #125832-2 Faction: Silver Crusade Campaigns
Item - Cost Bought/Sold/Expended Banded Mail - 250 3/-/- Outfit (Peasant's) - 0 -/-/- Holy Symbol (Wooden) - 1 -/-/- Dagger - 2 -/-/- Torch - 0.01 -/-/- Rope (Hemp/50 ft.) - 1 -/-/- Potion of Cure Light Wounds - 50 -/-/- Bread (Loaf) - 0.02 -/-/- Acid (Flask) - 10 -/-/3 Acid (Flask) - 10 -/-/- Acid (Flask) - 10 1/-/- Acid (Flask) - 10 3/-/- Flint and Steel - 1 -/-/- Wayfinder - - 1/-/- Alchemist's Fire - 20 1/-/- Alchemist's Fire - 20 1/-/- Alchemist's Fire - 20 3/-/- Alchemist's Fire - 20 3/-/- Holy Water (Flask) - 25 3/-/- Holy Water (Flask) - 25 3/-/- Cloak of Resistance +1 - 1000 4/-/- Masterwork Scythe - 318 6/-/- Masterwork Longbow - 375 6/-/- Outfit (Cold-Weather) - 8 7/-/- Potion of Barkskin - 300 7/-/- Potion of Barkskin - 300 7/-/- Rope (Silk/50 ft) - 10 8/-/- Arrow Magnet - 600 9/-/- Ammunition/Wands/Other - Cost Bought/Sold Charges
Item - Cost Bought/Sold/Expended
Paladin Code:
Lacking a community of her own, Zlata has modified the traditional vows of a Paladin of Erastil slightly: • I must never commit an evil act.
(based on Pathfinder Player Companion: Faiths of Purity, p. 26 and Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Core Rulebook, pp. 63-4)