Lexibean's Harrowing

Game Master lexibean

Into the deck with you!

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M Human Rogue 9 (Scout / Thug) // Init +3/ HP 57/57 // AC: 19/T:14/FF:17 - Percep: +8// F +4/R +9/W +4/CMB +12 / CMD 26

I'd just go with one at a time. If we see a juggler, play him. Alternately, if Circus has some obvious effect, try one of the other two next. We don't want to burn a card we might need later.

Ps, you can and probably will often play more than one card at a time ... And you currently see both a juggler and bears! :) it's not a long mod, and I imagine you'll settle into the pace of using cards well enough.

M Human Rogue 9 (Scout / Thug) // Init +3/ HP 57/57 // AC: 19/T:14/FF:17 - Percep: +8// F +4/R +9/W +4/CMB +12 / CMD 26

How did I process the accompanying bears without the juggler?

I'm off to make more Earl Grey.

Human Commoner 20

Just as a side note... Improving= improvising, not getting better... Sorta forgot they look the same when written haha

HP 91/91, AC 24/32, t.AC 25, ffAC 16, Fort +10, Ref +13, Will +8/+10 Kick 3/4, 9 AoO's/rnd

Checking in. Lexi must be busy lately.

M Human Rogue 9 (Scout / Thug) // Init +3/ HP 57/57 // AC: 19/T:14/FF:17 - Percep: +8// F +4/R +9/W +4/CMB +12 / CMD 26

Last I heard she'd contracted "the plague" and was attempting to recover. Hopefully she's doing alright.

HP 91/91, AC 24/32, t.AC 25, ffAC 16, Fort +10, Ref +13, Will +8/+10 Kick 3/4, 9 AoO's/rnd

A rare case of projectile leprosy?

Sorry guys, got sick, then the Internet went down in my apartment and still isn't fixed, and then I forgot to pay my phone bill....likely I won't be at full capacity till this afternoon, but I'm here. When it rains it pours!

What? Half-Elf Writer 1 / Dancer 1 / Chemist 1

I'm so sorry, you guys. My internet's been off and I've been busy. I'll get right back to things.

Grumpy ST is grumpy at her building's internet service people. It is FINALLY fixed. Grouch. Posts incoming.

F Human

just a post to say I'm Still Here

Obviously, I've been having issues again. Just want you all to know that I'm still thinking of you guys and the game and everything involved. I went to Brunei and they didn't have any internet! It was sadface.

However, it should also be noted, as I'm struggling at the moment, that I'm clinically and cyclically depressed - though the desire to post and my love of you guys and your characters and the game remains, a lot of my energy and will to actually do the things I genuinely want to do is gone. I think about the games, I read the materials over and over, and I genuinely want to talk to everyone, but I can't make myself sign on or write. I am constantly frustrated by myself, sitting and playing pointless bejeweled games when I know this is waiting for me.

I just can't describe it any better than that.

I am here and settled again with a Visa for another 30 days so hopefully I will be more regular. I understand if anyone doesn't really want to deal with a probably sporadic game as I try to get back into my routines and patch myself up.

All that said, I'm fighting hard for this hobby of mine that probably literally saved my life in the last bad patch I went through.

And yeah, I get that this might be needlessly melodramatic, but I wanted to get it out there. I owe you all that much.


HP 91/91, AC 24/32, t.AC 25, ffAC 16, Fort +10, Ref +13, Will +8/+10 Kick 3/4, 9 AoO's/rnd

Try not to be so hard on yourself. You don't owe us a game. We're privileged that you'd even want to run one for us.

As excited as we are to be playing, we all understand that real life takes precedence, especially where mental health is concerned.

It may be that some players out there would drop out of a game because its posting rate is sporadic. I'm not one of them. The game hasn't been going very long, but I suspect most of the others in the game aren't like that either.

So, if the majority of us are in it for the long haul, that means there's no pressure on you. You post when you are able to, when the game makes you happy like it's supposed to. When it's too much for you, don't worry about it. We all understand.

F Human

re post still valid

just a post to say I'm Still Here

male human bard (archaeologist) 9
HP 52/52 AC: 16, FF 15 T 11, Fort +3 Ref +7 Will +6, CMD 16

I'm with Vash on this one. A game is not a privilege and I'm a patient guy. Get to this whenever you can, and take some time for yourself, however much you need to take.

HP 91/91, AC 24/32, t.AC 25, ffAC 16, Fort +10, Ref +13, Will +8/+10 Kick 3/4, 9 AoO's/rnd
Dareon Whittlesay wrote:
A game is not a privilege and I'm a patient guy.


male human bard (archaeologist) 9
HP 52/52 AC: 16, FF 15 T 11, Fort +3 Ref +7 Will +6, CMD 16

OH. Wait. Right, it IS a privilege, but it is NOT a right.

I feel really incredibly dumb for actually not having made that distinction.

Human Commoner 20

No worries Lexi. Vash pretty much said ask there is to say. I studied psychology for two years and though it's nothing compared to experiencing it, I learned just how bad it can be. But we're all here for ya, ready to make more puns ;)

Dark Archive

Male Human Fighter (Lore Warden) 9

I love you guys. I'm going through all the threads I share with Lexi and posting the same sentiment. It's already voiced so well here.

Lexi, everything Vash said applies to me as well. I'm glad I get to share time with you here. I certainly don't want it to be a burden. I'll be here to share that time with you whenever you're around to do so. You certainly shouldn't feel obliged to us.

We'll be here for you when you want us to be.

F Human

Lexi, I (as well as all my Noro's and fulito's) support you now if you wnat I have a whole support system on Facebook and can provide enourageing words everyday for you I get them everyday and I would be gald to include you in the loop.

just a click away

Male Changeling Fighter 1, Monk 1, Rogue 1, Ranger 1, Actor 5

Hope you're doing well Lexi.

Good news, actually! I got a computer! A friend of mine was like 'hey I have this computer in a closet' so I have a computer, Hero Lab, and did I mention I HAVE A COMPUTER?!

We're waiting on Inits, correct?

F Human


What? Half-Elf Writer 1 / Dancer 1 / Chemist 1

You are correct, Lexi. Funny, I had a similar situation a few months ago. I told a friend that my laptop was bugging out on me and he just came by with a nearly new computer one day and plugged it in.

Most importantly, I have a computer, and IT CAN INSTALL THINGS. My mother's stupid government computer was all admin locked.

HP 91/91, AC 24/32, t.AC 25, ffAC 16, Fort +10, Ref +13, Will +8/+10 Kick 3/4, 9 AoO's/rnd

Awesome. :)

LOL and and after all that my friend ended up in the hospital yesterday and I didn't get to posting anything cause I was staying with her. SIGH.

I know it seems flakey and stuff, but honestly... from my point of view its just one little fiddly thing after another.

HP 91/91, AC 24/32, t.AC 25, ffAC 16, Fort +10, Ref +13, Will +8/+10 Kick 3/4, 9 AoO's/rnd

Don't worry about it. Life does that sometimes.

Vash is my favoritest.

HP 91/91, AC 24/32, t.AC 25, ffAC 16, Fort +10, Ref +13, Will +8/+10 Kick 3/4, 9 AoO's/rnd

I'm glad. He's a lot of fun to write. :)

Grumple. Sorry guys, our internet in the building has been ... uh ... 'non-functional' and the managers have gotten progressively worse and worse at fixing anything. I'm quite grouchy about this, trying to catch up now, but it keeps jumping on and off, so I'm not sure how much headway I'm going to be able to make.

Ok. I know I was gone again. >< This time it was a vacation. The good news is, I no longer have any more vacations, I have a computer, the building's internet seems to have stabilized, I'm working on schedules with my therapist to keep me organized, and most of my other friends seem healthy and unlikely to go into the hospital for emergency surgery!

In fact, next month my mother is going to the US for almost two months, giving me a lot of time to be lonely and clingy to you all. :)

Point being, I am here. Most likely my scheduling will put me on one post a day minimum to keep me organized, but that'll be better than on again off again.

Apologies again for the yoyoing. I've been trying different meds and not meds and its wrecking havok with sleep and general ability to focus; either I'm sleeping 14 hours a day, or I'm awake but a zombie.

Hopefully that will work out soon.

Ok, also, on a note that is less copy pasted from my other games: It seems Padawan has disappeared from the boards, leaving us without arcane, again. I'm more than happy to forge ahead with just dareon and see what happens, but that's up to you guys.

Also, I've written my checklist, and you're on it!

HP 91/91, AC 24/32, t.AC 25, ffAC 16, Fort +10, Ref +13, Will +8/+10 Kick 3/4, 9 AoO's/rnd

I'm fine with moving forward with a slightly smaller party.

male human bard (archaeologist) 9
HP 52/52 AC: 16, FF 15 T 11, Fort +3 Ref +7 Will +6, CMD 16

I am fine with being our only arcane. I've got a divine tagging along for diversity, and I've got a few scrolls, but our arcane arsenal is gonna be uninspiring (Although with more than high enough save DCs - will DC 21 to save against my confusion)

F Human
lexibean wrote:

Ok, also, on a note that is less copy pasted from my other games: It seems Padawan has disappeared from the boards, leaving us without arcane, again. I'm more than happy to forge ahead with just dareon and see what happens, but that's up to you guys.

Also, I've written my checklist, and you're on it!

am I on it?


F Human

I will have to do some avatar shuffles I made another version or her for another game (may not get in it. though)

will work on it since I have text files of almost all of my characters.

I know Lien is here I applied to one of his games as well.

also need to let you know then I will be on vacation starting tomorrow until July 17th very minimal posting.


F Human

are you mad at me?

Not at all. :) You're still on my list, its just that these days my list includes stuff like getting out of bed and eating food before less vital things. :(

HP 91/91, AC 24/32, t.AC 25, ffAC 16, Fort +10, Ref +13, Will +8/+10 Kick 3/4, 9 AoO's/rnd

Still here.

F Human

working on the avatar shuffle right now...

I'mma go find twil, and then I'll massive-update my games so we can get moving.

F Human

Avatar shuffle is complete

look for the same ole Terra in a thread near you.

also will post the earth bending ... I mean the spell effects.


Fourth of july is crazy. FYI. :D

F Human

is this game still going? if not I would like to recycle Terra in another game (maybe) BUT she should be Lexi's first so please let me know.

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