Legacy of Old Sharptooth (Inactive)

Game Master T.A.U.

A Mythic Kobold Kingmaker AP

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Ryzztyl is able to pay back the Red Wyvaran who becomes shaken too.

Injured but still able to fly the Green Wyvaran moves to a better position before casting a spell and throwing a small orb of acid against Oozulla, dealing her 1 acid damage.

DC 15 Spellcraft:

It's an Acid Spalsh cantrip.

Oozulla, do you want Ternock to give some orders to Til'verth? Since the beast instinct is to come closer, but it is ineffective against some flying enemies.
Maybe sending him to finish the unconscious Wyvaran on the ground, or something else...

Updated MAP

LN Female Kobold Mythic Witch2/Skald1/Archmage1 Init +2; AC13, Touch13, FF11, CMD10; hp 12/17; Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5; Perception: +8 (darkvision: 60 ft) Mythic Surge (0/5; +1d6)

No command for Til'verth: Oozulla thinks he is better as cover from the shots for now. And I think Myrrky is better at delivering those

Oozulla saw an opportunity: she shot her crossbow at greenscaled wyvarian and moved closer to Yighuk, but away from Prophet's sharp tail reach.
Flame bolt: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21 DMG: 1d6 + 1 + 1d6 ⇒ (1) + 1 + (4) = 6

She commanded her bodyguard: "If you don't prove yourself worth the blood spent, I take it away from you."

Ternock was hesitated by the fight: dragon scions, his tribe were fighting other fool-dragon scions. And he couldn't make a decent shot, finally he looked at Oozulla and decided she wouldn't mind. Her words were rough, but clear. At least, he will distract the threat from Yighukiskar the Chosen. He took out his sword, and run to the Red Prophet, aiming to strike her back.
Longsword+Flank: 1d20 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 4 + 2 = 21 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

There was still a place for Til'verth to join the fight, charging across battlefield, but Ternock haven't ordered him yet. Out of Actions for this round.

Updated MAP

Oozulla, I know the map is not so clear, not being in 3D, but the Prophet and Yig are flying and so both are above Ternock's longsword reach and any flanking possibility... I'll keep his dice rolls for a longbow shots instead.

Til'vert, not reciving orders, simply moves to cover its masters.

End of Round 6
Round 7
current Initiative:
a) Oozulla and then Ternock (Vrek, no more)
1) Red Prophet and then the Red Female
b) Yighuk, then Ryzztyl
2) Green Wyvaran
c) Til'Verth

A) Oozulla already stated her actions.
Oozulla shots the Green Wyvaran for 2 damage and 4 fire damage, knocking the Green Wyvaran unconscious, and badly injured by the fall too.

Ternock shots with his bow Longbow 1d20+3;1d8: 14 + 3 = 176 = 6 (Kept the previous rolls, but I'll avoid having him shoot in a Melee-engaged Red Prophet due to the penalty, instead I'll redirect the arrow against the only other enemy available: the Red Female.)

He hits the already shaken Red female injuring her for 6 damage, yet she is still flying for now.
He also moves to cover his mistress.

Enemy 1)
The Red Prophet tries to cast defensively another spell.

Spellcraft DC 18:

A Cure Serious Wounds spell

But this times he fails wasting his spell.

The Red Female, still shaken, and sensing the danger avoids attacking for this rounds and casts a protective spell around herself.

Spellcraft DC 16:

Shield of Faith

Now, time for B and C (since enemy 2= Green Wyvaran is unconscious and dying.)

Go Yig and Ryz! And then Til'verth!
Updated Map

Male Kobold (Sootscale) Fighter 3, Mythic Champion 1| AC 19, T14, FF15 | HP 24/38 | F:+5, R:+4, W: +1 (+ 1 vs fear) | Init : +3 | Perc +2 | Mythic Power 0/5

Still enraged Yighukiskars vision had narrowed to where the he and the red prophet were all that existed.

Attack w/Axe: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
Damage: 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

Attack w/Tail Razor (S): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
Damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

Attack w/Bite (P): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
Damage: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

The rage fueled attacks, so at odds with his more disciplined training, few wide.

AC = 17, HP = 17, Will +2

As I use to say to some of mine players:
Yig, you should seriously think of changing those Dice! XD

Yighuk's full attack missed the Red Prophet.

Time for Ryzztyl now!
@ Yig - Remind: The magic Ring provides the Rage spell effect for a number of round equal to your HD (3).

LN Female Kobold Mythic Witch2/Skald1/Archmage1 Init +2; AC13, Touch13, FF11, CMD10; hp 12/17; Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5; Perception: +8 (darkvision: 60 ft) Mythic Surge (0/5; +1d6)

Spellcraft DC18: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19 Spellcraft DC16: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17
Sorry about mess with Longsword attack :( I was thinking fight is ground level.
Can my snake use run action to cross a battle field?

I don't see any reason why the snake cannot "run", I personally saw some snakes being very fast in RL.
Of course Mirky will need to follow the standard rules (4 times the speed, and losing Dex bonus to AC) for running.

Male Kobold Crossblooded Sorcerer 3 / Archmage 1 | HP 16/17 {effects: none} | AC 20 (T13 FF18) | F+1 R+3 W+0 | Init+2 | darkvision 60', perc +2
Claws: 6/6; Mythic Power: 1/5
1st: 5/6

Spellcraft DC18: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
Spellcraft DC16: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21

Not wanting to be further distracted, and noting the red wyvaran's defensive spell, Ryzztyll follows up his previous intimidation with a reflection of the spell she had tried on him earlier.

Cast cause fear DC 15 vs. shaken red wyvaran (so -2 to saves).
Even on a success, I believe her current shaken with the spell's shaken makes it a round of frightened. A failure shaken + frightened = 1 round of panicked + the rounds of frightened.
EDIT: or does it not stack because the initial shaken was through intimidate, so it just adds a round?

I think they doesn't stacks, but only adds round in case of shaken plus shaken.. I remind some FAQ somewhere I previously read, but I'm not able to find it anymore.

Ryzztyl's spell is effective against the Red female wyvaran. Not having spent her move action previously she flies away from the blue kobold.

Duration of the Cause Fear spell: 1d4 ⇒ 3

On his turn Til'verth moves to cover his masters again.

(It is in the square on ground level and UNDER Yig's current position, since the champion and the prophet are still flying)

End of Round 7
Round 8 now
a) Ozzulla
1) ???
b) Ternock
2) Red Prophet and Red Female
c) Yighukiskar, Ryzztyl and Til'verth

Go Oozulla!

LN Female Kobold Mythic Witch2/Skald1/Archmage1 Init +2; AC13, Touch13, FF11, CMD10; hp 12/17; Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5; Perception: +8 (darkvision: 60 ft) Mythic Surge (0/5; +1d6)

Oozulla whistled for Myrrky to come closer and reloaded her crossbow. As well, she touched Ternock's shoulder, approving his last shot and sharing some of her power with him.
Reload crossbow with flaming bolt, Hex: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
- "Greater Shadow is watching you!" she tried to inspire him to repeat his success again.

Oozulla reloads and cures Ternock for 3 hit points.

1) Coming back in anger, flying above the norther forest, is the previously "cause feared" Gray Wyvaran.But he doesn't do anything else for this round.

b) Ternock shots again with his longbow.
Longbow: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 101d8 ⇒ 6
But this time he missed.

2) The Red Prophet defensively cast a healing spell on himself.
The Red Female continues of being frightened and escaping from Ryzztyl.

Updated Map

c) Yig, Ryz and Til'vert turn now

Male Kobold (Sootscale) Fighter 3, Mythic Champion 1| AC 19, T14, FF15 | HP 24/38 | F:+5, R:+4, W: +1 (+ 1 vs fear) | Init : +3 | Perc +2 | Mythic Power 0/5

The rings power began to fade as Yighukiskar sent forth another flurry of attacks.

Attack w/axe (S): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Damage: 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

Attack w/spiked shield (P/B): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Damage: 1d3 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Attack w/Tail Razor (S): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11
Damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

Attack w/Bite (P): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
Damage: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

AC = 17, HP = 17, Will +2
Well at least he's providing a distraction

Unluckily all the champion's attacks miss the target, and the Rage effect of the Ring is ending.

Male Kobold Crossblooded Sorcerer 3 / Archmage 1 | HP 16/17 {effects: none} | AC 20 (T13 FF18) | F+1 R+3 W+0 | Init+2 | darkvision 60', perc +2
Claws: 6/6; Mythic Power: 1/5
1st: 5/6

Ryzztyl readies to cast a spell should the 'Prophet' attempt one of his own.

Ready action to cast magic missile using Wild Arcana, resulting in a CL 5 spell (3 missiles) used to try to interrupt any casting.

Ryzztyl is ready to cast his spell.

Til'verth stays near his masters.

End of Round 8
Round 9

Initiative list:
a) Oozulla
1) Gray Wyvaran
b) Ternock, Ryzztyl*casting spell*
2) Red Prophet, Red Female (escaping)
c) Yighukiskar, Til'verth

Time for Oozulla

LN Female Kobold Mythic Witch2/Skald1/Archmage1 Init +2; AC13, Touch13, FF11, CMD10; hp 12/17; Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5; Perception: +8 (darkvision: 60 ft) Mythic Surge (0/5; +1d6)

Oozulla sent her enchanted bolt into approaching opponent gray wyvarian . As she saw it hit on the target, he quickly reloaded her crossbow with another one.
- "Look, how it's done!", she tried another approach on inspiring her bodyguard.

Atk: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25 DMG: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (6, 5) + 1 = 12
Confirm?: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15 Extra?: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (3, 4) + 1 = 8

Oozulla's shot badly injures the Gray Wyvaran for 7 damage plus 5 fire damage... although not a critical hit, the Gray wyvaran is knocked unconscious by the magic bolt and falls to the ground injuring himself again.

Ternock fires with his longbow towards the escaping Red Female

Longbow: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 91d8 ⇒ 8

Too bad for him, not having learned the lesson form his Witch's mistress. (Guys he is really cursed with his rolls!)

The Red Prophet tries to cast a spell defensively, and doing this triggers Ryzztyl's radiated action, but not Yighukiskar's attack of opportunity.
Magic Missiles CL 5: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 51d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 31d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Three Magic Missiles of force hits him, dealing 5, 3 and 2 force damage

Due to the damage the Red Prophet fails in casting his spell.
With his remaining move action the Prophet tries to lower his altitude descending vertically from 30 feet to 10 feet.

This movement provokes an attack of opportunity from Yighukiskar (insert Yig's AoO here) but also puts inside the Red Prophet's aura emanation Oozulla, Ternock and Til'verth (Will save form all the 3 of them, DC 17 save or shaken)

Meanwhile the Red Female Wyvaran continues her escape, flying away over the northern forest. (and oustide of the map)

After Yig's AoO and the various Saves, it's time for Yig's proper turn and then back to Oozulla for begining of the 10th Round


Male Kobold (Sootscale) Fighter 3, Mythic Champion 1| AC 19, T14, FF15 | HP 24/38 | F:+5, R:+4, W: +1 (+ 1 vs fear) | Init : +3 | Perc +2 | Mythic Power 0/5

Seeing an opportunity Yighuk strikes at the descending prophet.

AOO: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20
Damage: 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

He then descends after him and attacks.

Attack w/ Charge: 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 7 + 2 = 18
Damage: 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

LN Male Human Cavalier (honor guard, beast rider)1 Init +2; AC 16, Touch12, FF14, CMD 16/14; hp 7/7; Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +1; Perception +1; Condition: empty
Til'verth Animal Companion:
Cave Salamander, Animal; Init +1; AC 14, Touch11, FF 13, CMD 13/12; Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +1; Perception +5 (60 ft darkvision, low-light)

Both Ternock and Til'Verth started to shaken, as non-dying red prophet was approaching.
Will: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9 Til's Will: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
Even using his own profile don't change outcome. Probably, this is his destiny

LN Female Kobold Mythic Witch2/Skald1/Archmage1 Init +2; AC13, Touch13, FF11, CMD10; hp 12/17; Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5; Perception: +8 (darkvision: 60 ft) Mythic Surge (0/5; +1d6)

Witch also was dissapointed and frightened of approaching prophet: despite all their attempts, he still was breathing. But she still had some tricks for him, if only Yighukiskar will hold that long.
Will: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

None of Yighukiskar's attacks are able to hit the Red Prophet. Now both of them are flying at 10 ft of height.

Oozulla and her guards are shaken by the power of the aura surrounding the Red Prophet.
To clarify, you are shaken as long as you are inside the aura radius (20 ft), if you exit the aura and then goes back inside it, you have to save again.

End of Round 9
Round 10

Group a) Oozulla, Ternock, Ryzztyl
Enemy 1) Red Prophet
Group b) Yighukiskar, Til'verth

Go Group A!
@ Ooz: feel free to roll for Ternock and Til'verth to speed up the posting... if that could change his destiny or not is hard to tell...

Male Kobold Crossblooded Sorcerer 3 / Archmage 1 | HP 16/17 {effects: none} | AC 20 (T13 FF18) | F+1 R+3 W+0 | Init+2 | darkvision 60', perc +2
Claws: 6/6; Mythic Power: 1/5
1st: 5/6

Ryzztyl grasps the egg once again and focuses his will channeling his mythic power into it. A green beam launches forth towards the Red Prophet.

Will vs. Egg: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19 + Surge: 1d6 ⇒ 2
Color (1 red, 2 black, 3 green, 4 blue, 5 white) & Level: 1d5 ⇒ 31d9 ⇒ 6
Ranged Touch: 1d20 + 4 - 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 - 4 = 17 for Damage: 6d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 6, 5, 2, 1) = 19

A Massive blast of acid hits the Red Prophet, dealing him 19 acid damage.

Badly injured, but still alive, the wyvaran groans for the hit.

LN Female Kobold Mythic Witch2/Skald1/Archmage1 Init +2; AC13, Touch13, FF11, CMD10; hp 12/17; Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5; Perception: +8 (darkvision: 60 ft) Mythic Surge (0/5; +1d6)

Oozulla aimed her crossbow and send her flaming bolt into red prophet. She was to careful with her aiming, and the bolt went totally awkward trajectory. Understanding it is better to leave fight for those who can, she spend her last of mythic power to empower Yighukiskar for unexpected attack. Swift action for Decisive Strike: immediate attack with +1 that ignores any DR After that she moved away from enemy, expecting he might want to follow her and leave another opportunity for her comrade.

Atk: 1d20 + 5 - 2 - 4 ⇒ (3) + 5 - 2 - 4 = 2 Dmg: 1d6 + 1 + 1d6 ⇒ (2) + 1 + (1) = 4

Map after Oozulla's move

If Ternocks is active:

- If you cannot shoot, grab Vrek's spear and nail that demon down, she commanded to her companion. Ternock moved to execute, picking light, but still long spear and leaving some space for himself to charge enemy caster.
Map after Ternock's move

Decisive Strikes grants the additional attack to all the allies within 30 ft, not only to Yighukiskar.
So, basically, Ternock can shoot another arrow with his longbow before moving to grab Vrek's longspear.

Male Kobold (Sootscale) Fighter 3, Mythic Champion 1| AC 19, T14, FF15 | HP 24/38 | F:+5, R:+4, W: +1 (+ 1 vs fear) | Init : +3 | Perc +2 | Mythic Power 0/5

Fueled by the Dragons power Yighukiskar chops down at their foe.

Attack: 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 7 + 1 = 26
Damage: 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

Perhaps it's the smell of acid or the guidance of Old Sharptooth's will but this time the axe sinks into flesh.

Thanks for the confidence Oozulla, Yig was starting to get a complex :)

With the extra mythic attack Yighukiskar is able to finally knock the Red Prophet unconscious.

The red wyvaran falls down to the ground, taking additional falling damage.

End of Combat

Male Kobold (Sootscale) Fighter 3, Mythic Champion 1| AC 19, T14, FF15 | HP 24/38 | F:+5, R:+4, W: +1 (+ 1 vs fear) | Init : +3 | Perc +2 | Mythic Power 0/5

Yighukiskar follows the reds descent landing heavily on his corpse. Stepping to the side a bit he lifts the body by the back of the neck and looks towards the chieftain.

"The trial is complete. Our favor is proven through conquest." he says dropping the body to the ground.

While the Redscale contemplate he looks through the Prophets possessions with an eye towards the scales they seek.

"You have proven the Dragon's favor is upon you.
By defeating the Red Wyvaran false prophet and all but one of his progeny.
Be it known that I, Norruth, Chief of the Redscales tribe, welcome the chosen ones. Be mine guests, I'll hear your alliance proposal and gladly welcome a possible new future for all of our tribes."

Trying to revive the IC thread

Yighukiskar being upon the body of the Red Prophet is able to search for his gear.


The wyvaran was wearing a Studded Leather armor and a light wooden shield who displays the symbol of Old Sharptooth
On his body you also find a pearl, a dagger of some kind of bronze metal you never saw before, a wand and some various onyx gems.

Male Kobold Crossblooded Sorcerer 3 / Archmage 1 | HP 16/17 {effects: none} | AC 20 (T13 FF18) | F+1 R+3 W+0 | Init+2 | darkvision 60', perc +2
Claws: 6/6; Mythic Power: 1/5
1st: 5/6

Ryzztyl places the dangerous egg into a pouch for later analysis before mystically altering his vision to view magical auras.

Detect Magic

"It is good that you will be with us, O Chief. We build an army of our people to fight for our proper place in this world. As is the will of Old Sharptooth," he says, acknowledging the Chief of the Redscale clan.

I don't recall, did Sharptooth want us to grab something here, like another artefact type thing that has further connection to him (like the old idol where we first chatted with him)?

Althought is only 50 lbs, Ryzztyl can't place the Artifact Egg into a pouch, unless it's a Giant Pouch... the Egg's dimension are about a Medium Sized Character.

Ryz is right about the searching of another Seal of Old Sharptooth's Prison. The god himself told you that you will recognize it... yet nothing you have seen here is what you are looking for.

Assuming Ryz take all the needed time to move around the battlefield with his Detect Magic

Ryz's detect magic:

Prophet's body:
- studded leather armor (faint abjuration)
- light wooden shield (faint abjuration)
- pearl (faint transmutation)
- wand (faint conjuration)

Others wyvarans: nothing of magic

Ghaz of Redscales (first one you meet, in the northern part of the map):
- cloak (moderate transmutation)
- 2 Scrolls (faint conjuration)

Norruth, Chief of the Redscales:
- adamantine battleaxe (moderate conjuration)
- burnished bronze crown (strong transmutation)

Hooded member of the Redscales (Chief's advisor):
- cloak (faint abjuration)
- 3 potions (faint conjuration)

Others kobolds of the Redscales: nothing of magic

LN Female Kobold Mythic Witch2/Skald1/Archmage1 Init +2; AC13, Touch13, FF11, CMD10; hp 12/17; Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5; Perception: +8 (darkvision: 60 ft) Mythic Surge (0/5; +1d6)

Oozulla whispered something to her bodyguard and took her place at right hand of Yighukiskar and noded, when chieftain approved alliance. She gathered some of her power and touched fighter's bruises. Hex: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
"Old Sharptooth has a seal, which belong to the tribe. We need to unlock it in order to restore the order. Probably, that was one that False Prophet was using to make you believe that he is chosen. Did that Wyvaran had any idols or symbols he used in his prayers?"

Ordered to Ternock: check vitals and inform me if any wyvarian is still alive

Ternock reports that none of the wyvarans is still alive, he also gathers one scalemail armor (medium sized) from each of them a part from the prophet. No other useful gear.

Oozulla healed Yighukiskar of 7 hit points with her Hex.

Ghaz of Redscales (first one you meet, in the northern part of the map) replies to the Witch's question:
"The wyvarans had a private sanctum, whose entrance was forbidden to everyone but the Prophet and his legacy. It is located in the deepest side of our tribal lair, but we don't know how to open it."

Male Kobold Crossblooded Sorcerer 3 / Archmage 1 | HP 16/17 {effects: none} | AC 20 (T13 FF18) | F+1 R+3 W+0 | Init+2 | darkvision 60', perc +2
Claws: 6/6; Mythic Power: 1/5
1st: 5/6

Wait what? I thought the egg was something Ryz was carrying (bringing it up out of the pool and onto shore) and that the stuff/person seen inside was in some kind of extradimensional space... not something that big that could actually hold someone...

Ryzztyl informs Yighuk of the items of interest to set aside for further analysis before turning to Ghaz. "Then it is, perhaps, there where we must go first."

Well, it IS a dimensional prison, only not so small outside... 50 pounds of weight, and still "bigger on the inside" (cit. needed)
In any case it's a dangerous to touch Artifact.
Ryzztyl easily dragged it out of the pool, but unless you decide to push it back into the water, it will still stay on the shores...

While the chosen ones are still around the battlefield and talking with Ghaz about the Wyvaran's private sanctum, something unusual happens:

Some eldritch energies starts floating around the dead body of Vrek, forming a shadow veil... the shadow is pulsing rhythmically, and after a few seconds is absorbed by the body of the dead kobold... and so the dead kobold opens his eyes and begins breathing anew...

AC 13/T12/FF11 HP 36 F+3 R+1 W+3 Init +1 Perception +0
Tattood Sorcerer (Elemental Fire Bloodline) 1


Male Kobold (Sootscale) Fighter 3, Mythic Champion 1| AC 19, T14, FF15 | HP 24/38 | F:+5, R:+4, W: +1 (+ 1 vs fear) | Init : +3 | Perc +2 | Mythic Power 0/5

Yighukiskar rises from checking the body of the fallen prophet, gesturing for his fellows to take a look at what he's found.

Nodding at Ryzatyl's words he adds, "My brother speaks truly, the time of the Consuming Flame is soon to be upon us. His plans, laid long ago, are coming to fruition and we are all to play our part. We accept your hospitality and would see this sanctum."

The rattle of breath entering his dead servant lungs draws his attention away from the red Chieftain. Narrowing his eyes he whispers to Oozulla, "What is this?"

Slowly rising from the ground, Vrek whispers something to Yighukiskar with a voice so low to be only heard by the members of his tribe near him (Yig, Ooz, Ryz and Ternock) but not from the Redscales.

"The Shadow sent me back, to fulfill mine destiny serving you"

LN Female Kobold Mythic Witch2/Skald1/Archmage1 Init +2; AC13, Touch13, FF11, CMD10; hp 12/17; Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5; Perception: +8 (darkvision: 60 ft) Mythic Surge (0/5; +1d6)

- You have witnessed the miracle of Old Sharptooth!- announced Oozulla. Red Fury doesn't want for those, who follow her orders and speak of her greatness to die in vain, so it felt Vrek with a new fire from inside and brought him back to life

While all the Redscales are marveled by the Witch's words, Vrek says something else... still whispering:
"Another one is coming, a new Chosen has arisen, that's all the god told me."

At the same time the Redscales's Chief says:
"Today is a great day for our tribe, a new blessing has been showed to us. The Dragon God is with us all!
Now I'll move down, mine lords, to prepare your accommodations. Ghaz here will be your guide once you are ready."

As if they had received a direct order all Redscales members starts moving away to the entrance of their lair, leaving only Ghaz with the Sootscales heroes.

AC 13/T12/FF11 HP 36 F+3 R+1 W+3 Init +1 Perception +0
Tattood Sorcerer (Elemental Fire Bloodline) 1

Suddenly a large white cat appears on the edge of the clearing, bearing a white scaled Kobold on his back. Standing at the edge of the forest the kobold guides his mount closer to the still outside standing Kobolds. In his hand a longspear, he proudly bears a banner showing a dragon in all its glory.
Carefully eyeing the sootscale heroes the Kobold speaks up.
"I heards you need guidance.... I heards you need one more. The bones have spoken, yes, yes and here I am."
Carefully climbing down the large cat he stays close to her, as if to soak the warmth.

Common tribe knowledge:

All the Sootscale's members can recognize the white kobold as Emberyes: He was an outcast of your own tribe, the elders said he was too crazy for the tribe.
Like Oozulla and Ryzztyl he was one of the few outcasts recruited by Chief Sootscale during the War with the Mite.
Although you never fought at his side, you know that he was part of another Patrol team (neither Team River or Team Eggs), as their healer, but his team is currently M.I.A.

Embereyes instead could recognize the following tribe's members:
- Yighuk being one of the most famous Chief's apprentices;
- Oozulla, the black scaled Witch, she is an outcast too;
- Ryzztyl, the blue draconic Sorcerer, he is an outcast too;
- Vrek, one of the guards of the lair.
Emberyes doesn't know who is the Human near the Witch and the cave salamander and of course the red scaled kobold (Ghaz) who is surely not a member of the Sootscale's tribe

Male Kobold (Sootscale) Fighter 3, Mythic Champion 1| AC 19, T14, FF15 | HP 24/38 | F:+5, R:+4, W: +1 (+ 1 vs fear) | Init : +3 | Perc +2 | Mythic Power 0/5

Yighukiskar stares at his servant with narrowed eyes taking the creatures measure. The Vrek who had risen from the ground was noticibly different the one that fell only moments earlier. His body not looked emaciated with patches of missing scales showing dull grey skin beneath. His eyes, horns and claws seemed more prominent but after a moment it was clear that they had not grown but instead that his skin was now stretched tight over his shrunken form and had receded. His eyes were milky but his gaze carried a strength of personality.

After a moment the Champion nodded curtly. "The Great Shadow holds you to your oath."

At Vreks warning of another to come and Embereyes sudden appearance Yighukiskar draws his punch dagger and prepares for an attack. Recognizing the newcommer he calls, "Embereyes! You are the one my servant speaks of? What has the Great Shadow revealed to you?"

Male Kobold Male Kobold (Sootscale) Medium (Reanimated Medium) 1 | AC 17, T 14, FF 14 | HP 3/10 | F:+1, R:+3, W:+2 | Init +3 | Perc +6 | Influence 3

Vrek falls to one knee before Yighukiskar, the motion disturbingly reminiscent of a puppet that has had it's strings cut. "My oath binds me lord." he utters in voice that now carries an underlying hollowness to it. Rising he takes up his spear and stands near the Champions shoulder.

When Embereyes appears he whispers, "This must be the one lord."

AC 13/T12/FF11 HP 36 F+3 R+1 W+3 Init +1 Perception +0
Tattood Sorcerer (Elemental Fire Bloodline) 1

"Well tell me .. tell me... how is your expandations going. I hears you have many fine eggses now and goood places to get food!"

Male Kobold (Sootscale) Fighter 3, Mythic Champion 1| AC 19, T14, FF15 | HP 24/38 | F:+5, R:+4, W: +1 (+ 1 vs fear) | Init : +3 | Perc +2 | Mythic Power 0/5

"The Great Shadows plans begin to germinate. The Sootscale have bent knee to the Chosen and now the Redscale see the wisdom of it. There remains much to do however."

Turning to Ryzztyl and Oozulla he asks "Can you determine what magics these items hold? And what of the egg? Your discovery was most fortunate but what do you know of it?"

LN Female Kobold Mythic Witch2/Skald1/Archmage1 Init +2; AC13, Touch13, FF11, CMD10; hp 12/17; Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5; Perception: +8 (darkvision: 60 ft) Mythic Surge (0/5; +1d6)

"I think we should follow Ghaz to private sanctum of Wyvarian prophet, so we could find the second seal of Old God. There we can meditate to find magic nature of the egg." said Oozulla, "Embereyes, follow us, we will need you to form a circle of energy."

She turned to Ternock: "This one is another Chosen. He is part of Sootscales now, so watch him as you watch my other friends. You life weights nothing against his. Be prepared to sacrifise it and be reborn as Vrek was, by the power of Great Shadow"
"Yes, my mistress!" quietly answered wounded human, "I am prepared!"

- "Could anyone share some healing magic, as I believe my bodyguard's heart might stop before his mind saves it, if he feels Sharptooth approach?" she asked as they started to move.

Male Kobold (Sootscale) Fighter 3, Mythic Champion 1| AC 19, T14, FF15 | HP 24/38 | F:+5, R:+4, W: +1 (+ 1 vs fear) | Init : +3 | Perc +2 | Mythic Power 0/5

"I am eager to see this sanctum as well but it may be that these items would be of help there." Stepping closer to Oozulla he quietly adds, "Or if the red chieftain should have a change of heart when back in his seat of power."

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