Legacy of Fire: Upon Shifting Sand (Inactive)

Game Master Vanulf Wulfson

"A house built upon shifting sand must soon fall."
-Badawi saying

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Male Wizard (Conjurer) 4 (HP 24/24) | AC: 10 | T: 10 | FF: 10 | CMB +2 | CMD: 12 | Fort: +2 | Ref: +1 | Wil: +5 | Init: +0 | Craft(alchemy) +10 | Diplomacy: +10 | Kn(Arcana/Planes): +12 | Kn(Dng/Geog/Hstry/Ntr/Rlgn): +9 | Kn(Local) +6 | Linguistics: +10 | Perception: +4 | Sense Motive: +3 | Spellcraft: +12 |

I would, but it's not giving me the option to edit the post :/

At first, I was wondering what fire he was talking about. I re-read it this morning and I guess I thought the post had changed. Now that I look at it again, it hasn't. I blame the hour less of sleep.

M Human Cutpurse Rogue 1

Ohhhhh. I see. My mistake, I was reading and trying to get a post off before the weekend in haste.

I'll take back the whole fire thing. Just assume Kallit attempts to slink off to see what the crippled guy is up to (although he didn't do a very good job with his attempt at slipping away!)

My apologies for the confusion.

M Human Cutpurse Rogue 1

Rereading things it seems I connected "erupt with life near the animal pens" with the information in the spoiler. I thought the human male near animal pens had something to do with them erputing to life and assumed fire and he the cause of it!

Sorry about that everyone.

Half-elf Ranger (Guide) 1 HP 12/12 AC 18.14.14 F+4.R+6.W+2 - Init. +4 - Perc. +11

Hey, if your intention was to sow confusion in the camp while you investigated your human male, I say - well roleplayed! Everybody is looking at the animal pens.;-)

Hell's Vengeance Battlemaps; Jade Regent Battlemaps; Kingmaker Battlemaps; Mummy's Mask Battlemaps

That's why I was holding off on updating. To see if it was an honest mistake or a ruse of some kind, "Hey look, the Space Shuttle." before slinking off into the shadows.

"Look over there! A cleverly placed distraction!"

M Human Cutpurse Rogue 1

Kallit is definitely an opportunist, but is less inclined to intentially incite panic...unless there's something greater thatn simply curiosity motivating him to do so.

We can continue to role play it though, considing his previous confusion and wonder at seeing the effects of magic.

Male Human (keleshite) Paladin 1

Just a quick question, but I assume we've all had the chance to at least introduce ourselves to one another on the journey to Almah's camp?

Hell's Vengeance Battlemaps; Jade Regent Battlemaps; Kingmaker Battlemaps; Mummy's Mask Battlemaps

You've had a weeks worth of travel from Solku to the encampment. You can tell the others as much or as little of yourselves as you wish.

Hell's Vengeance Battlemaps; Jade Regent Battlemaps; Kingmaker Battlemaps; Mummy's Mask Battlemaps

Never fear, I'm still here. My wife is out of town on a business trip until Thursday and I'm playing Mr. Mom for our six year old daughter. Even though I'm on vacation this week I thought I would have more time to post, but with all the Honey-Do projects I can't wait to get back to work so I can relax.

Half-elf Ranger (Guide) 1 HP 12/12 AC 18.14.14 F+4.R+6.W+2 - Init. +4 - Perc. +11

No worries!

Ha! Good God, I know what that's like. Take the time you need. We husbands and fathers get even less done if we manage to piss off the wife and kids. =)

Male Human (keleshite) Paladin 1

Amen to that.

Male Wizard (Conjurer) 4 (HP 24/24) | AC: 10 | T: 10 | FF: 10 | CMB +2 | CMD: 12 | Fort: +2 | Ref: +1 | Wil: +5 | Init: +0 | Craft(alchemy) +10 | Diplomacy: +10 | Kn(Arcana/Planes): +12 | Kn(Dng/Geog/Hstry/Ntr/Rlgn): +9 | Kn(Local) +6 | Linguistics: +10 | Perception: +4 | Sense Motive: +3 | Spellcraft: +12 |

I think Kaspar is going to start interacting with others more. I don't want to be annoying with it, so if anybody's bothered by it, don't be afraid to let me know.

Male Wizard (Conjurer) 4 (HP 24/24) | AC: 10 | T: 10 | FF: 10 | CMB +2 | CMD: 12 | Fort: +2 | Ref: +1 | Wil: +5 | Init: +0 | Craft(alchemy) +10 | Diplomacy: +10 | Kn(Arcana/Planes): +12 | Kn(Dng/Geog/Hstry/Ntr/Rlgn): +9 | Kn(Local) +6 | Linguistics: +10 | Perception: +4 | Sense Motive: +3 | Spellcraft: +12 |

So...are we dead in the water here?

Hell's Vengeance Battlemaps; Jade Regent Battlemaps; Kingmaker Battlemaps; Mummy's Mask Battlemaps

No, sorry about the abrupt absence. My 85 year old mother had another stroke and my sister and I have been down in Florida for the past week. will get a post up after this.

Male Wizard (Conjurer) 4 (HP 24/24) | AC: 10 | T: 10 | FF: 10 | CMB +2 | CMD: 12 | Fort: +2 | Ref: +1 | Wil: +5 | Init: +0 | Craft(alchemy) +10 | Diplomacy: +10 | Kn(Arcana/Planes): +12 | Kn(Dng/Geog/Hstry/Ntr/Rlgn): +9 | Kn(Local) +6 | Linguistics: +10 | Perception: +4 | Sense Motive: +3 | Spellcraft: +12 |

That's terrible! I hope she's recovering. I didn't mean to sound pushy or impatient, we just haven't heard anything, and PbP games are notorious for ending without warning.

Hell's Vengeance Battlemaps; Jade Regent Battlemaps; Kingmaker Battlemaps; Mummy's Mask Battlemaps

Thank you for that. This is actually her second stroke. After suffering a major one in September (where we didn't think she would last past the weekend) it's become a quantity of life, more than a quality of life, issue.
Having been on the receiving end of that more than once I can promise you I won't do that. If worse comes to worst I will attempt to find a replacement GM for the game.

I'm not religious in the traditional sense, but I did make up my own religion, worshiping Drunkonius the booze goblin that lives in the moon. Basically, I have a drink as a prayer for good fortune. My success rate is surprisingly high. So in that way, I'll have a bit of prayer for your family. Truly, my sympathies and best wishes for your family.

Half-elf Ranger (Guide) 1 HP 12/12 AC 18.14.14 F+4.R+6.W+2 - Init. +4 - Perc. +11

Hi folks,

I'm afraid the demands of life and work (not the least of which the current trip I'm on) find me with not enough time to devote to the playthough. Rather than (unfairly to all of you) string things along with inconsistent posting, I'll be withdrawing from the game. Dispose of my character as you see fit! Good luck to you all, and thanks!

Male Wizard (Conjurer) 4 (HP 24/24) | AC: 10 | T: 10 | FF: 10 | CMB +2 | CMD: 12 | Fort: +2 | Ref: +1 | Wil: +5 | Init: +0 | Craft(alchemy) +10 | Diplomacy: +10 | Kn(Arcana/Planes): +12 | Kn(Dng/Geog/Hstry/Ntr/Rlgn): +9 | Kn(Local) +6 | Linguistics: +10 | Perception: +4 | Sense Motive: +3 | Spellcraft: +12 |

That sucks, dude. Good luck with everything!

Also, is it just me, or does counterspelling totally suck in Pathfinder?

Male Wizard (Conjurer) 4 (HP 24/24) | AC: 10 | T: 10 | FF: 10 | CMB +2 | CMD: 12 | Fort: +2 | Ref: +1 | Wil: +5 | Init: +0 | Craft(alchemy) +10 | Diplomacy: +10 | Kn(Arcana/Planes): +12 | Kn(Dng/Geog/Hstry/Ntr/Rlgn): +9 | Kn(Local) +6 | Linguistics: +10 | Perception: +4 | Sense Motive: +3 | Spellcraft: +12 |

So, aside from Hurom, how's everybody else doing? Personally, I'm doing pretty well; finals are over and summer has begun! Diablo III came out, and I'm enjoying that quite a bit. Had an Indiana Jones movie marathon with some friends yesterday.

I had minor sinus surgery which was sucky and painful but I breathe more like a normal person so that's nice. Playing a lot of Mass Effect 3 multiplayer. Probably the most fun I've had in a video game since...hell, I don't even know when.

Hell's Vengeance Battlemaps; Jade Regent Battlemaps; Kingmaker Battlemaps; Mummy's Mask Battlemaps

Sorry all, my laptop "blue-screened" last week and I have been without access since last Thursday (Except for my phone, which is just too involved to type up a long post with). Just went out and bought a new one today (it was actually cheaper than trying to fix the old one) So should be up and running tomorrow.

Male Human (keleshite) Paladin 1

My gran-ma-ma passed actually. So my summers a bit of a bummer so far. But, she did live eight and a half long decades. Gave the reaper one hell of a good run.

And D3... good stuff man. Good stuff.

M Human Cutpurse Rogue 1

My summer has been good, really busy, but good. It's been so busy that I've had to take a break from my RL game, haven't checked out ME3 or D3, or been doing anything really to feed my inner geek. I am going to get to fill up my geek tanks at PaizoCon though. Really excited about that!

Male Wizard (Conjurer) 4 (HP 24/24) | AC: 10 | T: 10 | FF: 10 | CMB +2 | CMD: 12 | Fort: +2 | Ref: +1 | Wil: +5 | Init: +0 | Craft(alchemy) +10 | Diplomacy: +10 | Kn(Arcana/Planes): +12 | Kn(Dng/Geog/Hstry/Ntr/Rlgn): +9 | Kn(Local) +6 | Linguistics: +10 | Perception: +4 | Sense Motive: +3 | Spellcraft: +12 |

Still alive?

Male Human (keleshite) Paladin 1

*struggles to survive!*

M Human Cutpurse Rogue 1

*stares blankly*

Male Wizard (Conjurer) 4 (HP 24/24) | AC: 10 | T: 10 | FF: 10 | CMB +2 | CMD: 12 | Fort: +2 | Ref: +1 | Wil: +5 | Init: +0 | Craft(alchemy) +10 | Diplomacy: +10 | Kn(Arcana/Planes): +12 | Kn(Dng/Geog/Hstry/Ntr/Rlgn): +9 | Kn(Local) +6 | Linguistics: +10 | Perception: +4 | Sense Motive: +3 | Spellcraft: +12 |

Well, I don't know about you guys, but I absolutely refuse to give up on the game, not that there's any reason to give up on it yet. I don't know about you all, but I have a fair amount of time on my hands in the day to post. If everybody was interested, we could set up a separate thread in which we could RP with each other a bit, possibly under the pretense of the RP taking place on the journey prior to actually arriving at the camp. We all have interesting characters that we put some work into, and it might be fun to see what sort of relationships develop that we can incorporate back into the game if and when our poor GM can make his way back to us. Just a thought.

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