GM Dinketry |
Good idea, Korum! Let's group-shun Nishv online.
I'm Paul. I'm the Venture-Captain for the Pathfinder Society here in Dunedin, New Zealand. That's the south island. I'm American originally, but I've been in Kiwi-mode now for ~4yrs. When I was in the states, I was the Venture-Captain out of Asheville, NC.
I've been playing RPGs since Boy Scout camp in 1985. I discovered Pathfinder when it was in beta testing, and liked it a lot, but had no one to play with - and then I found out about PFS and started a branch in western NC.
I'm currently ramping up work on a very cool (if I do say so myself) convention that we (the VCs of New Zealand) are hosting in Hobbiton in October of this year - PaizoConOz 2017! We've been bugging the people at Hobbiton (where the Hobbit village was filmed - it's an actual village here in New Zealand) to let us game there for ~2yrs now, so we're really excited that it's coming to fruition. We even got Tonya Woldridge (Pathfinder Society Organised Play Grand Poobah) to come game with us, so we're super stoked.
Ok, Nishv. I'm done shunning you now.
-GM Dink
Nishv Nilara |
Since our gracious GM overlord has, so kindly, permitted me to return from exile I suppose that I shall share.
My name is Matt and I've bee a tabletop addict since 2007. My first game was a Star Wars rpg. I don't know which one. I just know that a friend invited me to hangout with him and some other people in a club between classes and after sitting for about 20 minutes while they made characters and I thumbed through the rulebook I slapped a completed character sheet down and joined the game as a force sensitive zabrak. 1st and only session.
A few months later, at a different friend's house, I was introduced to Steven and 3.5. "The greatest DM ever!" Steven was the worst DM ever. But 3.5 had me.
The group dissolved. Eventually, other friends were brought in to join the remnants of the original group and we switched to PF where I have been the group GM for about 9 years. With some occasional breaks.
This marks my 2nd PBP campaign, the first being Iron Fangs that I am also in at this exact same time. It's very rare that my IRL group is able to play anymore so I tried R20 but found that even the commitment of 4-6 hours once a week is too much to ask at the state on my life. PBP fits just right.
-Posted with Wayfinder
Korum Scratcher |
Ha! Dinketry, you are too kind, letting Nishv off so easy :)
My name is Richard, I've been playing tabletop games since I was in high school, back in 2001-04. I've played 3.0/3.5/PF almost exclusively, with brief forays into the worlds of GURPS, BESM, and D20 Modern, as well as short one-session games like Fiasco.
I live in Idaho, in the US, and work as an administrative staff for a bank.
Korum Scratcher |
Wanted to mention, I am reading through everything now and am ready to begin again when others are. Very sorry i dissapeared.
Glad to have you back!
GM Dinketry |
Loran, you've cast mage armour on yourself to start this combat, FYI. And if you could send me a copy of your character sheet to when you have a chance, it'd be much appreciated.
Welcome back! Hiatus officially over!
Nishv Nilara |
Welcome back, Loran!
-Posted with Wayfinder
Rafyyk Halfmoon |
You people and you're sharing. Pfft! lol
Hi, my name is Alan and I am addict. I've been roleplaying since I was in middle school (though I use the term loosely to categorize that experience as such since it was just one kid telling us what happened to us and my character(s) dying a lot - but it was arguably D&D). I've played and GMed in a bunch of different systems and settings, too many to count or name all of them anymore. I have even done Live-Action World of Darkness earlier in my life for several years.
Nishv Nilara |
Are the arrows doing regular damage or non-lethal?
GM Dinketry |
Loran, I had you cast Mage Armour on yourself already at the beginning of this combat while I was botting you. You can choose to do something else if you'd like.
GM Dinketry |
Loran, I was reviewing your character. Can you tell me how your halfling character has a 30 foot base move? Typical base move for halfling is 20 feet.
You climb at 1/4 of your base move, which for you would be 5 feet per movement. Colour spray wouldn't reach the second floor after moving up just 5 feet on the rungs, so you don't cast, but simply move halfway up the ladder with your double move.
GM Dinketry |
Ah-ha! I didn't see that on your character profile. (Looks again). NOPE. I still don't see that on your character profile. I also don't have your character sheet in email form. Would you please send it to me at
Also, 7.5 feet up would be a half-move climb up the ladder, and none of the pugwampi are right at the top of the ladder (within 15 foot cone), so colour spray still wouldn't be effective as you're climbing, Loran.
GM Dinketry |
Sure thing, Nishv. Family first. Come back when you're available. Thinking good thoughts for you and yours.
GM Dinketry |
Hmmmm. It seems, in reviewing my notes, that both Nishv and Rafyyk are busy IRL right now, so I'll help to finish up this combat round, but then we'll put the campaign on hold until one or more of Nishv and Rafyyk rejoin us so I don't have to bot two characters.
GM Dinketry |
I've heard from Nishv; he's going to need to focus on non-gaming life for now. He has officially bowed out of our campaign.
That leaves 4 of you, and we're still on hold as we await the return of Rafyyk.
I'm happy to re-open the recruitment thread if you'd like. You're a bit light on front-line fighting, having lost both your paladin as well as your monk. It might be a good time to recruit two more players to the folds.
I also recognise that GenCon is this week, so however that would affect these PbP boards will be in play.
I'll await to hear from my three active players - Loran, Uzma, and Korum - before opening up the recruitment thread for two new players.
We will finish this combat scene - once Rafyyk has rejoined us - with Nishv botted by me until there comes a time for him to make his departure in game gracefully.
Korum Scratcher |
I'm happy to re-open recruitment, if only to pad our numbers against any other misfortunes that may befall the game.
GM Dinketry |
I'll wait to hear from one more about re-opening recruitment. If another of the party members says yes, then we have a majority vote (NOTE: I vote yes as well).
Rafyyk Halfmoon |
I am SO sorry everyone! I didn't intend to drop out of the game and just stop being around. Life went a bit sideways and then just tonight I realized I hadn't been on the site in FOREVER. Sorry. =(
GM Dinketry |
It's ok, Rafyyk. Does this mean you're back?
I will progress with re-opening the recruitment for one more if Rafyyk is back; two more if Rafyyk is not.
GM Dinketry |
Ok, I'm going to change directions on opening up the recruitment. Instead of broadly opening it up to anyone (as we are recruiting for one player to create a martial character to join us), I've decided to target the "Players Looking for Games" posting board on here, and individually message people who I think would be good fits for our group.
In the meantime, let's get back to bashing some pugwampi, shall we? I will bot Nishv.
GM Dinketry |
I've successfully recruited one other player to join us from the "Gamers Looking for Games" thread - that character will enter the fray in the very-near future.
Stay tuned...
GM Dinketry |
There are two problems with your actions, Rafyyk.
1.) That giant red X that you had a hard time moving around represents a massive hole in the floor (see the note to the side of the map) where Nishv fell through about 3 rounds ago. You can't move through that hole, unless you're planning on moving down to the ground floor in a gravity-enhanced manner (i.e. falling).
2.) The upside-down icon of the pugwampi represents an unconscious pugwampi, felled by Loran's colour spray about 2 rounds ago. If you'd like to charge an unconscious and prone pugwampi, you may do so, but you cannot go through the hole in the floor in order to do so.
You can have a do-over.
Rafyyk Halfmoon |
Ok so I am having trouble with the map. Now I can't move Rafyyk without moving a red x so I need you to put the xs where they were supposed to be and move Rafyyk back to the ladder where he was if you could please.
Rafyyk Halfmoon |
And just so I don't mess up the movement again lol, is the little area we are on the only part of the structure that can be walked on? Is the different shaded/colored area open air to the ground as well? Like a balcony?
GM Dinketry |
The lighter shaded area is the floor 20 feet below. You're on a balcony in the apse of the chapel - choir lofts. The vertical and horizontal grey lines are timber beams.
Rafyyk Halfmoon |
Man, f~!~ these pugwampis. Let's just leave the room. We don't need to kill them. If they want to come after us, we'll get them when they come down or just leave them. Now I know why people complain about them, lol.
GM Dinketry |
Alright folks, we're going to have to have a group discussion.
I've been discussing things with some of you, and some of you (as well as I) are NOT happy with the level of posting that's going on.
I have had to chase some of you multiple times in order to post in a timely fashion. I do not think once daily posting is too much to ask, but at the very least, you could let us know if you would not be available for this game, or when you would be back. I am already playing Nishv's character through the remainder of this combat, as Nishv took the opportunity to gracefully bow out due to RL issues.
This is my opportunity to encourage some of you to do that as well.
I recognise the difficulties inherent in me taking over this game. Some of you made it quite clear that you'd be happy if I were a temporary GM for your original GM, and I'd hand it back to that GM if they decided to re-surface. I also note that the correlation between that suggestion and the infrequency of player posts is quite high. I have another player waiting in the wings to take up this PbP - and he's been waiting now for just about two weeks. I have other players IN THIS GROUP who have private messaged me, suggesting that they are going to drop this game because it is moving too slow.
I am giving you until the end of this week - by Friday, your time, at 5PM - to reply to this post to let me know if you're still interested in gaming with me and this PbP or not. If not, that is fine, and we will gracefully bow you out. If I don't hear from you, I am assuming that you don't want to game further here, and you will be made inactive in this game, with further recruitment to take place to fill the gaps.
I thank you all for your attention and your gameplay, no matter what your decision or circumstance. It is a privilege to GM for you.
Korum Scratcher |
Alright folks, we're going to have to have a group discussion.
I've been discussing things with some of you, and some of you (as well as I) are NOT happy with the level of posting that's going on.
I have had to chase some of you multiple times in order to post in a timely fashion. I do not think once daily posting is too much to ask, but at the very least, you could let us know if you would not be available for this game, or when you would be back. I am already playing Nishv's character through the remainder of this combat, as Nishv took the opportunity to gracefully bow out due to RL issues.
This is my opportunity to encourage some of you to do that as well.
I recognise the difficulties inherent in me taking over this game. Some of you made it quite clear that you'd be happy if I were a temporary GM for your original GM, and I'd hand it back to that GM if they decided to re-surface. I also note that the correlation between that suggestion and the infrequency of player posts is quite high. I have another player waiting in the wings to take up this PbP - and he's been waiting now for just about two weeks. I have other players IN THIS GROUP who have private messaged me, suggesting that they are going to drop this game because it is moving too slow.
I am giving you until the end of this week - by Friday, your time, at 5PM - to reply to this post to let me know if you're still interested in gaming with me and this PbP or not. If not, that is fine, and we will gracefully bow you out. If I don't hear from you, I am assuming that you don't want to game further here, and you will be made inactive in this game, with further recruitment to take place to fill the gaps.
I thank you all for your attention and your gameplay, no matter what your decision or circumstance. It is a privilege to GM for you.
Hey, sorry about my last round. I know it's especially hard to post often in-combat, unless it's your turn. I'm in for keeping this up.
Rafyyk Halfmoon |
If I've been a problem, I apologize. I have nothing against you DMing this. I can't always post every day, though I do try and usually manage every other day except for weekends which are often hard for me to post at all. That being said, if you would prefer I step out to allow someone who posts more frequently in, then I will understand.
GM Dinketry |
Ok, I think I've heard from everyone, and everyone wants to continue. I'm glad, because I really like this mix of characters.
I also think that some ground rules will be important as far as expected posting speed.
I'm happy with the "no available posting on the weekends" thoughts, but I think posting every day on the weekdays isn't too much to ask. Rafyyk, we will work with you.
Here's the big thing, folks: TELL us if you're going to be away for any length of time. Real life happens - that's fine. Just tell us. I think we all would give a lot of credit to people if we knew that work/life/home/computer issues/Hurricane Irma/DragonCon/ebola was affecting them. It might not be possible, but in fact, it might be, and we're all hoping that you're not trapped under something heavy.
I am instilling a new rule: if you're AWOL for a week from your last post without any word or notice, we will move the campaign forward without you. I don't think that's too draconian, and it's sensitive to the other players' needs. I'm open for discussion.
And whenever you'd like to move forward with the tire fire of a pugwampi fight, Loran, it is your turn.
-GM Dink
Drael Kapernos |
Hey everyone, I've been lurking for awhile and my time has finally come to introduce myself! I've been playing online for a couple of years now, and will be filling a martial tank role in the group with an armored bloodrager.
Reading through what's happened so far this looks like a really fun group, so I'm looking forward to playing with you all!
GM Dinketry |
To all my current players:
I have removed Loran Farseer from our game based on a continued pattern of absence with respect to posting. I have communicated this directly to him; it is simply a mismatch with respect to our group's desired pace and the frequency with which Loran's player was able to post, nothing more.
I also want to point out that I mean to stand by what I previously offered as a fairly easy-going rule here for this game: I need you to tell us, your fellow players, if you're unable to post for a period of time. If you go AWOL for one week or more on this game with no explanation or communication, then I reserve the right to eject your character in order to expedite a more accelerated gameplay.
I hope I'm not being too draconian here. Please let me know if people think I am.
GM Dink
Rafyyk Halfmoon |
I apologize. I have not been the best in regards to posting either and something has come up with my family. While I really want to play Legacy of Fire and I like Rafyyk despite his bad luck, lol, it might be best if I stepped away.
GM Dinketry |
Right, we won't be delaying this game further, folks. I will be taking over Rafyyk through this second wave of assault on the pugwampi infestation. At the same time, we will open recruitment back up for two more characters. Hopefully we will have the recruitment completed in a decent time and be able to introduce the new characters and see Rafyyk off in style.
I thank you for your patience. Real life does intrude sometimes. Thank you also, Rafyyk, for gracefully stepping down.