It's Good to Be the King (Inactive)

Game Master KingmakerDM

A journey through the Kingmaker AP and how the group responds to other happenings in Brevoy and the River Kingdoms.

Welcome to the new board. Here we will discuss any OOC items we can't handle in the gameplay thread or that we don't want to.

Very eager to get going again!

Check out this post for any help on using this board.

Hey! I'm on here now, Aviatrix and Jinro might need a few more days to get better, and a stable Internet connection.

Well I am sorry to say that for now Aviatrix and Jinro will not be able to make the shift over to here. Aviatrix is taking a hiatus and Jinro is drawing back into fewer games, but I am still here.

I got final word from them, and Aviatrix will attempt to get on here if she can get everything IRL under control. So keep Amber at the fort if possible. :D

I'll be here on occasion when I can. Thanks for letting them know Shadow.

I'm still here. :)

Ok, then, it looks like we can go forward with Charlotte, Amber, Yarro, and I'll NPC Darian until he can come back. Hopefully Ursion would as well.

Togot let me know that he has moved on.

So, we'll see where we can go with this group.

Toten might come back, but I believe his wife went into labor and gave birth or is about to (It wasn't clear) so he will be very busy for the time being.

I'll work on getting a post up as soon as I can, but right now I'm busy taking care of my Grandmother who is sick. So I might take some extra time.

Hey everyone, very sorry for this but because of changes in my job and issues to deal with in RL, I'm going to have to step away from the game. I apologize for not being able to complete this journey together. Best of luck to you all.

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