DM Default |

So......yeah. Another one of these. Actually, looking forward to running this before Starfinder comes out and hope you guys are eager as well.
I'm hoping for thematic characters for this very unique region, though if you're a traveller I guess you could justify a lot.
Please no rp-ing in the thread as it discourages new submissions and hides concerns and questions.
For ideas and reading to better immerse yourself, I'd recommend the Iron Gods Player God and Pathfinder Technology Guide. You can google the second one, but I make no guarentees the online pdf file is safe for viewing.
We will be starting at level 1, and be leveling usually through the moderate experience track and key moments during play. I'm starting to default to the second one to be honest.
• Races: All standard races from the Pathfinder Core Rulebook will be allowed. Any other PC race will be considered on a case by case basis. For the most part, races recommended by the Player's Guide will be approved.
• Classes: Any class created by Paizo with the correct errata.
• Alignment: You can declare an alignment, but for the most part it will be determined by your actions and motivations.
• Abilities: Characters will be based on the High Fantasy (20 point) buy, found in the PFRPG Core Rulebook on page 16.
• Feats: Any feat created by Paizo with correct errata.
• Skills: We will be using the Background Skill system.
• Traits: Characters will start with two traits. One must be a campaign trait listed below. The other one better have a good narrative reason why you have it. Also, you may take a third trait if you take a drawback as well, but please choose a drawback that you think will actually matter.
• Hit Points: Characters will start out with Maximum hit points for their class at 1st level. After 1st level characters will take the average each level.
• Starting Gold: Characters will start with Average starting gold for their base class as found in the PFRPG Core Rulebook on page 140, or in the APG on page 26.
• I retain the ability to ask you to change something if I find it would upset game balance a bit too much.
• Third Party Pathfinder material and 3.5 material will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Be forewarned, don't go too crazy with this. Also, link the material you are asking if you can use.
• Unchained options are allowed, but you must fully commit. Meaning, you cannot choose the unchained version of a barbarian but choose the non-unchained version of one of his rage powers.
Against the Technic League: Although the Black Sovereign rules Numeria in name, it’s the spellcasters of the Technic League who hold the real power. While their influence is certainly strongest in the capital of Starfall, their touch can be felt even here in Torch—the League takes a significant cut of the town’s income as tithes every month. For some reason, you have a grudge against the Technic League. Perhaps your parents lost their jobs as the result of an act they took that displeased the League—you might even suspect the League was responsible for their deaths. Alternatively, you could just rankle at the League’s open acceptance of slavery, their reputation for sadism and cruelty, or their penchant for hoarding and controlling technological wonders. Talk to your GM to refine the reasons why you hate the Technic League, but you’re convinced that they are somehow responsible for putting out the town’s torch and that evidence of their tampering can be found in the caverns below—if you can find evidence of the Technic League working against Torch’s better interests, that could well be a step toward the town’s independence from the League. Choose either weapons or spells. If you choose weapons, you gain a +2 trait bonus on all damage rolls made against targets you know are associated with the Technic League. If you choose spells, increase the save DC of your spells by 1 when you target such a foe.
Local Ties: You have ties to a prominent local in the town of Torch—the missing wizard Khonnir Baine. If you’re a wizard, alchemist, or other scholarly type, he may have
been your tutor or teacher. If you’re of a more martial bent, Khonnir could instead have been a friend or business associate of your mother, father, or patron. He may even have been your adoptive father, in which case you likely have a bond of friendship or rivalry with his adopted daughter Val (your GM has more information on her in this case if you wish to know more for your character’s background). Your association with Khonnir has given you insight into how technology works. Choose Disable Device or Knowledge (engineering). You gain a +1 trait bonus on checks with this skill, and it is a class skill for you. In addition, you are treated as if you possessed the Technologist feat for the purposes of resolving checks associated with that skill. If you gain the Technologist feat, your trait bonus for the selected skill increases to +3.
Numerian Archaeologist: Numeria is a land ripe for archaeological exploration, since so many of the strange technological dungeons have been either avoided by the superstitious barbarian tribes or have been locked down by the Technic League, leaving many of them untouched and ripe for exploration. You’ve studied the strange language associated with these eerie technological ruins, and are eager to start exploring them—you suspect that Torch’s namesake is in fact part of a larger buried ruin, and you hope to enter these ruins and learn their original purpose by exploring the caves below town. You gain Androffan as an additional language. In addition, you possess a knack for technological items; when you use a timeworn technological item, roll twice when determining any glitches the item might cause and choose which result to use as your actual result. Talk to your GM for more information about resolving glitches.
Robot Slayer: The strange automatons that plague the wilds of Numeria are a blight upon the world, and the idea that there could be countless more of these creatures lying in wait in the unknown ruins scattered throughout the region chills your blood. Khonnir’s recovery of a deactivated robot from the caves below Torch worries you—not only could that thing wake up and run amok in town, but there may well be more lurking below! You want to explore the caves under Torch to determine if there is indeed a lurking robot threat below town. You gain a +1 trait bonus on attack rolls against robots and a +1 dodge bonus to AC against attacks made by robots.
Skymetal Smith: The fires atop Torch Hill have long been a boon to smiths and metalworkers, and your family is no exception. Whether you grew up in Torch or simply made several trips here with your parents to use the fire, this was to be your first time to use the torch for your own project. You managed to use the fires to craft a small weapon or piece of armor from skymetal, but not long thereafter the fires went out. The violet flames are as much a part of your upbringing as anything else, and their loss distresses you; you hope to find a way to rekindle the torch below the hill. You’ve long hoped to work with skymetal, and begin the game with a small metal bauble made of the skymetal of your choice—you made this item yourself. The item is nothing more than a valuable art object worth 100 gp. You can sell it to gain an additional 100 gp when creating your character, but if you keep it, your pride in its crafting grants you a +2 trait bonus on Will saving throws made against emotion and fear effects. You lose this bonus if you willingly sell or give up the item, but if it is destroyed or lost through no fault of your own, you retain a +1 trait bonus on such Will saves.
Stargazer: They say the strange technological ruins scattered throughout Numeria came from the skies several thousand years ago. The concept of life on other planets far beyond Golarion has always fascinated you, and you’ve long hoped to learn more about what life on those other planets
may have been like. You’ve heard stories about the strange alien creatures found in Numerian dungeons and hope to learn all you can about them—perhaps some of these aliens can be found in the caverns below Torch! You gain a +2 trait bonus on Knowledge checks to identify alien monsters’ abilities and weaknesses. In addition, you gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (geography) checks, and this skill is a class skill for you. You are treated as if you possessed the Technologist feat for the purposes of resolving checks to identify an alien creature using a Knowledge skill and for all Knowledge (geography) checks. If you already possess the Technologist feat, then your trait bonus on Knowledge (geography) checks increases to +3.
• While I don't mandate posting every day, I do hope you will post frequently. If you will be gone for a decent span of time, please inform me and I will bot you as necessary.
• My updates will be fairly consistent, but I have times where I might not update for a few days. I ask for your patientience if I go quiet for a week as real life can get extremely busy. AFter a week, feel free to spam my messages.
• I will be using a mix of Roll20 and imagination for combat, but all rolls and role-playing will be done in the gameplay thread of this campaign. This means some combat will be on maps, and others will be more theatre of the mind.
• Roleplaying will be focused on more than combat, but not exclusively.
• The number one deciding factor that will boost your chances of selection is if you have a very real character, one that oozes personality, backstory, and motivation. At times, I have chosen lopsided parties of characters I enjoyed and worked with the chosen players to balance the party after selection.
• An Alias does not need to be created to be considered for selection, but your character's stats and backstory must be complete.
• On principle, I do not go over submissions until the deadline to keep myself from favoring earlier submissions. Asking questions is fine to help fine tune, but I will not check your submission for mistakes prior to the deadline.
• Keep Min-maxing to a minimum-moderate level, please. I understand the joy of a powerful character, but I like to see reasons behind character decisions. Relevant background reasons, not "its the most effective."
• If your character sheet is difficult to reach or read, that is a bad thing.
• Do not post more than one submission.
• I will give greater consideration to characters with great personality, backstory, and motivations. Please do not hand me a block of stats or a generic backstory.
• A paragraph might be too little, while a five-page short story might be too much when it comes ot backstory. The best advice I've ever gotten was to just write down what your character knows, and let the GM decide the rest.
These are actual things that have come up during past recruitments I've run.
Can I play a member of the technic league, or at least join them at some point?
No, at least not a current member or aspiring one. The most I'll let you get away with is you used to be a minor grunt and were ousted for some reason Whatever the case, the Technic Leauge is not your friend and your contact might have only been in name only with no real information on them.
Are crafting skills any use? Especially Craft(Mechanical)?
Yes! In fact, There are definite periods of time where you can choose how to invest your time, so taking some time to work on your craft is okay. Plus, there's going to be a lot of mechanical things in this AP.
So....how about that question from the interest thread about bonus systems?
I'm allowing Variant Multiclassing and background skills, but that's it.
• Non-Unchained Summoner
• Leadership Feat
Feel free to ask questions.
I'm planning on ending recruitment by January 29th.

Darian Six |

I briefly played this character in another Iron Gods game that fell apart (DM disappeared) partway through the first book.
Darian is a very orderly, flat-affect android who was rediscovered near Torch. His alchemical abilities allow limited team support, and as a chirurgeon he will be able to do additional healing starting at level 2. His inspiration bonuses (from inspired chemist) mean that he will be reasonably decent at important Perception rolls and the like.
Eventually he'll probably gain the Technologist feat and start to understand Androffan devices, but at the outset his is a curious mind seeking to understand the physical properties of the world through experimentation with alchemy.
Though he tends to be a flat speaker and doesn't generally display strong emotions, he can be a very dependable teammate. He's learned from the residents of Torch to get along with humans, and knows Khonnir Baine due to their shared interest in the natural sciences. He is strongly loyal and does have a sense of duty or obligation to people with whom he interacts, but he lacks a strong moral center - though if his companions suggest that the team should do something "because it's the right thing to do," he will go along and trust their judgment.

Adrien Belmont |

Hi, this is a summoner from two past Iron Gods, both of which died from a GM disappearing. I'll have to look through everything for him and make sure that I'm up to snuff on your build rules, but you can still more or less see how he's going to be built. Adrien functions primarily as a support caster for his eidolon and the party, as well as being adept at understanding mechanics and such things. I'll post in as his eidolon as well so you can potentially look over him as well.

OZ-M1; "Ozymandias" |

This is Adrien's "eidolon", OZ-M1. Thematically he's actually an ancient construct from the crashed spaceships in Numeria, which Adrien recovered from some wreckage and is now loyal to him. Mechanically he effectively works the exact same way as any other eidolon, I just flavor things differently wherever I can. Instead of "returning to his home plane" he folds up into a little sphere and stuff like that, nothing that would require re-writing the rules. At the moment I have him built as a natural attacker Eidolon from the previous game, but I have a question for you; would you allow me to take natural attack options the Inevitable doesn't normally have access to if I can explain how he uses them in-game? I'm thinking things like "tentacle" attacks that are actually cables that he can fire at and grab enemies with, or having an additional set of smaller arms with blades attached to them for claws. If that's not agreeable to you I will likely think about building him as a weapon-wielding eidolon or maximize the capabilities of his slam attack.

Daedalus the Dungeon Builder |

So, I had an idea for a Wyrwood wizard, sent to Numeria in order to investigate the non-magical constructs and rumors of another free-willed race of constructs. However, he disguises himself, as to not give away his identity as a Wyrwood, as he knows any Technic League members (or just unscrupulous scholars in general) would love to dissect him. Would you consider allowing this concept?
Keep in mind, the reason Wyrwoods are considered a powerful race is due to the fact that they are constructs. And while there are a lot of advantages to being a construct (correct me if I'm wrong, I'm not terribly familiar with the AP), a lot of enemies we'll be facing will have at least some anti-construct abilities, on account of the Numerian robots.

DM Default |

Current Finished Submissions
Darian Six [Male Android alchemist (chirurgeon, inspired chemist)]
Gareth Gudrum [Male Dwarf Ranger (Galvanic Saboteur)]
Adrien Belmont [Male Human Unchained Summoner]
@ OZ-M1; "Ozymandias"
I'm leaning on the side of saying no, but if you really want it, I propose a system where you can "augment" your eidolon permanently by investing evolution points into making your Inevitable Eidolon count additionally as another type to fulfill requirements of different evolutions. It may be a bit much, but it does open options not normally open to you. Or i"m making a huge mistake I'll regret later.
@ Twilik
Yes, there is one new familiar option and 2 possible animal companion options. Petroman (familiar), Pilo (companion), and Sorico (companion). You can find their stats online.
@ Daedalus the Dungeon Builder
While I think its a fun idea, I'm not sure I like how the Wyrwood as a race is kinda "superior" to most of the regular ones. I'm not completely against it, I just have my apprehensions.

Daedalus the Dungeon Builder |

What typically makes the Wyrwood "superior" is its construct abilities (i.e. immunities to mind affects, poisons, disease, necromancy effects and so on). While I'm not super familiar with the challenges presented in Iron Gods, I don't believe that those come up super often? I'm willing to take an extra drawback or some other negative effect to make up for what the construct type gains.
If it won't work, I can always find a different concept, though I do like the idea of a tiny little wooden mannequin who is constantly exasperated by all of the maintenance that "organics" require (sleeping, eating, drinking, etc.), even the supposedly 'artificial' androids, while simultaneously pretending to be a gnome, despite not really knowing much about them. I can actually have a draft of the character up quickly

Skikkikitikut |

I'd like to submit this ratfolk Unchained Rogue (Numerian Scavenger) which was in an Iron Gods game which made it until approximately the first encounter, when the GM disappeared.
I haven't double checked that it fits all your criteria, but I believe it is really close, and will adjust it to do so by the deadline.

spectrevk |

Rough character sketch
Nearly two decades ago, Krona's father was an adventurous Pathfinder who operated out of Torch, but frequently made forays into the wild in search of Adroffan ruins. He had some Kellid blood in him, and managed to make contact with many of the local tribes, who tolerated his dangerous curiosity in exchange for his knowledge, and because the local chieftain's daughter had taken a fancy to him. She was a tall, fierce young woman who had never stepped outside of her tribe's lands, and enjoyed hearing of his travels. Her name was Katrok.
The status quo began to change after Katrok became pregnant with Krona; her father was forced to fight for Katrok's hand in marriage, and he began spending more time within tribal lands, where his unnatural curiosity for the "cursed places" became all too well-known. Krona, as well, had inherited her father's curiosity and began tagging along with him as soon as she could walk further than the edge of camp. She'd hide in his backpack, in his horse's saddlebags, or, in one instance that Katrok still teases her about, followed behind him for 2 miles hiding under a large basket. She was a tall girl, nearly as tall as her mother even at an early age, and though she possessed the strength and ferocity to match, she would much rather curl up with one of her father's books than wrestle with the village children or hunt.
When Krona was 15 years old, her father was caught transporting technology from Androffan ruins to "foreign smugglers" (actually Pathfinders). Fearing retaliation from the Technic League, the tribe turned him over to the League and Krona never saw him again. Krona was furious with the tribe, and with her mother for remaining silent. Her mother, worried that the girl would meet the same fate if she stayed among the tribe, pretended to be asleep as Krona snuck out to make her own way, carrying only a few days' rations and her father's journal. The journal led her back to Torch, where she found that her natural affinity for machinery and mathematics, and passion for strange artifacts were actually an advantage. Taking a mixture of labor and translation jobs, Krona has begun to build a life for herself in the past two and a half years. Her mother has come to visit her on occasion, and while they did not speak at first, Krona has begun to forgive her.
With word of another search party forming to locate Khonnir Baine, Krona is eager to find a spot; while she did not know Khonnir well, he was always kind to her when they spoke, and the reward money could be her ticket out of sleeping in common rooms.
A nerd in a barbarian's body. Enjoys making bad axe puns, translating Adroffan text, and free climbing.
Human(Kellid) Unchained Barbarian (favored class choice: HP)
STR 16
DEX 14
CON 14
INT 14
WIS 12
CHA 08
HP: 15
Fort: +4 Ref: +2 Will: +1
AC: 14/18
+4 Greataxe (1d12+4)
+3 Greataxe Power Attack (1d12+7)
Common, Hallit, Androffan
Numerian Archaeologist, Mathematical Prodigy (Disable Device is now a class skill; +1 Disable Device/K: Eng)
Acrobatics (Dex) 1+3+2=6
Climb (Str) 1+3+3=7
Disable Device (Dex) 1+3+2+1=7
Knowledge (nature) (Int) 1+3+2=6
Perception (Wis) 1+3+1=5
Survival (Wis) 1+3+1=5
Swim (Str) 1+3+3=7
Knowledge (engineering) (Int) 1+2+1=4
Linguistics (Int) 1+2=3
Power Attack, Shield of Swings
GEAR 105
Hide Armor 15gp
Greataxe 30
Barbarian's Kit 9gp
Common Grappling Hook 1gp
Journal 10gp
Ink 8gp
Inkpen 1sp
Potion of Cure Light Wounds 25gp
6gp, 9sp

Lekkric18 |

Dropping in to apply with Xandak, an android Aegis. The Aegis is 3PP but it's very similar to the summoner, just that you augment a suit of armor instead of an eidolon. From what I hear it's less powerful but more flexible than the summoner.
If I get picked I'll set up an alias, but I had this on mythweavers for another game that never got going so I thought I'd pull it out again.

Risa Fiersan |

Introducing Plitzarin Fizzabilt! A *ahem* PERFECTLY NORMAL gnome "rogue," who is really interested in researching technological artifacts to stem off The Whiten- sorry, The Bleaching. Oh, and that weird creature that keeps following him? That's a strange thing that he found and that insists on following him. No, it's not his familiar. He's not a wizard! Not even a little! And he's absolutely not any kind of construct!
This is Daedalus, presenting the first draft of Eblem Klisklam, Wyrwood wizard. I can easily change him to an android with very little fuss, should Wyrwood be eventually ruled against.

OZ-M1; "Ozymandias" |

@ OZ-M1; "Ozymandias"
I'm leaning on the side of saying no, but if you really want it, I propose a system where you can "augment" your eidolon permanently by investing evolution points into making your Inevitable Eidolon count additionally as another type to fulfill requirements of different evolutions. It may be a bit much, but it does open options not normally open to you. Or i"m making a huge mistake I'll regret later.
If that makes you more comfortable with that kind of option, that's fine. I don't even really want access to any and everything another type of eidolon can select, personally; I only want to be able to take some of the other natural attack options listed as Inevitables make terrible natural attack builds (they only have access to Slam) and flavor-wise it feels odd that an ancient battle robot would be using something like a big hammer or an axe as opposed to built-in weapons or a futuristic manufactured one (which obviously aren't available at game start). However, if the option that makes you the most comfortable mechanically is allowing my eidolon to be treated as other types for gaining evolutions by spending resources to that end then obviously that is what I'm going to do.
Also, quick question on the Extra Evolution Point feat; it mentions you can take it every several levels including 20th... but you don't gain bonus feats at 20th level. I know some people change the levels or re-interpret the way it's written to correct that mistake, would you do anything with it or leave it as is?

Ryder-XIII |

Talomyr checking in with my submission Ryder-XIII.
If you had to put him into one of the categories of character types, he would most closely fit the "skill-monkey" type. Secondary function would be ranged combatant, even more so as the VMC gunslinger stuff begins to kick in.
Assuming he survives that long, he would also eventually be a technology crafter.

Risa Fiersan |

I had an idea for how I might be able to bring the power level of Plitzarin/Eblem down closer to the baseline power of races. My idea is foregoing my level 1 feat. According to the Race Builder, a bonus feat is worth 4 rp, and pulls the 20 rp construct down to a more manageable 16 rp, the same as Sulis, and about the same as Aasimars, Androids and Tieflings. If that doesn't work, I can also try and figure something else out.

DM Default |

Current Submissions
Darian Six [Male Android alchemist (chirurgeon, inspired chemist)]
Gareth Gudrum [Male Dwarf Ranger (Galvanic Saboteur)]
Adrien Belmont [Male Human Unchained Summoner]
Skikkikitikut [Female Ratfolk Unchained Rogue (Numerian Scavenger)]
Krona [Female Human(Kellid) Unchained Barbarian)]
Plitzarin Fizzabilt [Construct Wyrwood Wizard (Diviner)]
Ryder-XIII [Humanoid Android Investigator (Empiricist); Gunslinger VMC]
@ Lekkric18
You link isn't working and I can't find any info on the class with some minor googling. Plus, I'd really like to keep this to Pathfinder material if possible.
@ OZ-M1; "Ozymandias"
I'm just trying to prevent a situation where natural attacks on Eidolons became waaaay too overpowered. So far warning, if selected and I see your guy just chopping through encounters, rules are gonna be changed.
As for the 20th level thing, I just wanna make it to the end of the first module initially. From there, depending on how the party is feeling, we'll see where it goes.
@ Plitzarin Fizzabilt
That's not a bad idea actually. Creative thinking on your part. I may ask you to tweak something later but that should be fine for now. Also, as you mentioned part of your concept, please don't make keeping you real race a secret a huge issue. The campaign assumes you all relatively know each other and decide you like each other enough to work together.

OZ-M1; "Ozymandias" |

@ OZ-M1; "Ozymandias"
I'm just trying to prevent a situation where natural attacks on Eidolons became waaaay too overpowered. So far warning, if selected and I see your guy just chopping through encounters, rules are gonna be changed.As for the 20th level thing, I just wanna make it to the end of the first module initially. From there, depending on how the party is feeling, we'll see where it goes.
I understand. I don't really have any intention of trying to build an eidolon who chops through encounters, but if you end up feeling like that's what I'm doing then by all means do change it and I'll adjust the character accordingly. I don't plan on taking any more attacks at this point anyhow, as I would rather invest his skill points elsewhere.
Also, I'm seeing a couple familiar faces from Adrien's past two attempts at Iron Gods. Nice to see you guys.

rungok |

I present to you my character Submission: Bastion Baine, a Human Vanguard-archetype Slayer.
Built him up to be a reach weapon fighter and later on a teamwork feat sharing. He's got a personality, reasons to be there, and backstory, as detailed below. I would love to work with you on increasing the depth of details about his relationship with Val, if that can be done.
Bastion is an adopted son of Khonnir Baine.
His parents, Liza and Barrick, abandoned him when he was a young child, throwing him in front of an attacking numerian construct in an attempt to save themselves. Their cowardice did little to slow the automaton, who swatted the child out of the way as it continued on its rampage. He was badly injured and nearly died, while he saw the thing tear apart his parents. Shortly after losing consciousness, he was discovered by Khonnir and his associates when they suppressed the creation and destroyed it. He was tended to, and survived his wounds, but not without being scarred for life. After some time and debating by the people of Torch. Khonnir ended up agreeing to raise the boy.
He still has traumatic memories of being abandoned, though they've faded somewhat in the years since. It still affects him though; he secretly fears being abandoned again. He grew up alongside his sister Val. While they're technically family he did develop somewhat of a crush on her. These feelings go unexplored. Bastion is confused by them anyways and tries to hide it from himself. He doesn't want to give her a reason to abandon him too.
Bastion showed no talent for magic, but he did do everything he could to prepare to help defend his new family.
Bastion is a muscular man, with a compact body for a Kellid. He has auburn locks of hair that hangs past the ears. He has blue eyes and tanned skin. A long scar crosses his torso from his left hip up to his right collarbone, jagged and forked from where he had been nearly slashed in half as a child.
Bastion Baine
Male human (Kellid) slayer (vanguard) 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 53, 121)
CG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +5
AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 12 (1d10+2)
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +1
Speed 30 ft.
Melee cestus +5 (1d4+4/19-20) or
. . lucerne hammer +6 (1d12+6) or
. . unarmed strike +5 (1d3+4 nonlethal)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with lucerne hammer)
Special Attacks studied target +1 (1st, move action)
Str 18, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 10
Base Atk +1; CMB +5; CMD 17
Feats Power Attack, Weapon Focus (lucerne hammer)
Traits local ties, mathematical prodigy, tactician
Skills Climb +7, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +4, Knowledge (engineering) +5, Knowledge (geography) +4, Knowledge (local) +4, Perception +5, Sense Motive +5, Stealth +5, Survival +5
Languages Common, Hallit
SQ betrayed
Other Gear studded leather, cestus[APG], lucerne hammer[APG], 105 gp
Special Abilities
Betrayed When use Sense motive to gain hunch, roll twice (take low, can't reroll).
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Studied Target +1 (move action, 1 at a time) (Ex) Study foe as a Move action, gain +1 to att/dam & some skills vs. them.

Risa Fiersan |

Okay, cool. Thanks. That's what I'll do, then. I'm fine with tweaking and weakening myself a bit- what I really like is the concept.
Overall, though, what's more important to the character is that he tries to keep his race hidden. With +1 to disguise and bluff, I doubt the facade will hold out long.(Yes, I'm just a PERFECTLY NORMAL GNOME! No, I'm not secretly a wooden man, animated by magic, sent on a secret mission from Arcadia to evaluate Numerian technology! Why would you even think that?)
Though, I was thinking about (using the Rich Parents trait) getting a Cap of Human Guise (800 gp), which allows me to use disguise myself as a generic gnome, halfling, or human child. Will this be permissible for use? By RAW, only a small or medium humanoid can use its abilities.

Ouachitonian |

I'm really wanting to run a Stonelord Paladin, and wondering; If I take an Oread with the Dwarf Blooded racial feat, would you allow it to count for purposes of taking racial archetypes?
Dwarf Blooded
You have dwarven blood coursing through your veins.Prerequisite: Oread.
Benefit: Your dwarven heritage manifests in two ways. First, your speed is never modified by armor or encumbrance, as the dwarf slow and steady racial trait. Second, you gain the stonecunning dwarf racial trait.
Alternatively, could an Oread, being essentially a Planetouched human, take the human racial feat Racial Heritage and get it that way?
Racial Heritage
The blood of a non-human ancestor flows in your veins.Prerequisite: Human.
Benefit: Choose another humanoid race. You count as both human and that race for any effects related to race. For example, if you choose dwarf, you are considered both a human and a dwarf for the purpose of taking traits, feats, how spells and magic items affect you, and so on.
Basically, by hook or by crook, can I be an Oread Stonelord?

Twistlok |

Please accept young Dimitris Van De Lar for consideration. I will make an alias if selected but the character sheet is linked.
We had our own forge once, but the League… clearly agitated Excuse me, the Technic League had to have their tax. Torch cares if dad was crippled, not the damnable League. Well if that is the way they want it, that is what they will get.
Dimitris came from a solid family his grandfather ran a forge, his father ran a forge and it was expected that he too would run a forge. They never made this newfangled tech, simple old equipment, armor and weapons. His father specialized in weapons and so he focused on armor. Dimitris had a good life and his dad did his best as a single parent, the mother having died shortly after Dimitris was born.
Van De Lar’s Hammer was the name of the shop and it was a solid establishment in the shadow of flame giving the city of Torch its name. The shop, with the two of the working, made enough for them to live a decent life and still manage to pay the additional taxes to Thecnic League even though his father always thought it unfair. Things changed with a simple slip near the forge. Dimitirs father simply tripped and his right arm fell, just for a second, into the forge charring the flesh from the limb.
Dimitris called for help and evenly a cleric came to provide aid but it was too late for the arm and very expensive, taking most of the cash reserve they had and putting them into dept. The pair struggled on to survive but they were on a slow downward hill to bankruptcy leaving the pair at their wits ends. Dimitris did his best but eventually they had to sell the shop and Dimitris became nothing more than an employee supporting his father.
Desperate to help his son the father begged the Technic League for leniency and when none came he snapped and grabbed the man who had rejected him. As often happens when the low grab the powerful it did not end well and Dimitris father was killed in the scuffle.
From that time Dimitris has nursed a growing hatred for the League and their agents planning on revenge though unsure how to get it. He has taken his dads best hammer and a suit of armor made with his own hands and at night is searching for like minded people to help his revenge.
Generally slow to anger Dimitris has been pushed too far. Now his rage lies just under the surface but he is a smart lad and knows how to focus.
Dimitris will fight hard to protect those he feels are being taken advantage of.
Growing up a merchant Dimitris is not intimidated by either wealth or influence.
Character Sheet

DM Default |

Current Submissions
Darian Six [Male Android alchemist (chirurgeon, inspired chemist)]
Gareth Gudrum [Male Dwarf Ranger (Galvanic Saboteur)]
Adrien Belmont [Male Human Unchained Summoner]
Skikkikitikut [Female Ratfolk Unchained Rogue (Numerian Scavenger)]
Krona [Female Human(Kellid) Unchained Barbarian)]
Plitzarin Fizzabilt [Construct Wyrwood Wizard (Diviner)]
Ryder-XIII [Humanoid Android Investigator (Empiricist); Gunslinger VMC]
Bastion Bane [ Male Human (Kellid) Slayer (Vanguard)]
Ember Firesong [Female Gnome Cleric]
Ephiril the collector [Half-Elven Occultist]
Dimitris Van De Lar [Male Human Fighter]
@ Plitzarin Fizzabilt
I'd be willing to compromise, perhaps the wyrwood wizards got a hold of the tech and invested more magic into to make it viable for their use. Essentially, I'd let you use one but I would increase the price by half of the original value.
@ Joy
Yes, I believe they do.
@ Ouachitonian
Sorry to say, but I think I'm going to require you to actually be a dwarf to be a Stonelord Paladin. In the other cases you're a human with dwarven heritage, but you're still human. The special stuff that's race specific I think is appropriate in that way.

![]() |

Definitely giving it a shot; hopefully I should have a fully fledged submission ready the end of the evening. Looking towards a Numerian scavenger with a penchant for clocks, locks, and skymetal stocks.
Since I'm here though, I figure I might as well raise a question while I'm at it! I admit it's more of a cautionary ponder than anything else: Could an Investigator qualify for Technomancer, with its Extracts Gadgets qualifying as spells? Bit of an obvious query I suppose, but I ask because as I keep pondering my potential tinkerer's interests, the thematics of breaking down her Gadgets (as per the Scavenger archetype) to mid-combat jump-start some piece of technological equipment is too amusing to ignore.
The answer won't affect my application, at any rate. Just figured it might be an interesting route to pursue.

andygal |

So, somebody made an occultist so I made a psychic instead.
Note that Hero Lab doesn't recognize psychic caster classes for Mystic Past Life so I'm not using that. Besides the reborn discipline does something similar.
Female samsaran psychic 1 (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 4 230, Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 60)
LG Medium humanoid (samsaran)
Init +0; Senses low-light vision; Perception +5
AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10
hp 8 (1d6+2)
Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +3; +2 vs. death effects, negative energy effects, negative levels
Defensive Abilities lifebound
Speed 30 ft.
Melee dagger +0 (1d4/19-20)
Special Attacks phrenic amplification (overpowering mind[OA]), phrenic pool (2 points)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +3)
1/day—comprehend languages, deathwatch, stabilize
Psychic Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +5)
1st (4/day)—burst of insight[OA], magic missile, remove fear
0 (at will)—acid splash, daze (DC 14), detect magic, lullaby (DC 14), prestidigitation
Psychic Discipline Rebirth
Str 10, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 14
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 10
Feats Great Fortitude
Traits dangerously curious, local ties
Skills Knowledge (dungeoneering) +8, Knowledge (engineering) +9, Knowledge (history) +8, Knowledge (planes) +8, Knowledge (religion) +8, Perception +5, Sense Motive +7, Spellcraft +10; Racial Modifiers +2 Sense Motive, +2 Spellcraft
Languages Celestial, Common, Hallit, Infernal, Samsaran, Vudrani
SQ gatefinder (perception), gatekeeper (knowledge [planes]), mnemonic esoterica, past-life memories, prognostication (sense motive), read aura (perception), shards of the past (Spellcraft, Sense Motive)
Other Gear dagger, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, chalk, flint and steel, ink, inkpen, journal[UE], prismatic crystal[OA], torch (10), trail rations (5), waterskin, 14 gp, 8 sp, 9 cp
Special Abilities
Gatefinder (Perception) DC 20 Perception to find soulgates whose alignment is compatable with your own.
Gatekeeper (Knowledge [Planes]) Once you are aware of a soulgate, DC 30 Knowledge (planes) check to open it.
Lifebound (Ex) +2 to save vs. death/neg energy/neg levels and Con checks to stabilize.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Mnemonic Esoterica (Ex) By reaching into the recesses of your past lives, you gain knowledge beyond that of most psychics. Select a single additional spellcasting class. Once per day when you prepare your spells, you can add one spell from this class's spell list to your sp
Overpowering Mind (Ex) 2 pool: increase Will save DC of linked mind-affecting spell by +1.
Past-Life Memories (Ex) You add a bonus equal to half your psychic level (minimum 1) to all Knowledge checks and can attempt all Knowledge skill checks untrained.
Phrenic Pool (2/day) (Su) Pool of points you can use to modify psychic spells as they're cast.
Prognostication (Sense Motive, 1/day) You are skilled in means of folk divination.
Read Aura (Perception, 1/day) Read the psychic impressions left on objects or in places.
Rebirth Your mind is forged from the most powerful memories of a multitude of lifetimes. You have fragmentary knowledge of your prior lives and can leverage the experience gained during these lifetimes into raw psychic power.
Phrenic Pool Ability:
Shards of the Past (Spellcraft, Sense Motive) (Ex) A samsaran’s past lives grant her bonuses on two skills. The samsaran chooses two skills—she gains a +2 racial bonus on both, and they are always class skills for her. Once made, this choice can’t be altered.
Upon reaching maturity, she felt called to travel and experience new things. Upon reaching Numeria and seeing her first technological ruin she immediately felt that this was the kind of experience she had been searching for. She became fascinated with such places and desired to learn more. Not long after that she found her way to the town of Torch where she met, and befriended the wizard Konnir Baine, who became her mentor in technological matters. She stayed in Torch for some time, before journying elsewhere, but maintained communication with Konnir, writing of what she saw on her travels. She was concerned when he did not write for some time and has returned to Torch to find him missing. Though she suspects he is dead, she feels compelled to search for him to confirm his death, and find out what he was investigating.
A standard Samsaran with blueish skin, black hair, and pure white eyes, Masha doesn't care about her appearance much, wearing her hair in a simple bun and wearing plain clothing.
Calm by nature, Masha doesn't tend to show a great deal of emotion, save for her ever present curiosity about the world. Though not reckless, she doesn't have much fear for her physical safety, figuring that death is just another step on her soul's eternal travels. She knows that most people don't see things that way and is sympathetic to their fears. She admires the skills of martially inclined individuals, as long as said skills are applied with a degree of mindfulness.

Risa Fiersan |

Okay. The only thing is that ideally, I'd like to start play with it, and multiplying the cost by 1.5 would bring it to 1,200 gp, beyond the reach of Rich Parents (which grants 900 gp). Could it work if I could only assume a single, fixed shape? The normal cap allows for you to choose the disguise each time. Thanks for your cooperation so far, in any case.