Ton'iel Wexley |

Wulf, why don't you ask him to melt that flail into a regular warhammer? They are exactly the same weight so he should have enough material. It is a x3 crit weapon, you can use it in one or two hands so you get the full power attack benefit and the reduction in damage on the dice is probably 2 points on average.

GM Mustache |

In all the excitement, everyone forgot Sanvil's cart. But the next day, to clear his head, Ton hobbles out to the town square where Sam's death occurred.
And sitting there, unattended, is Sanvil's cart. He finds:
4 doses of some kind of technological medicine
5 batteries
cold-weather outfit
flint and steel,
sunrods (2),
20 gems (give me and appraise)
69 silverdisks,
154 pp,
380 gp
250 sp
12 cp
On a whim, Ton flips out the bedroll and something shiny flies out. It is a pin with the emblem of the Technic League.

Garfaulk Sharpstone |

If Ton was passing close attention, he might notice a small whimpering squeak come from Garfaulk's direction, though if he looked over at him, the dwarf dented his usual self. "Aye, sure ya can-I only have er cause of you guys, ya know? Just, ah, if ya could replace any shots ya use, I'd be appreciative"
To the other man, Garfaulk grinned sheepishly "Heh, sorry bout the tha, wasnt sure what could be done with it. Your generosity is most kind-ice been lookin to get into a bit of fencin,if ya happen to have any rapiers-especially if it's a cold iron one, though if not, tha's already more than I deserve. I'm just sorry we couldn't get to em sooner
I'm more than happy to cause other kinds of distractions when my weapon is ineffective, so don't worry about me with the adamantine (which I didn't realize was that expensive lol) I'd vote it goes to Charles, especially if he can make the flail into two small daggers. Is that an option?
oh, and Zeke, I'm good on the rune you asked about unless we finish all other things and have slate time/gold

GM Mustache |

Cold iron costs twice as much as a normal weapon. If you want to pay 320 gold to make up the difference, he can make you a MW cold iron rapier.
Options on the table are 1 MW adamantine dagger +5 bullets + 5 shot, OR a MW adamantine warhammer. Since no one is fighting that hard and I'm getting sick of the conversation, I'm going to roll on it. 1= dagger and bullets and shot, 2 = warhammer. d2: 1d2 ⇒ 2
"Well then, I'm heading back to the shop to start working on these weapons. Most of them I have in stock, but the warhammer will take some work, and I'll set an apprentice on the cold iron rapier. I'll get them back to you before you head back down."
That takes care of the weapons and loot you have accumulated. You should still address whether you are going for Meyanda or Garmen Ulreth next.

Ton'iel Wexley |

In the morning Ton gathers his gear. Over breakfast he studies his spellbook, occasionally wiping greasy fingers on his jerkin so not to mess up the already practically illegible tome.
"Goin' all out." he mumbles to Garfaulk around a mouthful of egg. "Going to stop this Meyanda woman and put the hurt on her if she don't want to stop willingly. Let's get everyone ready, think it's gonna be a big day."
I say go directly for Meyanda, there can't be too much of that complex left

Wulf Torstein |

Ok it's decided then.
Wulf nods. "Let's get down there and put an end to this, that Meyanda needs to be stopped before any more harm can happen. We're getting the torch relit today."

Samuel Caskgrip Jr |

"Hells yes, brothers! Though we should try to take her alive, to see what she knows."

Wulf Torstein |

Wulf wasn't sure what to say to Charles before, but the way he was acting was putting Wulf off. "I'm not sure about taking people alive anymore, they point a weapon at me or my friends I don't want to give them a second chance at doing it again. Flashbacks to Sandvil hit him hard.

Samuel Caskgrip Jr |

Charles pats Wulf's back as best he can."I understand that, friend. But this one is clearly clever. Maybe we can't take her in alive. Some clerics can speak to the dead, or so I'm told."

LaRA-03 |

Most of LaRA's behaviour for the past day has been quite atypical of the android. Sitting in silence, and occasionally walking out of conversations to stare into the distance, the questions towards her were usually met with the same reply: "Statement: This unit is currently busy. Please hold your queries until further notice. I apologise for the inconvenience."
Until the topic of Meyanda is brought forward. "Observation:", she says after a moment as the rest are gathered around the table. Sitting down with her paper and a quill, she looks up, her eyes focused for the first time in a while. "As per our latest observations, we know that there are two hostile parties aiming to gain the potential power of 'The Torch.'", she claims. "The unknown entity Meyanda serves, and the Technic league. Hypothesis: While entity Garmen Ulreth appears to be a smaller threat, bringing evidence of his collaboration with foreign forces should force the town of Torch to react upon him without the involvement of this party."
"Observation: Current consensus appears to have selected Meyanda as next potential target. This unit will prepare both lethal and non-lethal takedown abilities. Suggestion: Seizing and securing more technological objects would help against inevitable Technic League strike towards Torch."
She looks up, clearly ready.

Ezekiel "Zeke" Smith |

"How are we going to get into the 'reaction' room? Charles, do you think you can open the red lock? If not, I'm guessing we'll need to try to find another way through."
Zeke checks the general store before leaving to see if they have any potions, scrolls, or wands of mage armor for sale, or another wand of cure light wounds.

Samuel Caskgrip Jr |

"That red lock is going to require a red card. I say we keep going past where we killed those orcs and ratfolk. I think Meyanda was that way."

GM Mustache |

You pack your belongings and head to Father Joram, hopefully for the last time. He is expecting your visit, and has the water breathing spell prepared, but he has a look on his face of disappointment and anger.
He casts the spell, and honestly is surprised when it works. "I figured Brigh had abandoned me. Or maybe I abandoned her. My hands... are ruined. I don't think I can ever tinker with them again. What is the point of a cleric of Brigh who can't tinker? I think... I think that I have just cast my last spell. I will stick around until you lot save the town. I have loyalties to the town, to make sure it can stay afloat. But then I am moving on. I can't shepherd the flock here as a washed up cleric."
I will keep going, but if you have anything to say here, feel free.
You enter the Weeping Pond, through the passageway, into the caves. Once again, as Zeke passes by the huge whole to the Darklands, he swears he hears the wind murmuring..."Come down here... Zeke. Your mother needs you...I am waiting for you..."
You go north and enter the door that shortcuts to the engineering level. Now that you know where you are going, it takes no more than 30 minutes to get back to where you fought the gargoyle. To your east is the arching doorway locked by a red access panel. To the south is another door, locked with a brown access panel.

Samuel Caskgrip Jr |

The halfling approaches Father Joram. "Listen, it was a freak accident that could have happened to anyone. This town still needs you. And we'll find a way to give you your hands back, padre. Trust me."

Ezekiel "Zeke" Smith |

Rolls for scrolls:
Scroll of mage armor, >24: 1d100 ⇒ 78
Potion of mage armor, >24: 1d100 ⇒ 79
Scroll of coin shot, >24: 1d100 ⇒ 9
He'll buy both the potion and the scroll.
Zeke nods understandingly to Father Joram and doesn't attempt to dissuade him. He's got to find his own way, he thinks. What he's going through is between him and his goddess-- I should not interfere.
As he has done every time before, Zeke pauses at the entrance to the Darklands and mentally vows that he will pursue his heart's desire once Torch is saved and Khonnir Baine has recovered enough to talk about it. I can't charge off down there until I've completed my task-- but I will come soon, Mother, I promise.
Before they go through either of these doors, Zeke reads his scroll of mage armor.

Garfaulk Sharpstone |

At Charles's words to father Joram, the dwarf steps forward, holding out a basket with a red scarf wrapped around something within. "Aye, things happen. If he couldn't be brought back, then it may be because they need him on the other side, a cog in their machine, if ya will. And spe6aking of yer hands..." He places the basket on the table, pauses to look at him, then removes the scarf. "did some tinkerin myself. Should let you keep up on yer own work-or at least help a bit."

GM Mustache |

Father Joram holds out the artificial hands... in awe. "You... you made these, Garfaulk? In a day's time. They are marvelous... intricate. They will help me hold things... yes... yes.. I put my hand in here as such... Pulling this lever here... uh huh. Yes. That's makes sense. Maybe I would have made the torque on this grasper slightly stronger. Indeed. A few adjustments... Brigh. Is this a sign?"
Lost in thought, Father Joram wanders away, holding the clockwork hands, already planning a series of improvements. He never said thank you... but you know appreciation when you see it.

LaRA-03 |

LaRA glances at Father Joram's reaction as he walks away. "Observation: Faith is an illogical phenomenon.", she says a moment later, notes of understanding in her tone.
Observing the door, LaRA blinks. "Warning: High possibility of ambush. Hostile entities had a greater amount of time to prepare for a more tactically advantageous position.", she notes, nodding at the door. "Caution is recommended."

GM Mustache |

You decide on the south door, hoping that it can lead you to a red access card.
This room buzzes and hums with the sound of machinery. A long track of moving leatherlike material rotates along a metal framework in the middle of the room. The eastern end of this device is connected to a looming metal machine fitted with thrashing and twitching armatures and blinking lights. You see a four armed skeleton-- a kasatha, surely-- with one of it's legs missing and a robotic leg in its place. Millenia ago, surely it was being tortured here...
Panels on the wall flash with strange writing and images of metallic constructs.
To the west,a second track of leather, this one smeared with blood, churns through an opening in the wall to a room beyond. The entire place has an air of entropy to it—with missing parts, flashing sparks, and periodic discordant sounds of metal scraping against metal revealing how damaged the room’s machinery is.

Ton'iel Wexley |

"I don't like the look of this." Ton says. "No one touch nothing unless you have to." he warns.
He peers through the opening into the room to the west.

Wulf Torstein |

Wulf looks down at the metal hands."Where did they come from
Garfaulk? You made him a new pair of hands?" He big man looks confused and bewildered. "That's pretty impressive if you put them together last night."
"I said it before, but everything down here wants to kill us." He looks at the panel unable to make anything out on it. "LaRA, come here." He waves to the android. "What does this say?" He then points over to the dead kasatha, signaling to Garfaulk. "Is that a robot leg? Did they try fixing him?"

Garfaulk Sharpstone |

The dwarf nods, a small twinkle in his eye once more as he watches Father Joram go over them, excited. He looks up to Wulf "Aye. Sorta. I made some adjustments to the hands we sound on tha three-legged contraption we first fought when we got here. Just since small tweaks, straps to wear em. More like fancy tongs. But they should get the job done fer a bit."
hey, while Ton has Slagbreather, anyone mind if I use the timeworn stun gun?
Garfaulk looked around the room, wincing at what he assumed were torture devices. I'd say yes, but he seems in bad shape. Maybe someone else could control it-would stop ya from runnin away"
Engineering on the Room in general: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13

GM Mustache |

The leg is particularly interesting. With some proper know how, Garfaulk can imagine himself, or one of his friends, even using that leg themselves. You decide to take it along.
Cybernetic leg! Human sized, but I'm sure we could fit it for Garfaulk. :D
Examining the panels, you see different robots, and the screen keeps changing images. Eventually you see the images repeat themselves. All of the images look familiar to you, at this point: the robot that was in Khonnir's foundry, the robots in the medical rooms, the flying robot that was in the room where Khonnir was kept. One of the images you don't recognize; a huge, formidable looking, highly armored robot. You haven't run across that one.
Zeke or LaRA could translate the Androffan language by all the robot images. linguistics

Ton'iel Wexley |

Sorry Garfaulk, just to clarify, I wasn't suggesting I take Slagbreather, just that I could handle it a little. Between books I'm planning on retraining some feats to use guns and so was just role-playing in advance of that. Up until that point I'll just stick with the bow

Ton'iel Wexley |

"Is this somehow showing us rooms in the ship? If it is then we might be tangling with that big bugger before long. Keep that adamantine hammer close, Wulf."

Ezekiel "Zeke" Smith |

Zeke doesn't mind if Garfaulk would prefer to use the stun gun. Since it's timeworn, it's fragile, so he shouldn't cast spells through it or it will explode on a misfire instead of break. I mostly decided to carry it just in case we want to shoot someone without killing them, but any of us with the exotic weapon proficiency could do that.
Zeke happens to be closer than LaRA when Wulf asks about the writing, and muttering a brief invocation he takes a look. Linguistics: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12 He appears to have difficulty making out many of the words, and shrugs.

GM Mustache |

forgot to say earlier
Ton can see through the small opening by the moving conveyor belt that there is a larger room on the other side. But all he can make out through the hole with moving flaps like an airport baggage belt... is a dead, bloody orc.
There is a door in the west wall leading to this bigger room.

Wulf Torstein |

"Well im generally impressed Garfaulk, here I was thinking you only had skill with weapons." He claps the dwarf on the back.
Wulf nods holding up his new hammer. "I'll see how this holds up next to my earthbreaker." He then moves with Ton staying close.

LaRA-03 |

LaRA moves to Wulf, staring down at the ancient glyphs. "Attempting translation.", she informs, as she begins staring at the Androffan. "Statement: This unit is incapable of complete translation. Please be advised that incomplete translations may be partially or completely incorrect, based on context.", she adds, before turning at Ton. "That is a possible hypothesis. Another one is the possibility that this screen controls and monitors the robotic forces in this facility.", she smiles. "Based on observation on the structure of this machine.", she points to the leather table on which the Kasatha is placed, "This is mobile, and used for transportation. Analysis of the opening being smaller than most sentient beings, this is used for transportation of non-living objects."
Looking at the other end and the blood around the other conveyor, she raises an eyebrow. "Hypothesis: the deceased orc may have attempted to escape the room to the west via the machine. As there are no signs of struggle in this room, it is possible that injuries were sustained immediatelly prior to the body's arrival here." Raising her crossbow, she looks at the smaller door. "Possibility of hostile interaction is high."
Linguistics: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17

GM Mustache |

arrggghh! You guys, I have randomly lost three posts on this website in recent days. I hit post, it never comes up...don't notice til hours later... blah. I'm going to skip the rolls here, just trust that I did it right.
LaRA translate the screens as they flash by... repair drone, medical drone, collector robot, and the one you haven't seen... Gearsman.
Ton pops open the door, fully expecting a fight, and he isn't disappointed. The Gearsman is even bigger in real life than you gathered from the screen. It moves quickly at you, and it holds some type of technological mace in its hand!
Go if you are bold!
To learn 1 piece of information, free action check: Knowledge: engineering, DC: 14. (It will be revealed next time GM posts and it will be assumed all players are told. Higher rolls give more information.)

Wulf Torstein |

That's ok Mustache, I've been there."
Wulf spots the large robot. "So be it! Let's test this new weapon out!" He shouts moving into the room.
Rage PA Hammer Swing: 1d20 + 3 + 5 - 1 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 3 + 5 - 1 + 1 + 2 = 16 BAB+Str-PA+MW+charge
Rage Hammer Damage PA: 1d8 + 7 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 7 + 3 = 16 Str+pa

Garfaulk Sharpstone |

Garfaulk groans at the sight of the naive construct-can't go av day without a fight it seemed. Pulling his weapon whole stepping back, he began a dwarven folk tale not dissimilar to David and Goliath, with deep, throaty chanting, making the room shake
Inspire +1, Tremor -1 AC

Ezekiel "Zeke" Smith |

Knowledge Engineering: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10
Zeke rushes forward behind Wulf, drawing his pistol (move action) . Then he casts coin strike through the enchanted barrel, firing a platinum piece at the giant metal enemy!
Pistol, ranged touch attack: 1d20 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 - 1 - 4 ⇒ (3) + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 - 1 - 4 = 4 (BAB + DEX + masterwork coin + inspire courage - Deadly Aim - firing into combat)
Adamantine damage: 1d10 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 1 + 2 = 13 (platinum + inspire courage + Deadly Aim)

LaRA-03 |

LaRA's hand rises in a familiar gesture. She turns her head at Wulf. "Attempting improvised disarm.", she blurts out as a thick cloak of grease flies towards the gearsman's fierce weapon.
Casting Grease on the gearsman's mace. DC 16.

GM Mustache |

gearsman reflex: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14 oh you are a smart bunch of players...
The spell hits the robot and he drops the mace!
A shrill metallic voice begins to ring out in Androffan.
Intrusion detected. Initiating purge protocol 11-321. Please stand down and submit, intruders. Purge protocol 11-321 demands compliance per core Divinity Directive.
will take his turn in a few hours, no time now

GM Mustache |

Wulf and Zeke miss! But Garfaulk starts to rock-n-roll, while LaRA's spell is amazingly effective!
The robot speaks in Androffan again.
"This unit has lost its primary peacekeeping methodology. Resorting to backup."
It swings both arms at Wulf! He gets hit for 8!
slam: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 131d6 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
slam: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 221d6 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
Go if you are bold!

Ezekiel "Zeke" Smith |

Zeke shoots a second platinum piece through his arcane gun at the mechanical hulk.
Pistol, ranged touch attack: 1d20 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 - 1 - 4 ⇒ (5) + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 - 1 - 4 = 6
Adamantine damage: 1d10 + 1 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 1 + 1 + 2 = 6

Ezekiel "Zeke" Smith |

Yes, it really sucks when I keep rolling 3s and 4s. :) On the spreadsheet, you can see I set aside platinum, gold, silver, and copper pieces specifically for coin shot. Platinum is pretty pricey, about twice as much as alchemical cartridges, but gold isn't so bad when we don't need to get through a giant robot's metal body. :)

Ton'iel Wexley |

Seeing how effective LaRA's spell was, Ton follows up with one of his own.
"Wulf if we bring this thing down, smash it to pieces!" he shouts before creating a slick of magical grease beneath it's feet. "Keep an eye out behind us too, we don't know if this thing is calling for help."
Casting Grease beneath it's feet. DC 15 Reflex save or fall prone

Samuel Caskgrip Jr |

"RARRRRRRRRGH!" Charles let's out a war whoop and barrels into the gearsman, grabbing hold of its legs.
charge, grapple: 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 7 + 2 = 21

Garfaulk Sharpstone |

Garfaulk watched as Charles suddenly rushed the gearman. They'd have to talk about that at some point-though right now, the robot had to go down first. Aiming Slagbreather straight at the hulkin mass of metal, he dook aim and pulled the trigger, hoping to help do some real damage to it.
Slagbreather: 1d20 + 3 + 2 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (7) + 3 + 2 + 1 - 2 = 11 vs Touch-1
Damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7