TheAlicornSage |

Best mix would be a d20 in combat and other cases where swingyness are less obvious, and then 3d6 for simpler skill checks like swimming and climbing, where swingyness if far more noticable.

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So, as Marvin Gaye said, what's going on?
I like the GM, I like the characters, I like Mivvy: I want to play.
Usually, GMs have license to Bot for missing characters but I guess you need permission for society games.
Otherwise, we might have to start a new scenario.
I don't know. I just made Mivvy to play her, not watch her ossify.

ScorchedOne |

Agreed. I've tried to press forward on multiple occasions, if we're not making progress I'm tempted to call the scenario, as is an option, issue chronicles as is permitted by the amount you have completed (though we technically have not achieved success), and move on rather than attempt to wade through this mire that is what happens when climb and swim come into play among the unprepared.

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Wow. I can't believe it took me this long to realize that my last post didn't post.
I noticed the new posts, so I reviewed the last few and wondered where my post went.
Not that I did much, just offered a couple gold to whomever pulled flounders out of the water.

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Another Scout camping trip. This time with the troop, like is supposed to be normal. Going back to the site with no cell coverage.
My allergies are hitting me hard enough I want to just crawl into a ball and do nothing. All the boys can't get there unless I drive.

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Common message for all the games I was participating in:
I know I vanished without warning. Trust me, it wasn't planned. My wife had a new medical condition flare up, and I've been going to work, doing my job, coming home, doing bothe her chores and mine, taking care of her because she's had extermely limited mobility, taking care of her service animal, covering chunks of time that she had pledged towards watching our grand-daughter, and then still trying to keep up with my existing Scouting obligations.
I was suddenly very busy.
She's been better the last couple of days, so I've built the time to craft this message and distribute it. Today she started having a reaction to the medication that was helping her be better, so that bodes poorly. She also has a procedure tomorrow that is part fo the continuum of care for her problem (as required by insurance companies), but her doctor doesn't think is actually going to address her cause. He said tha's another 3 procedures down the list, but the insurance won't approve him skipping down the list or trying multiple things in quick succession.
I want to apologize to everyone for the impact my real-life has had on your entertainment. You at least deserved to hear from me sooner, honestly.
Now you know why I vanished. And why I don't know if my availability is actually going to get any better in the short term or not.

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I planned on departing after this scenerio anyway, not that my character could have continued without aid, so I'm good.
I might reccomend being more active in prodding players or even moving on without everyone's input if they haven't responded for a few days. I'm not great at that myself, but when I see it, it usually is a very big help on keeping things moving.

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Sorry again about being away from the game.
The craziness has slowed quite a bit now.
Scorched One, if you want to carry on with the 5/6 run then I am up for it. It's unlikely I will be bombarded with RL stuff in the same way again any time soon.