Saul Vancaskerkin

Carrel Firth's page

94 posts. Organized Play character for hustonj.

Full Name

Carrel Firth




Unchained Rogue 1 | HP9/9 | AC15 T12 F13 CMD12 | F+1 R+4 W+1 | Spd 20'/30' | Perc+12+ | Init+4






Neutral Good


Common (Taldane), Elven, Shoanti, Thassalonian, Varisian


Pathfinder; Scribe

Strength 11
Dexterity 14
Constitution 12
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 12
Charisma 16

About Carrel Firth

Init+4 (Dex+2, Elven Reflexes+2)
Speed 20' w/ Load (30' w/o Pack)
Low-Light Vision

BAB+0 Melee+0 Ranged+2 CMB+0 (Str+0, Dex+2)
MW Rapier +3 for 1d6 @ 18+, P
Shortbow +2 for 1d6 @ x3, P 20 Arrows

+1d6 Sneak Attack

AC15 T12 F13 CMD12 (Dex+2, Str+0)

HP 9 (8+[1 Con x1])

Fort +1 (Con +1)
Ref +4 (Dex+2)
Will +1 (Wis+1)

+2 vs Enchantments

8+2 Int+1 Favored Class per level
Bonus Skill Attribute+Ranks+Class+Other (Specified)
+ 2-Acrobatics +2+0+0(-2/-0 Load)
+ 2 Appraise +2+0+0
+ 7 Bluff +3+1+3
+ 0-Climb +0+0+0(-2/-0 Load)
+ 2 Craft +2+0+0
+ 7 Diplomacy +3+1+3
+ 6~Disable Device +2+1+3(+1 Trapfinding)(-2/-0 Load)
+ 3 Disguise +3+0+0
+ 2-Escape Artist +2+0+0(-2/-0 Load)
+ 2-Fly +2+0+0(-2/-0 Load)
+ 1 Heal +1+0+0
+ 3 Intimidate +3+0+0
+ 7+Linguistics +2+1+3(+2 Codebreaker)
+12+Perception +1+1+3+4 Sharp Senses+3 Skill Focus(+1 Trapfinding)
+ 7 Perform (Oratory) +3+1+3
+ 3 Perform (Other) +3+0+0
+ 5 Profession (Scribe) +1+1+3
+ 2-Ride +2+0+0(-2/-0 Load)
+ 5 Sense Motive +1+1+3
+ 6-Sleight of Hand +2+1+3(-2/-0 Load)
+ 6-Stealth +2+1+3(-2/-0 Load)
+ 1 Survival +1+0+0
+ 0-Swim +03+0+0(-2/-0 Load)
+ 7 Use Magic Device +3+1+3

-2 Load is with Pack worn
-0 Load is without Pack worn


MW Studded Leather +3/+3/-1/15%/30'/20#
MW Rapier 1d6/18+/P/3#
Shortbow 1d6/x3/60'/P/2#
Arrows, 20 3#
MW Thieve's Tools 2#
Paper, 10 sheets
Scrivner's Kit 1#
Pathfinder's Kit 22# (Backpack, Bedroll, Belt Pouch, Clay Mug, Dagger, 2 Fish Hooks, Flint & Steel, Sewing Needle, Signal Whistle, 50' String, 50' Thread, Trial Rations (Week)Waterskin, Whetstone
Explorer's Outfit

Feats & Traits:

Skill Focus (Perception) (Half-Elf)
Sharp Senses
Weapon Finesse (Unchained Rogue)

Armor Expert
Elven Reflexes

Boons/Activities on certs:

Cert 1: Scenario: First Steps, Part 1: In Service to Lore - Sold: Thieves' Tools
Cert 1: Scenario: First Steps, Part 1: In Service to Lore - Bought: MW Thieves' Tools, Short Bow, 20 Arrows
Cert 2: Scenario 5-11: Library of the Lion - Boon: Codebreaker - +2 on Linguistics to decipher a writing or understand a code
Cert 2: Scenario 5-11: Library of the Lion - Sold Rapier & Studded Leather
Cert 2: Scenario 5-11: Library of the Lion - Bought MW Rapier and MW Studded Leather