8+2 Int+1 Favored Class per level
Bonus Skill Attribute+Ranks+Class+Other (Specified)
+ 2-Acrobatics +2+0+0(-2/-0 Load)
+ 2 Appraise +2+0+0
+ 7 Bluff +3+1+3
+ 0-Climb +0+0+0(-2/-0 Load)
+ 2 Craft +2+0+0
+ 7 Diplomacy +3+1+3
+ 6~Disable Device +2+1+3(+1 Trapfinding)(-2/-0 Load)
+ 3 Disguise +3+0+0
+ 2-Escape Artist +2+0+0(-2/-0 Load)
+ 2-Fly +2+0+0(-2/-0 Load)
+ 1 Heal +1+0+0
+ 3 Intimidate +3+0+0
+ 7+Linguistics +2+1+3(+2 Codebreaker)
+12+Perception +1+1+3+4 Sharp Senses+3 Skill Focus(+1 Trapfinding)
+ 7 Perform (Oratory) +3+1+3
+ 3 Perform (Other) +3+0+0
+ 5 Profession (Scribe) +1+1+3
+ 2-Ride +2+0+0(-2/-0 Load)
+ 5 Sense Motive +1+1+3
+ 6-Sleight of Hand +2+1+3(-2/-0 Load)
+ 6-Stealth +2+1+3(-2/-0 Load)
+ 1 Survival +1+0+0
+ 0-Swim +03+0+0(-2/-0 Load)
+ 7 Use Magic Device +3+1+3
-2 Load is with Pack worn
-0 Load is without Pack worn