Infamous Inquisitor IC

Game Master Radavel

This is the discussion thread for two campaigns:

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Male Human Sentry, Wounds: 8/13 Fate: 3/3 Special 1/1 WS:26; BS:42; S:42; T:40; Agi:30; Int:54; Per:41; WP:38; Fel:34

'Course ah'm 'ere yer worshipfulness, an' ah gots tha say, there's nowhere ah'd rather be.

Dark Archive

U guys should spend a total of 2,400xp for advances

Male Human Sentry, Wounds: 8/13 Fate: 3/3 Special 1/1 WS:26; BS:42; S:42; T:40; Agi:30; Int:54; Per:41; WP:38; Fel:34

There we are, I had spent 100 too much, fixed now.

Dark Archive

Guys, your GM will be taking a long well-deserved nap before posting the 1st IC post.

Human Tech Priest

Sleep is for the weak!

The spirit is willing but the flesh is spongy.

Naps are just about my favorite thing.

Noticed I had 100xp floating somewhere in the warp so I picked up Navigation(surface).

Dark Archive

Instead of presenting you guys with choice of equipment, I'll let you submit a wish list and I will be the one to approve the one equipment available. That way you at least get something you want or need. Just make the wish list reasonable and consistent with your character's background.

Also, everyone gets cipher (acolytes) for free. those who spent xp on it can use the XP on some other advance.

Finally, you will elect among yourselves the person who will hold the inquisitorial rosette for the group (i.e. the team leader).

Human Tech Priest

Do we have a value set that we can have for the wish list?

Updated for free skill and added a few items to my wishlist.

For leader I'm thinking me or Liam.

Dark Archive

2,000 max

for convenience post the write up about the item so I don't have to go through my books. thanks in advance :-)

Human Tech Priest

Bionic Right Arm (Good) +10 Ag for fine manipulation and +10 Str using arm 2000gelt


Magistratum Carapace AP 5 - All 16 1100gelt Carapace Armour Hive World


Power Blade 1d10+3E 6 Power Field 1.5 1750gelt


Human Tech Priest
Roderick Kaplan wrote:

Updated for free skill and added a few items to my wishlist.

For leader I'm thinking me or Liam.

Ditto. Don't make the robot the face :P

Cost breakdown of wish list, arranged in order of desire, pretty sure I'm not getting the Synskin but can't hurt to ask:

Reinforced footlocker w/biometric lock - no idea, GM pricing, something to keep my shiny toys in.

Clothing, poor to best quality - Again, GM pricing for the collection. One must have an outfit for any situation, business meeting, masquerade ball, heretic hunting, dumping a body, you know the usual.

Chameleoline Cloak - 500 gelt, +20 on Concealment test and if stationary counts as Extreme Range vs Ranged Weapons

Synskin - 2500 gelt, 2 armor to all locations, +10 to Concealment and Silent Move, invisible to infrared goggles and Dark Sight

Silencers for Autopistol and Autogun - 10 gelt each, -20 on Awareness to hear gunshots and half range to hear

Mars Pattern Mark IV Command Laspistol w/red dot laser sight - 200 gelt, Accurate and reliable, 70m range, RoF S/2/-, 1d10+3, no Pen, 15 shot clip

Clips for spiffy laspistol - 10 gelt each

Stun Grenades - 40 gelt each, Blast (3), those caught in blast must test toughness or be stunned for 1d5 rounds

Human Tech Priest

There is an erata on the cloak. Its not extreme range anymore. Its range increment increases by 1 step

Honestly I'm in it for the concealment mod, range doesn't matter if they don't know where I am :)

Human Tech Priest

I know the feeling. my RL game im aiming for the cloak and synskin too :)

Dark Archive

Liam, Zek, your wishlists, please.

While you guys are mulling what you want, I will start preparing the initial IC post.

Human Tech Priest

Woot! =^^=

Dark Archive

The initial post will assume that you have all completed your training (remember the free cipher [acolyte] skill) as agents of Inquisitor Seth and that you will be seeing him as a sort of graduation.

Human Tech Priest

Sounds good.

IF i may so bold, i want to add an 2500gelt item to my list:

Power Sword 1d10+5E 6 Balanced, Power Field 3.5 2500gelt


Dark Archive

will assign each player a suit of light carapace armor on top of the equip you wished for. for what i have in mind, you will need them.

Human Tech Priest

That is same as magistratum carapace armor? 5AP all round?

Away from books ATM, but Zek's wishlist is pretty simple:


Specifically: Longlas w/ overcharge & scope

Combat Shotgun

Stub Revolver w/ Manstopper & DumDum bullets.

Climbing & Rapelling Gear

Gas Mask or good Respirator

Explosives (and the leave to use them)

Grenade/Rocket Launcher?

Night Vision Goggles?

Dark Archive

wish lists duly noted. liam pmed me his list.

Dark Archive

this is the IC thread:

Human Tech Priest

Did we lose someone?

Dark Archive

Nope. Just the 4 of you. Brother Calculus is an alter-ego of mine.

Dark Archive

BTW, if any of you wishes to play Deathwatch, I have an opening in my Starfall Reboot PBP.

Human Tech Priest
Radavel wrote:
BTW, if any of you wishes to play Deathwatch, I have an opening in my Starfall Reboot PBP.

ooooh. yes please, want to give it a try.

Character gen rules? are Grey Knights allowed?
Lastly, is it possible to rather make an ascension character on XP par with the marines?

Dark Archive

replied to your message.

Dark Archive

inspirational music

Dark Archive

Radavel wrote:
inspirational music here.

Dark Archive

hey guys sorry I havent been posting. got the flu and i am still trying to beat it.

No worries, feel better

Human Tech Priest

To all the games im in, this weekend im at a LARP, will be back on Sunday, but will probably be paste. But we’ll see, maybe I will reply

Enjoy the weekend folks! =^^=

Dark Archive

Feeling better now. Will update the games I GM first before heading off to those I play in.

Dark Archive

How you guys finding the game so far?

I'm digging it

Good, plenty of "is this gonna kill me now? " Which is pretty much spot on for 40k

Dark Archive

I'm running it as I would Ravenloft ;-)

Dark Archive

If I give out light sabers in this game, which company will sue me for copyright infringement? LOL

Male Human Sentry, Wounds: 8/13 Fate: 3/3 Special 1/1 WS:26; BS:42; S:42; T:40; Agi:30; Int:54; Per:41; WP:38; Fel:34

Heh, I would be more worried about rabid fans tearing you apart.

Dark Archive

M a bit swamped with work. Will get the party started in a few....

Dark Archive

Hello guys, my blood sugar is still up, gonna be resting until evening (my timezone).

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