How to paint a Raven Silver (Hell's Rebels)

Game Master Jesper Roland Sørensen

Gameplay map

Rebellion sheet

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Liberty's Edge

This recruitment is mainly for my fellow players from a Runelords campaign which has lost it's GM. It might open up if there is to few interrested from that group.

The rebellion begins!

The city of Kintargo has long been a safe haven for artists, freethinkers, and those marginalized by the oppressive Chelish government, but now the city has been placed under martial law by inquisitor Barzillai Thrune. When a protest turns into a riot, a new group of heroes comes together to form an organized resistance against the devil-binding government and the church of Asmodeus—but can they survive long enough to establish allies? Or will they become the latest victims of the Thrice-Damned House of Thrune?

Format and Expectations::

I play from Denmark so my times are CET/CEST
Posting expectations are one post per day from every player, I will mostly be updating with advancements during the evenings, but I will reply to posts during the day when I have the time.
Weekends are exempt but I will post on weekends, so if you're free we'll get through stuff that much faster! If something comes up and you won't be able to post for a while, that's just fine. Just let me know, and we'll work something out.

Character creation
Classes: All paizo classes from the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game books are allowed. Summoners must be unchained.
Races: All core races and teifling, other races are considered on case by case. But note it will attract more notice from races not commonly found in Kintargo.
Attributes: Characters have 20 points to buy abilities, 18 and 7 can not be brought.
Alignment: Characters must be NG, CG, N, or CN. Lawful and Evil need a good background to be played, as they can be hard to justify in a rebellion against LE opposition.
Traits: 2 traits 1 must be a campaign trait from the Hell's Rebels player guide. A 3rd trait can be picked with a drawback appopriate to the characters background story.
Skills: Background skills
Starting Wealth: Max for your class.
Feats: Point-blank shot are baked into Precise shot. Power attack is removed and can be used by any full bab class from 1st level and 3/4 bab class from 3rd level. Leadership and crafting are allowed but I don't have to much expereince with them, so I might require help if you pick those up.

Feel free to ask any question.

I have a character who was already all made for just such a campaign, and I could tweak her for those rules in no time at all (I already did, actually).

If you wind up needing someone, let me know. Mel's backstory has a lot of reading as the last GM I applied for the campaign of wanted a lot of writing, so if you want a cliff's notes version I can provide that too.

What Meliora said! :)

I wasn't in your Runelord's campaign, but I have been dying to play a Hell's Rebel's campaign. This is the character I've applied with to others. I can make some changes and update it to match your requirements.

Liberty's Edge

I will be taking a look on everyone who put up a character in case I need to add extras. Once I know exactly who from my previous group wants to join I'll consider what I have room for.

Dotting over, will begin looking at the guide and thinking about what I should bring to this table.

Grand Lodge

Dotting in.

Got a human urban ranger 3/5ths of the way done.

you will probably get a lot of interest hells rebels always gets a lot. ill be watching to see if you open it up. good luck.

Grand Lodge

Thinking a Brawler but would love to see what the rest of team wants to run.

Grand Lodge

I would like to submit my character if there is room. He is male half-elf wild blooded sorcerer with the Umbral bloodline named Senka he is focused on stealth and shadow magic.

Senka never liked the laws and rule of the house of Thrune and went to protest he hoped to find allies in the protest that would trust him despite his Umbral heritage he stayed to fight to prove him self to his fellow protesters.

chubbs wrote:
you will probably get a lot of interest hells rebels always gets a lot. ill be watching to see if you open it up. good luck.

Both Hell's Rebels and Hell's Vengeance get a lot of players' interest.

Side note: LG might still fit in to a degree, especially with some of the background info given... so is CE, but it might be too disruptive.

Question: Hit points generation?

Under the spoiler are stats and fluff for Beorn the Divine. Aspiring bard.


Full Name : Beorn the Divine

Race: Half-Orc

Classes/Levels Bard

Gender M

Size M

Age 18

Special Abilities : Darkvison 60 feet

Alignment: CG

Deity : Shelyn

Location :Kintargo

Languages :Common,Orc,Infernal

Occupation : BARD!

Strength 16 (+3)
Dexterity 14 (+2)
Constitution 14 (+2)
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 10
Charisma 14 (+2)
Height: 6'2" Weight: Hair: Black Eyes: Grey
Favored Class: Bard(HP)
Hit Points: 11
Spd: 30
Init: +0
AC: 15(+3armor +2 Dex shield)/Touch 12/FF 13)
BAB: +0
CMB: +3
CMD: 13
Saves: Fort+2 Ref +4 Will +2

Longsword +3 1d8+3 19-20/x2 +1 for Arcane strike
Longsword 2-handed +3 1d8+4 19-20/x2 +1 For Arcane Strike
Sling +0 1d4+3 50 feet

Skills: 6/level
Diplomacy (1+2 Stat +3 Class) 6
Sense Motive (1 +3 Class) 4
Intimidate (1+2 stat +3 Class +2 Race) 8
Perception (1 +3 Class +1 Trait) 5
Linguistics (1+3 Class)4 Infernal
Know-Local (1+3 Class) 4

Background Skills 2/ Level
Perform(Sing) (1+2 Stat+3 Class+1 Trait)7
Perform(Act) (1+2 Stat+3 Class) 6

Feats:Arcane strike (Swift action +1 damage and treated as magic)
Traits:Diva in Training(+1 sing,+1 DC of language dependant spells by 1),Looking for Work( +1 trait bonus to Perception)
Special Abilities:+2 to intimidate,Orc Ferocity: Once per day, when a half-orc is brought below 0 hit points but not killed, he can fight on for 1 more round as if disabled. At the end of his next turn, unless brought to above 0 hit points, he immediately falls unconscious and begins dying.
Weapon Familiarity: Half-orcs are proficient with greataxes and falchions and treat any weapon with the word “orc” in its name as a martial weapon.
Famous +1 Bluff/Intimidate in settlements/areas of less than 1000 people.Replaces Bardic Knowledge
Bardic Performance 6 Rounds Standard action
Distraction DC 13
Inspire Courage +1 Hit/Damage/Saves vs. fear and charm

spells per day Unlimited/2////
(12)0.Daze,Dancing Lights,Prestidigitation,Message
(13)1. Saving Finale,Hideous Laughter

Longsword (15 gp)
Studded Leather (25)
20 Sling stones (2)
Bard's Kit (41)
belt pouch
flint and steel
iron pot
mess kit
torches (10)
trail rations (5 days)

22 gp

Description: Beorn is a strapping young man with a thick head of black hair and,(to his dismay) a still sparse mustache and beard. His orc heritage is displayed by somewhat pointed ears and teeth and ruddy complexion. He attempts to dress well but quite often has to
be satisfied with common clothing.

Background:Beorn(he insists on adding THE DIVINE as his stage name.) Was originally from Cheliax and was an abandoned child who was fathered by an orcish mercenary on
a prostitute while on leave. Cared for until he was old enough for the orphanage, he was selected as part of a 'New futures for disadvantagedchildren' project by a noblewoman's group and given an education by the generosity of Lady Emeralda, who was rather notorious for her love of keeping small pigs
in frocks as pets. As he grew older he discovered he has a great passion for the arts and longed to stand on the grand stages of Cheliax. The recent troubles have lured him out
so he can once again find an audience to sway.

So I am thinking about bringing a vigilante to the table for this... probably noble born, but not 100% certain about that.

Liberty's Edge

Guy St-Amant wrote:
chubbs wrote:
you will probably get a lot of interest hells rebels always gets a lot. ill be watching to see if you open it up. good luck.

Both Hell's Rebels and Hell's Vengeance get a lot of players' interest.

Side note: LG might still fit in to a degree, especially with some of the background info given... so is CE, but it might be too disruptive.

Question: Hit points generation?

I know a LG char can be used, but there will be alot of breaking the law and honestly a paladin in this AP really destroys a lot of the encounters meant to be the big baddies. (speaking from experience)

Also I general don't like the CE alignment it's a bit like playing the Joker from Batman I think.

Regarding to hit points I normally go with full at first level and after that you can at each level choose to either roll or take half rounded up. But if you do roll you can't pick half after if the roll is bad, however I will allow the first natural 1 you roll to be rerolled.

Liberty's Edge

The Emerald Duke wrote:
So I am thinking about bringing a vigilante to the table for this... probably noble born, but not 100% certain about that.

It's a cool one for this AP, if you like advice you know I play a fun vigilante, that seems to get away with hiding his persona from you.

If you do open recruitment up to other people, I'd like to submit myself. I've updated my character to your requirements.

Whoops! Passed over the line about it being for your players.

Liberty's Edge

I'll take a look over the weekend if I need to open it up for a few extra people.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'll be preparing a warpriest of Milani. This AP just screams goddess of uprisings. She's almost prepared. I needed to know about background skills, and a couple of other things. Edit: Unless we need healing, then cleric of Milani will work for me as well.

Rast's submission, the brawler Micheria.

A good bit older and a little frustrated, not ready to lead an uprising but a steady shield for those that will.

Thinking that he will be a Zealot archetype in service to Calistra (makes sense thematically, given zealots are described as typically belonging to outlawed religions) with the Vengeance Inquisition. Still working on the precise details, but that is where I am currently leaning. Thoughts?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
The Emerald Duke wrote:
Thinking that he will be a Zealot archetype in service to Calistra (makes sense thematically, given zealots are described as typically belonging to outlawed religions) with the Vengeance Inquisition. Still working on the precise details, but that is where I am currently leaning. Thoughts?

I like it. Reading through it looks like it will fit well. There are so many interesting archetypes in the intrigue book.

Liberty's Edge

The Emerald Duke wrote:
Thinking that he will be a Zealot archetype in service to Calistra (makes sense thematically, given zealots are described as typically belonging to outlawed religions) with the Vengeance Inquisition. Still working on the precise details, but that is where I am currently leaning. Thoughts?

I like the idea, Vigilante seems really fitting to this kind of AP while Calistria is not downright outlawed it's certainly not a religion practiced out in the open. Funny Vengeance inquisition doesn't list her as an appropriate deity, but I'll don't mind you using it.

Liberty's Edge

CariMac wrote:

I like it. Reading through it looks like it will fit well. There are so many interesting archetypes in the intrigue book.

The Ultimate Intrigue and Heroes of the High Court has some really fitting archetypes for a city campaign.

Edit: Well the spymaster's handbook (I think it's called) could also be interresting for people creating chareacters.

Jesper Roland Sørensen wrote:

Edit: Well the spymaster's handbook (I think it's called) could also be interresting for people creating chareacters.

I need to pull my copy out and go back through it for ideas.

Liberty's Edge

Micheria "Mic' Musca wrote:

Rast's submission, the brawler Micheria.

A good bit older and a little frustrated, not ready to lead an uprising but a steady shield for those that will.

Looks fine, remember to pick a reason to protest from the Player's Guide

Oh oh what about me? This would be Calin mind you, forgot to mention that part !

Liberty's Edge

Canacha Bais wrote:
Oh oh what about me? This would be Calin mind you, forgot to mention that part !

Ah Calin I've been waiting for you to check in, was going to PM you today if I didn't see anything. So I have all 5 players from my old group here nwo

"Well that means that reruitment is now open for 1-2 players."

Liberty's Edge

Canacha Bais wrote:
Oh oh what about me? This would be Calin mind you, forgot to mention that part !

I like the character a few things.

Could you clearly show what skills is your background skills.
Remember I have baked point blank shot into precise shot on your feat list.
And lastly you should pick a reason you are at the protest that starts this game as detailed in the player guide.

Canacha is going to be mass utility with some DPS.

Charector wise, she will be an alchemist and a gunslinger, but the plan is for her to focus on making cool things for everybody.

Okay will get right on that! I had chosen before the tag along with someone else, Any one else want to link up backgrounds a bit?

Since you're open for 1-2 players, let me give you the really short version of my character concept:

Tomboy from smalltime noble house punches girl at finishing school in face, gets expelled for it, doubles down on being a bad daughter by cutting ties and runs away from home. She winds up in wizard academy on scholarship. She studies to become a divination wizard before finding out that there is no realistic market available for them since at level 1 they can't even use Augury so life is terrible and she is perpetually broke between bouts of selling scrolls. Grows increasingly dependent on spending time with a Calistrian cleric who she thought of as a 'friend' but probably only liked her gold, except then the temple was replaced with a bank (thanks Thrune!) so now the one outlet she had is gone and she's back to having no life goals, no money, and no future. Like any questionably sane person grappling with her own terrible life choices and lack of any support network, she decides to go protest the government because clearly they ruined everything.


She's not really a good person at the moment, but she really really needs something to believe in before she goes insane. An actual friend would also be nice.

Also she's a full arcane caster, so that's a plus too.


Ideally Mic will be Tagging Along to the protest with one of the other party members. Failing that I can create an NPC that use to work for her family's business.

A party member form the town may know her and know of her growing resentment and depression with government that she fells killed the family business and by extension her mother.

I would like to submit my investigator Lazur Anil for this campaign.

Liberty's Edge

trawets71 wrote:
I would like to submit my investigator Lazur Anil for this campaign.

Looks solid, remember I don't use power attack as a feat, you can as Investigator use it from 3rd level, like you normally would as you don't have +1 bab from level 1

Grand Lodge

so you're open to 1-2, who is playing what so we don't tread no toes

I hope I'm not overstepping anything but I compiled this for my own look and thought it be useful if it was posted.

If I'm gathering right it looks like from the reserved spots you have
Micheria - Brawler
Canacha - Gunslinger
The Emerald Duke - Vigilante (Zealot)
CariMac - WarPriest of Milani
Shaedeen Valzanar - Urban Ranger

Non Reserved Applicants
Lazur Anil - Investigator
Meliora Castifore - Divining Wizard
Beorn the Divine - Bard
Rutilus Rathgan - Slayer
Senka - Wild Blooded Umbral Sorcerer

Liberty's Edge

This is what I have at the moment:
Players from Rise of the Runelords:
Name - class - trait - Reason to protest
Micheria "Mic" Musca - Brawler - Child of Kintargo - Tagging Along
Canacha Bais - Gunslinger - Pattern Seeker - Tagging Along
CariMac - Warpriest -
The Emerald Duke - Zealot vigilante? -
Shaedeen Valzanar - Urban Ranger -

Potentiel ekstras:
Meliora Casafiore - Wizard - Pattern Seeker - None picked
Ratilus Rathgan - Slayer - Natural Born Leader - None picked
Lazur Anil - Investigator - Historian of the Rebellion - Meeting a Contact
Beorn the Divine - Bard - Diva in Training - None picked

Dotting / no builds
Guy St-Amant -
Keeg - Umbral Sorcerer
chubbs -
Raltus? -

Anyone I missed?

Sorry, the reason was baked into my background. I don't have the player's guide on me at the moment, so I don't have the exact name but my reason for going to the protest was to meet the guy with a glove on one hand and none on the other.

If you would like Mic I could switch up my reason for going and you can tag along with me?

Will pick a reason later

I've got a character here I'd like to submit. Backstory was written by the standards of another Hell's Rebels game I submitted him to, but in essence, Tandus is a young man from a minor noble family raised to treasure superficial beauty above all else. He was redeemed by Anemone, a strong-willed lower class woman who Tandus has become smitten with. Nobody has seen Anemone since Kintargo was sacked, and Tandus has suspected for a while that she was involved with the Silver Ravens. He's at the protest to Meet a Contact, in hopes of finding out what happened to Anemone.

CG Bard, 16 years old, still acts like a prick at times. A Child of Kintargo, the Iolem merchants, his most prized possession is a masterwork violin. He was bullied by his older brother growing up, and it was only Tandus' talent with arcane magic and some Desperate Focus to keep from losing his spells that kept him from sustaining worse injuries. That brother, Nero, is now a Hellknight.

Have to make some slight modifications to the stat block, but otherwise good to go.

Oh yeah, right, her reason is protesting the government.

Probably going to have Meeting your Contact for reason... likely going to be there in his vigilante form, attempting to find information on what happened to his social form's fiancé.

Taking Child of Kintargo, with the Noble Scion variant (Jhaltero family). Should have everything together tonight.

Will pick 'Staying in touch with current events' so +2 Diplomacy/Perform during the protest.

Liberty's Edge

Rutilus Rathgan wrote:
Sorry, the reason was baked into my background. I don't have the player's guide on me at the moment, so I don't have the exact name but my reason for going to the protest was to meet the guy with a glove on one hand and none on the other.

That would be meeting a contact

Liberty's Edge

Tandus the Young wrote:

I've got a character here I'd like to submit. Backstory was written by the standards of another Hell's Rebels game I submitted him to, but in essence, Tandus is a young man from a minor noble family raised to treasure superficial beauty above all else. He was redeemed by Anemone, a strong-willed lower class woman who Tandus has become smitten with. Nobody has seen Anemone since Kintargo was sacked, and Tandus has suspected for a while that she was involved with the Silver Ravens. He's at the protest to Meet a Contact, in hopes of finding out what happened to Anemone.

CG Bard, 16 years old, still acts like a prick at times. A Child of Kintargo, the Iolem merchants, his most prized possession is a masterwork violin. He was bullied by his older brother growing up, and it was only Tandus' talent with arcane magic and some Desperate Focus to keep from losing his spells that kept him from sustaining worse injuries. That brother, Nero, is now a Hellknight.

Have to make some slight modifications to the stat block, but otherwise good to go.

He looks interresting, I'd like if you could mark what you picked as background skills.

Are you going to the protest to meet a contact?

Grand Lodge

I have a halfling Oracle somewhere that I will dig up for this.

I also have a Bard who will take 3 levels of Rogue then go with Lion Blade He is there to destabilize Cheliax and make way for Taldor Glory once again.

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