The Emerald Duke |

So Shae's urban ranger and my zealot vigilante will likely be cousins, possibly brothers (we haven't fully decided yet). Still working on the lovely crunch and fluff to put into my aliases, but have aliases created for both forms:
Social: Vallerian Jhaltero
Vigilante: The Silver Sting
This should definitely be fun.

Micheria "Mic' Musca |

I'm trying to decide if my warpriest should go Tanky: mace and Shield or two weapon fighting. The team's thoughts?
Could be a good tank what else is going to be in melee?
Is your ranger going to be ranged or melee?
Mic is going to be up front with a shield but the limits on armor will make her a little squishy. I can go with a feat for medium armor but then lose the class armor bonus.

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CariMac wrote:I'm trying to decide if my warpriest should go Tanky: mace and Shield or two weapon fighting. The team's thoughts?Could be a good tank what else is going to be in melee?
Is your ranger going to be ranged or melee?Mic is going to be up front with a shield but the limits on armor will make her a little squishy. I can go with a feat for medium armor but then lose the class armor bonus.
The benefit of medium armor for you is a +2 ac over a chainshirt, but you get +4 AC at 18th from your class. I wouldn't waste a feat on it, I would go for dodge and shield focus if I were to increase my armor as a brawler or an elven chain, it counts as light armor for everything.
Definitely interested if you're still considering player applications. Been thinking of building an unchained rogue, possibly with the roof runner archetype; finding different ways of navigating the city might prove a fun challenge.
Go ahead Redac, I plan to end submissions on friday the 7th, and hopefully pick the lucky participents over the weekend so I can set you off monday the 10th

rungok |

Here's my submission:
I'm going to be THAT guy who makes an evil character. This is not to be disruptive of the game; in fact, he's going to probably be one of the best people for getting along with the group. He's Evil mostly from being raised as a noble in Kintargo, and even through that he's a Diabolist instead of an active devil worshiper. As a vigilante, he has a public face as a surgeon and doctor to noble houses. His vigilante identity is "The Bleakbridge Butcher", a killer who has messily killed a number of victims around the Bleakbridge markets. His vigilante identity is known for leaving his victims in a gristly state.
He will be fully supportive of the Rebellion, and also be the kind of guy who can get stuff done that others find distasteful or messy. He actually is a great surgeon and doctor, and can help heal the party during downtime and save on resources.
Dr. Simon Vashnarstill "The Bleakbridge Butcher"
Male human (Chelaxian) vigilante (serial killer) 1 (Pathfinder RPG Horror Adventures 71, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Intrigue 9)
LE Medium humanoid (human)
Init +3; Senses Perception +4
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +2
Speed 30 ft.
Melee obsidian war razor +3 (1d4/19-20) or
. . switchblade knife +3 (1d4/19-20)
Special Attacks hidden strike +1d8/+1d4
Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 11, Cha 14
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 13
Feats Noble Scion of Vashnarstill[ISWG], Weapon Finesse
Traits caretaker, child of kintargo
Skills Acrobatics +7, Bluff +6, Craft (alchemy) +6, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +6 (+26 to appear as part of polite society while in your social identity), Heal +11 (+12 circumstance to treat wounds or deadly wounds), Knowledge (local) +7, Knowledge (nobility) +10, Perception +4, Stealth +7
Languages Common, Infernal, Simple Sign
SQ dual identity, social grace, social talent (social grace[UI]), vigilante specialization (stalker[UI])
Combat Gear healer's kit; Other Gear mwk studded leather, obsidian war razor[ISWG], switchblade knife, backpack, belt pouch, blanket[APG], surgeon's tools[UE], torch (10), trail rations (5), waterskin, 117 gp
Special Abilities
Dual Identity (Ex) Each identity maintains own alignment, can switch over 1 min. Magical means treat an ID as non existant while not adopted.
Hidden Strike +1d8/+1d4 Extra damage vs. unaware/startled foes, less vs. flat-footed/flanked foes.
Noble Scion of Vashnarstill You are a member of a proud noble family.
Social Grace (Heal) +4 circumstance bonus to selected skill while in your social identity.
Simon Vashnarstill had not any real magical talent. He had a cruel streak, a desire to cause harm to those who slighted him. His father found out about the tendency and taught him how to be better at it. Learning how to put on a facade of civility and professionalism.
Simon learned medicine, and earns a fine living working as a surgeon. He earned private clientelle among other noble families. Life was getting comfortable and the sting of his familial disappointments had started to fade.
Until the house of Thrune had his father publically tortured and executed over trumped up charges. driven by grief and vengeance, Simon developed a guise he wears to protect himself when indulging his true feelings. The Thrunes will die.
Rebellion? A means to an end. One he has bet all his cards in.

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Here's my submission:
I'm going to be THAT guy who makes an evil character. This is not to be disruptive of the game; in fact, he's going to probably be one of the best people for getting along with the group. He's Evil mostly from being raised as a noble in Kintargo, and even through that he's a Diabolist instead of an active devil worshiper. As a vigilante, he has a public face as a surgeon and doctor to noble houses. His vigilante identity is "The Bleakbridge Butcher", a killer who has messily killed a number of victims around the Bleakbridge markets. His vigilante identity is known for leaving his victims in a gristly state.
He will be fully supportive of the Rebellion, and also be the kind of guy who can get stuff done that others find distasteful or messy. He actually is a great surgeon and doctor, and can help heal the party during downtime and save on resources.
** spoiler omitted **...
Dreadful carange doesn't seem to be a feat you should have at this level

rungok |

rungok wrote:Dreadful carange doesn't seem to be a feat you should have at this levelHere's my submission:
I'm going to be THAT guy who makes an evil character. This is not to be disruptive of the game; in fact, he's going to probably be one of the best people for getting along with the group. He's Evil mostly from being raised as a noble in Kintargo, and even through that he's a Diabolist instead of an active devil worshiper. As a vigilante, he has a public face as a surgeon and doctor to noble houses. His vigilante identity is "The Bleakbridge Butcher", a killer who has messily killed a number of victims around the Bleakbridge markets. His vigilante identity is known for leaving his victims in a gristly state.
He will be fully supportive of the Rebellion, and also be the kind of guy who can get stuff done that others find distasteful or messy. He actually is a great surgeon and doctor, and can help heal the party during downtime and save on resources.
** spoiler omitted **...
Holy moly. That seems to be a HeroLab error; I cannot for the life of me see HOW I got it. :/
[edit] Figured it out. Herolab borked the archetype, I'm not supposed to get that till 11th level. removed for now.
I'll remove it. That's... disconcerting. Sorry for the error.

Meliora Castafiore |

If we're talking about character plans, I'm planning on building Meliora into a divination/conjuration build, with augment summoning to power up monsters that she calls in to help with flanking/etc (though that usually comes online at ~5th level), and maybe grabbing CWI @ 3rd if the party decides they really want crafting and the campaign has the time for it.
ICly, I just like the idea of an utter mess of a person getting into something big over an incredibly petty reason and winding up a better person for the experience.

The Emerald Duke |

OK, so slowly but surely getting the profiles hammered out.
In social guise, Val will probably be armed with a rapier. He won't be able to cast spells, but the trade off is that he also won't be giving off his aura either.
In vigilante mode, he will have access to inquisitor spells, his vengeance inquisition ability (quite literally rocks fall and hopefully the other thing dies), his whip and daggers, and eventually channeling of energies. He will also give off a Chaotic aura bright enough to attract attention from things that see such things.
Social talent taken is renown... seems like it is one of three that you can really take at first level (the others being safe house, which is strictly better with renown anyway, and case the joint, which isn't as useful given knowledge: engineering got sacrificed by the Zealot archetype). Question regarding it: it says that it requires a week of spreading my name to make a given community renowned enough... given this is all taking place in his home city, would the operating assumption be that this has already taken place or do I need to focus my efforts doing so for a week?
Taking the zealous drawback... if I understand it correctly his first swing at anyone he knows to worship anyone other than Calistra will be at a -5 penalty... but if it connects, the damage roll gets a +2 boost. Subsequent swings are as normal, with normal damage ratios.
Still working out the items, spell list, and finer details of the backstory (will be PMing Shae an idea I had before I go further on that) but should be complete before selections for our other two are made.

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OK, so slowly but surely getting the profiles hammered out.
In social guise, Val will probably be armed with a rapier. He won't be able to cast spells, but the trade off is that he also won't be giving off his aura either.
In vigilante mode, he will have access to inquisitor spells, his vengeance inquisition ability (quite literally rocks fall and hopefully the other thing dies), his whip and daggers, and eventually channeling of energies. He will also give off a Chaotic aura bright enough to attract attention from things that see such things.
Social talent taken is renown... seems like it is one of three that you can really take at first level (the others being safe house, which is strictly better with renown anyway, and case the joint, which isn't as useful given knowledge: engineering got sacrificed by the Zealot archetype). Question regarding it: it says that it requires a week of spreading my name to make a given community renowned enough... given this is all taking place in his home city, would the operating assumption be that this has already taken place or do I need to focus my efforts doing so for a week?
Taking the zealous drawback... if I understand it correctly his first swing at anyone he knows to worship anyone other than Calistra will be at a -5 penalty... but if it connects, the damage roll gets a +2 boost. Subsequent swings are as normal, with normal damage ratios.
Still working out the items, spell list, and finer details of the backstory (will be PMing Shae an idea I had before I go further on that) but should be complete before selections for our other two are made.
Zealous seems to work that way.
Renown will work in a small section of Kintargo, I think there is a map with sections in the players guide, otherwise I'll find one when I'm home from work. You will be known in town assuming you haven't just arrived to Kintargo. Edit: well not town but the area you select
At first level you can also take Social grace a +4 bonnus to a cha/wis/int skill where you get to pick more skills at later levels.

Micheria "Mic' Musca |

Been thinking about motivation and hook for Mic. Once we have the group set I would like to tweek backstory so that she knows one of the other members of the group and that is why she is at the protest.
Since the family ran a security company for a long time in town there are lots of build in ways that she would know someone. I also have a bit of RP in mind for the first time things have the potential to escalate to ensure her involvement.

Lena Silas |

CariMac's Warpriest dotting in. I decided to go more tanky melee.
She's at the protest to keep up on current events. Still working on her background, but her starting point is she was sent from a small community in Cheliax to Kintargo to meet with the group the "Rose of Kintargo". She arrived just after Thrune, and is searching for Milani's faithful.

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I would like to submit my now finished character. Senka would be at the protest to find people who know more about the silver ravens.
You seem to have 1 more feat then possible, I can't see how you have picked Friendly shroud and spell focus.
Also where are Illustrious Urbanite from I can't find anything when searching for it?
Meliora Castafiore |

If I may, I found Illustrious Urbanite here, and it answers both questions.
According to the archive, it's from the book Heroes of The Streets, replaces Keen Senses, and is the reason for the bonus Spell Focus feat (plus a couple other perks related to casting spells around buildings)
The only thing is that that's the elf page, and it doesn't show up under half-elf options...

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If I may, I found Illustrious Urbanite here, and it answers both questions.
According to the archive, it's from the book Heroes of The Streets, replaces Keen Senses, and is the reason for the bonus Spell Focus feat (plus a couple other perks related to casting spells around buildings)
The only thing is that that's the elf page, and it doesn't show up under half-elf options...
Ah that explaines why I couldn't find it.
@ Senka: I'm going to ask you to not use that one, alternate racial traits belong to the race they are written for in my book.

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An updated list:
Players from Rise of the Runelords:
Name - class - trait - Reason to protest
Micheria "Mic" Musca - Brawler - Child of Kintargo - Tagging Along
Canacha Bais - Gunslinger - Pattern Seeker - Tagging Along
CariMac - Warpriest of Milani - Ex-asmodean - Staying up on Current Events
The Emerald Duke - Zealot vigilante - Child of Kintargo -
Shaedeen Valzanar - Urban Ranger -
Potentiel ekstras:
Meliora Casafiore - Wizard - Pattern Seeker - Protesting the Goverment
Ratilus Rathgan - Slayer - Natural Born Leader - Meeting a Contact
Lazur Anil - Investigator - Historian of the Rebellion - Meeting a Contact
Beorn the Divine - Bard - Diva in Training - Staying up on Current Events
Tandus the Yound - bard - Child of Kintargo - Meeting a ontact
Senka Shadow Sorcerer - sorcerer - Historian of the Rebellion - Meeting a Contact
Rungok - Serial Killer - Child of Kintargo -
Dotting / no builds
Guy St-Amant -
chubbs -
Raltus - oracle/bard
Anything/anyone I missed?

Meliora Castafiore |

OH! Right. I forgot his reason.
Simon is a doctor and a surgeon, so he'd have come to the protest to observe and see if he can find an opportunity to strike out at Thrune, and failing that, maintain his cover as a physician.
What the GM needs to know is, out of the player's guide, which of the protest reasons are you picking? Your reason there could still be any of 'Staying up on current events,' 'Looking for Trouble,' or 'To Protest the Government.'

rungok |

rungok wrote:What the GM needs to know is, out of the player's guide, which of the protest reasons are you picking? Your reason there could still be any of 'Staying up on current events,' 'Looking for Trouble,' or 'To Protest the Government.'OH! Right. I forgot his reason.
Simon is a doctor and a surgeon, so he'd have come to the protest to observe and see if he can find an opportunity to strike out at Thrune, and failing that, maintain his cover as a physician.
Oh, okay. I guess that 'Staying up on current events' would be his official reason.

Calano Baradin |

All right, here's Redac's submission. Still working on the background, but the basic concept is a guy raised on the streets who has spent most of his life as a thief and troublemaker as a way to survive and get by. Struggles to reconcile the higher, loftier ideals he was taught as a child with the self-interested behavior and attitude he feels he's had to develop. He wants to free himself someday from the vicious cycle he finds himself in, but he doesn't know anything else, and he lacks any real direction in his life, so he doesn't really get anywhere. Maybe being part of a cause bigger than himself will be good for him!
Anway, let me know if anything is off. It's been a while since I created a character, and I may have missed something.

Canacha Bais |

Canacha slid her way into the Tooth and Nail wiping away sweat from her brow. It had been a rough day at the smithy craft blacksmithing: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17 The finery required by her "great" uncle had taxed her more so than usual but the thin intricate embelishments for the high gate of some nobles house were finished.. She would never be a blacksmith or quantity, she didnt have the strength and constitution for it but she loved creating things and the fine detailed work suited her deft hands perfectly. She had wanted to do nothing more than sit back and study her book on alchemical discoveries with a nice cup of tea, but the latest series of ridiculous laws had outlawed her beloved mint. How was a girl supposed to relax without mint in her tea? Even worse tea was outlawed at night? The math of it didn't make sense. Worse she missed her calculated bell toll! There had just been too much work to do.
She took her usually seat near the hearth and removed her very nice top hat setting it aside and pulling out her book. The bar maid knew precisely what she was going to order, in fact, she rarely even ordered anymore they just brought her what she needed.She could see the girls apologetic half smile as she brought the cup over but before she could speak Canacha did.
"I know, no mint, its okay."
Her voice held enough of a tinge of bitterness it was clear she wasnt that happy about it. Distractions were abound tonight it seemed her mind just couldn't work on the calculation to a new formulae for a more efficient black powder in her mind, so she just pulled out her trusty abacus and sat there doing the figures with a frown on her pretty soot covered face her eyes glazed over in thought. Word in the little cafe was that the city's new 'Lord Mayor' might have even more outlandish proclamations to make soon. There was also word of a protest forming about all the new laws. She had already told her friends she would go with them, it wasnt that hard to get worked up to take part, No mint in her tea? Pah!
Just warming up her feel.

Hryvnas Raszamy |

Hello there!
Hryvnas was created for another Hell's Rebels game but did not make the cut. Love to submit him for your game.
Note: Hryvnas is an Aasimar. But he has the Scion of Humanity alternate trait so he looks human.
I will have to rejigger a couple things to fit your build rules but he is basically ready. Fluff is good to go.

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For in the event that I do get selected, is that google spreadsheet I'm using for tracking spells prepared/cast and spellbook spells/pages used easy to understand? I'm aiming to make it both easy to keep an eye on at a glance, and easy for me to update as things get learned or used.
That seems fine with me, I didn't notice it was a link before you asked.

Micheria "Mic' Musca |

For in the event that I do get selected, is that google spreadsheet I'm using for tracking spells prepared/cast and spellbook spells/pages used easy to understand? I'm aiming to make it both easy to keep an eye on at a glance, and easy for me to update as things get learned or used.
I have been struggling with how to list prepared spells on another character and am totally stealing that idea. Could I suggest that you put the link in the URL slot on your Alias? It will make it easier for you and the GM to find it quickly.

Meliora Castafiore |

Meliora Castafiore wrote:For in the event that I do get selected, is that google spreadsheet I'm using for tracking spells prepared/cast and spellbook spells/pages used easy to understand? I'm aiming to make it both easy to keep an eye on at a glance, and easy for me to update as things get learned or used.I have been struggling with how to list prepared spells on another character and am totally stealing that idea. Could I suggest that you put the link in the URL slot on your Alias? It will make it easier for you and the GM to find it quickly.
Oh! That's a good idea. It's currently in her 'race' slot so that it shows up when I'm making posts in a PbP thread, but it doesn't show up here and I can put it there too for easy access.

Meliora Castafiore |

Totally! It's fine by me. I've been using it for my wizards since a Kingmaker campaign from like... 2006?
The other cool thing about it is that I leave space up above where the spells start to track other tracked resources, buffs that are active, how long they're active for, etc.
I literally just added in a spot for tracking uses of Prescience, for instance.

Calano Baradin |

Checking in. Updated the background. Reason for protesting is Looking for Trouble, by the way.
Given the background, I feel like I should add the disclaimer that I don't really plan to play this guy like a klepto or an extra tall Kender or something disruptive like that. I'm picturing a good deal of personal growth potential for Calano where he can become something greater than what he's been.

Hryvnas Raszamy |

but if you have dotted you can finish your submission within the next 24 hours.
I fixed some crunch issues to match your campaign. I haven't spent all my gold yet, or bought mundane items like bedrolls and iron spikes and rations. Hoping I can do that after the campaign begins if I am picked.
Just an FYI, Hryvnas has the Cult Leader archetype that makes him a rather "rogue-ish" version of a warpriest.
Sample Post:
Hryvnas looked at the stranger and scowled. "You think you can just walk in here and say 'Down With House Thrune' and we'll embrace you with open arms? How stupid do we look?"
Hryvnas put his feet up on the table. Then he drew a dagger and began cleaning his fingernails with it. "Maybe you want to Fight House Thrune. Or maybe you're a Thrune spy. You'd say the same thing either way."
Hryvnas eyes the stranger again. "So..." He points at a chair with his dagger. "You're going to sit there, and you're going to tell us who sent you and how you knew we were down here. You're going to answer all of our questions truthfully. Whether things have to get ugly for that to happen is entirely up to you."
Hryvnas tests the sharpness of his blade with his thumb, then licks it to make sure it is properly honed.
"But one way or another, you're not leaving here until we're satisfied. So you might as well get comfortable; we could be here all night."
"There's no sense taking any of this personally. Try to think of it as an initiation," Hryvnas smiles. "If you pass, you get to join the cause, and become a hero of the people. If not, well... then we need to make sure your mouth stays shut. Permanently. I'm sure you understand."